View Full Version : Broken Hope-Age of Loneliness.

Rhiannon Monteverdi
Apr 28th, 2003, 06:03:56 PM
Marketplace Slums.
Slave Auction.

Species from all over the galaxy had gathered today to witness and take part in the slave auction that was located in a slummed area in the city's western market block. To many slaves, wenches, and serfs, this was little more than a yearly routine that was impossible to avoid; but to Rhiannon Monteverdi.. this was like a human trading post. Not that humans were being the only thing auctioned off.

Rhiannon could only stare in utter horror at the stage and the men and women who were dragged up onto it. It was more like.. a large cardboard box. From what she had seen, if you were a man.. you stood there and flaunted the strength and talent you possessed.. and if you were a woman or girl.. you would, as her last master had explained, show your goods and smile. Nothing.. this day would make her smile.

Evidently, it was to be her turn soon.. since the brute of a guard grabbed her hair and slung her from the galley with a warning to remain where he had thrown her. There weren't many people around her; there were occasional interested glances and whispers, but she didn't care. That was one thing she had learned from her last master's business. Shut up, let them do their jobs, and go about doing what you are told.

The guard returned when the next 'woman' slave was escorted up onto the stage, She actually seemed to be enjoying herself. Was she mad? Wasn't it the least bit frightening to her that her new master could be an ugly, mean creature that would misuse her? Perhaps she was only feared this would happen.. because it had happened. She had the scars and bruises to prove it.

The guard, that looked much like a bear without fur, grabbed her arm and drug her to her feet. She would have stood up on her own, but the guard obviously didn't care. No one ever did. She was hustled over to the stage and before she could protest.. she could feel her cloak, the only thing her master had left her (except the tattered, jagged silk gown that hadn't been washed for quite some time), was being torn away from her. The very thought of being revealed in such a way to the creatures in the crowds made her sick... how could this be happening?

'No! Let go! Don't do this please!' She shouted, her pleading voice drawing more attention than necessary. She began tugging with all her strength on the cloak, trying to keep it on.. but when a mighty paw slammed down upon her cheek.. she thought she would die.

The cloak slipped from her grip so easily she collapsed on the stage, her blonde curls tumbling about her face in an attractive disary. The tattered gown, that was now visable via the loss of her cloak, flitted about in little more than transparent strips. It was all too much.. she couldn't hold back what she was truly feeling.

A distorted sob escaped her throat as she tried to pull her gown together, hide her exposed parts, wipe away tears, and soothe the pain coursing through her cheek at the same time. Her blurry vision scanned fearfully over the crowd, wishing with all her broken heart, the rocky earth would just open up and swallow her whole.

Zasz Grimm
Apr 29th, 2003, 07:46:15 PM
Zasz had previously been in a marketplace, until seeing several women, and other creatures being beaten brutally and dragged into a large building. It was huge, but unkept, filthy, and he arched his brow as he looked around. He still had plenty of time before he would send the message to Snack, and he needed to burn a little time.

As he stepped into the building, he suddenly realized that it was an auction. This was shown to him as guards called out prices, mainly upon nude girls, some were human, some weren't. His demeanor never changed, though the auctions smelled horrible. He let his eyes fall upon a rather short creature, who begged him to take one of the ugliest things upon the planet.

Zasz kicked the creature away, and then moved up into the auction more, his black trenchcoat clinging to his body tightly as his blood red pupils observed over the slaves, and then to an area where there was seats. He moved forward slowly, until a scantly clad female came up to him, and her head bowed lead him to a seat.

He found the seat soft, and plush, but the scent and the area somewhat ruined the experience. He smiled and then looked up, the woman was bringing him a drink. He arched his brow, somewhat curious as to why he was being given such treatment..

Woman: "If you need anything, just call for me, or one of the others.."

The girl waived her hand to the left, showing women who were barely covered of many specie. Then he nodded a bit, understanding where he was as he let his eyes look around for a few seconds. Apparently when he had entered, they considered his clothes fine, and those whose stature was high, so they seated him in the section that applied to those. But when he looked around him, it sure didn't look like it.

A cry rang out, how odd, most of the slaves at this auction seemed to be willing, wanted to be sold. He saw the guard rip a cloak off of her, exposing the tattered remains of a dress that had seen better times. He watched intently as she cried, as she sobbed, wanting it all to stop.

It was then that the guard started to call prices for the girl, ignoring her cries. The guard had said she was obedient, somewhat fearful, and would do what was asked of her, aside from this show she was putting on.

The bidding had started the moment the guard stopped talking. Zasz looked around as few people bid, but one odd looking creature that seemed rather anxious to buy this girl, no doubt for it's perverted pleasure. Zasz leaned back further in his seat as the guard called for the next highest bid, which Zasz raised his hand.

It was merely fourty credits, but then the creature outbid him. Zasz heard the call for the next highest bid. He turned his head as the other bidders seemed to have lost interest, but there was still that small creature.

The green thing jumped up to raise it's hand once more, to show he wanted to bid. It was then that it found itself on the ground, sufficiently knocked out. Zasz moved his hand back to the cushion of the chair after knocking it out. The guard looked to him, he saw the entire thing, but said nothing, but merely announced...

"Sold to the man with the flaming hair for 50 credits! Please come up to claim your slave!"

Zasz stood slowly, moving towards the stage as the girl who was sobbing didn't even realize she was just sold. She was hauled away by the large guard as Zasz had in hand several credits, that numbered fifty. He found the guard, who was setting chains and such on the girl as she stood, trying to collect herself, keep her attractive body from the eyes of many.

He opened his hands and let the credits fall into the guards hand, who then put them in a bin that apparently belonged to the treasurer, who kept tally of it all. Zasz nodded as he was given instructions, his blood red pupils eyeing the girl...

Rhiannon Monteverdi
Apr 30th, 2003, 04:03:08 PM
Sold to the man with the flaming hair for 50 credits! Please come up to claim your slave!

She hadn't even realized until she was nearly thrown off the stage, the guard snarling in her face to get moving or else. She stumbled up beside the guard, completely oblivious to the fact that her new master was only feet away. Her mind was settled on strapping her gown together somehow...

She glanced over the beast-guard's shoulder and took in the sight of her 'master' for the first time. Her silver eyes flickered briefly over his face, and then, noting that she was gaping, she looked down abruptly and shoved behind the guard's back.

'That's a sure fire way to get yourself beaten, Rhiannon.. gape at him why don't you!' She scorned herself quietly, biting her bottom lip to muffle the sound what best she could.

She quickly lifted her hands to her face and began brushing the tears-stains and flecks of dirt from it. She winced slightly as she ran a hand over her cheek, that was all ready beginning to bruise. The guard moved away to take care of the next slave.. and she stood there, feeling rashly exposed and small.

Stepping forward, she bowed her head and tucked her hands at the small of her back, in a meek and humble manner.