View Full Version : Thyferra

Telan Desaria
Apr 28th, 2003, 03:06:07 PM
I pmed Herr Fiend about his intentions with my capital world, but have as yet received no response.

I wonder what the Sith's intention's are. I wonder what they attempt to accomplish in this thread. I wonder, mostof all, if this is a militaristic take over attempt. If it is, I wish to remind the Sith of the following fact: due to the Sovereign Monopoly on Bacta, we have been able to afford some lavish defenses, which I have built and used, and I can find references to them all in their threads if neccessary. If it is a fight you want, I can certainly oblige.

If this is not the case, and it merely a storyline using Thyferra as a backdrop, then I have no problem, continue, and enjoy. But if this is an attack on the Sovereignty, I wanr you, I have been beuilding and hording for a while. Such a conflict would be quite bloody.

- Grand Admiral Desaria

Admiral Lebron
Apr 28th, 2003, 05:03:42 PM
Not to mention a defensive alliance with the Imperial Remnant.

Apr 28th, 2003, 06:13:49 PM
Fiend's staging what looks like a takeover? I'll bet you Zeke's rank that he had no idea you controlled it, and went ahead like it wasn't occupied.

Telan Desaria
Apr 28th, 2003, 06:17:06 PM
Ah. Well then, I invite you all to look in the Imperial board and see what planets we own. They can be found in the general r and d forum. Thyferra is the Sovereign capital.

Does anyone read my threads???????????????

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 28th, 2003, 06:27:09 PM
I believe you should be approaching a moderator now Telan. You appear to have a very legit complaint, esp considering I was under the impression planey takeover had to be of certain length, and open in the roleplaying section, with the occupier given a chance to respond.

Telan Desaria
Apr 28th, 2003, 06:30:54 PM
I am willing to let him attack, I would just like to know what I going on.

If the staff wishes, I defer to their collective wisdom

Shrin Safserim
Apr 28th, 2003, 06:34:30 PM
You PMed him about it, right? I wouldn't go to mods until I saw his response. I'm sure he'd be willing to work with you on this; he's not half as stubborn OOC as he is IC.

Telan Desaria
Apr 28th, 2003, 06:45:03 PM
I posted this because I had not had a response. When he contacts me, we can resolve the matter. Until that time, I consider the invasion

Successfully rebuffed by the Glorious Imperial Navy

Sanis Prent
Apr 28th, 2003, 08:47:40 PM
So you PMed him and he didn't respond? In that case, consider his invasion eaten by a Space Tsunami.

Leon Dagrelle
Apr 29th, 2003, 12:58:42 AM
Bah, we'll kick the crap outta' them...

Apr 29th, 2003, 01:05:22 AM
Commodore, you might want to change your sig. Mr. Hardy aka Shinzon is taken, I believe.

Syrius Cline
Apr 29th, 2003, 01:23:39 AM
Might I ask how long ago it was you PMed this fellow, Telan?

Oh, and yes, that likeness is taken by Gurney Devries(sp?).

Gurney Devries
Apr 29th, 2003, 03:08:59 AM
Admittedly, I altered the pic a bit. But it's still too similar for my tastes. You're welcome to use any other pictures of the actor which don't resemble the Shinzon character.

Apr 29th, 2003, 06:29:59 AM
yep, sorry for having a life everyonce in a while, problem over with, continue the hijack :D

Telan Desaria
Apr 29th, 2003, 02:35:45 PM
No hijacking!!! Bad rpers!!!!

I have replid to Fiend. The situation as I understand it is thus:

Thyferra is being used as a plot device, and as long as Sovreign operations are not interfered with nor its personnel harmed, the rp is permissible and I see no problem with it. Should anything happen against Imperial soldiers officers or materiale, we shall blast them from the stars.

I have received no response as of yet to my summation, as I sent it barely an hour ago. If such is different, then inform me and the slugging shall commence.

War forgotten, let the rping continue!