View Full Version : Overdue Meeting.
Aejin Rahn
Apr 28th, 2003, 01:48:25 PM
Due to a previous meeting with has master earlier in the day, he had arranged a training session later that evening. The doors to the training area slowly slid open, and Aejin stepped forward, looking around. As he had hoped, and suspected, no one was here at this hour. They were usually at the bar, or off with each other doing something.
Aejin, unlike his master had told and suggested for him to do, had not gone to the bar and such to meet other padawans and members of the Order. He had instead, chosen to stay in his own quarters so that he could study more about combat, strategies, and the code. He had also recently made a lightsaber, which was basic silver, with a black grip that was quite elegant, holding to his hands.
He looked about, he had been used to the empty training room, in fact, he usually played it so that he was the only one here when he practiced with his newly constructed saber. He looked behind him as the training bay doors opened, suspecting that it was Estelle.
Estelle Russard
Apr 28th, 2003, 07:50:34 PM
"I believe you have something to show me, Aejin."
Estelles familiar voice called across from the doorway to where the padawan stood, a hint of pride as well as of curiosity in her tone.
"I admit, I am very intriuged.."
Aejin Rahn
Apr 30th, 2003, 08:23:29 AM
As she entered the training facility, his upper half of his body moved downwards, as if to bow. After he had done that, his face went into a smile as he moved forward, his hand moving underneath his brown robes to retrieve the newly constructed saber hilt.
When he grasped it, the molding of the grip made him feel somewhat safe, he brought it up so that she could see it and he offered it out to her, as if for her to hold it, to examine it. To tell him her opinions...
"I finished earlier in the week, and I've been practicing with it, as well as continuing my studies.."
He did not say anything about not going to the Bar and Grill, but smiled proudly at his creation.
Estelle Russard
May 4th, 2003, 10:19:53 PM
Her eyes lit on the elegant weapon as Aejin displayed it proudly before her for her inspection.
She lifted it from his hands and the smooth cool chrome felt even, and balanced as she admired it.
Arching an eyebrow to her apprentice, she smiled, conveying she was impressed.
Estelle turned the lightsaber examining it closely.
"You have done good work here, Aejin. Really quite remarkable."
She held it back out towards him for him to take.
"Lets see how good it works shall we?"
Aejin Rahn
May 11th, 2003, 12:10:42 AM
He let his hand touch hers for a moment as he raised his up and took the saber hilt from her hand and he nodded. He backed up a bit and he gripped the saber with his right hand, the hand moldings making him feel safe once again. He looked to her as he lightly shrugged his robes off, revealing his tunic.
He then brought the hilt up and held it with both hands as he flicked the activation switch, the bright blue blade springing to life and it radiated with heat. He smiled to her as he held a defensive position.
"Whenever you're ready, Master."
Estelle Russard
May 12th, 2003, 12:54:33 PM
Estelle too, took off her cloak. She was trim in a form fitting white sweater and creme pants and tan small-heel boots. She pulled her hair back into a ponytail and fastened it with a hairband.
She took her lightsaber from her side, and ignited it. The bright yellow/orange beam was brilliant and hummed confidently.
Standing with her feet apart, one just a head of the other, she lifted the blade, holding it firm with both hands, and stretched it forward.
"Engage, Aejin" she commanded.
Aejin Rahn
May 12th, 2003, 01:18:09 PM
He admired her, for a moment. But the admiration left his eyes right when he said for him to begin. He narrowed them and with a twirl of his saber, he lunged forward, extremely quickly. He let his bright blue blade of plasmic energy slide through the air and aim straight for her head.
But he was too slow, and he found that out the moment she brought up her blade to block. He looked at her, frustrated how she blocked so quickly. He narrowed his eyes a bit and he moved his hand forward, causing a light push through the force, to make her stumble.
As she did so, he smiled a bit at his success, and approached to try and strike towards her torso in a diagonal fashion.
Estelle Russard
May 12th, 2003, 01:23:10 PM
Estelle continued to move backwards, defending each strike from Aejin, but as yet not herself attacking.
Once, twice the light blades clashed and sent sparks careening about them. Again for three, four and then as she backed against the wall, Aejin struck once more and pinned blade against blade.
Estelle's eyes never left his and it was only the slight twitch in one corner of them that gave Aejin any warning of the chair hurling straight for the back of his head.
Aejin Rahn
May 12th, 2003, 01:30:54 PM
He saw the twitch and he narrowed his eyes, confusion. He heard something moving against the wind in the room, a small whisping. He turned around and brought his saber up to cut it down, whatever it was that was moving for him.
But he was too late, the chair slammed full force into him and it made him fall onto his back. He groaned a bit and threw the chair away as his saber was deactivated the moment he hit the ground. He looked up to his master, and quickly jumped to his feet, stepping back a bit.
He reactivated his saber blade and he stood firm as he stalked forward, and then he somewhat charged, bringing his blade high and to the right, and then he aimed for her hip and he let the blade slide towards it.
Estelle Russard
May 12th, 2003, 01:40:38 PM
Twisting round to block the blade, Estelle felt a significant change in the level of force with which Aejin struck.
"Remember, control, Aejin"
She twisted away from the hit and to the left, sweeping with one foot at Aejins legs.
Aejin Rahn
May 12th, 2003, 01:45:40 PM
Aejin jumped into the air and backwards, away from the leg that would have put him back upon the metal floor. He stood there, and he heard her words. He held his lightsaber to his side as he breathed in and out.
He then looked to her, nodded and proceeded forward at a slight run. When he was a few feet away from her, he acted as if he was going to lunge, but instead he took to the air, and landed behind her.
He raised his foot and aimed it for the center of her back.
Estelle Russard
May 13th, 2003, 07:41:42 PM
Her padawan's feint had caught her on the wrong footing as she tried to evade his kick, and she was not successful. She had twisted awkwardly, Aejin's heavy boot struck out quickly, and Estelle had just enough time to deflect with her arm as best she could.
She lurched forward, but had enough time to push Aejin's foot upward as she went. It was not a hard push, but Estelle coupled it with some channeled force energy which more than compensated. He now was on the wrong footing and had to recover quickly in order not to topple over.
Rounding around, Estelle chased back after the move, swinging her saber before.
Aejin Rahn
May 25th, 2003, 02:27:37 PM
He was stumbling backwards, about to fall from her pushing his one leg upwards. However, he pushed his other foot down into the ground, and with the aide of the force, launch into the air. He did a backflip, barely escaping her lightsaber blade. He landed and he breathed deeply. But she was still coming.
He moved forward and he swung his saber harshly at her, it was reckless, but it held alot of power in this swing. He aimed it for her torso, just below her ribs.
OOC- Sorry, sorry. And I have a skinny butt? :p
Estelle Russard
Jun 2nd, 2003, 04:44:16 PM
Estelle did not have enough time to jump back, and so instinctively she force-pushed Aejin away from her.
He was tossed through the air, his swing flailing harmlessly now from the distance, and he banged up against the wall.
Estelle had not meant to be so forceful, but his saber would definitely made contact had she not reacted in such a manner.
Aejin Rahn
Jun 7th, 2003, 02:03:19 PM
Aejin slammed against the wall, his hand loosened his grip upon the lightsaber hilt and it dropped to the floor, deactivating. He fell to the ground, on his knees, his palms moving to the floor to keep himself up. He was woozy, his head had slammed against the wall and was throbbing.
He stayed in his place for a few moments before gathering up the strength to take his lightsaber in hand and slowly begin to stand. Once standing he looked at Estelle. It was evident he was hurt, but he stood, determined.
He flicked the activation switch and slowly brought it up. He began to stumble forward to her.
Estelle Russard
Jun 7th, 2003, 03:04:30 PM
Taking a moment, Estelle reached out with the force to assess how hurt Aejin was.
To her dismay, she could tell he was in pain. But he was not "damaged" as such. Aejin continued towards her, stumbling a little.
Estelle circled him widely and called out to him in a calming voice as he stood, menacingly with the activated saber.
"Focus your energy Aejin. A jedi fights with the inner strength - this is what fortifies him. Take the pain you feel, minister to it by the force. Instead of fighting through the pain to continue functioning, try to channel the force to sooth you, bringing your body relief and , thus, clarity for the task at hand so you are not distracted.
Does this make sense?"
Aejin Rahn
Jun 8th, 2003, 05:36:28 PM
"No...I don't.."
He struggled to understand her words, but all he could really feel was the pain in his head. He repeated her words, her voice, over and over again so he could try to understand her. Was she saying to heal himself? He blinked a few times. No...
He didn't know, he was frustrated, he was hurt. He looked to her with a face of determination, and he stood straight. He kept on trying to understand, until, he thought he had it. He smiled a small bit to her and stepped back a small bit.
He held his saber tightly, and he tried to focus, he tried to use the gift he had, he tried to use the force. And he sighed, he failed. He looked to her, he looked to her for the confidence that she gave him.
And he found it.
He closed his eyes, and concentrated, though the pain was driving him somewhat crazy. And it hurt so badly. But he found it, he concentrated, he tried. And he felt success. The force flushed over him, slowly, moving through his body, and he felt a calm; clarity, like she said.
He opened his eyes to look at her, and he smiled a bit, he moved, and found himself a bit weaker than before. But he still raised his saber, ready to begin once more.
Estelle Russard
Jun 12th, 2003, 12:08:39 AM
She could see the understanding come to her padawan as he struggled to achieve the defference of pain she had been requesting him to attempt.
This was different ability to healing. It was putting the pain and debilitating sensations on "hold". It was what she had meant by using the force and keeping the clarity of the present need to function. And Aejin had succeeded.
"Very good, Aejin. Very good."
The respite was over. Estelle rushed forward sweeping her saber in arcs before her in a controlled but rapid manner.
Aejin quickly ignited his blade and strove to block each strike.
The skill was him being able to both deflect the blows and fight back, while still keeping his focus and deferring his pain.
Aejin Rahn
Aug 1st, 2003, 02:35:40 PM
Aejin was basically watching her, than her movements. It was as if instinctivley, he knew where she would strike. And for the longest time, all he did was merely block, so that his focus could be on causing the pain to not affect him as much, or at all.
She had stopped attacking for a second, and it was then that he took advantage and he sprung forward, overhead attackings, towards the waist, acting as if he would take off her hips. He grinned, this was becoming It was then that when he slammed his lightsaber into her own, and held it there he stepped up to her, sweat sliding down the top of his head, to his forehead, and below..
He studied her in that second, and then, he stepped back, whilst still focusing on the force, to steady the pain. He then drove her blade to the side, and moved in for a lunge towards her left hip.
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