View Full Version : Blood of Revenge: Sweetest Blood of All (Alana)

Apr 28th, 2003, 12:18:16 PM
She wanted to see the darkness in him. Wanted to feel it. This much he knew from a night he could easily recall. It had been weeks ago, the night he had wandered the darkness alone, refusing sleep in the day, as he struggled to collect his thoughts about the dark side of her that he had witnessed only hours before.

They had made up the next evening, neither one able to think of facing eternity without the other. She had come to him in her white dress, and he had shown his apologies by giving in to the darkness she so badly wanted him to experience.

And now he was ready for another taste of it. Only this time, it was not an innocent who would be his subject, but those who deserved it. Kolarik had been holding this grudge for some time now. Although these men had ultimately been the way he had come to know Alana, come to know the life of a vampire, still, they had put him through hell, and he was going to be sure that they paid the price for it.

They had just left the Shrine, and he had not yet told her of their plans for the evening. Instead he had merely smiled, his eyes ever changing in his mischievous mood,

“You’ve got three guesses….” He began, “And if you cant guess I suppose Im going to have to bite your neck.” He teased, tugging her hand and pulling her into his embrace. He nuzzled her neck, nipping gently in mock emphasis to his idle threat.

Alana Stormcloud
Apr 28th, 2003, 12:29:04 PM
Alana knew just what was on her lovers mind as they wandered the dark streets. She could feel his intentions as if they were her own. A grin that told him she knew filled her timeless face. Lighting her eyes with an unholy glow.

"Three guesses huh, and then you promise to bite me?" She said in a teasing voice. She would guess wrong each time just to feel his lips at her throat. To ease the craving he always made her feel. She intertwined her fingers in his, looking up to the night skin, her black tresses touching the ground.

"We are going to..... A party, where everyone is dressed in red? Hmmmm no that’s not it.... Let’s see... A dark alley so we can kiss until the sun comes up?" She giggled at the look on his face. Her mouth aching to kiss his pursed lips...

"Ok I give up, nibble away."

Apr 28th, 2003, 01:13:02 PM
He raised an eyebrow, giving her a look of indignation. And then he laughed, rolling his eyes and giving in to her. Every evening began as this one had, and most ended in a similar fashion. Though it was mortal blood needed to sustain them in body, it was the blood of one another that kept them both alive. He lowered his lips to hers, meeting in a kiss.

“I didn’t say when I’d bite….” He whispered to her, teasing her before he slipped away, his hand still entwined in hers. He tugged gently as they continued to walk.

“You, my vampire seductress, have a mission for tonight….” His hand squeezed hers in a clear indication of his feelings for her.

“And when you have accomplished it, then you shall have the immortal kiss you so desire…” He added, knowing that at any time she was capable of seducing him into giving in long before the end of the night.

His gaze as he looked to her was his normal shade of brown. Perhaps it was because he was so at ease at the moment, entirely himself and in his element – with Alana.

Alana Stormcloud
Apr 28th, 2003, 01:36:15 PM
Alana gave an exasperated sigh, matching his look of indignation to perfection, then she to broke into a smile. They had a way about them that drew eyes, there affection for one another bringing looks of envy, and wistful smile from any who witnessed there time.

"Tease...." She squeezed his hand back. Her eyes falling to his lips, her own tongue snaking out to caress her own. She glanced up into his eyes, a look of want so stark it caused him to groan in response.

"A mission you say..." She carried on as she had not teased him in that small moment. "And just what is this mission my love? So I can get it done and have my prize. I mean there is only so long a girl can wait, and I do not want an eternity to pass before I taste of you again." Her words pulled at him as she spoke, her stroll did not pause, and she pretended to pay no heed to what she was doing.

Apr 28th, 2003, 02:16:19 PM
Teeth clenched in an effort to control his desire for her. He could feel his fangs against the inside of his lip, begging to be allowed to sink into the soft skin and feel blood wash over them. She had perfected the art of teasing him. And as often as he tried to win the game of seduction with Alana, he still hadn’t found a way to resist her. Not that he wanted to. And the day that he could was likely the day that he would perhaps walk into the sun, having lived long enough to drive an immortal to his death. He had groaned, shaking his head and barely resisting giving in to her.

A mission you say...And just what is this mission my love? So I can get it done and have my prize. I mean there is only so long a girl can wait, and I do not want an eternity to pass before I taste of you again.

Such a wicked vampire, he thought as his jaw dropped in disbelief. The vampire seductress carried on as if she had no idea what she was doing to him. But she knew. And he knew she knew. His tongue traveled over an extended fang and he released a breath, much like a deep sigh to try to calm the thoughts on his mind.

If he could only wait – and she could only be made to wait, the taste of blood, though mortal, would be all that much sweeter. Blood taken in revenge and in hunger would carry with it satisfaction that would change the taste of it.

“Its for your own good…” He grumbled to her, though it was clear as he did that he was enjoying every moment of her seductive tormenting.

Alana Stormcloud
Apr 28th, 2003, 02:24:55 PM
Alana could feel his heightened need, her words doing there job just as well as her hands would have. A simple look was all it took though for him to know that she to wanted him. She played the game but she was not immune to its effects.

“It’s for your own good…”

She chuckled looking away from the way he ran his tongue over his elongated tooth. Her breath coming out in a gasp before she answered.

"My own good? Hmmm well then I guess my touch will have to wait then." She spoke softly her hand being in the process of reaching for his chest. She pulled her hand away before she made contact with his skin.

"Such a pity..." She murmured... The look of playful ness never leaving her eyes.

"So tell me my sweet, why is this mission you would have me do, and why does it hold more precedence than your mouth on mine?"

Apr 28th, 2003, 03:08:08 PM
He laughed.

"It hardly holds precedence to such a thing...." He acknowledged, finally giving in just a bit and pulling her into his arms again.

He gazed down into her ever changing eyes, lowering his lips to kiss her forehead affectionately.

“You wanted me to reach out to the darkness, and to experience the power in it.”

He looked away for a moment and then back to her.

“Alana, Im not like the others. I don’t…theres just not as much in it for me to use that darkness just for the hell of it.”

He smiled at her, a half apologetic sort of gesture.

“But for revenge, for something personal…..” He nodded, “That is where I long to feel it. To feel power over those who made my life the hell that it was. And I want you to feel that. I want you to be a part of that…”

Alana Stormcloud
Apr 29th, 2003, 09:05:06 AM
“Alana, Im not like the others. I don’t…theres just not as much in it for me to use that darkness just for the hell of it.”

She looked up into his face, her won reflecting his words back at him. With an air of sadness that he had mistaken her intentions. She had not wanted him to find the darkside to change him but to enhance his experience. For her the darkness reigned, and it gave her the power to be what she was.

"I never wanted you to change my sweet. I would never have you change if I could make it so. But I cannot stop the inevitable, time effects us in its own way, and with its own terms. I would not mettle in that. I just wanted you to have your due." Her husky voice was filled with regret that she had not done better by him, that she had not explained more before showing him the darkness within her soul. Alana brushed her hands over his forehead pushing back the hair that fell carelessly into his haunting eyes. She loved the soft texture when it brushed the back of her hand.

“But for revenge, for something personal…..” He nodded, “That is where I long to feel it. To feel power over those who made my life the hell that it was. And I want you to feel that. I want you to be a part of that…”

She nodded fully understanding why revenge would bring the sweetness he craved. She to longed to complete a few things left undone.

"I wouldn’t miss it for the world Kolarik. They deserve what ever revenge you would extract." Alana said softly not bothering to put in that to her even if they didn’t deserve it she would have willingly helped him, and enjoyed it anyway....

Apr 29th, 2003, 01:25:52 PM
His eyes closed as her hands brushed through his hair, relieving the annoying feeling of his bangs in his eyes. Her voice hinted at a sadness that caused him to open them again, the hues of them beginning to shift to a hint of green, suggesting that he was not as relaxed as he had been only moments ago.
“Maybe with time it will change…” He replied to her suggestion that time had its own way of changing things.
“But I don’t want you troubled anymore by all of this.” A small smile began to turn the corners of his lips.

“I know you weren’t trying to change me, and I know you want the things you want for me to enhance my experience as a vampire….” He lowered his head to hers, his lips brushing over hers teasingly before they found her neck again.

“But theres little that could compare to what naturally enhances my experience….” He added, speaking of what he was about to do as his fangs extended. They sunk into her flawless skin, biting enough to pierce the surface and allow a few drops of blood to trickle from the vein.

“You are my experience, Alana. You enhance it.”

He chuckled, his eyes twinkling as they began to shift back to brown.

“And hopefully when we get home I’ll get what is due to me…” He added playfully, his words speaking of what she had mentioned only moments ago, but certainly adding a twist to them that she had not intended when she’d spoken of him having what was due to him.

Alana Stormcloud
Apr 30th, 2003, 09:25:25 AM
The night was full of comfortable moments that they had done before. But there was also an undertone of new desires, a subtle touch of what would begin. They had passed a new bridge, one that usually took the immortals decades to get to. There time endless, and slow to happen. But to Alana it seemed she and Kolarik had rushed to meet something, there time speeding along, and for the children of the night to feel time passing was not always pleasant.

She wanted it to slow down, she wanted to savor each moment they shared, and she hoped this night had brought an ending to time passing so quickly.

“You are my experience, Alana. You enhance it.”

Soft moans wafted on the night air as he fed from her. In his arms she became something more then what she had imagined herself to be.

"An angel with fangs, and yours to have." She whispered against the skin of his throat.

“And hopefully when we get home I’ll get what is due to me…”

“Did you doubt my sweet that you would get your due? If I had a choice I would give it to you now. A moment that would make our eternity last forever. But I have a task to complete for you. One I will hurry to complete so I can savor your revenge, and then I want to savor you." Her grin was wicked with what she wanted, her eyes glimmering with untold desires.

She knew her words were strange, but at one time when she had still been mortal. Life had rushed past her, loves had fallen away, and intentions blurred. She did not want that to happen with Kolarik.

Apr 30th, 2003, 03:04:48 PM
He caught her wicked grin and the gleam in her eyes. It was a look that he knew was reserved for him alone. No matter how many mortals she seduced each night, this look would never surface except with him.

He had felt her teeth at his throat and for a moment, he considered waiting until another night for his revenge. Afterall, he had eternity. But mortals did not. And while the underground racket continued, he wanted to have his revenge.
But not yet. His gaze was serious as his eyes shifted to look at Alana. To look into her eyes, the hues of his changing to match what was reflected in hers. The link between them so strong, so complete.

“Our eternity will last forever.” He stated, his voice serious as he spoke.

He bent his head, his lips lowering to hers briefly.

“And if you doubt it, I’ll have to remind you of just how much you need me.” He added, a grin just as wicked as hers emerging.

Alana Stormcloud
May 1st, 2003, 09:16:04 AM
“Our eternity will last forever.”
“And if you doubt it, I’ll have to remind you of just how much you need me.”

For a moment Alana’s heart froze. A coldness that she had felt once before resurfaced. Someone had once said that to her, someone she had lost long ago. She to had thought that time would not touch what she had protected. But as with all things time was a cruel master.

Alana clutched at her lovers shoulders, a look of pain that told of her worry filled her eyes. "It's different now, I have the power to protect what I love." She whispered to him. The moment passed as she spoke, her eyes returning to the teasing ones of before.

"Eternity with you my love could be most delightful. I do believe that I will enjoy it by far more now that I have you to hold each day." Alana said teasingly, her crimson lips tugging up at the corners.

"So tell me my sweet Kolarik, what is it you have planned? What is it we are to do this night before I get to have you....? All to myself?" Her silken voice said so much more.

May 1st, 2003, 10:31:30 AM
There was no breeze this evening, though he felt a hint of cold. It was the link between them that allowed this, and his eyes narrowed for a moment, brows bent in concern.

She had clutched at him, her eyes, her beautiful face expressing her worry.

It's different now, I have the power to protect what I love.

Without asking, just knowing, he had held her close to him. In this moment, it was not questions she wanted, but answers.

And his answer was that yes, he loved her, and yes, they would be fine. There was a simple assurance there. And though he was but a fledgling, he was strong in mind and heart, and sometimes, against all odds, this combination could win.

It took only moments before she had returned to her teasing self, asking him of the evening’s plans.

He smiled at her, wanting just as much what she wanted.

“I had thought of revenge on those who caused this all to be as it is.” He answered

“Not that I regret this, at all, but I did not enjoy their treatment of me.”

His hand brushed over her smooth cheek, catching her hair and tucking it away from her elegant, timeless face.

“Perhaps show them what their cruelty has created.”

He smiled at her, leaning to kiss her, his lips lingering for a moment on hers before he pulled away to look into her eyes.

“But I want to know that you’re alright…first.” His expression showed the serious side of him, the adult.

“What has happened in your past that you worry about what we have together?”

Alana Stormcloud
May 1st, 2003, 11:01:29 AM
“What has happened in your past that you worry about what we have together?”

Alana sighed softly at his question. She wanted this to be his night but with this one question he would worry himself and she knew it. She turned from him them placing her back firmly against his chest, tucking her head onto his shoulder. The Sith Lordess pulled his arms around her waist wrapping her in there safety that was a mortal comfort. This was one more story she would tell, one she had hinted at.

Looking up into the night sky, her head tucked into her lovers shoulder. "Safe there." she thought... Alana began...

"I was so innocent then, and the world was so vast and new. I left the protective confines of my uncle’s house. I wanted to see the world outside the loving prison he had built. I was so very young, seventeen, and still believing that the world could be kind." A soft sigh escaped her...

"I found myself in the employ of a bounty hunter, the one I told you about. The fool that knew nothing of hunting. I took on a bounty, his name was Tiberious Kinslayer, a notorious fighter. I wanted to prove my worth, so instead of just killing him by means of sneaking. I faced him head on, challenging him to a battle. We fought for what seemed like forever. Our arms weary, our respect growing. He was so noble, he spoke of his past as we clashed. His loss of everything he had loved. My innocent, young heart gave way, and I fell for him. We spent our every moment together. Two years of utter happiness, both hunting, both loving." Alana pushed catching her breath, it was so human in nature, so poignant.

"He had to go away one day, I didn’t ask where. A hunt, a task one of many. He was gone for so long Kolarik and still I did not question, not until our closest friend Dalamar came to me. Telling me my only mortal love was dead. It was at that moment when everything I was died. Not long after that my Master Saurron turned me, giving me immortality. Giving me life where there had been none. Then another came, a close co-worker to Tiberious. He told me that he lived, that he had not died so long ago. I tried to be with him again, I tried to rekindle the mortal love we had but he was hurt by what I had become...." Alana stopped speaking, a blood tear he did not see washed down her face.

"There is so much more but it is of no consequence now my sweet. Bridges that burned long ago..."

May 1st, 2003, 11:48:51 AM
His head had lowered to hers, shaggy locks falling into his eyes.
His lips pressed to the top of her head, kissing it softly as he listened to her tale. And though he did not see the tear fall, he could feel her pain. A mortal man might have become jealous, outraged that she would ever think of, ever remember another. With Kolarik, it was different.

Her pain, he made his own. Cold not have prevented it if he wanted to. The blood between them now was too thick to stop this. But rather than feel anger at this, he felt instead the desire to protect her. To make her forget as best she could, the pain she had known and help her to embrace what was now existing between them.

His arms remained wrapped around her.

“It is perhaps of no consequence now, but if it still hurts, it was clearly something, at one time, of consequence. And it deserves the time to heal.”

“Whats become of him now, your mortal?” He asked.

Alana Stormcloud
May 4th, 2003, 08:19:44 PM
“What’s become of him now, your mortal?” He asked.

Alana sighed softly his embrace healing the pain quickly, his gentle words taking the sting of time away. "We remained friends, and avoid each other as much as possible. You see the one who came to me and told me of his death was Dalamar. During the time we thought him dead I found out Dalamar loved me. I went away and then I became immortal, and still he sought me out. He didn’t want to love me but he could not help himself, he had loved me to long." She did not add that the one that had loved her, that Dalamar was not the original but a clone.

"So many things Kolarik, so many life times I have lived. All leaving there mark in one way or another. Tiberious is now gone as is Dalamar. I would not loose you in the same fashion. You, who made me feel again, made me love." She whispered softly, her body tucking itself closer.

"All of that is of no importance, just tiny barbs that cut once in awhile. Have you ever loved my sweet?" She asked with curious tones. Her eyes had settled to a soft blue hue....

May 5th, 2003, 10:46:20 AM
He shook his head.

“Until now, no.” He answered in complete honesty.

“My father left when I was young and my mother ended up in a mental health facility.”

He shrugged, seemingly undisturbed by telling her this.

“I didn’t exactly have a good example to follow.” He added with a wry grin.

They walked now, covering the distance between their destination as mortals would, as opposed to the lightening quick methods of the immortal. There was much to discuss, and he was content with her. Always he was content with her.

“The way I am with mortals now, is the way I’ve always been. Except, of course, I didn’t exactly feed off them and leave them to die back then.” He added with a wink. But what he was referring to was his behavior of seducing them, taking them home to be with them enough to get his kicks, and then he was gone.

Of course, as a mortal he’d usually stayed the night, leaving in the morning with a promise to call and then never doing so. But now, he wanted to return to Alana. It was always Alana that he was thinking of, longing for, desiring. It was always Alana. And this, he knew to be love, though it was something entirely foreign to him until now.

“Was he the only mortal that you ever loved?” Normally, he would not have wanted to know these things. Though she hadnt experienced it, he did perhaps have a bit of a jealous streak. Though not of mortals. For mortals held his fascination as well – simply because they were not what he had become. Simply because they were a simple reminder of what he had once been, what he had once experienced, had felt. So human and so inescapable of their emotions. No, he could ask now because he wanted to know what she had once been, what it was that had made the woman she was now. For mortal experiences still shaped the vampire, forever remembering and sometimes holding on to the strings or mortality, if only just to feel it once again. To feel the life it brought.

Alana Stormcloud
May 5th, 2003, 11:23:46 AM
Alana walked beside him listening to his words. Not questioning but instead sharing in his emotions. He had been in essence a vampire long before she had turned him, instead of blood, he had taken there moments, stolen love, and then left it to die. It was something all mortals did at one time or another, those afraid to commit, those who did not know how to give love back.

The fact that he so willingly gave it to her now, that he gave it without thought was pleasing to the Sith Lordess. Many immortals retained the traits they had as mortals.

“Was he the only mortal that you ever loved?”

Alana turned her head and looked up at him. Her eyes glinting softly in the light of the moon. She could feel a tug of something, a slight disturbance and then it was gone.

"Besides my uncle, and the memories of my mother... Yes my love he was the only mortal I have ever loved. Why do you love me Kolarik, in all my darkness, with all I am not.... How are you able to love me?" She asked in quiet tones, curious as to what drew him to her. Her own uncle found her to be a thorn in his side. He loved her but only, she thought, because she wore his sister’s countenance. Tiberious turned from her darkness in disgust, wanting nothing to do with the woman she had become….

May 6th, 2003, 09:57:10 AM
Why do you love me Kolarik, in all my darkness, with all I am not.... How are you able to love me?

Her question took him entirely by surprise. His eyes widened briefly, and then for a moment, they narrowed thoughtfully as he considered it.

What was it that made Alana so different from the others. It wasn’t that she was a vampire. It was so much more than one such thing as that. And to assume that would be to consider the feelings he had for her nothing more than a shallow expression of adoration. No, it was more than adoration that he felt. Much, much more.

“How could I not?” Was his answer.

“When I think of you, I don’t think of you as darkness, and I don’t think of what you lack. I think of you as a whole. As so many aspects rolled into one that make you who you are.”

His serious expression faded for a moment as a familiar teasing expression crept into his eyes, making them seem to dance with life.

“But if you want me to get specific, I’d be happy to show you why, exactly, I love you….”

Alana Stormcloud
May 6th, 2003, 10:21:48 AM
“How could I not?”

Alana could have given him a million reasons as to why not. There had been many deeds, many moments in her life where she had lost all sense of being worthy of such a thing as love. The defining moment was the death of her clone mother. In her turning, in the moment she gained immortality, her mother had died. For that neither her uncle nor Alana herself could forgive.

But Kolarik's answer was enough, it was simple, and more than enough to put her at ease. She glanced away for a moment, his words over whelming a lost heart. She had longed for a love like this, had longed for her uncle to love her with all her flaws intact. Instead it had come from the most unlikely of sources. One who had given his life to her embrace.

“When I think of you, I don’t think of you as darkness, and I don’t think of what you lack. I think of you as a whole. As so many aspects rolled into one that make you who you are.”

Alana bit into her lip with the words he spoke. He knew what she was, far more than a Vampyre, far less than ever being human. She was no more than a creation, one that would have died so another could live. Glancing back at him she smiled, she hoped that she never failed him. That she would never see the look of disappointment that always clouded her uncle Mockadane’s eyes.

“But if you want me to get specific, I’d be happy to show you why, exactly, I love you….”

A soft chuckle sounded from her throat. He always knew the right thing to say to lighten the mood. The Sith Lordess slid her arm around his waist, pressing close as they walked. Her head leaning on his arm.

"Show me then my sweet, be specific, when we are done with your task. Show me just how much you love me...." Her words were filled with subtle innuendo. Meaning so much more as they always did. A teasing glint filling her eyes….

May 6th, 2003, 12:49:55 PM
He laughed.

“That much, I can promise you.” He easily caught the true meaning behind her words. And without reservation, he would always give her what she wanted, what she needed. Whether it was physical or emotional, he was willing to give what he had to make her time in eternity that much more enjoyable.

“What Im trying to figure out is how I got so lucky….” He added, his hue shifting eyes gazing at her.

He loved moments like these with her. Loved most all moments with her, really. Even now, he could look back and love the night she had introduced him to the true darkness within her – for she had opened herself to him, exposing to him what she truly was. And that she wanted him to know all of her made it a moment he could appreciate.

Alana Stormcloud
May 6th, 2003, 12:57:00 PM
“What I’m trying to figure out is how I got so lucky….”

Alana raised her eyebrows at the last comment. Not many would lay claim to being lucky when it came to her flighty heart. But perhaps he knew what she hid, maybe he knew he had captured the heart that no one had been able to tame.

Alana glanced at him from the corner of her eye. A look of a promise back, seductive and ever changing. The light within them that had dimmed before was now lit for him alone. Not that she would ever disclose that completely. "The game must always go on." She thought to herself, realizing her thoughts could be heard by him, knowing it well....

"Come lets go play with the ones who treated you so cruelly my sweet, perhaps they have a hand to give in return for the one they took. Then I can see just what your love can bring me...."

May 7th, 2003, 05:58:28 PM
He chuckled. A low, throaty chuckle. His face was pale, lit only by the blood he had taken from Alana, by his intoxication with her. And his eyes, they danced with amusement. Yes, he had heard her thoughts. And he loved this. He loved that without effort, he could so easily feel her. Know her.

“But this is a different game than most…” He commented out loud, in response to her thoughts. His head cocked slightly as he turned to look at her. He sighed quietly in complete relaxation and satisfaction.

At her suggestion of going to find those who had tortured him, the young vampire found darkness edging its way toward him. Over the years she would influence him in subtle ways, and this was but one of them.

“Why do so many of our kind prefer to be alone?” He asked, unable to imagine life as a vampire without her.

Alana Stormcloud
May 9th, 2003, 06:17:01 PM
“Why do so many of our kind prefer to be alone?”

Alana paused at the question, unsure about how to answer it. She had always preferred the pleasure of company. She had always surrounded herself with others of her kind, and even as a bounty hunter had a companion, a friend to hunt with.

"I suppose because we are so very different, so individual. It is hard to find someone that would put up with the likes of our strange nature. Even vampires find other vampires..... Shall we say pissie at times?" Alana chuckled slightly at the simple way she had put it. But for her there was no other reasoning why they would choose a lone existence.

Slipping her arm into his she grinned. "I myself prefer your company my love. I would not do without it in fact. What would I do without the touch of my sweet Kolarik?" Her voice had taken on an exaggerated sexual huskiness. Her hand ran suggestively across his jaw and lips. Her eyes glinted with utter passion....

May 12th, 2003, 10:05:56 AM
He might have shown an uncharacteristic hint of shyness as her reply. And in a very human reaction, the blood rose to his cheeks, coloring them slightly against his pale skin.

This reaction was fleeting, for Alana’s suggestive nature removed any trace of shyness in him, leaving only a vampiric, immortal desire for the taste of her blood.

He chuckled lowly, the sound emitting from deep within.

“I don’t know…..” He replied, “What you would do without me.”

Fangs glimmered in the light of the moon.

“But I’d like very much to know what you’ll do with me now that you have me….” He added, his eyes openly teasing her.

Nearby he could feel the presence of another, but nothing about it was menacing, and he was sure that Alana was aware as well.

Alana Stormcloud
May 14th, 2003, 11:16:48 PM
“But I’d like very much to know what you’ll do with me now that you have me….”

Alana chucked softly at the redness in his boyish cheeks. He never failed to surprise her in some way. Be it with his mortal responses, or his sudden erotic nature. He was much as she, not as dark in soul, but as facetted as a prism.

"Why I would keep you of course my sweet. Keep you in my arms for all of eternity..." There were many things she could have said, some playful but most suggestive. But he knew by her tone just what she was implying.

Alana turned suddenly her eyes narrowing slightly. She could feel a mortal near. She had no worries about it, but she was suddenly very hungry.

"A mouse near by my sweet, shall we stalk it??" Her eyes glimmered with a slight red hue, feral, and cold. But her hands that caressed his arms, and the smile that tugged her crimson lips were playful and kind for him alone....

May 15th, 2003, 02:28:12 PM
He shook his head playfully.

“Ah, so fickle….” He commented, teasing her on the fact that she could forget him so quickly with the simple presence of a mortal blood.

“I should have known I’d lose to mortal blood…” He added, rolling his eyes to the heavens and grinning a fanged grin. For all his teasing, he too, had been distracted by the presence of mortal blood, and his fangs had extended in a need for the liquid that kept him alive.

“Im fighting a losing battle…” He added to no one in particular.

And in that moment, the mortal rounded the corner. He couldn’t have timed it any more perfectly. For a moment, the blood he had taken from Alana drained from his cheeks. And his reaction was so very mortal, for it was fear that he felt at the simple sight of a face that had haunted him for some time. In this moment he forgot that he was a vampire and was instead brought back to the kid who had been unable to pay his gambling debts.

The kid who’d been tossed into the dog fighting ring and forced to battle for his life was now staring at one of the men who’d been responsible for such a fate. One of the bookies he’d placed the bet with.

Alana Stormcloud
May 16th, 2003, 01:55:42 PM
Alana's feral eyes had been locked on the mortal. He was one of the dregs of society, unwashed, and crafty in his shifty eyes. She could feel his evil heart, and usually he was not one she would prey on, leaving the kind he was to there own devices was punishment enough. For they always came to a violent end....

But the Sith Lordess knew him for who he was. She looked to Kolarik. His boyish face drained of blood. A mortal look of remembered fear filling the eyes she so loved... Alana's eyes began to glow a bright red. Her anger spilling forth at what she felt from her lover. This one, this mortal who walked with such arrogance would die a horrible death at the hands of the one he had hurt.

Alana moved forward with a speed born of her kind. The man who had spotted them standing silently, watching him watching them. He only saw a slight flash before The Vampyre was in front of him, her sharp nails digging into his shoulders. He was powerless to move, such was her darkness. Her crimson lips moved in a silent chant of an ancient language. Her deadly eyes seared into his very soul....

"Pitiful mortal..... It's time to meet the one you were foolish to hurt. Time to die...." She said in cold tones... Turning back to Kolarik she smiled, her eye teeth extended completely. She looked like the true killer that she was.

"Come my sweet teach him how to truly give pain...."

May 16th, 2003, 02:20:50 PM
There had been recognition in the man’s eyes. He knew exactly who Kolarik was. What he was. Or at least, what he had been. It simply did not occur to him that the kid that owed he and his partners money – a small debt really in comparison to the big time gamblers he usually dealt with – but a debt all the same. A debt the kid had been made to repay through an underground dog fighting circuit.

Man against dog. And the kid hadnt done so badly. Until, of course, he’d escaped that night. A sickening grin had spread across the man’s face.

And a moment later he found himself frozen as the woman Kolrik had been with was suddenly in front of him, her sharp nails digging into his shoulders.

“What the?!” He cursed loudly, his voice filled not with fear just yet, but indignation and a very clear anger. Had she been a mortal, he would have backhanded her. Violence against men, against women, it was all the same to him.

But he found himself frozen and this was when it occurred to him that this was no normal woman. Her fangs were there and there was no denying her gaze – he was going to die.

Pitiful mortal..... It's time to meet the one you were foolish to hurt. Time to die....

Kolarik stood frozen for a moment longer. The fear he’d felt had been so real...so…mortal. But Alana’s voice beckoned to him, brought him back to the immortal realm.

Come my sweet teach him how to truly give pain....

He moved to her now, standing just behind her, watching the mortal frozen in her gaze.

“The night I met you…” He began, speaking to her, “It was me against two of his dogs.”

His gaze moved to the man, their eyes locking.

“Perhaps he’d like to know how it feels…” He suggested. He had not turned back to Alana yet, his gaze still on the one who had brought him so much pain, as he suggested that the man be released and chased by them, hunted by them, devoured by them as he had left his dogs to do to Kolarik.

Alana Stormcloud
May 16th, 2003, 02:43:48 PM
Alana had felt the foolish mortal’s defiance. He at first did not realize he stood in the path of death. He in fact was dead and just did not know it yet. But he soon came to see it in the eyes of the Sith Vampyre who stood before him. The wounds from her nails, oozing blood, stinging as they bit deeper.

She could feel her love behind her, he had released the mortal fear the man had filled him with at first sight. Now he stood as he was an immortal, deadly and powerful.

"A hunt..... What a delicious idea. To feel his fear, to see him beg. What a wonderful idea." Her voice though pleasant to the ears held a deadly quality that was unmistakable. The man knew he stood before no normal woman. He stood in the path of his own demise.

His angry cursing was filled with utter terror, and in this terror he found the will to react. It was without thought, and utterly unplanned, like an animal protecting its own skin. His hand flashed out the small dagger he held slamming into Alana side, a gaping wound the spilled forth her crimson blood as he dug upward with it. Grimacing with pain, a low growl filled her throat.

"That will only make your death much sweeter for me mortal..." The wound was deep, and painful, it would have killed anyone less than what she was. But for her it was a minor irritation until her blood began to heal it. Though it would take some time, it would not hinder her from the hunt.

May 19th, 2003, 12:02:05 PM
He knew Alana could protect herself. He knew it, but could not watch it. Anger had created the reaction in him, a darkness that had not surfaced until this moment. It had taken a moment such as this one – a moment of protecting what he loved to coax it from where it had been hidden.

His thoughts, dark thoughts of tearing the man limb from limb, no details spared projected in a dreamscape upon the man. Endless hours of torture, an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth – the same torture Kolarik had endured.

And this only made the man struggled more, yanking free of what felt like teeth sinking into his skin. Teeth that intended to rip him to shreds and drain him of all the blood he possessed.

Alana had released him by now, and he ran for his life. But he would not get far. Never get far enough to escape. Only close enough to freedom that his heart would leap with relief, before one of the two of the vampires tore it from his chest.

As the man ran, Kolarik moved to Alana, concern on his face and in the way he reached for her wound, the blood pooling over his fingers. He knew that it would heal, yet had not yet reached the point of immortality where he did not feel a need to be reassured of this.

“Are you ok….?” He asked, his concerns not for the man escaping, but for Alana and her alone.

Alana Stormcloud
May 19th, 2003, 12:12:10 PM
“Are you ok….?”

Alana glanced away from the fleeing man to Kolarik. Her hue reddened eyes glassy for a moment. She ran her fingers down her side where the knife had torn into her flesh. It coated her hand completely, dripping from the tips of her fingers. Vampyre's did not take well to any loss of blood, and her pale face showed this plainly. She could already feel the wound stitching back together, but the venom that had laced the blade would take longer to be rid of...

"I will be fine my sweet. It is nothing more than a small cut, I have had worse." She said in soothing tones, she did not want to worry him. Nor did she intend to let there prey get away.

"Come my sweet before he looses the fear we have placed so fully on his mind. I wish to see this one suffer." Alana pulled a small cloth from her belt, wiping away the blood from her hand, and pressing it to her side. She dropped it to the ground, paying no heed to the fact that it was completely soaked in the few seconds of using it.....

May 19th, 2003, 12:30:34 PM
*grumbles over logins* Just ignore this one....

May 19th, 2003, 12:32:16 PM
Powerful vampire eyes saw the cloth as it dropped, soaked with blood. His own hand that had reached for her was covered as well. She had begun to follow in pursuit of the man, and Kolarik caught up to her, a hand reaching to catch her elbow.

It was those eyes of hers that he saw as she turned to him. They were red, yes, but he caught a hint of concern in them. Concern she had tried to hide with a soothing tone of voice.

“There will be other times.” He reminded her, referring to the fact that they would find him again.

His eyes had shifted to a shade of green, a color indicative often of concern on his part.

“Maybe tonight isn’t the night…..” He added, his eyes flickering to the blood that still seeped from the deep wound.

Alana Stormcloud
May 19th, 2003, 12:45:19 PM
“Maybe tonight isn’t the night…..”

She glanced down at the wound, her eyes narrowing slightly. She took no notice of the blood, not that she would acknowledge anyway.

"Never assume my sweet that there will be more time. We hunt, we must hunt him now. How else will we satisfy our lust for completion?" She kissed him then, her lips cold, her eyes feverish as her body fought the effects of the poison. She would not stop the hunt, not for something so small. Her body would expel the toxin and heal the wound.

"Please, my love, do not worry. I have lived this long. I have no plan on dying this night...." She jested in gentle tones. She needed fresh blood, she needed to see release in Kolarik’s eyes. So he would never think on his mortal life again. She needed to finish what was started so long ago......

May 19th, 2003, 01:00:45 PM
No one ever planned on dying. And as one who had come so close to it, only to land at her feet, he knew this all too well. And it was clear that he was not exactly happy with her insisting on the hunt.

Yes, she had lived this long. And he wanted to see her live longer.

He had bit his lip in thought, a droplet forming there that reminded him of the anger, the darkness. And finally, beneath Alana’s gaze, he caved in.

“Lets get this over with, then…” He began, his gaze moving once again to her wound.

“And when its done Im taking you home.” He added, his voice assertive and for once leaving Alana with no room to question or state otherwise. He perhaps was not as powerful as she was, but he did know when enough was enough and he wasn’t going to let her be her own undoing. He did not assume to own her, to control her, to have any say over what she did – except in this one instance.

His gaze moved to her eyes then, and he gave her a look, as if to say ‘understood’?

Alana Stormcloud
May 19th, 2003, 01:36:46 PM
“And when it’s done I’m taking you home.”

Alana's eyebrows rose at this statement, not in ire but in response to the genuine concern he felt. She knew he cared but this brought it all into stark reality for her, his choice of words, and the look that seemed to brook no nonsense. Alana thought of retorts, to try and make light of the situation, and for once thought better of it. She may have been powerful but she had a feeling if she pushed he would find a way to throw her over his shoulder, and take her home.

"Alright my sweet. If that is what you wish." Her voice though weak from the loss of blood still held a hint of laughter. She did not bother to tell him that she had blocked that small part, the pain she was feeling. He could feel every other essence of her but that is the one thing she denied him this night. If he could feel it the hunt would have ended right then.

"Our prey is getting ahead of us." She stated simply, her hue shifting eyes a pale blue, sparkling with a feverish need. Grasping his hand she could only hope he would not notice the small piece missing from there link.....

May 19th, 2003, 02:56:08 PM
He was so concerned about her being alright that he did not for one moment notice the piece that was missing in their link. It didn’t occur to him that she would even try to hide it.

And as she reached for his hand, he accepted it, her smaller one fitting perfectly within his. He grasped it comfortably, and they began to move through the night, graceful as the creatures that they were.

Their prey was easy to follow – the scent of fear being almost as strong as blood itself.

And as they followed, Kolarik began to recognize the surroundings. It was where he had come to place bets with the bookies. A run down and rather shady neighborhood. They caught a glimpse of him just as he disappeared through the door of what seemed to be a deserted warehouse.

They stopped just outside the doors and Kolarik turned to Alana. She looked even paler to him and for a moment, he stood blocking the entrance.

“This isn’t worth it to me, Alana….” He stated quietly. Her hand still rested in his and she seemed to tug at it, as if to move him from the entrance.

“We can come back…” He added.

Alana Stormcloud
May 20th, 2003, 09:46:21 AM
“This isn’t worth it to me, Alana….”

Alana tugged him into the dank building, her thoughts on how Kolarik had looked on the night he came to her. His pain, the look on his boyish face. Empty, and accepting the death as he lay at her feet. Now those images burned her mind, fueled her anger.

Looking back at him she smiled, her feverish eyes bright with thoughts of mortal’s deaths. "It is worth it to me my love, more than worth it. As for coming back..... Why when we are already here. I hear him breathing Kolarik, I smell his fear. It is time to take your vengeance." Her cold finger tips brushed across his sculpted jaw, wanting him to understand. Alana knew that no matter how much pain or trouble she was in, his need was what stood out for her.

The Sith Lordess without thought let the block she had been holding slip. She had turned her thoughts to the gibbering human that lay in a shadowy recess, thinking himself safe. His cut was exacting a terrible price from her, and the pain was intense....... But Alana hungered....

May 20th, 2003, 12:15:16 PM
He felt it. It hit him like a ton of bricks, the pain of the one that he loved.

“Alana.” His voice was sharp now as he reached for her. And while they were distracted, the mortal made a break for it, hurling open a door and running down the stairs.

In this brief moment, Kolarik heard it. The dogs barking, snarling, whimpering in pain as they fought. So this was where it had been – the dog fights. This was where he had been kept for so long and a heated rage grew within him.

His closeness to Alana, the pursuit had reminded him of his immortality. He lived it, breathed it, and now he felt the call of it. As Alana felt it, he felt the hunger the list for revenge.

His eyes left the door for a brief moment and he pulled her to him, offering his bare neck to her. She was rather pale, and he knew from her pain that he felt, that all was not well.

“Before we do this, I want you to rest a bit…” His voice was husky, the need for mortal blood changing the hue of his eyes to a bright amber.

Alana Stormcloud
May 26th, 2003, 09:21:37 AM
“Before we do this, I want you to rest a bit…”

Alana realized with his words that she had let her wall slip. He could feel the pain that coursed through her body, and was none to pleased that she had not let him know. She knew it would burn itself out, the pain would fade as would the effects. Had she been mortal the wound alone would have killed her as soon as the jab was made. But.... she was an immortal, and she was not to be stopped from something so simple.

Alana moved her feverish body close to his, her lips finding his neck. She ran her tongue gently over the pulsing vein, sorely tempted. Though it would offer her a moment’s respite, it would not heal her completely, and it would serve only to drain him.

The Sith Lordess pulled away, her eyes red. The dark side coursed through her as she called on it to fuel her. It could not heal her but it would offer her strength.

"Now is the time for revenge my sweet. Though you tempt me, and I long to taste of you. We must do this now. Come, my love.... You vengeance awaits you." She enticed softly, it had not occurred to her that most poisons did not work on vampires. There were very few blood ailments that touched them. The fluid that had tipped the blade was not something that was common, or her body would have just rejected it with no ill effects.

May 27th, 2003, 03:03:40 PM
There was no stopping Alana when she put her mind to something. And Kolarik knew this. At this point, he wanted only to deal with what had to be dealt with, and to get Alana to return to the safety of the shrine. He had never felt such pain from her and it weighed on him, a heavy burden on his shoulders.

"You’re very stubborn, you know.” He stated, knowing that this was nothing new to her.

He did not like the feeling that he had as he led her towards the door the man had disappeared behind. And though it had been some time ago now that he’d escaped, he knew exactly where it lead.

He could practically small the room – the rancid odor of men crowded into a room that overlooked a pit. A pit where dogs – and in Kolarik’s memory – man and beast – fought one another. He could smell the blood in the air. The blood of the dogs, and his sensitive hearing picked up upon the barking, howling, and snarling.

His eyes had closed then, willing back memories he did not wish to remember. Memories that through their link, moved to Alana.

“This isn’t going to be easy.” He stated quietly as they crossed the room. Fangs were elongated, the scent of combat, of mortal blood and the dog of beasts permeating the air.

He turned to ask once again if she was sure, but the look in her eyes – the crimson red mixed with the hungry expression he had seen before telling him there was to be no other choice.

And then the door opened by his hand and they descended the stairs to the noise of a crowd cheering on two Dobermans and they attempted to tear each other limb from limb.

Heads turned at their entrance. These were not regulars – and everyone there knew it. Certainly, some of them recognized the woman from local bars and others, the young man from the days when they had egged him on in the ring below. It was as if a record had suddenly screeched to a halt, until one of the men, slovenly and drunken raised his beer bottle above his head, leering at Alana.

“Bought time someone brought a lady for us to make bets on….” His words were a sickening suggestion.

Alana Stormcloud
May 29th, 2003, 11:07:53 AM
Alana could feel her lover’s agitation. His emotions like an open book to her mind. He crossed back and forth between worry for her, and anger at the men in the room. The Sith Lordess grimaced as the smell of unwashed bodies assaulted her sensitive senses. Her nose wrinkled in disgust.

“This isn’t going to be easy.”

She looked at him then, her eyes softening. She had never shown him the true measure of her power. As a Vampyre she was a formidable opponent but mixed with her Sith magic she was utterly deadly.

"Oh but it will be my sweet." She assured him gently. Soft mutters feel from her lips as she called on the dark side. Powerful spells that would devastate the room if she so chose. But she wanted the men there to suffer slowly, she wanted Kolarik to enjoy his measure of vengeance completely.

“Bought time someone brought a lady for us to make bets on….”

Alana turned to the leering man, knowing what he meant, knowing what he wanted. He would get something by far different than he planned. Her soft chuckle filled the room, overriding the yelps of the dogs. She brought her hands up, they crackled with Sith lightning.

"Time to pay the reaper boys...."

May 29th, 2003, 01:06:06 PM
He had not meant that physically it would be difficult. He had meant more that for him, it would be difficult because there was so much pain associated with the memories this place seemed to assault him with.

And he had never seen lightning from her fingers before. And instantly he realized that Alana was right. It was going to be easy. He had her strength, her power behind him. And if he searched for it, within him, he too, would find that power. The darkness that she had longed for him to feel back some time ago when she had brought him to the crimson pit.

He turned to the one who had made the comment about bringing a lady to make bets on.

“Tell you what, I’ll bet the lady and I are the only two left standing when this is over….” He commented, lining these words with a fanged grin.

He turned to Alana now, the red of his eyes mirroring hers. He could feel it now. Could feel what she had wanted him to feel so long ago.

A man near them made a break for the door and before he knew it, Kolarik’s body was blocking him, vampire strength tossing him down the stairs again with the rest of them.

“Place your bets….” He snarled towards the room.

Alana Stormcloud
Jun 5th, 2003, 09:52:39 AM
Alana's eyes grew fevered with the power the flowed through her. The dark side was sweet when embraced. She could feel her lover calling on it. Using it to his advantage. The link they shared intensified, and it was as if there bodies had become one.

She watched as he moved to the men who had tormented his mortal body. Content to watch him work. Taking in everything, and enjoying all. The fear that filled the room was almost palpable.

A man broke away from the huddled group, running for a back exit. Alana unleashed the Sith lightning from her finger tips. It spilled over the frail mortal. Bringing him to the tips of his toes. His mouth opening in a soundless scream. Blood poured from his open mouth and eyes. The Sith Lordess made her way to him.

"Don't leave just yet..... I still want to play." She whispered softly.....

Jun 9th, 2003, 03:12:41 PM
He knew nothing of how to do what Alana had just done. But he felt the darkness stirring within him as he moved down the stairs with deliberate steps, his red tinted eyes matching the fanged expression on his face.

It was not the blaster that he saw, but rather the shot that he felt, somehow prepared for it as it came toward him. It was the force acting now, flowing through his veins with the vampire blood. A lethal combination for those who opposed him. As the blast moved toward him, vampire blood went a long way, giving him the ability to move just in time. The blast hit somewhere beyond him. And the natural reaction to this was a snarl. And oddly enough, the man he’d focused this glare on, the one who had taken the shot had fallen to the floor, shoved to the ground by an unseen force.

This, Kolarik felt. He had wanted this, and with the force, his wishes had been granted. This was a newfound power and the strength of it flowed through him. Is chuckle was low, that of an animal – of the vampire he was as he realized the power he held.
And Alana, the one who had given him the gift of her blood, could feel through this connection, the newfound strength and the satisfaction it brought.

He took a few more steps down now, growing bolder by the moment.

Alana Stormcloud
Jul 10th, 2003, 02:06:04 PM
Alana tilted her head back, savoring the darkness that surrounded her. She could feel Kolarik gaining in the dark side, savoring it as much as she. He had indeed come into his own.

Her dark hair swirled by unseen winds, her eyes glowing with a blood red hue. They, who had come to exact vengeance, had become the darkness harbored in all men’s hearts. She stepped up to the bleeding man, his blood spattered cheeks almost rinsed clean by the tears of pain that spilled from his eyes.

"Does it hurt?" She asked softly, as her fingers tailed across his grimacing lips. "Did you wonder if it hurt him when you took his hand?" The mans eyes rolled with horror at the woman before him, her teeth extended to there fullest, beautiful and horrible all at the same time.

Alana slammed her fist through his chest, grasping his beating heart in her hand. Her hand cradled it gently, looking into his stricken face, his eyes that spoke of his death. "You suffered by far worse I think, than even he mortal, now you will never see the next day and he has forever." With those last words Alana ripped his still beating heart from his chest and watched with satisfaction as the light faded from the dead man.......