View Full Version : Rice cakes, green tea, and the chain-stick. (open)

Apr 27th, 2003, 07:58:32 PM
Tzu, a short little man with big, spiky blue hair, walks past the guards with a lengthy stick slung lazily over his shoulders. He sets it inside the door, where the guard at the weapons-check station takes it. The little person's sandals tap softly as he crosses the room to take a seat at a table meant for two people. The waitress comes and he orders.

"A plate of rice cakes and green tea!"

Now, he needs to find someone who looks like they'd enjoy a friendly contest of skill.

Apr 28th, 2003, 07:02:46 AM
actually, it was waiter, not waitress. Vash, moonlighting in the B&G from his usual job as GJO janitor.

Hey, it paid the bills.

What bills? Vash hadnt had such a cushy life for years.

"Sure, one moment!"

He whisked off and returned witht he order in double quick time.

"Anythign else sir?"

Apr 28th, 2003, 10:49:40 AM
What with the long coat, Tzu had thought for sure that was a woman approaching, but then, he hadn't looked as well as he should have.

"I'm looking for someone who would be interested in helping me brush up my fighting skill. Not in here of course, but somewhere else. I figured this would be a likely spot to find a person like that."