View Full Version : SW vs LOTR my thoughts

Apr 26th, 2003, 06:01:34 PM
Ok I have notced a little bit of this going on Starwars bashing and Lotr loving .When I was over sea's(can't spell where I was at portugal :lol ) LOTR was a pretty big deal.

So I just want to give my 2cents worth to all the new people in here (well new to me:( ) and Plus I have been stewing on this for a LONG!!! time and have to get it off my chest. First let me say to all those who don't know I TOTALL SUCK!!! as a writer.

Anywho. The Fellowship and Twin towers are Great movies well done well written,acted directed etc etc.But Nowhere and I mean Nowhere near the new Sw trilogy. As I have said about a million times(CMJ can vouch) Starwars is getting the Serious Shaft. The Media absolutly trashes almost everything SW and sings the Praise's of everything else I.E Spider-man:x come on crap city.It's almost a fact(almost) that the GENERAL public (that makes me look Smart>_< ) follows whatever the press,Tv,critic's say.Now I totally think the B>O is the most fake thing since Wrestling(although I love wrestling). But lets pretend that it's fact. If you trash dump on thing's it'll bomb or not succed as much. You praise something ALL THE TIME!!! odds are (odds) that it will succed more than it should.

, IF LOTR had been trashed it would be talked about in the media, ,while it's at the theater's and nothing more said about it afterwards .There would be no Oscar nods(I think it got those???)

Ok so what I'm trying to say IS , Had EVERYONE and there brother in the media not trashed the new SW trilogy and put doubt in peoples minds SW would still be the most talked about Highest (TRUE GROSSER) of any year any of them were put out.And nothing could EVER stop it.
Ok so all that's not how I really wanted to say it .But that's why I'm called Buffjedi and not BRAINJEDI


Apr 26th, 2003, 06:16:05 PM
Oh, and remember, To those of you who can Actually read through that without getting a headache.It's just my little ole oppinion:cool

Apr 27th, 2003, 03:28:10 AM
See also: http://swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=11437 :)