View Full Version : Like Father, Like Son. (open-Future)

Ky Shin Wei
Apr 26th, 2003, 12:38:44 PM
He sat in a booth in the bar and grill, sipping a cup of tea, his short brow hair was spiked up out of his face and his brown eyes framed by small circluar glasses. He placed his cup down and smiled,

"Good tea."

He looked around the bar, taking note of everyone here, this being one of the places of his youth, coming here with both his parents, either for a meal or to meet their various friends outside the living quarters.

This young man's name- Tzujan Shin Wei, son of Wei Wu Wei and Angelica Shin, but he prefers to be called 'Ky'.

He took another sip of his tea, and wondered what might happen today.

Apr 28th, 2003, 07:37:33 PM
I smiled and swung upside down from the rafters in front of my nephews face. I smiled and cheerfully said, "Hello Ky!" I then let go of the rafters and flipped back onto a bar stool. I was old, but I still had the moves. I smiled and ordered a white wine. I was brought my drink and took a slow sip. "Tastes exactly the same." I turned back to my nephew, "So Ky, how are you today?"

Ky Shin Wei
Apr 28th, 2003, 08:19:09 PM
Ky shrugged. "It's been fine. Dad's a complete idiot, as always. He never seems to catch on very quickly."

Ky looked around and then finally had to ask. "What tastes the same?"

Ky shifted in his seat and took a bigger sip of his green tea. "He doesn't call me by my nickname. He always calls me Tzujan. Even when I say, 'Dad, call me Ky," he always responds, 'Ok, Tzujan.' He never remembers to call me Ky."

Apr 29th, 2003, 03:23:21 PM
I smiled, "Well, your father is quite absent minded. Not stupid, but he prefers to do things his way. He never was one to pay too much attention. He lives in his own little world. Plus he sees you more as I son than a friend I imagine." I smiled and pushed my brown hair out of my face. It still fell to my waist, and my fuma belt still hung from my waist. I wondered where Kwiet was. Last I heard he was traveling the world. But ya know, he should still talk to his dad. "Hey Ky," I said with a look, "You heard from your cousin in a while?" I smiled.

Ky Shin Wei
Apr 29th, 2003, 07:14:11 PM
"No, not for a long time."

Ky thought about what his uncle said, and sighed. Why did his dad have to be such a dork? And Ansatsu didn't help to change that too much.

"It still doesn't change the fact that he's a dork."

Apr 29th, 2003, 07:45:16 PM
I smirked, "No it doesn't. But ya know something," I patted Ky on the head, "Your a dork too. Not everyone will conform to your ways Ky. By the way, I am a dork too. But you see thats what makes us so great. We are all oblivious to everything around us. Think on my words." I smiled, "So you read any good books lately?"

Ky Shin Wei
Apr 29th, 2003, 08:20:49 PM
Ky rolled his eyes. "Yeah, you guys are dorks. But you're the biggest one if you think me and my dad are oblivious to everything. Dad's not oblivious, he's just...slow."

Ky didn't feel like answering his uncle's question, so he took a sip of his green tea and looked around. "I'm improving my ability with the Force fans."

Apr 30th, 2003, 02:17:34 PM
I smiled, "Great for you Ky. And yes your father is oblivious. I grew up with the man. He lives in his own world, and you do too. But thats beyond the point. I have been perfecting the Fuma art evenmore. I haven't seen my first student in a while though. I hope they are okay." I stood up, "Wanna put your skills to a test? Your fans against the Fuma style." I looked him over and patted him on the head, "Or are you too young to take on your powerful uncle." I said with a chuckle, "Well?"

Ky Shin Wei
Apr 30th, 2003, 02:49:52 PM
"Dad says that one day your overconfidence is going to get you killed," Ky said, his tone hard.

"I don't really feel like sparring right now. I just want to have some tea."

May 1st, 2003, 06:50:18 PM
I slammed my fist on the table, "I am not overconfident! I am sure of myself. There is a difference my boy. That was one lesson your father never learned." I smiled, "But he learned a lot that I didn't. Your father is very wise." I sat down, "If you don't want to spar then fine by me. Far be it for me to teach you something. Where is that father of yours anyway? He needs to show up. All he does is meditate in that garden. He always was one for the outdoors." I smiled, "You know Ky, you remind me of your young father. You two seem to get more and more alike each day." I looked to the door. Where was he?

Ky Shin Wei
May 1st, 2003, 06:59:46 PM
Ky's face grew indignant. "I am NOT LIKE MY FATHER!" Ky hated to think that he was anything like his dad.

"Dad doesn't meditate all the time. He teaches, and takes naps, and we hang out."

May 1st, 2003, 07:51:19 PM
I smiled, "No reason to get angry." I could sense the feelings of hate rolling off him like waves from an ocean. I looked him dead in the eyes, "You become what you most hate." I chuckeld and smiled, "You sleep, and you like to teach. I remember you trying to teach Kwiet, even though he was older than you. You were like his little brother. I remember how he used to treat you. He always was there to protect you. He really needs to come back. Don't you miss him, Ky?" I had a sullen look on my face. I wiped it away with a quick nod, "Would you like to go find your father? I need a walk anyway." I smirked, "Well?"

Ky Shin Wei
May 1st, 2003, 07:53:58 PM
Ky sighed. He was clearly annoyed. "I don't know where either of them are. They'll show up when they show up. But if we have to, we can go find Dad."

Ky pulled himself out of the booth, left some money on the table and headed to the door.

"Come on."

May 2nd, 2003, 09:32:08 AM
A large man, about 6' 4", most like somewhere between the age of 68 and 73, with black hair genrously lined with silver (cos he's old now, dang it!) entered Yog's and had collided with Ky and Anatsu. Looking down (sorta), his green eyes meeting the faces of the two children, he grinned.

"Hello Grandson, Child." he turned his face from Ky to Anatsu, still grinning, his mouth not moving to speak the words as a normal person would, but he spoke via the force (because one cannot talk without a tongue).

Ky Shin Wei
May 2nd, 2003, 01:25:33 PM
"Oh. Hi Grandpa. Have you seen Dad? Ansatsu inisits that we try to find him. Have you seen Mom, while I'm at it? Maybe they're out doing something."

Ky liked both of his Grandfathers. They were both very quiet, but a lot of fun. Grampy Giran was fun to wrestle with, and Grampy P'u was fun to go adventuring with. Grandma Te made good food, too.

"So, got any presents for me, Grandap?"

May 2nd, 2003, 09:40:19 PM
I smiled, "By the way, I am no child. I am this boy's uncle. But I'm glad I look young enough to be his friend." I smiled and looked up at the huge man. He was very large, and not someone I would want to meet in a dark alleyway.