View Full Version : Old in the body, young at heart.

Giddion Horn
Apr 24th, 2003, 07:00:11 PM
Even before Giddion had walked inside the Jedi recruitment center a faint smell of flowers wafted from the open doors on the Coruscant breeze as if inviting young students of the light to venture in. Giddion had smelt the very same smell only 30 years ago when he was a young man, but now time had slowly worn away his sleek young looks and had transformed him into a older,wiser looking gentleman.

It had been no less than 10 years since he even walked into a Jedi opperated building or anywhere else concerning the force for that matter. He had to leave the Jedi some years back to attend a important family inncident and had never returned, thus leaving the Jedi and its ways. Between the time of leaving and today, the former Jedi Knight had been working as a History teacher at a local college which he enjoyed to its full but clearly he was not as happy as he was in the Jedi. He was a Jedi, nothing more. The jedi was his family, friends and loved ones but by now most of the Jedi he knew would be long gone and he would find himself back as a padawan amongst knew people.

A challenge none-the-less.

Taking a seat by a few young hopefuls the old Jedi crossed his legs over and waited for someone to arrive, a broad smile spread across his lips and he started to hum away to himself.

He was back home atlast.

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 25th, 2003, 03:43:15 AM
“Good afternoon, sir”

A voice spoke up, and the face behind it presented itself with a smile. The tall, lithe man bowed in greeting. As he stood at flank to the seats full of would-be Jedi, he could feel the eyes of many on him – after all, he was not your usual Jedi, especially in appearance.

“Can I help you with something?”

Giddion Horn
Apr 25th, 2003, 11:36:42 AM
Clearly the gentlemman who had approached him was a Jedi Knight. The tall proud stance, the elegant aura about his soul. Yes a Knight indeed. Standing at only 5'11 the balding former Jedi Knight stood swiftly and looked slightly up at the long, fair man with a friendly smile upon his face. The old man coughed nervously. ' I am former Jedi Knight Giddion Horn.' The man said shaking hands with the Council member.

' Would you you like to attend to the younger people here before me sir?..' He sked in a nice tone of voice. Genuinly.

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 25th, 2003, 11:40:07 AM
“They’ve waited this long, I’m sure they can wait a little longer,” Dasquian joked with a small laugh.

“I take it sir that you wish to be readmitted as a Jedi Knight – however I must stress that you will no doubt have to undergo training once more, even if you have once been a Knight. This is all in support of fairness, and to ensure that any skills that have become rusty are once again honed.”

Dasquian smiled a small smile.

“With that out of the way, do you have any reasons why you wish to rejoin the Jedi once more?”

Giddion Horn
Apr 25th, 2003, 11:55:54 AM
Wrapping his brown scalf around his neck again before it fell off the former Jedi laughed slightly. Giddion had been a Jedi on his first run for almost 30 years, he knew the drill, still he gave the man a pat on the back and with his well spoke english accent he continued to answer the mans staitment.

'Been a Jedi almost all my life son, i know the ways of the Jedi trust me.' A wide smile spread from his face. ' Why do i wish to return?..a simple question which requires a simple answer...its my home, always have been and always will be and i was a old fool to leave...'

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 30th, 2003, 11:16:12 AM
“Fair enough,” Dasquian laughed.

“For the moment you will be Masterless, until a Knight or Master picks you up as a Padawan, so in that time I suggest you have a bit of an explore of the grounds; acquaint yourself with the Living quarters, Yogs Bar and Grill and the likes.”

Giddion Horn
Apr 30th, 2003, 02:24:20 PM
' Thank you young man...' The older Jedi gave the blonde Knight a pat on the back and yet another smile before operning the door for the council member and gesturing for him to walk through first. The former Jedi Knight firstly would be looking for a bed, he was very tired.

' After you...'