View Full Version : Recovery from the conflict inside (Wei / Others Ask)

Apr 24th, 2003, 10:15:37 AM
Continued from Here (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=28898&perpage=20&pagenumber=1)

Neyasha awakens to see she is no longer in the training room, but in a medical center.... she see that they have put her in a hostipal robe and the time on the clock is 4 hours before the time her training started, meaning she has been here for over a day.... Aside from the fact she was in a medical center, and her clothing and weapons were nowhere to be seen, she has no idea where she is.... she checks over her body to make sure that there has been no more additions....She's had enough of them.... she assess the room cataloging all the exits and weapon-like objects she could use...

She sits up, hoping to see a friendly face instead of a scienitist.

Wei Wu Wei
Apr 25th, 2003, 07:14:59 AM
Wei grinned as he watched Neyasha stir, then look around. Even now, she was arranging her surroundings in her mind, noting all that was useful to her, and ignoring everything else that was not. But something he did not expect happened. When she sat up, she had a look of expectation on her face.

"Hey, you were out for a while," Wei said. "But it's good to see that you are indeed awake. How are you feeling? I have your weapons here with me. You can take them with you when we leave. But for now, you are to stay in that bed, except to use the refresher."

Wei appreciated that look of hope on her face. The anticipation of seeing a loved one. People needed to be loved. And Neyasha, for all her programming was no exception.

"Are you hungry?" Wei said in a fatherly tone. "I imagine you would be, considering how long it's been since your last meal."

Apr 25th, 2003, 09:21:32 AM
Neyasha's looks of hope turns to a slight smiles when she see's Wei... the smiles then goes to he normal emotionless look..

"I'm Very glad to see you Wei... I was half expecting to see a Doctor getting ready to do more alrerations...or one cleaning up after completing them...."

Neyasha looks up at the clock than back down at Wei...

"How long have I been out....how ever long it is I have been longer with out food, though I am hungry, I can wait till next time food is brought around...."

Wei Wu Wei
Apr 25th, 2003, 10:05:50 AM
"Well, you've been out for almost a day. And I'll get you some food right away. When you're hungry, eat. That's the way to do things."

Wei saw Neyasha smile a second before her usual deadpan expression set in. He'd help her overcome her brainwashing little by little. The programming wouldn't be removed: it would be grown out of, like a small child grows out of potty pants.

"What sorts of alterations do you mean? I imagine you wouldn't like talking about your past, but I think if we discussed what went on in your past, we can better help you now."

Apr 25th, 2003, 10:33:22 AM
"I have no problems talking about my past.... Emotions are what give people those problems....so I have no problems."

Neyasha leans herself against the wall/back of the bed...

"I Spent alot of time as a child with doctors and scientists, tampering with my body, trying to make me the 'Perfect Warrior'... As I have said before they removed my emotions, by cutting off the parts of my brain that allows emotion, They infused my bones with medal, and renforced my muscles with synth-droid muscles...

They injected cemicals into my head to instill obdeance, highten my memory, and Alter my brain in ways that I can't understand... They did something to my eyes, ears, nose, sense of taste, and touch, that made them ten times more receptive. They somehow removed my ability to lie, and tell the difference between right and wrong.

They hightend my reflexes, They made my body unable to be effected by mind and body altering drugs...though apparently if they add a special hormone to the drug then my body will let the drug do it's work..."

Wei Wu Wei
Apr 25th, 2003, 11:39:16 AM
Wei raised an eyebrow. "They did all that, huh? Well, Force Healing might help you regenerate those parts of you that they cut out. The metal and the synth-droid muscles I'm afraid will probably have to stay, but that might turn out to your advantage."

Wei scratched the back of his head and thought some more. "No doubt Force Healing could also remove the chemicals they injected into you, but the whole process would take a great deal of time, even for the most experienced Force Healer. I could talk to my teacher about it, since she is one of the most experienced Force Healers at GJO."

It seemed to Wei that he would have to do a lot of research to figure out what needed to be done to help Neyasha out. But he'd get it done.

"How would you like that? To have all of those alterations reversed?"

Apr 25th, 2003, 11:54:43 AM
Neyasha shook her head....

"I will not let myself be altered at that scale again.... The chemicals have long since become part of by body, and removing them would cause more damage than help. It would be like taking a drug addict and forcing the drugs out of their system, and multipling the effects on their body by 100.... It would most likely kill me...

I have only recently come to terms with what I have become.... I would rather find ways around the changes, than go through more alterations...."

Neyasha thinks about what happend to her back in the training room....

"Do you remember what I said happend back in the training room?....I said that My body detected the Force as a drug in my system... If i could find a way to make my body release the special hormone, the one that lets drugs do what they are supose to.... Maybe I could use the force then..."

Wei Wu Wei
Apr 25th, 2003, 01:27:58 PM
Wei shrugged. "Maybe. Only one way to find out."

It saddened Wei that the changes forced upon Neyasha could never be reversed, but she was able to accept it and flow with it, so that was good too. It showed a strength of character that Wei didn't see in many people nowadays.

Apr 25th, 2003, 01:44:32 PM
"In that case we nead to recreate the hormone that they used.... and since I distroyed all of the records on the subject of my alterations... The only record of their work is in my head...."

Neyasha digs into her memory and recalls the information from the lab, before she distroyed it... Ten years of sitting in her mind... she finaly had a use for the 500mb of information and research she commited to memory....

She finds a peice of paper and a pen, and in small writing she fills the page with a VERY complex chemical formula... She hands it to Wei....

"This is the formula for that hormone I was talking about... It is the only writen copy in the galaxy....Don't loose it please..."

Wei Wu Wei
Apr 25th, 2003, 02:41:27 PM
Wei put it in his pocket and nodded to Neyasha. "No worries. I won't lose it. But who can I find that would be able to make such a thing?"

Wei thought it over for a second, but could not think of anyone.

"I'll have to do some research."

At last, food arrived. Vegetable soup and a peanut butter and jelly sandwitch.

"Eat up."

Apr 25th, 2003, 03:28:55 PM
Neyasha takes the food, and starts to eat it...

"It took 5 experts in bio-chemistry, 2 years, to come up with that formula... I guess we would need another bio chemist and a lab to make the stuff... You wouldn't happen to know of a Jedi that Has that kind of skill and equipment?"

She eats a little more....

"With a small amount of money and access to a bio mechanical took kit, I could make a wrist-mount dispenser that would be compatible with my bio mechanical interface."

Wei Wu Wei
Apr 25th, 2003, 07:12:07 PM
Wei thought for a second. "I have no idea who in the GJO could do that."

The task so far seemed impossible, but Wei knew that if he just stayed calm, and was patient, the answer would fall right into his lap.

Apr 25th, 2003, 10:13:33 PM
"Do you know where I could find a bio mechanical took kit? they are used for fine tuneing droids, and cybernetics...."

Neyasha finishes off her meal....

"Do you know anyone you could ask, to see if they know anybody that has that kind of skill...."

Wei Wu Wei
Apr 26th, 2003, 12:32:24 PM
"Better chance of finding a Jedi with connections to get one of those. Perhaps Tev and Re have one. But I gotta talk to Sejah. Still not sure about the chemical, though."

Wei stretched. "So, I want you to take it easy, ok? If you want to recover lost emotions and stuff, I suggest you make friends. Lots of them. And go out and do something off the wall. Harmless, but unusual, you know what I mean? LIke climb a tree or something."

Apr 26th, 2003, 02:21:07 PM
"How would making friends help me regain my emotions...And what would be the point of climbing a tree, if I did not nead a higher view of the area..."

Wei Wu Wei
Apr 26th, 2003, 03:54:22 PM
Wei held up a hand to silence her. "If you want to regain your emotions, Neyasha, then you must understand one thing. Emotions are not practical, nor are they logical. That's why they were programmed out of you. You, being who you are, lack emotion, and are therefore very efficient and practical, which is the opposite idea of emotions."

Apr 27th, 2003, 12:40:26 PM
"But if I am so efficient and practical... How can I convince myself to do tings I think are a waste of time?"

Wei Wu Wei
Apr 27th, 2003, 01:33:52 PM
"Because it's good for you to these things. Small children think that getting a bath is a waste of time, but if they didn't get a bath, then they would get sick. Most teenagers find school a waste of time, but if they didn't go to school, then how would they be able to get a job? Sometimes we have to do things that we don't especially like to do, or want to do, because they are good for us."

Apr 28th, 2003, 09:28:46 AM
"But I see no logical reason that would make slacking off, good for me. If you could explane you reasons for why than maybe I could understand, But as it stands, I don't."

Wei Wu Wei
Apr 28th, 2003, 09:47:02 AM
"Slack off?" Wei chuckled. "Nah. Not slacking off. Relaxing. Taking a break. Cutting loose. We can't always be hard at work. Sometimes we need a break to let our bodies and our minds recuperate. So that we don't get stressed out. Every person that I have met whose schedule is filled front to back with work to do has never appeared to me to be a very happy or energetic person. They are always tired or upset, and get angry very easily."

Wei took up his Padawan's dirty dishes and set them on a small table next to him. "All work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy. If you are familiar with that saying."

Apr 28th, 2003, 10:43:02 AM
"You seem to have a hard time understanding that due to my lack of emotion, many problems that trouble tha average person, Do not apply to me... When you refer to a person that is stressed out, that most like meens that they are suffering from Emotional Stress. This is where a large number of tasks causes a person to be overwelmed by the number, complexity, and nature of all the tasks at once.

As you said, I am efficient and practical. That way I don't get Stressed out. As for Phyical Stress , my body recuperates when I am sleeping. When I get tired, I sleep.

If it would help you understand me better, Think of me as an Organic Droid... That is basicly all I am.....and no I have not heard that sentance before. "

Wei Wu Wei
Apr 28th, 2003, 11:59:54 AM
"Hmm...Then I'm afraid I cannot help you. I've suggested to you everything I can think of, and now I'm fresh out of ideas. But even some droids have some semblance of a fun loving other side. Ever heard of the legendary droid R2D2? I've heard that R2D2 had an attitude, and a free spirit. He would go exploring places for no apparent reason other than to get a thrill."

Wei sighed, stood up, and headed to the door. "I hope you can find some way to regain your emotions, Neyasha. I'll be looking into your chemical and that bio-thing-a-mah-jig. When you think you've found what you're looking for, come find me. Or I'll find you when I've gotten your stuff. Whichever comes first."

Wei took the dirty plates with him and left Neyasha in her small room to think. Perhaps he had tried to hard to come up with a solution, and that's why she didn't think they would work.

"For a person without emotions, she sure is stubborn. I was beginning to get the idea that she was irritated with me," Wei chuckled. Wei handed the plates to a nurse who just happened to be on her way to collect them.

"Good luck, my young Padawan," The knight whispered as he headed out the door.

Apr 28th, 2003, 12:21:59 PM
Neyasha Waits intill she is told she can go... Then heads off to find what she neads, after getting back into her clothing and putting on her weapons.