View Full Version : late night spar (open)

Kyle Krogen
Apr 24th, 2003, 12:16:30 AM
Kyle could not sleep so he decided that a spar would get all the energy out so he could sleep better

he walked into the Acedemy, pulling out his lightsaber he ignited it and did a few practice swings,jabs, and slashes

he waited for a oppenet to show up so they could spar.

Syrius Cline
Apr 26th, 2003, 01:42:53 AM
Syrius walked in shortly after with no weapons in hand or on him.

"Oh crap!" He jumped as he saw the sabre. "Put that friggin' thing away will you?"

Growing up on Alderaan, where lethal weapons were banished, he had a deep opposition for such things. Not only did he think ill of them because they killed people but because he knew they could kill him.

"Uh, let's play with these, okay Mate?"

He picked up two wooden sabres, molded to look like a sabre with blade exposed. Although one could percieveable bludgen one to death with them, they weren't as bad in his eyes. Atleast with a wooden stick you could live after a smack.

He pitched one to Kyle, keeping one for himself.

Kyle Krogen
Apr 26th, 2003, 02:40:12 PM
Kyle turned his saber off and cliped it to his belt, he grabed the stick Syrius threw to him "ok lets do this"

he held the weopen infront of him as he slowy made his way toward his opponent.

Syrius Cline
Apr 28th, 2003, 01:37:41 AM
Syrius nodded.

He held his sword out in front of him, like the point was a bad smelling sock. He slowly inched closer. The detective then gave up on that, shaking his head. No, he was a Jedi now, a wooden sword wasn't the boogey man. Now he held it like a baseball bat, the point of the bat/sword just going past his right ear.

Then, with a swing of the sword, a swing that was poor in technuiqe but had that old pro ball power, he aimed the sword at Kyle's shoulder.

Kyle Krogen
Apr 28th, 2003, 02:54:53 PM
Kyle pulled his sword up to block Syrius's

he then threw a attack of his own aimed at his oppenents lower side.

Syrius Cline
May 2nd, 2003, 10:40:51 PM
Syrius brought the hilt of his sabre/wooden stick down across Kyle's exposed face. Syrius wasn't quick nor skilled enough to block the sabre's represented beam. Hopefully the pain and jolt resulting from the hit, which scored sooner than Kyle's attack, Syrius hilt already being close to Kyle's face, would halt his opponents attack.

Kyle Krogen
May 3rd, 2003, 12:59:05 PM
Kyle seeing Syrius's attack comeing closer to his head use the force to hold the weopen still long enough for his attack to hit.

Syrius Cline
May 7th, 2003, 01:15:39 AM
Syrius stepped back.

"Well then, I have no leg now. Point goes to you I guess. Imagine I'm a lizard or some sort and my leg magically grows back. Ta-da."

He set himself up again, raising the sword up in a swinger's stance like last time. He swung hard again but kicked out with his left foot at Kyle's right knee, the real attack.

Kyle Krogen
May 7th, 2003, 12:56:58 PM
the attack hit his knee knicking his legs out from underhim, he hit the floor with a thud but quicklykick Syrius legs out from under him

as his oppenent fell Kyle jumoed to his feet and used the force to speed up his movement so he could move away from Syrius

he then set up a defendive stance as his oppenent was getting to his feet.

Syrius Cline
May 8th, 2003, 12:10:07 AM
"You keep beating me by this," he made a small distance with his fingers "much, don't you?"

He raised to his feet. Breathing in and out before charging forward, he let out a yell to distract his opponent and get things into perspective. It was in no way an angry yell. In fact, it was somewhat comical to the obsearver, surely.

He swung his baseball swing again, not learning from his mistakes, now directed at Kyle's knees.

Kyle Krogen
May 8th, 2003, 07:17:37 PM
Kyle was suprised by his oppenents sudden attack, his knee's where his by the stick knockhim down on his knees

he threw a punch at Syrius's stomach, Kyle's knee's hurt so much he could'nt seem to get to his feet.

Syrius Cline
May 10th, 2003, 12:49:24 AM
Syrius brought the stick down and swiped it ontop of the wrist of the punching arm. He pushed down, using the weight of the stick to knock the punch down. If it was a sabre, the hand would be gone.

He brought the stick back up, smacking Kyle on the chin. Though it wasn't nearly as hard as the knee swipe.

Kyle Krogen
May 10th, 2003, 05:38:56 PM
the hit knocked Kyle on his back, he then sent his foot out kicked syrius legs out from under him

he tried to get to his feet but his knees hurt too much

he could see his oppent getting to his feet,Kyle grabed his saber and threw it at Syrius shoulder.

Syrius Cline
May 13th, 2003, 01:47:26 AM
Syrius tried to bring his stick over in time but missed by centimeters.

"Blood hell!" he yelled, though a real sabre would hurt much more. "Nice aim, mate."

Kyle Krogen
May 14th, 2003, 02:13:58 PM
Kyle smiled as he painfully got to his feet "thanks for the compliment"

He used the force to pull the wooden sword back to his hand, he set his weapen infront of him on a defencive position.

Syrius Cline
May 17th, 2003, 02:09:02 AM
Slowly Syrius regained his balance and righted himself. Putting the sabre out in front of him, he tested the waters. A stab here, a swing here, none of them found it's mark. Then, improvising on his limited experience, he did an insanely risky move.

He swung his sword out right, far right, too far. He then left the blade in his left hand, taking his right hand off. Turning his back to Kyle, he thrusted his right fist out at Kyle's right shoulder. It was a fake however and he brought his sword down to attempt with connecting with Kyle's left leg.

All this time, Kyle could have very well stabed Syrius in the back, and might of done that. Syrius was too wrapped up in his attack to notice however if he wasn't indeed already 'dead'.

Kyle Krogen
May 23rd, 2003, 12:53:43 PM
Kyle not understanding Syrius's weird fighting move used the force to throw himself backwards making his oppenent hit nothing but air

as Kyle noticed that he was alrealy very close to the wall so when he got to it he planted his feet on it and dove towards Syrius, he also used the force to keep him moving strait at his oppenants back.

Syrius Cline
May 24th, 2003, 01:31:02 AM
"What the--?" he didn't hit anything... then, his danger sense flared. "Oh crap."

He ducked instinctively, hoping to miss whatever was meant for him.

Kyle Krogen
May 24th, 2003, 12:54:13 PM
Kyle flew over Syrius's head, he let himself down to the ground

He jumped to his feet and raced toward his opponents ducked form when he reached he sent a round house kick aimed at his ducked head.

Syrius Cline
Jun 5th, 2003, 02:33:22 AM
Syrius had the foresight to look up. He met the kick with his forearm, bringing his other hand to hit the knee of the blocked leg.

Kyle Krogen
Jun 8th, 2003, 05:50:11 PM
Kyle grit his teeth as the pain shot through his knee,He brought his hand down and hit Syrius's head.