View Full Version : Come Out and Play! (challenge)

Kwiet Ideya
Apr 23rd, 2003, 08:58:20 PM
"Come Out And Play"--The Offspring

Like the latest fashion
Like a spreading disease
The kids are strappin' on their way to the classroom
Getting weapons with the greatest of ease
The gangs stake their own campus locale
And if they catch you slippin' then it's all over pal
If one guy's colors and the other's don't mix
They're gonna bash it up
Hey man you talkin' back to me?
Take him out
You gotta keep 'em separated
Hey man you disrespecting me?
Take him out
You gotta keep 'em separated
Hey they don't pay no mind
If you're under 18 you won't be doing any time
Hey come out and play!

Kwiet's stomping ground has been invaded! The boy has just been pushed into a sort of schoolyard brawl, but this isn't your ordinary scuffle. The opponent in this is an adult, who has been standing by the fence of the school playground chatting with the teacher watching the twenty children at play. Apparently he said something wrong, because she slapped him. He hit her back, and Kwiet--as if by reflex--fired off a shuriken star without hesitation. His aim is off, sticking in the shoulder of the man rather than his face. The little throwing star won't do much harm; it's not meant to be used as a main weapon. Still, the boy sits perched atop the monkey bars, a small fan of five shuriken held tightly in his fingers.

May 1st, 2003, 07:21:30 AM
::That was the biggest mistake you could of ever made.::

Epyon's eyes turn as red as blood and spikes come out of his elbows and shoulders. He holds up his hand and it starts to glow. Epyon recently accuiqed his strongest force attack; the DEMONS BAPTISM. He holds out his hand and blast the teacher in the face.

::Now that she is out of the way prepare to die::

Epyon charges at Kwiet and tries to slash him in the chest, but misses. Epyon quickly turns around and punches Kwiet in the face. With Kwiet on the ground Epyon sees his oppertunity and holds out his hand and it starts to glow. DEMONS BAPTISM Epyon screams and fires it at Kwiet.

Kwiet Ideya
May 1st, 2003, 08:12:51 AM
The little boy is reeling from the blow; any adult has default strength advantage. Kwiet, however, is a slippery li'l bugger, and resilient to boot. He dodge-rolls, feeling at the back of his chest a surge as Epyon prepares his attack, flinging the fan of stars in a broad vertical arc. He takes a kunai off his belt next; this one will do more damage, but he can't throw it now. First, he needs a vantage point, and the complex jungle gym in the far corner seems a likely spot. The children have all run inside; the playground is empty, leaving the boy free to do what he will.