View Full Version : It's a date! (Shanaria, closed)
Liu Fong
Apr 23rd, 2003, 07:35:48 PM
Liu waits outside the Bar and Grill with patience, having arrived a wee bit early. His clothing, while ragged and worn, is neatly pressed and clean. Over his shoulder he carries a small bundle, which contains the robe Shanaria loaned him after their playful scuffle in GJO's garden. The blue skinned woman has recently caught Liu's fancy, and he suspects that he may have caught hers, but cannot be certain. The sidewalks are silent, so the soft tapping of shoes catches his attention more easily than normal. Looking up, he sees Shanaria approaching, and walks to meet her.
"Good evening, Shanaria. You look fantastic."
He holds the door for her when they reach the entrance and finds them both a table, pulling her chair out for her to sit before taking his own seat.
"How has your day been?"
Shanaria Fabool
Apr 24th, 2003, 01:34:56 AM
Shanaria was on her way to the B&G, dressed in her normal Tight blue bodysuit, hoping she was on time, because she spent alittle more time with her hair than she was intending. She looks over at the bar to see Lui waiting outside for her.... she walks up to him, and returns his greeting....
"Hello there Hansom! I'm glad you like the way I look, though I didn't do much different than what I normaly do...."
Shanaria gets an impish grin on her face as she sees that Lui has made himself more tidy for their dinner tonight...
"I'm looking for Lui Fong...He looks alot like you....just not as cleen...Wait a minute.... EEk some tidy person has taken over Lui's body!..."
Shanaria Laughs, then smiles at Lui...
"You look great Lui..."
They walk into the B&G....Shanaria smiles at Lui again as he holds the door for her, and again as he pulls out her chair for her...
"What a gentleman!....Are most of the street boys this kind to a lady?"
She takes 2 menus from a passing droid and hands one to Lui...
"My day has been rather about yours?"
Liu Fong
Apr 24th, 2003, 10:43:59 AM
"My family insisted on having manners to match an upper level family. I spent today practicing telekinesis with Master Hazzard. It was like lifting a ton of bricks, but I managed maybe 20 inches."
Shanaria Fabool
Apr 24th, 2003, 11:02:56 AM
"Thats very good! I just know that soon you'll be able to lift what ever you want with the force...."
Shanaria Does a quick look through the menu....
"Have you been learning alot from Master Hazzard?"
Liu Fong
Apr 24th, 2003, 04:20:04 PM
"I know telekinesis and senses, thanks to his lessons. I am best at sensing, however. Have you come to a decision on what you would like?"
Liu barely gave his menu a glance. He has already found a favorite dish.
Shanaria Fabool
Apr 24th, 2003, 04:56:57 PM
Shanaria looks at the menu again....
"humm....I think I will go for the Shrimp Stir Fry, and a Peach Cider."
Shanaria looks up at Lui...
"what are you going to have?"
Liu Fong
Apr 25th, 2003, 10:22:03 AM
"Well...there's this excellent noodle dish...I don't know how to pronounce the name, as its written in another language, but usually just pointing gets the message across. Like so."
A little droid rolls up to take the orders, and Liu shows it the menu, pointing to the dish in question. It hoots an affirmative and trundles up to Shanaria, waiting expectantly on her order.
Shanaria Fabool
Apr 25th, 2003, 11:31:36 AM
Shanaria says to the droid...
"I will go for the Shrimp Stir Fry, and a Peach Cider"
The droid trundles off to fill their orders...
"I hope you didn't have any trouble walking through the halls waring only my bath robe last night... I'm sorry about drenching in the pond.....But you have to admit it was fun!"
Liu Fong
Apr 26th, 2003, 10:24:24 PM
"That it was. As far as walking around in the robe goes, no one paid me any mind, because there was no one out in the halls to see me. I got away free, as they say."
Shanaria Fabool
Apr 27th, 2003, 01:11:12 PM
"Well That's good to hear! I would want you to get in trouble.... Last night I was thinking... If it might be possable for me to do anything to help the people in the 'town' you grew up in?"
Liu Fong
Apr 27th, 2003, 07:03:17 PM
"I'm learning the Force for just this sort of reason. Falling debris from above is a problem, and so is crime on the lower levels. Then of course there's the problems of food and shelter..."
Liu shrugs and sighs.
"My idea was this. With the Force, I could protect them from the gangsters on the lower levels, find materials and build them shelters, get a job to buy them food...and so on."
Shanaria Fabool
Apr 28th, 2003, 10:59:25 AM
"Wouldn't it be better to find something that could be food that would grow down there, and teach them to farm it? Wouldn't that help them more in the long run than buying them food?"
Liu Fong
Apr 28th, 2003, 11:14:41 AM
"It's Coruscant. There is no earth anywhere. It's all durracrete and steel."
Shanaria Fabool
Apr 28th, 2003, 11:19:58 AM
"That doesn't meen it can't be done... I know of some plants on Omwat that live in deep dark caves, that need nothing but water, and some thing to grab on to. It doesn't even nead CLEEN water. Though I don't know if people can eat the stuff...."
Liu Fong
Apr 28th, 2003, 11:44:24 AM
"There's only one way to find that out...and that's for someone to eat it. Kind of a risky way to test such a thing, ne? Though many on the bottom would gladly risk it."
Their drinks are brought out as Liu is speaking, and he takes a sip of his.
"What is this plant of yours called?"
Shanaria Fabool
Apr 28th, 2003, 12:30:21 PM
"It's called Igoria Vindalus but most people just call it Cave Weed... The problem is you nead to grow it in a place that is wet and with no natural light... are there places like that down there?"
Liu Fong
Apr 28th, 2003, 07:42:01 PM
"Plenty. Too many, now that I think on it. What else can you tell me about this Cave Weed?"
Shanaria Fabool
Apr 29th, 2003, 11:13:01 AM
"Well it sorta has a soft spoung like texture around a stem, and is filled with water, the small stem it has has a sharp top to it, and could punch through a presons foot if you steped on it with nothing on your feet. It if the primary food to the Omwatii Cave Rodents."
Shanaria takes a sip of her cider....
"Other than that I don't know much about it.... I could call home and see if my family could send me some samples that I could study here, in see if I could make them grow in the lower levels."
Liu Fong
May 1st, 2003, 11:31:34 AM
The food of rodents. Suddenly Liu feels bitter.
"Fitting, somehow. go ahead."
Shanaria Fabool
May 1st, 2003, 01:52:18 PM
"I hope I didn't insult you.... I know sometimes street people are called street rats... I didn't meen to imply anything insulting... I'm just saying what I know about the plant... And it sound like there are many places down there that the cave weed could grow down there."
Liu Fong
May 2nd, 2003, 06:19:06 PM
The food arrives, but Liu is slow to eat, picking at it with a sour expression.
"It's just me, is all."
Shanaria Fabool
May 5th, 2003, 10:59:02 AM
"Would it make you feal better to know that rodents on Omwat are not thought of as a sick diseased creature? They are actualy thought of as a noble creature, that is always there to help. If your lost and see a rodent...Folow it and it will lead you along the safest path to the nearest source of food."
Liu Fong
May 8th, 2003, 07:00:32 AM
"Yeah...that's not so bad."
Not so bad? It's little consolation, but he's not going to focus on the negative.
"Anything particularly exciting happen?"
He might have asked that already, but he's not sure.
Shanaria Fabool
May 8th, 2003, 12:19:03 PM
"Well I spent most of my day in the lower levels... Well I only really went down to floor 250... I left bunch of boxes of food lying on the ground as if they fell from above... and spent half the day inspecting the mind of a Grannet Slug."
Liu Fong
May 11th, 2003, 08:35:45 PM
"You shouldn't go so low. You'll be attacked. If you must visit the lower levels, bring me. I've lived down there my whole life, and I know them better than anyone."
He pauses to eat some, then continues.
"What's a slug's mind like?"
Shanaria Fabool
May 12th, 2003, 10:33:43 AM
"I'm not a little girl... I can defend myself... But I wouldn't mind the company going down... I was looking for a place that I could fix up and use as my growing area. I think I'll have to go lower than floor 250. I'm thinking closer to floor 100 - ground would be the area I would need to look in."
Shanaria takes a bite of her meal...
"Not very active... but it was able to give me an idea of what type of durasteal was used in the floor construction down there.. It's a type that was baned back in the days of the Old-Republic due to the harmful chemicals used in it's construction, though as long as people are not eating the durasteal, they should be fine. Most of the chemicals have wethered off or have been consumed by the slugs. Though I don't know if it will kill the Cave Weed, or make the weed poisonus."
Liu Fong
May 13th, 2003, 10:35:53 AM
"Then don't feed it to anyone until you know for sure. We lose plenty of our number to starvation every single day. Food should be there to stop it, rather than make an alternative."
Jeez, that sounded harsher than he meant it.
Shanaria Fabool
May 13th, 2003, 10:41:42 AM
Shanaria gets slightly insulted
"You don't nead to snap at me... I had no intentions to feading it to anything before I found out what it's properities are."
Shanaria eats a bit more of her meal...
Liu Fong
May 13th, 2003, 10:46:51 AM
"Yeah...sorry. That was a bit worse than I meant it to sound..."
He risks her ire by extending his one hand across the table to take her free hand, looking into her eyes.
"I know you're trying your best, and I appreciate it. I'm sorry I snapped at you."
Shanaria Fabool
May 13th, 2003, 10:55:43 AM
Shanaria smiles at Lui...
"Don't worry about it.... Your just trying to make sure that an outsider is not going to be trying to 'Cleen the streets' of the people you grew up with... I know I would be sinical if people were talking about dooing somthing to the food supply of Omwat."
Liu Fong
May 13th, 2003, 11:09:13 AM
He can't think of what else to say. So...why not say that?
"Jeez. I can't think of what to talk about now."
Shanaria Fabool
May 13th, 2003, 12:37:18 PM
Shanaria Smiles some more at Liu...
"I don't really care what we talk about... As long as we both are enjoying ourselfs..."
Shanaria gently squeses Liu's hand that is holding her hand...
Liu Fong
May 13th, 2003, 09:40:12 PM
He smiles, enjoying the calm silence between them. It makes him feel better, but it doesn't last long. His stomach gives an angry gurgle of protest, and Liu grins sheepishly.
"Guess I'd best fill it..." he says, referring to his stomach.
Shanaria Fabool
May 14th, 2003, 11:57:30 AM
Shanaria laughs slightly...
"Ya, eating might be a good idea... It is kinda one of the reasons that we are here..."
Shanaria goes back to eating her meal....
Liu Fong
May 17th, 2003, 11:07:38 AM
Liu lets her go, hesitant to do it, and starts eating again. Two arms can be useful things. And he still can't think of anything to say, dang it!
"So..." he begins, poking his food idly, "Ehm...Whaddaya do for fun?"
She may have already told him this, but it's something to talk about.
Shanaria Fabool
May 20th, 2003, 10:12:39 AM
Shanaria Laughs again...
"You meen Jedi are supose to have Fun? Since when!!"
Liu Fong
May 20th, 2003, 10:30:46 AM
"Why not have fun? What's the point if you're not having fun?"
Shanaria Fabool
May 20th, 2003, 01:00:23 PM
Shanaria laughs again....
"I was joking!.... I Have fun by meeting new people, talking to friends, examining the minds of other life-forms, I write poems, I sing, I Flirt with people, and I go shopping......I think thats all the thing I do for fun...."
Shanaria eats a bit more of her meal and takes a sip of her cider...
Liu Fong
May 20th, 2003, 07:57:41 PM
"Flirting eh?" Liu repeats with a slight smile. "So I take it you're having fun right now then?"
Shanaria Fabool
May 21st, 2003, 10:11:29 AM
"I'm having a Lot of fun! I'm curently doing 3 things from that list. Can you guess which 3?"
Shanaria leans back and streaches her arms above her head, causing her breast to poo out from her chest a little more. she than flips her hair slighly causing it to brush the leg of a boy that was watching her as he walked past. the boy was distracted for a moment and triped over an empty chair. The boy quickly gets up and heads off to his seat.
Liu Fong
May 21st, 2003, 12:31:11 PM
Liu holds up his hand to count off on his fingers.
"We're hardly new to each other, so you're not meeting a new person. You are talking to a friend, however, so that's one."
He holds up his thumb to count it and continues.
"You're not writing or singing, and ordering food hardly constitutes shopping..."
She stretches, and Liu smiles slyly.
"You're flirting..." he says, raising his index finger. " my mind a very interesting thing?"
Shanaria Fabool
May 21st, 2003, 01:57:05 PM
Shanaria sit back up normaly, smiles and laughs...
"I don't go into the minds of friends, and most force users would be able to tell if I did. So I stick to going into the minds of non force users or wild creatures. I was just in the mind of the poor boy that just triped over that chair. But i can guess by our conversations that you have a very interisting mind."
Liu Fong
May 21st, 2003, 02:45:10 PM
"Is that so? What was he thinking of?"
Shanaria Fabool
May 21st, 2003, 02:56:59 PM
"He was trying to get a good look down the front of my outfit. And when I gave it to him right as he thought about it, that distracted him, causing him to trip. He then went off to his table thinking that he hasn't been that embaresed since his mother walked in on him and his sister making love."
Shanaria shutters for a moment...
"Sometimes you hear things that fall under the category of 'TOO MUCH INFORMATION'...."
Liu Fong
May 21st, 2003, 09:18:59 PM
Liu simply cocks a brow to keep his mouthful of food contained. His first reaction isn't to be grossed out by the boy's thoughts; it's to laugh at Shanaria's reaction.
"That's...just terrible," he says, taking another spoonful of soup to suppress his laughter.
Shanaria Fabool
May 21st, 2003, 10:05:06 PM
"The worst part is, that thoughts are not only words, you usualy see the pictures that go with the memory... THAT is the worst part! Though sometimes if you accdently connect to the mind of a force user, you can feal the sensations that go along with the thoughts, as well as the word and pictures. And if you get a skilled force user, it can be like you are REALLY there."
Liu Fong
May 22nd, 2003, 10:49:28 AM
Now that she's calming down, Liu can do the same. He swallows and speaks thoughtfully.
"That so? I haven't tried any mind reading yet, so I wouldn't know."
Shanaria Fabool
May 22nd, 2003, 11:46:28 AM
"From my understanding, that doesn't happen to everybody. I know it happens to me, but I am best at mind to mind transactions... I am curently working on only letting in parts of the memory like Just the word or just the pictures, or just the sensations..... I'm getting a little progress."
Shanaria eats a little more of her meal....
Liu Fong
May 23rd, 2003, 07:25:52 AM
Mind reading is an intrusive thing to Liu; but he chooses not to voice that opinion about Shanaria's strength in the Force.
"Good to know that you're learning," he says. "My master is notoriously slow in training others."
Shanaria Fabool
May 23rd, 2003, 09:57:42 AM
Shanaria gets a questioning look on her face.
"So what is your master teaching you now?"
Liu Fong
May 24th, 2003, 10:54:14 PM
"Nothing. He hasn't approached me for any more lessons."
Shanaria Fabool
May 25th, 2003, 02:16:23 PM
"Ok Then.... What Has he taught you then?"
Liu Fong
May 26th, 2003, 02:17:40 PM
"To sense and levitate things. I suppose I'll be learning Force Enhancement soon. That one will probably be most important for me, as I lack the strength of two arms."
Shanaria Fabool
May 26th, 2003, 02:23:25 PM
"Well, I'm sure you will do well when it gets to learning force enhancements. You have the strength with the force.... I most likely will never be as good with the force as most of my family."
Liu Fong
May 26th, 2003, 09:21:38 PM
"That's not a good way to think of it at all. Don't compare yourself with others. That limits you. If you think of yourself as being less than another, you've already decided not to be better than them. But if you look at yourself as the best you can be, you won't have that problem."
Shanaria Fabool
May 27th, 2003, 12:26:27 PM
"People back home have some VERY High expectations for me. With a number of my family being STRONG force users... They expect me to be one as well.... It's not likely to happen though."
Liu Fong
Jun 3rd, 2003, 10:02:59 PM
"You shouldn't feel obligated to live up to the expectations of others. So long as you're accomplishing your own goals and meeting the standards you set for yourself, I'd say you're doing rather well."
Shanaria Fabool
Jun 4th, 2003, 10:23:27 AM
"I just don't want to disipoint my family though.... I'm doing my best to be as good with the force as I can.... But I still think I would disipoint them."
Liu Fong
Jun 5th, 2003, 06:53:45 PM
"Well then they'll just have to be disapponted in you. Or they could take a more positive view and be proud of what you can do, rather than be disappointed in what you can't do."
Shanaria Fabool
Jun 7th, 2003, 09:50:18 PM
Shanaria sighs, thinking about her family, after a moment, she thinks it best to change the topic...
"While I was on the lower levels today I came across an interesting street boy... You wouldn't happen to know him would you? His name is Leten..."
OOC:sorry about the wait for a responce...
Liu Fong
Jun 12th, 2003, 10:51:26 PM
"Yes. I found him running from a gang of thugs. I helped him...sorta...and eventually steered him toward the Jedi Order. He's here now, though I haven't seen him since I left him in his room that first day. Now that you mention it, I should check on him. I'll do that, I think."
Shanaria Fabool
Jun 24th, 2003, 03:45:01 PM
"Well if he is here now than that may explain why he turned down the food I offered him saying that he didn't need it. He seem like a interesting kid. I hope he gets a good master. from the way he looks, he hasn't gotten many good things in his life."
Liu Fong
Jun 24th, 2003, 05:30:46 PM
"He's got a good heart in him, a rare thing coming from a street boy. Karma has a way of circling around...I feel that he'll be getting all the good things he could ever dream of and more."
Shanaria Fabool
Jun 25th, 2003, 10:30:33 AM
"Well we can only hope...."
Shanaria eats a bit more of her meal, and smiles at Liu, since she doesn't know what else to say...
Liu Fong
Jun 25th, 2003, 06:47:25 PM
Liu's not hungry anymore, but looking at his dinner, he sees that it has mysteriously disappeared. Well, that explains him being full...apparently he'd been eating while she was speaking. Oddly, he can't remember it. He chalks it up to that mesmerizing effect that beautiful women have and disregards it.
"Got anything planned after dinner?"
Shanaria Fabool
Jun 26th, 2003, 12:45:09 AM
Shanaria finishes off her meal... Then continue to smile at Liu...
"I don't really have any plans, do you have any?"
Liu Fong
Jun 26th, 2003, 06:18:06 PM
"Was gonna go back to my room and do nothing. That's about all I've got planned."
Shanaria Fabool
Jun 26th, 2003, 06:20:18 PM
"Do you have any ideas on somthing we could do?"
Liu Fong
Jun 26th, 2003, 08:42:52 PM
"We can do nothing," Liu says with a shrug. He's feeling quite lazy; his stomach is full of warm food and he's feeling kinda drowsy. "Laze around and watch the holo or something..." Again, the one armed man shrugs. "I dunno."
Shanaria Fabool
Jul 2nd, 2003, 11:15:21 AM
"Maybe we should should just go our seperate ways. I have a few thing I would like to get done back at my room..."
Liu Fong
Jul 2nd, 2003, 04:12:17 PM
"Then we will part ways."
Liu stands and walks around the table to offer a one-armed hug.
"I have the check. Enjoy your evening."
Shanaria Fabool
Jul 11th, 2003, 06:35:25 PM
Shanaria smiles, stands, gives Liu a hug and a kiss on the cheek ....
"Thanks for dinner... It was wonderful... "
She turns to walks out the door, but she stops just before she leaves she looks back at Liu over her shoulder, smiling, and waves to Liu in a slightly flity manner...
"I'll see you around Liu!"
Then she walks out of the Bar.
Liu Fong
Jul 12th, 2003, 09:38:49 PM
"Yeah, see ya..."
Idly he pays the tab, overtipping just a wee bit in his inattentiveness.
"Gotta love her."
He follows her escape route and heads back to his room.
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