View Full Version : I need to rescue my son.....(Wei)

Apr 23rd, 2003, 07:23:24 PM
I smiled. I turned my shredders on and looked to the horizon. My son had been kidnapped by the evil one. Dae Jinn, she was a nuisance, and would be dealt with. It was time for her to pay. But I would need some kind of training. That is why I had called Wei here. I knew he would come for family. He did not know my request however. It was time for Dae to die. I would have my son back, and I would do it by any means nescessary. I did not play by Jedi rules or Sith rules. I played by my own rules.

Wei Wu Wei
Apr 24th, 2003, 09:07:44 AM
Wei came up behind Ansatsu and tapped his cousin on the shoulder. "Turn those things off, and while your at it, kill that temper of yours. If you get angry enough you're going to do something stupid."

Wei pushe dup his glasses and spoke again. "You needed me for something?"

Apr 28th, 2003, 07:25:46 PM
I deactivated my shredders and turned. "Wei my son was kidnapped. I can't fight the ones who kidnapped him, and I need you to teach me so that I may get my son back. He's your nephew, please don't let him stay with him. I want to rescue him. I will with or without your help or tutelage. But I ask you to please help me." I gave him a stern unchanging look. "Well?"

Wei Wu Wei
Apr 28th, 2003, 07:29:48 PM
Wei shrugged. "Ok. I'll help get Kwiet back. And I'll teach you a little something too, while we're at it."

Wei probably could get Kwiet back right away, but first Wei needed to know who the kidnappers were, and besides it would make for a good lesson for Ansatsu to learn concerning dealing with people.

Apr 28th, 2003, 07:45:04 PM
I smiled, "Thanks cuz. I knew you would. So where do we start? Anything you wanna know?"

Wei Wu Wei
Apr 28th, 2003, 07:54:18 PM
"Not really. Well, there is one thing. If you were to meet up with the person that kidnapped your son, what would you do?"

Apr 29th, 2003, 03:29:24 PM
I smiled, "I would get them in enough pain for me to walk by them and take my son back. I would try to be peaceful first, but I will do anything to get my son back." I brushed my long brown hair from my face. I activated my shredders and simply slammed my fist behind me. A burst of flame flew from my hand and I smiled. I landed into a ground and I looked back to Wei. "I am not lightside or darkside Wei. I am somewhere in between, and it is wonderful. I can extend my Fuma art through more than myself. I can affect weaponry with my art. The Fuma art is getting stronger. Pure energy, able to do anything." I activated my boosters on my legs and dashed back. I wrapped my Fuma scarf back over my face and mouth. Once again only revealing my eyes. They gave the stare they once had so long ago. "If I find Xazor or the other woman they will pay. Maybe not so much as death, but they will be kept from moving for a while." I smiled and dashed back to Wei's face, "I play by my own rules Wei. But I will be happy to work with you under your rules. You are family, and I would never hurt family. That would take me back to where I was." I smiled, "And we wouldn't want that again, now would we?" I said with a slight chuckle.

Wei Wu Wei
Apr 29th, 2003, 03:41:26 PM
Wei raised an eyebrow at his cousin. "No Satsa, we wouldn't want that."

Wei went over to a large rock and sat down. Wei was thinking. Would it do to just teach his cousin techniques? Wei was beginning to get the idea that he would be creating a monster. Satsa's "rules" made no sense to him.

"Ok, if you are playing by my rules, as you put it, then as long as you are learning under me you are by no circumstances to even activate those claws of yours unless your own life is in danger. You will not provoke people into fighting you. Do you understand? You will seek to understand your opponent and then work out an agreement between the two of you. Communication, that is, listening before you speak, is the key."

Wei pushed up his glasses. "Do you even know who kidnapped your son?"

Apr 29th, 2003, 07:06:21 PM
I deactivated my claws. "Fine, if you say so. I beleive Xazor had a hand in it. I beleive she was allowing the other woman to escape. The woman who stole him said her name was Susan. But I think she was hiding her real name. She had short brown or black hair, and I think her name was....." I remembered back to the time when she jumped into the limo. "It started with a D. But if we find Xazor, I beleive we can find Xazor then we can hunt down the other one. You see cousin, with your help and my skills as a ninja, I can find my son. However, time will reveal all. So let's begin with whatever you wish to teach, and then I will get the words from that hellcat Xazor myself." I smirked, "She is a doublecrosser Wei. I pleaded my life before her, and she tried to kill me. It was the help of the Jedi Master Sage Hazzard that saved me." I stood my scarf flowing in the wind. I looked to the sky and thought, "Do not worry my son. Daddy is on his way to come save you." I smirked again and looked back to Wei.

Wei Wu Wei
Apr 29th, 2003, 07:21:46 PM
Wei rolled his eyes. Xazor. She was a skilled warrior and all, but it seemed to Wei that she was a little too hasty sometimes. But Wei supposed it couldn't be helped and accepted Xazor's violent attitude as a flaw that couldn't be erased. It seemed no matter how hard people tried, no one could ever help Xazor get her anger under control.

Ansatsu's rather violent attitude wouldn't help much either. But maybe it would iron itself out by the time Wei was finished with Satsa's training.

"During our training I want you to push the anger and feelings of vengence you have to the side. If it appears in your head, acknowledge it, and then push it aside. Stay focused on the training in itself, not why you are recieving the training. Do I make myself clear?"

Wei wanted to make sure Ansatsu understood this one thing before training began. In fact, Wei wouldn't train Ansatsu unless he agreed to the Knight's terms.

Wei had a duty to Ansatsu to help him get his son back, but Wei had an even greater repsonsibility to make sure that neither Kwiet nor Ansatsu got into trouble.

Apr 30th, 2003, 02:10:02 PM
I smiled and bowed, "As you say." I smirked and looked at him from the top of my eyes.

Wei Wu Wei
Apr 30th, 2003, 02:42:42 PM
Wei wasn't at all sure that Ansatsu was being honest, but the Jedi Knight decided to give his cousin the benefit of the doubt.

"Well, I suppose," Wei said at a last, "We ought to begin with something simple. Like Force Boosting. Do you know how to tap into the Force? Or do we need to review that?"

May 1st, 2003, 06:44:02 PM
I smiled and dashed around him. I was running circles around him. I stopped, "Wei, I can do force jump, push, and speed. Lance taught me all that. I think I know the basics." I said with a smile and looked around. Today would be fun, to say the least.

Wei Wu Wei
May 1st, 2003, 06:53:37 PM
Wei nodded. "Ok, good. Now then, what next?" Wei thought for a second. "How about sensing other people's intentions? This one is Xazor's specialty, and I learned this skill from her. Now, I'm thinking of something. Reach into my mind and find it."

Wei imagined a bird, and waited for Ansatsu to guess.

May 1st, 2003, 07:40:43 PM
I smiled and thought hard. I concentrated solely on Wei's self. His inner core. I was picking up many things, his wife, myself, his mother and father. But I could feel some intense waves flowing from somewhere. I tried to concentrate on them. I pulled as close as I could to this single thought. I saw the simple tip of something. A yellow protruding object, a bone maybe? No, then flashes of blue and yellow. I could hear noises. Any incosistant chirping, and then I saw the object at full. It was a blue and yellow canary. Happily whistling a song from his childhood. I beleive Grandpa used to whistle it. I smiled and opened my eyes, "A bird. A canary if I am correct." I gave him a confident look, "Impressed yet?"

Wei Wu Wei
May 1st, 2003, 07:56:30 PM
Wei shrugged. "Try again."

This time, wei pictured a baby chicken. It was about the same size, and the same color, but this time Wei kept his mind busy with other things while keeping the baby chicken in the back of his mind. It would be harder this time to find the baby chicken.

May 4th, 2003, 12:22:06 AM
I closed my eyes, and focused on Wei. My thoughts crossed with his, and my thoughts became muddled. He had so many things going on at once. All these thoughts, and there was the bird again. But he would not use the same thing again. I began to name things that I saw, "Your mother, father, wife, knighthood, master...." I named for quite a while. And then I saw it. Another simple animal. Same size, same color, but another noise. A cluck almost, and my eyes opened. I smiled, "A chick, am I correct?" I chuckled and looked him over. I knew I was right. I was getting the hang of these things.

Wei Wu Wei
May 4th, 2003, 09:06:06 AM
"Yes. A chick." Wei obviously wasn't doing a good enough job hiding these things from his cousin.

"Sometimes, when an opponent tries to disguise his thoughts like I just did, it will be much harder to distinguish what he's really thinking about among all the noise he's put into his head. In that case you will have to come up with a way to keep him distracted so his guard will let down and you can find out what he's really thinking. Some people like to do this by implanting in a person a sharp feeling of pain. But as for myself, I would rather make the person itch, or tickle, depending on how I'm feeling at the time."