View Full Version : Coruscant Community College (Now Enrolling)

Sejah Haversh
Apr 23rd, 2003, 02:19:47 AM
<center><img src=http://www.boomspeed.com/nehantish/CCC.jpg>

Coruscant Community College</center>

<u>Rules for this thread:</u>
In Character play only. If you have any questions, please Pm or IM me.
This is not a silly thread; it is for the academic advancement of characters played within. Treat this thread like, or better than, you treated your college days.
Have a bit of fun. If you want to make up your own classes, go for it, but if you want to be in the same class as someone else, all classes are open for all students. You just have to make sure you've got enough money to pay for all your classes ans supplies and stuff.
The CCC is not at the Jedi Order. It is a few blocks away, and has its own security team. Sith are allowed to attend classes, but if a fight is started, it will be at the risk of the provoker's final grade. No weapons are allowed on campus.
The cafeteria food is nasty. Don't eat it, bring a bag lunch.


Getting to campus had been an adventure in and of itself. On Nehantish, going a few blocks was a piece of cake, but Coruscant was the land of the rediculously insane transportation routes. Two weeks earlier, Sejah had registered for basic classes and paid for it with part of the prize money he had won back on his homeworld, then spent more on books, supplies and a bookbag. He had never attended a real school before, and there before him stood the most imposing building he had ever seen, even though it was just a stock-model college building for the planet.

Quelling the butterflies in his stomach, the brown mongoose put one sneaker-shot footpaw in front of the other and oushed through the front doors into the crowded hallways. Students of various races and creeds packed the walkway, and everyone was looking for the location of their first classroom. Sejah took a map from a helpful girl behind a welcoming deck and tried to find his own room. While he did so, the nervousness in him tripled, and he scanned the page several times before finally locating his first class and glancing around to figure out which hall to take first. They all looked alike; all crammed with beings jostling each other about in a futile attempt to get anywhere. Heaving a glum sigh, the Nehantite jammed his class schedule and the map into his pocked and pushed into the mess; elbowing and shoving his way through to where he needed to be.

Finally, after much work and nearly having to punch out a girl who was yakking on her mobile commphone in his way, Sejah dropped into an empty seat in his first classroom. It felt strange to be in a school while he was also enrolled in the Jedi Order. But, he needed a better education than the Order could give him on the standard level, so here he was. Hopefully he wouldn't look too dumb.

Looking around the room, he didn't recognize anyone, and really didn't expect to, either. He was about to resort to twiddling his thumbs to pass the time when a face he thought he knew plunked down into the seat next to him.

Camdyn Fields
Apr 23rd, 2003, 03:11:12 PM
"So, yeah, then he says..."

Camdyn Fields barely noticed the unusual student who had pushed his way past her as she stood in the doorway of her first class. She continued to yak away at a feverish pace on her mobile comm as she walked over and settled into a seat beside him. Dropping her heavy blue backpack onto the floor beside her, she put her feet up on the nearest desk and kept talking.

"Oh my god! I know! Listen, I have class in like, two seconds. I'll talk to you later!"

She slipped the comm into a pocket in her jacket and finally looking around at all the other students. Ew, no cute boys yet. Camdyn slouched in her seat and sighed heavily, before Sejah caught her eye.


Sejah Haversh
Apr 23rd, 2003, 04:09:18 PM
Glancing up from his textbook, which he had taken the initative to actually open before class started, Sejah glanced around before he found the source of the greeting. It was that girl from the hallway.

Putting on a good face, he smiled politely and nodded. "Hello, you new here too?"

Camdyn Fields
Apr 23rd, 2003, 08:58:34 PM
"Yeah, kinda. I took a few courses before, but, well, I got into some trouble and my grades weren't too good." She rolled her eyes. "My parents made me come back here to get the last couple of credits I need to go on to next year."

She reached down into her backpack, pulling out a beaten up looking text book and a notebook. "Is this your first time here? I haven't seen you around before. New to the city?"

Jackson DeWitt
Apr 23rd, 2003, 09:23:35 PM
A few seats down, Jackson propped his head up on his desk with the palm of his left hand, and used his right hand to nurse a cup of caf he had managed to pick up on the way to class. Between morning work at the Academy, afternoons working out, and evenings working at Yogs Bar & Grill, Jackson barely had enough time to squeeze in nine credit hours. He was burning the candle at both ends, and it showed at such times. Eyes half open, he blearily continued to sip his drink, oblivious to the conversation next to him.

Johan Tempest
Apr 23rd, 2003, 09:39:54 PM
Johan is stuck at the back of the class, sitting with his chair pushed back and his feet up on the table, balancing a sketchbook on his legs and drawing idly. He's not paying much attention to anything other than his drawings. It's a superhero comic--based on himself of course--and he's in the middle of a full-page clash of hero and villain. A scraping of chairs and sudden murmur of conversation draws his attention; one of these is a voice he doesn't recognize. A...humanoid mongoose. Johan looks between Sejah and his page a few times before turning his pencil on end and undoing the lines he has placed.

Samara Ave
Apr 24th, 2003, 05:18:03 AM
Somewhere a few seats to the left of Johan, and a few behind Jackson, Samara slid down into her seat and heaved out a heavy, exasperated sigh. The valcian looked around with dark eyes at the others here, thankful that she wasn’t the oddest looking out of the bunch. Her pale skin, dark eyes and overly slim frame were nothing compared to the giant mongoose.

It was ridiculous, she thought. Her brother was sent to some school for the gifted in the mountains of Valce and she was deported to Coruscant to attend some prole school. She was as clever, if not smarter than Salem, and this bitterness towards her family and sibling hadn’t left her in a particularly good mood for starting school. Her family could have easily afforded to send her to the Illitrum academy, but was literally assaulted and mutilated by other students, her parents were surprisingly reluctant to let Samara go.

Samara hugged her book bag in against her chest and closed her eyes, blocking out what was going on around her until the time at which the teacher arrived.

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 24th, 2003, 07:24:52 AM
"Sssettle down, classssss, sssettle down. jI can hearrr jyou all the wajy down the hall."

Taataani entered the lecture hall, lugging an overstuffed bookbag, which she set beside the podium at the front. Pushing her glasses up on her nose, the Cizerack took a few seconds to look at all the students assembling in the tiered auditorium. She affixed a small lapel microphone to her blouse, and brushed her hair back idly.

"Okajy. Thjisss jisss Galactjic Economjicsss 121. Mjy name jisss Taataanji Meorrrrrrrrreji, but sssjince jI can sssee that ssso few of jyou arrre Cjizerrrack, jyou can call me Prrrofessssssorrr Taa, that jisss fjine.

A ljittle about mjyssself: jI grrraduated frrrom the Kaji'eessssssa'jaji' Commerrrce Unjiverrrsssjitjy, on Carrrssshouljisss Prrrjime twentjy-fjive jyearrrrsss ago, and have ssspent mossst of mjy prrrofessssssjional tenurrre asss a memberrr of the Cjizerrrack Mjinjissstrjy of Tourrrjisssm'sss Marketjing deparrrtment. jI mjyssself moved to Corrrussscant two jyearrrsss ago, and thjisss jisss mjy fjirrrssst sssemesssterrr teachjing at Corrrussscant Communjjitjy, ssso bearrr wjith me...jI'm ljikeljy asss anxjiousss asss jyou arrre."

Smiling, Taa looked around at the students.

"Doesss anjybodjy have anjy quessstjionsss ssso farrr? jIsss everrrjybodjy jin the rrrjight classssss?"

Wei Wu Wei
Apr 24th, 2003, 09:04:32 AM
Wei, who had taken a seat in the back corner of the class, hit his head on the desk.

"I can't understand a word she's saying," he muttered to himself. Then he got a better look at her. It was that woman from before! Back when he was still new at GJO. Wei groaned.

"The things I do for my family." Wei figured an economics class would be good for him, so he could better raise his own family and help his father out with his small trading business.

Sejah Haversh
Apr 24th, 2003, 10:28:02 AM
"Been here for about a year, but first time back in school," Sejah lied. But it was only a partial lie, after all, he had been on Coruscant for about a year, but he never had been to school before. He only hoped the rudimentary education he had given himself was enough to get him trhough without looking like a complete moron.

He also had to admit that Camdyn was pretty good looking, even if she wasn't his species. Perhaps in the future he would get up the guts to maybe ask her out, but, that could be a while. In the meantime, Sejah saw Jackson fall into a nearby seat, and a glance back over his shoulder revealed Wei in the back row near some kid who was drawing.

Looking back to his book, Sejah was wholly unprepared for the professor who entered. When she was done speaking, and the initial shock had cleared from his face, Sejah tennatively raised a paw and spoke up, "Uhh, Ma'am, I think you might have the wrong room. This hour is supposed to be 'Basic (English) 101: Introductory Composition', not Galactic Economics. Here's the schedule." He handed forward his class schedule with the correct time and room number on it to Taa, a nervous polite smile on his face.

Johan Tempest
Apr 24th, 2003, 10:40:55 AM
Taataani's entrance causes Johan to look up, disinterested, but Sejah's correction of classes keeps it.

"I'll bet you've both got the schedule right. This school's got a knack for schedule mishaps. But for the sake of argument..."

Johan leans forward and takes his own schedule and holds it up.

"Basic 101."

Samara Ave
Apr 24th, 2003, 12:58:27 PM
The teachers’ voice snapped her out of her thoughts though quickly Samara was, again, sighing. As others held up their lesson plan cards, she realized she too was either in the wrong room or the teacher was.

“Classic literature,” the girl called out from her seat, watching the large feline with some degree of amusement.

In the end, whatever she learned here would be fairly useless in the real world, so she added quietly:

“But economics sounds fine to me.”

Camdyn Fields
Apr 24th, 2003, 04:10:36 PM
"Cool." She gave Sejah a grin, and turned as their new teacher walked in. She giggled a bit as the Cizerack went about introducing herself. Camdyn loved Cizeracks, they had such an attitude to them. And the males were pretty hunky too....

The guy beside her spoke up then, pointing out the teachers apparent mistake. She took out her...well, if she could find it! Camdyn started digging into her backpack, looking to see if she was in the right class after all.

Mike Sheilds
Apr 25th, 2003, 06:49:04 AM
He had been sitting quietly at the front when the teacher enter, stated what class this was and asked if anyone was in the wrong class. He looked at his schedule, he was in the right class.

He smiled slightly as he heard people digging through bags and such trying to find out if they where in the right class, while all his books and such where sitting in a plastic bag shoved under his seat.

Wei Wu Wei
Apr 25th, 2003, 07:38:41 AM
"Oh, no."

As if Wei's simple mind was not already confused enough trying to figure out Taa's speech, now it seemed like the class schedules were wrong. Wei took out his schedule, which he had to admit, he didn't understand very well, and looked at it.

"Galactic Economics, Basic...Ummmm....What day is today?" Wei asked from the back of the class. "I think that this is indeed the correct room for both classes, but they are on different days. So, what day is today?"

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 25th, 2003, 10:56:57 AM
"Well....Sssejah...djid jI sssajy that rrrjight? Sssejah, jyou have the rrrjight rrroom and tjime forrr Basssjic 101, but jit meetsss on tuesssdajysss and thurrrsssdajysss."

Taa smiled, handing his schedule back to him.

"Todajy jisss mondajy. We musssn't get ahead of ourrrssselvesss."

Smiling at Wei's astuteness, Taa returned to her position at the podium.

"Ssso, forrr all thossse who werrre expectjing Basssjic 101, that jisss tomorrrow. jIf jyou brrrought the wrrrong book to classssss, that jisss okajy. jI'm not gojing to qujiz on the fjirssst dajy."

This elicited a nervous chuckle/sigh from the students. Taa's ears perked up, and she leaned against the podium, tail swaying.

"Can anjybodjy tell me the jimporrrtance of Galactjic Economjicsss?"

Johan Tempest
Apr 25th, 2003, 11:02:13 AM
Johan casts a dubious glance from Taa to his schedule, before taking his pencil and re-arranging the incorrect dates and times. He moves down a few chairs to sit by Wei, putting his feet up again.

"I can tell by the look on your face that you don't understand her. You'll figure it out, but for now, I'll translate," Johan says quietly.

Wei Wu Wei
Apr 25th, 2003, 11:55:20 AM
Wei smiled, and wiped the sweat from his brow. "Thanks, pal," Wei said with a weary chuckle and retrieved a datapad to take notes on.

Mike Sheilds
Apr 25th, 2003, 01:25:03 PM
Mike wondered if they where to raise their hands or something to answer a question, but then just decied to speak up.

"Um, Galactic Economics are important because without them people would be selling things at outrageous prices?"

He said it as a question, just in case he was wrong, as he shifted his weight nerveously in his seat.

Taataani Meorrrei
May 11th, 2003, 02:55:41 PM

Taa paced around, clasping her hands behind her as her tail swayed.

"Orrr jussst asss bad, busssjinessssssesss charrrge too low forrr thejirrr goodsss orrr ssserrrvjicesss, and lossse thejirrr opporrrtunjitjy to prrrofjit. jIn fact, therrre arrre manjy rrreasssonsss forrr a poljicjy of Galactjic economjicsss. Hasss anjyone been to a ssstarrr sssjyssstem that doesss not ussse Rrrepubljic Daktarjy Crrredjitsss?"

Taa's eyes came to rest on the peculiar-looking Nehantite.
