View Full Version : Ghosts of the Abyss

Apr 22nd, 2003, 06:42:03 PM
Okay - my review contains spoilers, if you will. However, there isn't anything unpredictable about this documentary. You know the ship went down. You saw the movie. So I don't think I shall contain this post with a spoiler mask.


Yeah, James Cameron is obsessed. He has Titanic on the brain, for sure. But you already knew that.

Nonetheless, this IMAX was neat. It's in 3D. When I heard it was in 3D, I thought it would be crap 3D, but it wasn't. It was really neat to watch. You can get an idea of how big the Titanic actually was.

They mesh footage from the wreckage with computer animation and black and white shots of the ship's interior and exterior (when it was intact - before voyage). I have to say, the black and white shots were better to see than the decayed wreckage. In one shot, you were standing at the bottom of the docked Titanic, and you can see just how huge this ship was. Some images were of the dining halls and A deck. All rooms went on forever. The engine was unbelievably enormous. It didn't feel like a ship; it felt like a huge colluseum.

They used computer animation and generic acting to show you what parts of the wreckage were used for. For instance, the bridge had collapsed except for the steering wheel. You wouldn't know what you were looking at (when looking at the decayed wreckage) except for they mesh in somewhat transparent generic shots of people, and what they would be doing in that place. They did this for many places in the ship.

Some areas completely collapsed, and other unlikely objects are completely intact.

When you think of the ship's history, and when you see human objects sitting there in a deep, watery grave, it haunts you. I think that's the effect Cameron was going for, given the name of the documentary.

Overall, the 3D format was awesome. I wished to see more of the wreckage than was shown. And yes Titanic movie shots were sometimes meshed in with shots of the wreckage (you expected that didn't you). This is the best way to experience the wreckage unless you want to submerge so low, in which case you probably could not for several reasons.

I doubt the wreckage will last much longer. Meerly touching it obliterates it. It's neat to think it's still down there now.

I'd recommend seeing it for sure. It's great as documentaries go, and it does evoke an emotional response for sure.

Anyone else seen it?

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Apr 23rd, 2003, 07:08:04 PM
I hadnt heard about it, Eve. Where and when?

Princess Sunflower
Apr 23rd, 2003, 07:40:56 PM
Here's the addy for the GOTA Website. It's only playing in Imax Theatres. You can find out at the site where there is a theatre near you. I think I'm going on Sunday so I'll report back then.

Ghosts of The Abyss (http://disney.go.com/disneypictures/ghosts/flash/index.html)

Apr 23rd, 2003, 08:09:23 PM
I can't say I'm interested. Thanks for the heads up though.