View Full Version : Murder on 29th

Memphis Pryor
Apr 22nd, 2003, 12:35:32 PM
He'd never run so fast in his life. Mind you, he'd never had NRSF officers chasing him. But Memphis was fulfilling both nevers now. He was close to crying as he ran, feeling the cold steel of the .45 in his hand. He couldn't drop it, they'd print it and be on him in an hour.

He didn't know why he'd done it. He had just been angry, caught up in the moment. The weapon was just for show, Memphis had believed it to be empty. But it fired, right into Joli's head. He'd killed a boy. Killed.

It wasn't that Memphis hadn't been in trouble before. He'd been booked for jacking speeders, wallets, that kind of thing. But he'd never hurt anyone, until tonight.


His side was beginning to ache, but still he was going full tilt, and beginning to gain distance. He couldn't keep on though, the NRSF was smarter and stronger than he was, and knew every back alley and dingy location on the planet.

Turing sharply, Memphis ran down an alley, tossing the gun into an old, dirty cardboard box and vaulting over a bricked wall. He landed hard, twisting his ankle, and ran into the first door that opened.

He suddenly found himself in a kitchen, lit by flourescent lights. Shading his face with an arm the young man squinted and made his way across the floor breathing heavily. Sweat poured down his face, mixing with grime and grit, and his chest heaved with apprehension.

Pushing out of the kitchen and into an area filled with beings of various race, Memphis took a breath. He prodded his way through a mass of chatting patrons and found a seat in a dark corner which he promptly fell into. He was close to fainting, both from the chase and his criminal actions.

"O-oh...Dammit...What did I do?"

Apr 22nd, 2003, 05:40:52 PM
Unless you are intoxicated by either alcohol or illegal drugs, you should know the answer to that. No one else here does.

Logic stands firmly before the table, glaring at the boy behind its shaded visor. No one is allowed in the kitchens other than the Bar and Grill staff, which consists of the waiters, be they living beings or droids, the bartender, and the cooks. The droid doesn't recognize him as being any of these.

Apr 23rd, 2003, 05:47:34 AM
Vash walked by puzzled. Now didn't that guy just come through the kitchen, not the front entrance.....?

Memphis Pryor
Apr 23rd, 2003, 08:40:20 AM
Memphis swallowed, trying to control his hands from trembling.

"S-sorry, I didn't know. I was just looking for s-somewhere to sit down."

A lie. But that was the least of his problems. Looking at the little droid with skeptical eyes, Memph slowed his breathing.

"Uh...Hey...Do the police come here, a lot?"

Apr 23rd, 2003, 11:12:58 AM
This Bar and Grill was established by the Jedi Order, and as such would be a ripe target for those that despise the Jedi. Thusly, the NRSF keeps a close guard on this place. Only Jedi ranked as Knights or higher may carry weaponry into this place, and the NRSF's top security officials maintain close watch on the patrons that come in and out, with guards posted at the doors and another who checks the weaponry of any who enter here.

Memphis Pryor
Apr 24th, 2003, 11:52:33 AM

Memphis' heart sank and a very worried look came over his face.

"I-I don't have any weapons or nothin'. I'm just here to rest, I won't cause any trouble."

But the knowledge that he would most likely be noticed did not sit well with the man. Unaware that his nervous behavior made him more noticable Memphis nodded quickly, rubbing his sweaty hands down his pantlegs.

"Uh, thanks. I'll uh, just sit here for a few, if it's all right."

Apr 24th, 2003, 04:17:54 PM
I have no qualms...but she might.

Standing aside, Logic indicates a young girl, sitting in a chair near the kitchen doors, hugging her knees to her body and pressing an ice pack to a large swell on her arm.

You knocked her to the floor when you came in. She thinks you mean to hurt her.

Lillian Snow
Apr 24th, 2003, 04:23:43 PM
Lillian shuts her eyes tightly against the pulse of pain in her arm, holding the ice pack firmly to the welt forming there. From this distance, Logic's voice has been reduced to a hum, and she sees it as a red and yellow form at the edge of her vision. The shape of the droid changes, and she looks up. It has pointed her out the man who burst in, and now he's looking right at her. She cringes with fear and presses the ice pack tighter, curling further and trying to will him away.

Memphis Pryor
Apr 29th, 2003, 10:36:03 AM
Memphis put his head in his hands for a minute.

"I-I'm sorry, I...I didn't mean to, I was just trying to find a seat to sit in."

He got up and walked over to Lillian, shoulders taught. Extending a hand Memphis kept his head low.

"Hey...I didn't mean to knock you down. You okay?"

Lillian Snow
Apr 29th, 2003, 11:23:13 AM
She turns away from him, leaning back into the chair as much as she can and hunching her shoulders. Logic is here; it won't let him hurt her.

"No. Just go away."