View Full Version : Outer Rim Entanglements

Clay Streck
Apr 21st, 2003, 09:29:31 PM
Sitting in his chair on the bridge of his modified Liberator cruiser, The Defiant, Clay Streck leant back thinking of the fleet he commanded. It had been improved by removing the majority of the hangar space available originally, now only fitting two squadrons of fighters. In their place were extra Turbolaser, Ion cannon and tractor beam batteries. Despite these additions, the crew still numbered less than 400. Truly this ship was the epitomy of man-management.

Looking through the viewscreen, the Admiral saw the three Corellian craft that rounded off his fleet were still docked. Wandering Wampa fleet had been made to work as a perfect team. Each of the other craft had been improved with the ability to dock perfectly with Defiant, in essence making a space station.

The Corellian craft themselves had also been upgraded. These were all Katarn-class Corvettes. They had been upgraded to have small hangars housing four A-Wings each. When used with the Defiant's Y-Wing and X-Wing squadrons, this made the fleet have 36 fighters when at full strength. Which was plenty for the job that the fleet had been formed for. Patrol.

Looking down, Streck looked at his objectives that glowed from the screen of his holopad. His orders were simple. He was to patrol areas of space he was assigned to, enforcing New Republic law. Unless he was brought back to assist in other tasks, they were on their own.

"Sir, scouts indicate activity in sector A-45" interrupted the communications officer. Sitting straight, Streck put on his game face.

"All craft break off from docking. Claw, Tooth and Foot Squadrons, get out there, combat ready. Prepare to Microjump" he ordered, standing up.

He watched as the three Squadrons, Y-Wing Claw, X-Wing Tooth and A-Wing Foot, emerged from their craft, positioning themselves in combat ready formations. The three Katarn Corvettes, presently titled Corvette 1, 2 and 3 until he had a better name for them, slowly drifted away from Defiant, until they too were in a state of readiness. The Maneuver, which would take less organised crews a long time, had taken Wandering Wampa fleet 34 seconds. Granted, everyone was in their designated craft, but this was still impressive.

Streck walked to the sensors, and looked in the distance. An Imperial raiding party, one they had been tracking for some time, had launched an attack on a orbital docking and pleasure platform. Although this group was not a member of any larger group, they were still Imperial, hence a threat.

"Microjump on my mark" said the Admiral, grabbing hold of the side of the console for balance.


Captain Tla
Apr 22nd, 2003, 07:44:45 PM
"On my mark," the large man spoke, his jowls wobbling as his mouth moved.

"Prepare to fire."

His first officer nodded, "Prepare to fire aye!"

"Aye! Aye!" the order was affirmed by the various members of the crew around him.

Captain Gar Tla looked out over the expanse of the bridge of the Victory Star Destroyer, Aegis and gave a small grin.

Hi diddley dee...a pirate's life for me.

Ever since the Empire had broken, the bureocracy of it and the attack by the Vong, Tla and his crew menaced the outer fringes of the New Republic. Their small forces attacked various shipping and trade routes, keeping their supplies and morale just high enough so no one questioned whether it was the right tact.

They weren't kings, but could pretend to be.

Tla himself had gained an enourmous ammount of weight after hijacking a cargo of Chandrilian Truffles heading towards Belgiumia. The delicious chocolates had been something he'd lived on for a week...the intense flavor dulling his senses, and expanding his waistline. Not that he cared. He simply enjoyed it even more.

This new trade route they were planning on attacking was a shipment of rare jewels and emeralds. Their contact had been quite adament about the shipment...his fee had been high enough as it was.

The Aegis and her three supporting ships (two frigates and one modified corvette) had been waiting for almost an hour for the target to come out of hyperspace.

Now the group of transports had. And the fun was to begin.

Tla watched...as the attack commenced.

"If we do this right men," he said haughtily, "We'll be able to dine on even more truffles."