View Full Version : Always Rocking (Cherice)

Jared Mriad
Apr 21st, 2003, 07:55:59 PM
Jared Mriad tapped his cigarette lightly before sticking it between his lips and inhaling once more. Kicking off the brick and mortar wall, he flicked the collar of the ankle-length greatcoat he wore and shoved his hands into the pockets. It had been a rough night of looking into certain hospitials that offered blood transfusions for information on a total sweep of his impure blood.

None of them wanted anything to do with him.

"Take me down to the very last city, where the grass is green and the gal's are pretty.." he sung lightly, taking a drag from the cigarette between verses. "Take me down to the very last city, where the grass is green an the girls are pretty.. take me hooome." He felt homesick, that aweful gut-running feeling that travelers got most of the time in cases. Jared coughed into a gloved fist as he stopped at a street-corner casually. A few other people filtered around him before he stepped forward again torward a massive collusieim, he could hear the roars of the croud from this distance and the music as well.

He had seen flyers about a rock concert planned for this facility and had stole away on a refugee ship for Coruscant just to roam for the concert. He had gone A.W.O.L from The Krath for a couple of months and hadn't informed anyone of his plans, although, that fledgling of a dragon Fallon had probally hacked Jared's thoughts and informed itself of his plans, not that he cared.

He had a concert to attend....

Cherice St_Hilare
Jun 15th, 2003, 10:23:04 AM
"Interesting that he would show up here of all places," a woman muttered, watching Jared walk steadily ahead. "But then again, I already knew that, didn't I ?"

She began to follow him steathily, blending in with the crowd that wished to get in. Anyone that tried to push or grab her, however, found themselves flung like a flimsy ragdoll. She was right behind Jared when he entered the overpopulated stadium. It had been rigged for the concert and she almost lost him in the swarming crowd. But Jared hadn't hidden his Force Signature like a good little boy, now did he ?

Cherice was enjoying this immensely.

Her apprentice had left the Krath with no explanations or notice, and it had taken her months to track him down. Fallon, the dragon that had been left behind, offered no help as to where Jared had gone. But after hearing about the concert in Coruscant, she just knew. Was it the connection that every Disciple and Master shared, or was it just because she knew him too well ? She decided it was the latter.

Cherice had actually taken time to change the way she appeared. She had changed her skin pigment to a light peach and dyed her hair a light pink -- which, of course, would wash right out. After hiding her Force Signature, it was difficult to identify who she was. Wearing jeans ripped at the knees and white tank-top, she had a black trenchcoat on. It concealed her two lightsabers clipped on her belt, and hidden in her left boot was a dagger.

The Sith suspected Jared was up to something, but even if he wasn't, she had some qualms to settle with him.

Jared Mriad
Jun 25th, 2003, 08:43:35 PM
Jared, blissfully unaware, continued through the crowd. Stopping at a few key places as he swarmed through the stadium, already he could hear the thundering echo's of fanatic fans wanting to hear the concert begin. Wincing loudly as he snubbed his cigarette into his open palm, the flesh burning upon contact, he took a small glance around himself then tucked the still-useable cigarette behind his ear.

Detouring off away from the croud, Jared slunk into one of the less-crowded areas. Only occupied by a few, either making-out or stoned beyond thought. He scoffed, the pitifully wasted lives.