View Full Version : M-meet people? (open to several people)

Lillian Snow
Apr 21st, 2003, 03:01:52 PM
Yes, meet people Lillian. Staying holed up in this room will do you NO GOOD. Put your books down and go outside. Find someone, anyone, and talk with them.

This isn't the first time she's been through this argument with Logic. It often ends with Logic bodily throwing her out the door and locking it, or with Lillian locking herself in another section of the quarters and refusing to come out. Either way, Lillian never does what Logic wants. Today, somehow, it seems things will be different.

Get out of this room. Or should I go and revive Reason?

Lillian gasps and shakes her head. Logic is the only being in the universe to know Reason's location. The sentinel droid, before its defeat by Logic, went berserk and attacked anyone who came within five feet of Lillian. It very nearly killed many of her fellow Jedi, and Lillian doesn't want that, especially not if it means Ryla or AB would be in danger. She gets up and leaves as quickly as she can, pausing outside the door to lean against the wall and bite her lip nervously. She doesn't want to talk to anyone...that's how she gets hurt.

Wei Wu Wei
Apr 21st, 2003, 06:25:44 PM
Wei saw Lillian she had disappeared for so long. He never saw his neighbor anymore.

"Are you enjoying my old room, Lillian?" Wei asked. He laughed as he remembered his mom packing up all his stuff and shoving him out the door.

"I see you have a new guardian now. He's got quite an attitude, but it's still a welcome change from that one hulking death you used to have looming over your shoulder."

Wei laughed. He would have loved to fight the thing, just to see if he could. It'd be great sparring practice.

Tony Maxwell
Apr 21st, 2003, 06:56:59 PM
Tony was walking around the LQ since he was new he was trying to memorize the LQ building

as he walk he came to two people, he had not met them before so he decided to

"Hello, I hope im not interupting anything, My name is Tony Maxwell im new around here."

Lillian Snow
Apr 21st, 2003, 09:02:11 PM
Lillian jumps at Wei's appearance, backing away with eyes wide with growing fear. Her imagination is running wild with it, changing his gentle features into the evil she has perceived men to be. So fixated is she that she doesn't see Tony, and backs right into him. She gasps and wheels around, trapped between two men that mean her no harm.

Wei Wu Wei
Apr 21st, 2003, 10:45:33 PM
Wei noticed the change in her mannerisms.

"Max, I think it is best to give her some space."

The Jedi Knight thought he had startled her, and that she didn't remember him. Then when Max appeared and she was caught between them, Wei thought she was getting to be claustrophobic.

"Lillian, slow down. Take deep breaths. Everything will be just fine. My mother is here visiting, I'm sure she'd like to see you if it would make you feel better."

Marga Alton
Apr 22nd, 2003, 08:08:04 AM
Marga, having decided to crawl out of the hole she had put herself in, was walking around the LQ, her cloak wrapped tightly around her. She came across a few ppl, one of which looked a bit jumpy, the female who she had not met. Approaching quietly as is her norm, she speaks through telepathy.

Hello there.

Marga hopes that she doesn't surprise anyone by talking through telepathy, but as far as most ppl here know, that is the way in which she talks to others. She stops before she gets to close to Lillian, just so she doesn't scare her further. Her own bright red hair is tied back in a braid.

Tony Maxwell
Apr 22nd, 2003, 02:44:20 PM
Tony steped backward a few steps giving the young girl her space, he could see that Wei was doing the same thing

a woman showed up but didnt speak.

Lillian Snow
Apr 22nd, 2003, 04:52:00 PM
Hello there.

Lillian turns around again, losing her balance and scooting back against the wall. A...a girl! She brightens a bit, but stays defensive, curling her knees to her chest.

Wei Wu Wei
Apr 22nd, 2003, 05:06:03 PM
Wei steps back further, worry etched into his brow. "What's wrong, Lillian? What has you so scared?"

Wei got down on his knees and looked her right in the eye. "Now, I want you to take a few deep breaths, and tell me just what's wrong. Be honest, above all."

Marga Alton
Apr 23rd, 2003, 08:15:22 AM
Marga bites her lower lip slightly as she watches Lillian scoot back against the wall.

I'm sorry if I scared you.

Lillian Snow
Apr 24th, 2003, 04:25:12 PM
"Go away..." she pleads, buring her face against her knees. "Don't hurt me..."

Wei Wu Wei
Apr 25th, 2003, 07:18:29 AM
Wei frowned. "I won't hurt you. I promise. But I won't go away. Not until I'm sure that you are ok."

What's wrong with you Lillian, that makes you so afraid of others? Wei thought.

Lillian had been shy before, but now she was outright paranoid. It concerned him a great deal.