View Full Version : Views on Pornography?

Apr 21st, 2003, 02:19:24 PM
Readers be advised: this thread may potentially contain discussion of a sensitive or graphic nature.

I did a search for a pornography thread and didn't find one. If such a thread exists, I have well and truly missed it and can simply be pointed in its' direction. If no such thread exists, however, I'm very interested in having an organized discussion on the subject.

There are, in my view, three main questions regarding porn:

First, what kinds of porn are okay to produce, distribute, or consume?

Second, what sorts of laws regulating production, distribution, and consumption of porn are okay?

Third, what kind of role does freedom of speech have in the protection of people's right to produce porn?

Does anyone think there are other questions that should be considered? Would anyone like to see a blanket ban on porn, and if so, why? How does the type of porn factor in?

I'm withholding my views until the discussion gets underway because I don't want to restrict or prejudice what is initially said. I think it is safe to say that porn featuring or distributed to minors is prohibited and therefore not covered under this discussion.

And keep the Devil's Advocacy to a minimum, please.

(If the Forum Moderators feel this is not a suitable location to discuss this topic, please do not delete the thread. I will happily move the subject to a different, unrestricted forum.)

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 21st, 2003, 03:19:39 PM
Personal view - porn is blargh. I wish it didnt exist. But as it does.... I prefer to avoid these days and I detest it's pushed on me esp. via spam

First question - Probably Adults doing consensual sexual acts. is acceptible - just.

Second - I'd prefer the laws are tighter myself. It should be difficult for minors to get porn. Buggered if I kknow what you can do about the Internet.

Third - There is no free speech right issue here. Free speech is not for this type of thing. If the laws say you cant make porn, then tough.

Wei Wu Wei
Apr 21st, 2003, 03:41:56 PM
Porn? It's disgusting is what it is. It glamorizes sex. What I mean by that is, pronography displays sex as an act that is only for pleasure. Not once do the consequences of sex appear in pronography.

I firmly believe that sex is something that should only happen between husband and wife. Porn doen't often display sex as an act between husband and wie. In fact, I don't think is shows sex in that manner at all.

Minors do not need to get a hold of porn. As for freedom of speech protecting people's right to produce porn...well, let's just say that making porn would be abusing freedom of speech. Sex is a private act--keep it that way.

Darth Viscera
Apr 21st, 2003, 03:55:58 PM

That's all I have to say, really.

Apr 21st, 2003, 05:32:27 PM
I have to agree, 18+.
I do, however agree that porn in the form of spam should be made illegal somehow. It's disturbing when your 10 year old cousins are over, want to use the net and a bunch of pop ups with porn skanks ruins everything for them. They don't need to see that. People over 18 should be smart enough to know what turns them on and what doesn't.

And just as a side note, this thread *could* get ugly in a hurry, so it will be closed at the first real signs of trouble at the discretion of any mod.:)

Darth Viscera
Apr 21st, 2003, 05:43:40 PM
Yeah, stop the porn email spam and porn popups and porno spam audio. "Hi, I've got a secret website and it's just for you, press E", etc etc. I hate that crap.

Jedi Master Carr
Apr 21st, 2003, 08:40:03 PM
I think it should remain legal for 18+ I think banning it is against the freedom of speech.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Apr 21st, 2003, 08:45:10 PM
what really should be killed is the pop-ups that keep on coming after you close it, I know I oppsed clicked those many a time and had to restart the damn computer to kill them....as far as age goes, people are gonna get it regardless of age but spam kind should die....honestly otherwise, what a person wants to see on their own time is none of my business.....

Jedi Master Carr
Apr 21st, 2003, 08:48:49 PM
I hate popups period they are horrible, a major pain in the butt.

Apr 21st, 2003, 08:51:01 PM
I'm not going to defend porn for I really don't see any good that comes from it, except the billions of dollars it generates to the economy. But I believe banning porn completely would be a waste of money and government resources, not to mention that it would be impossible. Regulate it as much as you want, make sure minors have a tough time getting it, keep child pornography away and punish severely those who trade it, other than that there is not much you can do.

I have the same belief with drugs and prostitutions. But that's another topic.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Apr 21st, 2003, 08:51:10 PM
another one that bugs me, the untitled document, I'll be doing a basic search and all of a sudden porn, honestly in a random search for like Sorr for my pics, there's at least three that can be oppsed clicked on because of that....

Apr 21st, 2003, 09:07:23 PM
Personally, I have no problem with pornography as long as it stays within the boundaries of moral and ethical decency; ie. no child or animal pornography. The rest really is a matter of opinion. You either approve or you don't but then it's like smoking; some people like it, others are repulsed by it but as long as the smokers and non-smokers are kept apart in a restraunt then no complaints can be made. It's simple.

To tell an adult that he or she is not allowed to watch two (or more) consenting adults get it on with the intent of having the footage distributed for private viewing - ie. the material cannot be voyeurism and invade people's privacy - would be pointless. It can help stimulate a healthier, more adventurous sex-life.

As for the internet, the promotion of pornographic material should be banned as there's no stopping it being recieved by minors. Adult websites should be locked and require proof of age and bestiality (etc. etc.) should be burned. That really has no place, it is a violation and is essentially rape.

As for the law, strict restirctions must be put in place to keep adult magazines and other such paraphernalia out of newsagents and stores in which children are free to walk in and out. They should not be exposed to these sorts of things and it should be a personal choice for all, not just children, to visit places which sell pornographic material. In other words, there should be a notice before entering somewhere which informs the visitors that the shop sells adult videos and whatnot.

When it comes for freedom of speech, well, there's no question in it. I would say everyone has the freedom to argue their point, even if "animal lovers" wanted to try to make their favourite movies legal then they have the right to speak up and say so but will be quickly smacked down and be investigated by authorities, but they would deserve that for being so stupid anyway. As for ethically decent* material, then I think distributers have the right to defend themselves and sell their material as long as they adhere to the strict legal sanctions in place.

The key words are protection and security. Keep pornography away from those who have no interest in it by keeping the material under lock and key away from minors and objectors.

* This is a matter of opinion.

Darth Viscera
Apr 21st, 2003, 09:26:43 PM
Originally posted by Dru
as long as the smokers and non-smokers are kept apart in a restraunt then no complaints can be made. It's simple.

Just an aside, here in Maryland it's illegal to smoke in a restaurant, so they've put away with smoking and non-smoking sections. Matter of fact, I think the last time I smelled traces of nicotine in a restaurant was 1994. What with all this peaceful air about, my nose has never been so happy!

Dae Jinn
Apr 21st, 2003, 09:36:09 PM
Originally posted by Dru
Personally, I have no problem with pornography as long as it stays within the boundaries of moral and ethical decency; ie. no child or animal pornography. The rest really is a matter of opinion.

I agree. If you want to watch, watch. I don't think it should be forced on people via email and pop-ups, but I highly doubt that'll be changed anytimes soon.

Personally, the first time I watched porn was with my two best friends and one of their boyfriends, on his lap-top. We made fun of the bad acting, and the implausible scenes. :lol

The only thing I can't stand is when younger guys assume all women can and will do things that happen in porn. I am not a porn star, I do not want a poorly aimed pearl necklace, or do any of the other equally degrading things that happen in porn :x Not saying all guys do this, but I've had guys ask me if I would do some odd disgusting things....>_<

Doc Milo
Apr 22nd, 2003, 08:11:04 AM
Personally, on moral grounds -- I believe porn to be immoral.

Legally, I would not like to see a ban against its production (except rules regarding minors, etc...) because of the freedom of speech ramifications (and where do you draw the line on what is porn and what is art? Sure, most of us can say, I know it when I see it, but, how does that translate to a matter of law, except to give some judge somewhere too much power in making distinctions?)

But ... that being said, there is a big difference between production and distribution. While a ban against the production of porn has free speech ramifications, restrictions against distribution, in my view, are perfectly fine. While we enjoy the freedom of speech, we don't enjoy the freedom of having anyone actually listen to what we say....

Diego Van Derveld
Apr 22nd, 2003, 10:02:11 AM
I believe it is immoral. This is not to say I abstain from it. I've had to work very hard to keep out of stuff like this. But, all things being considered, I don't think its a good thing. Do I believe in legislation against it? No. Only against the kind that exploits children & animals, or involves violence (snuff & mutilation). Pornography falls in the category of things I don't necessarily want around, but believe that each individual has to make that choice for themselves. Same as sexual practices, drugs, etc, etc. Government shouldn't legislate morality...leave that up to each person to decide on their own. Libertarianz rule :smokin

Apr 22nd, 2003, 12:14:13 PM
Not many know this, but I was a porn star back in the mid to late 70's. My screen name was Steel Shaft. I starred in such adult classics as:
Here's you Pizza
I've Got Your Pizza Right Here
Of Course I'll Deliver
Late Night Deliveries
It's Not Delivery, It's My Penis

Of course I'm ashamed of my work, but I had to do something to pay the bills. It could have been worse, I hear CMJ has a part time job in L.A. as a fluffer.

Oh, my views on porn, I had no problem with having a stack of Penthouses on my coffee table during college. Eventually, my girlfriend/future wife made me get rid of them. So, I guess there's a tiime and a place for everything. Obviously, having them on my coffee table today would be grounds for Child Services to take my kids away, but during college it made my apartment a favorite hangout for my fraternity brothers. Ah, college, how I miss thee...

Apr 22nd, 2003, 01:07:47 PM
:lol A fluffer?!?! You heard wrong my friend.

Apr 22nd, 2003, 02:00:19 PM
Interesting responses so far.

I note quite a distinction in attitudes and applications in some instances. Marcus, for example, has no problem writing about nude rangers, huge tracts of land, and raging hard-ons within the bounds of a roleplay, but shies away from pornography as a whole. This leads me to ask the following question: what do you think porn covers, Marcus? (And everyone else, for that matter) Is it only the hard-core stuff in adult films, or do you also consider soft-core porn, such as Playboy pictorals or Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issues, when you state your opinion?

Furthermore, a lot of people seem to think of pornographic items as sex-only kinds of things. Pornographic material is essentially sexually provacative or explicit material (aka SPEM), which means that it covers everything which is intended to arouse the audience it reaches and, in fact, does so.

Internet porn, like the internet itself, is difficult to regulate but widely desired to be regulated. I think we can therefore rule Internet popup ads or things designed to push porn on the unsuspecting viewer as a definite negative and therefore no longer a real part of the discussion.

The Commission on Obscenity and Pornography did a series of studies on the subject that are widely disputed, as would be the case in any such controversial topic. Nonetheless, the findings have bearing on this issue. Six of the most important ones are as follows:

1. A significant number of persons masturbated more often after exposure to erotic materials.

2. Erotic dreams, sexual fantasies, and conversations about sexual matter tended to increase after exposure to erotic materials.

3. Where there was an increase in sexual activity, it generally tended to be temporary and didn't differ in kind from the sexual behavior the person was accustomed to engage in before exposure.

4. Some married couples reported more agreeable marital relations and a greater willingness to discuss sexual matters after exposure than before.

5. Both delinguent and nondelinquent youth have wide exposure to erotic materials.

6. There is no statistical correlation between sex crimes and exposure to erotic material. (Incidentally, sex crimes decreased appreciably in Denmark after Danish law was changed to permit virtually unrestricted access to erotic materials.)

Essentially what these findings say is that pornography has only a temporary stimulating effect in most cases, and in some cases actually leads to healthy discussion on the topic. Exceptions to the rule are simply exceptions.

I still have yet to present my views on the subject, and will probably do so after I get a few more responses. I quite like the way the discussion has proceeded so far. Nice, calm, rational... I may just do this again later, on another topic.

Jedi Master Carr
Apr 22nd, 2003, 08:28:06 PM
Well I feel that some things aren't porn like nude art, (though their are people who might consider it such) I don't think the statue of David or a nude Photo study is porn its art.

Saccharine Jones
Apr 22nd, 2003, 08:59:52 PM
(Very strange to see this topic right next to a review of Holes...) o_O

...But anyway, My views are thus:

1. Consenting, adult, 18+. No Kids, no pets, no wifflebats.
2. Written erotica, softcore, hardcore, whatever. Just because I may not like something doesn't mean it shouldn't be made.
3. Many things are permissible but you don't have to watch any of it.

However, that said, I do agree with many scientific studies on Porn that say people who watch it, even not on a regular basis, begin to expect things that are not realistic of themselves and their partners. Not all women/men are fit to be porn stars, not all sex is fantastic and mind-blowing, not all chicks will want to bring their sister along etc. Porn, the industry, is unrealistic and very strange, and shouldn't be used as a model for real life. :)

Darth Viscera
Apr 22nd, 2003, 09:57:31 PM
Originally posted by Saccharine Jones
No Kids, no pets, no wifflebats.

Oh, I have been zinged and I love it!

Saccharine Jones
Apr 24th, 2003, 09:34:37 AM
Well, I suppose you could use a wifflebat... if it was consenting, that is.

Apr 24th, 2003, 09:43:07 AM
Originally posted by Saccharine Jones
Well, I suppose you could use a wifflebat... if it was consenting, that is.

the bat or the person you're using it on?

IMO on this simply put ecchi (soft-core, i.e. eluding to sex, but not out right doing/swim suits) is okay, Hentai( hard-core crp) BAD.

Sorry I don't want to see some cartoon sucking 5 penises at once, that's sick.

Gurney Devries
Apr 24th, 2003, 01:49:58 PM
I am not a porn star, I do not want a poorly aimed pearl necklace, or do any of the other equally degrading things that happen in porn Not saying all guys do this, but I've had guys ask me if I would do some odd disgusting things....Believe it or not, some women like this. It's simply a matter of preferance, I guess.

I don't see how porn is immoral, per se. Having sex is not immoral. Having sex on film doesn't really seem immoral to me.

Although it's in really bad form to call porn stars "actors", you can argue that that's exactly what they are: Actors in a film. A poorly directed, low budget film, but a film nonetheless. The ultimate purpose of a film is to entertain and I think most people viewing porn are entertained by it.

Moreover: If you think pornography is immoral, does that mean that anyone acting out a sex scene in a normal movie is behaving immorally as well? Regardless of how explicit it is, it can still be arousing if done properly.

As with other arguments, my stance is this: If you're doing something in which no one is harmed and it doesn't affect me, I don't care. You want to have sex on film and market it? Fine by me. You want to watch it? Fine by me.

Apr 24th, 2003, 04:22:32 PM
One word: ADULTS.

Telan Desaria
Apr 28th, 2003, 06:13:42 PM
I shudder at the thought of a person, regardless of sex, and any type of ridiculousl sized cylindrical object.

Topics such as animals and children should result in the immediatel execution in the case of children and permanent banishment to a canibal-ridden isle for the animals.

Now, having said that, any other material, no matter how grotesque or oddifying to the typical global citizen, cannot be regulated with any measure of reason. The more you restrict something, the more alluring it becomes vis-a-vis alcohol in america. It is - mostly - legal for minors to consume it in Europe, and as it not verboten, they do not feel the need to stride about drunk. Thusly, with it open, pornography loses its magnetism.

There are some acts which repulse me and would be more than happy to see the participants beaten senselessly while trapped in drying rawhide - any act containing or pertaining to bodily excretions. That is just ......

My opinion.

May 12th, 2003, 02:32:24 AM
I lean more strongly towards homocides or the extinction of the human race more so than pornography. But that is just entirely my opinion and my opinion alone.

:: snorts a chuckle :: j/j

My views of pornography is shady at best. It is something that should certainly be kept out of the hands of children yet ironically in every middle school in North America, we have sex education programs that ultimately try to encourage safe sex and what have you. Go figure. But if a mature couple want to further stimulate bedroom adventures with voyeuristic programs like porn. Fine, that's their prerogative. Or any other mature adult for that matter. Maybe if we just ignore it, it will go away but see that's the problem. This is an imperfect world we live in which we are plagued by violence, drugs, tobacco, porn, alcohol, and far too many other negative influences in this grimy world of ours. It's hopeless.

Zasz Grimm
May 14th, 2003, 06:34:21 PM
First of all, I am making a response to this topic as a minor, who in a day and age with pornography to access, has indeed accessed it.

Do I view it as immoral? No. But of course, I did grow up when porn truly made it's biggest leap, through the internet. And I will be completely honest, I found it through an ad around my 7th or 8th grade year.

Child Pornography should indeed be be burned, and those who do that to children should be burned, or thrown into prison to have it all returned upon them.

Other than that, do I care about what comes on? Do I care about what hits my computer screen now, popup adds? No, the obscene material truly doesn't bother me, but the sheer annoyance of the popup does.

Do I look at pornography? Yes. As a teenager with raging hormones, I tend to do it quite often. Am I proud of this? Hard to say truthfully, because to be honest, I like watching it. It gives me the mental stimulation that I do not get physically. The same goes with others, who are minors, and those who aren't.

Is that my fault for being Single? Perhaps, but it is a situation I am trying to improve upon.

Pornography is merely a matter of personal preference. To try and move against it politically, or through the legal system, is indeed quite pointless.

I feel that I am lacking something in my view, that is all I have for the moment, if I have anything more, I will add it.

Lann Kirauc
May 14th, 2003, 07:44:40 PM
Excellent post! It is pointless and would be a losing battle nonetheless too costly to comprehend. My only concern is child pornography and animal abuse. These are the issues that bear grave legal and moral importance.

Telan Desaria
May 15th, 2003, 03:26:13 PM