View Full Version : Supervixen (Xazor and open)

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 20th, 2003, 10:35:34 PM
Her short trip (http://meras.org/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=5921) to Balmorra to visit Silus had turned into a weeklong stay resulting in a trip to Coruscant. It was like old times; almost. They did everything together, not leaving each other's sides. They even slept together, though nothing went beyond Silus simply holding her as she slept. It seemed to be something unspoken that both had agreed to. Of course they spent a lot of the time talking, and that's why they were on Coruscant now.

He'd told her of the letters exchanged between Millard and a woman known as Xazor. She'd never even met the woman, didn't know she even existed. And yet, this woman had had the guts to write things about a woman she didn't even know. Considering that woman was Loklorien s'Ilancy.

She'd remained hidden for a good length of time, not having any run-ins with Millard or anyone else. She'd kept the lowest profile possible, able to slide in just under everyone's radar. She'd effectively disappeared.

But she was back now. And she was on her way to pick a bone. She knew where to find Xazor; she'd simply followed the return addresses on the envelopes.

Striding through the doors of 'Dex's Diner', s'Il stood for a few moments, letting her eyes adjust from the bright sunlight from outside. Her clothing was simple, faded infantry trousers, and a black t that'd seen better days. Her boots shifted on the floor of the diner, and she took a step forward. Metallic eyes skimmed the inhabitants, and making her way to the far corner of the place, she took a seat, her back to the wall so she could see those coming and going. Reaching into the leather jacket she wore, s'Il pulled out copies of the letters Xazor had written Millard, and placing them neatly on the table, she sat patiently waiting for a server to approach.

Kwiet Ideya
Apr 20th, 2003, 10:41:53 PM
A tiny kunai dagger seems to materialize on the table, pinning the papers to it. The angle of the throwing blade points back toward the kitchen, where, perched atop a stack of supply boxes is a little kid, not much older than five or six years old. The boy makes a victorious gesture, having nailed his mark exactly. His expression changes as s'Il notices him. Oops; the mommy spotted him.

"Uh...I'm sowwy..."

Silus Xilarian
Apr 20th, 2003, 10:54:16 PM
"Nice shot"

Silus walked in the door just in time to see the dagger hit. s'Ilancy was pretty eager to get to the diner, and thus was a good distance ahead of Silus, who was taking his times to do things, like stopping for traffic and such. As he walked in, he removed his shades and glanced up toward the kid who'd thrown the dagger. It really was a good shot, but the fact that kids were throwing daggers about made the Dark Jedi slightly nervous.

Dagger or not, Silus merely smirked and sat down across from s'Il.

"If she aint here, then someone can probably tell us where to find her."

Xazor Elessar
Apr 21st, 2003, 06:37:40 PM
It seemed to be a quiet day at Dexter's Diner as Xazor sat upstairs and worked on a computer. Her eyes were drawn away from the screen after a while as she began to develope a headache that her natural healing abilities continued to push away from her. She sighed and walked through the darkness to sit upon a plush, black leather couch that sat upon a large carpeted mat which in turn rested upon the hard wood floor. She seemed to collapse upon the cool surface and her eyes, changed for nightvision, glanced about the room which appeared in a neutral green color to her. Suddenly her ultrasensitive ears picked up voices -- one quite familiar to her. She sat up and looked about for a moment before slowly standing and striding over to the hidden door in the floor that, when opened, dropped a set of stairs that led to an empty room separated from the Diner by a door.

The woman quietly pushed open the door and the stairs fell down, making an easy escape for the Jedi Knight. She climbed down them before pushing the door back into place in the ceiling and moving the stand at the door that kept her from the small gathering in the Diner. Suddenly she recognized one of the voices. "Silus?!" What the hell are you doing here?" She thought to herself and felt her heart jump in her chest. With a deep breath, the Knight pulled the hood of her black flowing robes over her head to conceal her identity. Much had changed about her in the last month -- one more noticeable thing to those who had not seen her in some time was that she no longer carried a child and had slimmed quite nicely. The robes clung tightly to her body and as she pushed the door open, the caught the breeze and flowed behind her like small rippling waves. Setting her bright cyan eyes upon the pair, the orbs conformed to normal vision and all became clear and colorful once again. She recognized Silus immediatly -- but the other was someone she had never seen before. Without further stalling, Xazor approached their table and bowed.

"Greetings -- are you two being taken care of?"

She questioned, hoping to make an easy out for herself. Her intention was not to cause trouble or even fight this day -- but she had a feeling that both had a purpose there today and she would not be leaving so soon.

Silus Xilarian
Apr 21st, 2003, 07:01:44 PM
Silus gave a half way glance toward Xazor...

"Some kid threw a dagger at us, if that counts."

With a smile, Silus glanced over, not giving any clue as to whether or not he recognized the woman's voice.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 21st, 2003, 08:19:45 PM
The dagger had come as somewhat of a surprise to s'Il, but she gave no hint to being startled, only raising her brows at the child and offering a brief smile.

With a deliberat motion s'Il pulled the small dagger from its place, setting it gently on the table top before folding her hands over the small stack of letters, the mailing address containing Millard's name just barely visible. Her eyes turned to the stranger then, studying, picking apart the person standing before her. The black robes were indicitive of someone who didn't wish to reveal their identity, and s'Il let out a small breath through her nose. She wasn't hungry, she wasn't thirsty. Silus could order whatever he wanted, but the only thing on s'Il's mind was finding Xazor and setting the woman straight on a few little things.

The 'monstrous whore' had a monstrous grudge that needed an outlet, and canting her head to the side, s'Il regarded the black-robed stranger.

"Xazor. Where can I find her."

Kwiet Ideya
Apr 21st, 2003, 08:43:14 PM
Kwiet scampers over and takes his throwing knife back, looking down as he puts it away. At hearing the name "Xazor" his head snaps up and he bounces lightly on his feet. Through listening in on the people of the diner, he has learned who "Xazor" is. He calls her the "coin mommy".

"Ooh! I know I know! She's the coin mommy! She jingles when she walks around, b'cuz she's gots lotsa coins in 'er hair!"

Xazor Elessar
Apr 21st, 2003, 09:36:32 PM
Xazor smiled beneath the hood of her robes and nodded at Kwiet's words. "The coin mommy?" She thought to herself, but regarded the comment as being quite adorable. Her eyes shot to S'Il and a questioning look formed on the woman's face, though no one could see it.

"Xazor -- the Jedi Knight who frequents these parts? What do you want with her? I'm her -- body guard."

"That was lame!" She thought to herself, but folded her arms across her chest and took upon herself a masculine feel. Her eyes bored holes into the stranger and Silus. She wondered to herself what they wanted from her.

"Her business is my business. No one comes around here demanding to speak to Lady Xazor without me knowing about it."

She spoke defensivly, but did not want it to appear as though she could not defend herself in a time of need -- but she had to keep her identity quiet for a bit longer until she could figure out their motives. Placing a hand on Kwiet's shoulder, she squeezed it gently, sending calming waves through her arm and into him via the Force so he would know all would be well.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 21st, 2003, 10:42:35 PM
Beads of sweat formed on her brow, and it was a conscious effort to focus her attention on keeping her current form. Her hands moved from the letters to rake slightly across the wood of the tabletop, and she gasped, the force spike coming from the stranger lancing through her mind. With deep breaths, the Lupine kept her eyes locked on the one standing over her.

"Stop doing that," she managed between grinding teeth.

Silus Xilarian
Apr 21st, 2003, 11:40:07 PM
Silus' eyes narrowed a bit as he glanced toward the woman. He could sense the force use himself, but it wasnt torture to him like it was to s'Il...

"That really isnt a good idea..."

Underneath the table, his foot tapped against s'Il's leg, in hopes of distracting her from the bit of force use.

Arya Ravenwing
Apr 21st, 2003, 11:58:13 PM
Arya stalked into the diner like a black cat on the prowl. Every sense was alert, and the hairs on the back of her neck were on end. Jina was esconced on board The Wing of the Raven, which was programmed to destroy anything that came near it. It was also hidden on a remote landing pad, and the transponder was clicked on as The Drunken Mistress.

She stalked past the cloaked figure in the aisle, pushing the woman out of the way, and slammed her hands on the bar. "I need some answers from the man in charge. Is he here?"

"Dex? He's out running errands..." The robotic barmaid sounded a tad untruthful. But, maybe she was overracting. Droids didn't lie. Unless they were programmed to.

"Not Dex. C'mon, don't play dumb." Arya harshly whispered the words at the droid, who just shook its head in pretended bewilderment. A little boy ran past Arya, and she didn't flinch as a dagger imbedded itself by her hand. She plucked the knife out of the wood and turned to give the boy a steely glare.

Kwiet Ideya
Apr 22nd, 2003, 06:45:03 AM
Kwiet grins a bit from where he stands by Xazor, curling his little fist behind his back. He was gonna try a shuriken next, but this mommy looks really angry! He'll hafta wait for her to calm down before he asks for his knife back. Instead, the boy busies himself with the contents of his belt, pretending to make sure he put everything where it was s'posed to go.

Apr 22nd, 2003, 06:52:57 AM
"Hey wow"

The tall and thin looking blonde witht he spikey haircut came into the place he got told to go to - Dexter's Diner. He was looking around with a great deal of interest.

Especially at the smell of food.

He had his backpack off in a flash and sat down near the woman in black. whooo, she was hot. and plenty mad. Vash decided that would be bad idea to make a move, so he instead called the waiter over.

"Donuts please! 30 of them!"

Xazor Elessar
Apr 22nd, 2003, 05:40:27 PM
Xazor looked to Silus and rolled her eyes beneath the protection of the hood of her robes. Slowly she glanced back at S'Il and grinned to herself.

"Did I make you feel uncomfortable? I'm sorry -- now, what is it you want. I'm busy and in fact, Lady Xazor is leaving in one half hour and I must join her."

"So -- who's this beauty, Silus?"

The words poked at his mind and were spoken through the Force with a trenchant sound. Her eyes continued to drill into S'Ilancy and quietly through the Force, the Jedi Knight began to pry at her mind -- though it would be impossible to feel due to her years of training as a mentalist. The Jedi Knight slowly sifted through her thoughts until suddenly she ran into an identifier.


She questioned herself and nearly allowed a growl to escape her lips. "I'll kill that whore just to see Millard suffer." Just as the thoughts crossed her mind, she slapped herself mentally. "I've changed -- I'm not quite that way anymore." The Garou attempted to reason with herself. Then something else clicked in her mind and took her attention away from her inner conflict -- not only was this the woman who Xazor had belittled in several letters to Millard -- she was also a Lupine. Things were getting more interesting by the moment.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 22nd, 2003, 08:13:09 PM
A gasp of pain as another force spike drove into her mind, and s'Il threw an arm out almost spasmodically, sweeping the letters from the table to drop to the floor. Hands now clenched into fists, she ground her teeth, fighting the need to change; she could feel Silus kicking her legs harder from beneath the table, and it was all she could do to resist the change. The beads of sweat on her face were now plainly visible, and a few even fell to the tabletop.

But she was fighting a losing battle.

s'Il could feel her bones in the beginnings of the transformation, and a growl escaped her lips. Either this stranger knew what she was doing, or she was truly clueless. Either way, there was nothing s'Il could do to stop the progress... unless the other woman halted her usage of the force. It hadn't been her intention to actively pick a fight; and certainly not on Coruscant. She had enough of a reputaion with the authorities here as it was.

If this woman really was affiliated with Xazor, then hopefully she would at least give the Jedi a message.

"I said stop... nnghh... doing that...

"... all I wanted to do... " a fist pounded the table; a fist that was clearly changing beneath the surface of the skin, "... was talk to her... "

Arya Ravenwing
Apr 22nd, 2003, 08:30:58 PM
Now, this was interesting. Arya looked over her shoulder at the commotion at the first table, and identified s'Ilancy, a fellow smuggler.

Only s'Ilancy was a Lupine, and she was quite obviously transforming.

Arya shot to her feet, her railgun in her hand before she could blink, and everyone in the diner stared as her stool crashed to the ground. She took two steps, and pointed her gun at the black robed Jedi. Arya couldn't remember her name, but the woman was affiliated with Marcus, and was a Force user. She was obviously forcing s'Ilancy into a deadly change...and that just wouldn't do. Because, if s'Ilancy killed everyone in the room, then Arya was never going to get her money.

"Knock it off, Jedi, before you get all these innocents killed. Can't you see what's happening?" Her words were clipped off angrily, and her spare hand shot out, grabbing the little boy by the hair. Arya took a second to shove him near the door, giving him a few precious seconds head start on life. The other patrons of the Diner seemed still unaware, although the gun was giving them pause.

Kwiet Ideya
Apr 22nd, 2003, 08:38:59 PM
Kwiet stumbles towards the door with a whining cry, face screwing up with an angry determination. He won't cry! The boy climbs up on the closest table and sits there defiantly, little mouth set in a pout, fidgeting with the shuriken in his little hand, but saying nothing.

Silus Xilarian
Apr 23rd, 2003, 12:30:52 AM
Silus cut a glance toward Xazor that could freeze an entire ocean before turning his attention back to s'Il....

"Fight it, You've stopped it before....You stopped it with me..."

Silus' voice came in a hushed whisper. If s'Il were to change, she'd go ballistic on every force user in the room, Silus included. This time, he wouldnt have the heart to pull a blaster, and he'd be damned if anyone else did. His hands closed over s'Il's tightly. He could feel the muscles rippling and changing already, and his heart sunk. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Xazor's black robes, and his voice turned into a gutteral growl....

"Why...are...you...DOING THIS!!!!"

Apr 23rd, 2003, 01:58:25 AM
"Excuse me, would anyone like a donut?" Vash asked, almost seeming to teleport from his seat to right intothe middle of this situation. His face looked vapid and empty, a complete idiot walking into a situation totally above his head.

"Donut? They are quite nice" he said to the lady looking like she was trembling. "They'll help you take you mind of your troubles. Always does with me!"

Yep, idiot. Only a fool would offer food in a situation like this. Or was it?

Xazor Elessar
Apr 25th, 2003, 12:09:54 PM
The Jedi Knight's quick reflexes gave her a one up this time and just as Arya turned her head, the Garou ducked below the gun and grabbed the barrel, then stood up and chambered her right leg, firing a heavy kick to the woman's stomach. This pushed the gun weilding stranger away from her, leaving the weapon in Xazor's hands as Arya fell away, hopefully shocked by Xazor's moves. The Garou growled deeply beneath the hood of her robes and felt the wolf inside of her heart rear its head. Her hands gripped the gun and for a split second, they changed. White and grey hair shot out of her flesh and sharp razor-like nails extended from within. She knew that Silus and even S'Ilancy had seen this. Other changes took place too, for Xazor's eyes dialated and a slit pupil was left in place of the human looking one. She held the gun with the barrel pointing down as a sign that she meant no harm, though in the back of her mind she was hoping to send the ammo through the Lupine's thick skull.

"I know not what you speak of that I supposedly do, but if you wish to continue this disruption, I suggest that you go outside -- now."

The voice was heavy and sounded more like a gruff growl than anything. Her eyes continued to pierce S'Ilancy and her mind's full attention was upon her. The power she was using, though, was not of an incredible level but indeed, the Jedi Knight could do far worse. Simply, though, the Garou chose not to and instead left her 'victim' in mental anguish as she fought a change. This was a bit humorous to Xazor, but she did not give an outward show of her satisfaction -- she simply smiled and the light from the ceiling lamps in Dexter's Diner caught the edges of her elongated canines and hinted to those around her that she was no human, nor bodyguard of Xazor -- she was Xazor.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 25th, 2003, 11:16:05 PM
"The force," she managed to mumble, hunched over the table in utter physical pain, "... stop using it... please... "

s'Il didn't want to be pushed into another change; she didn't want to kill any of the people around her. She'd only come in to talk; even argue; but never to change... to kill. And that was what this stranger was making her do. In the back of her mind she held a memory of Millard; standing in front of her in the cell she'd been thrown in after the attack, and the thought helped curb the need to change momentarily. Another mental picture; one of Silus throwing a glass at the wall while yelling at her for not being concerned about herself... with a shudder her metamorphosis slowed minutely.

But only a little.

She could feel the eyes of the stranger boring into her, and lifting her head, locked eyes with the other woman. There was no way she could know that it was indeed Xazor herself standing there; she'd never even seen the woman before, let alone knew she existed until only a few days ago.

"Don't think you're better than me," she choked out, "If this Xazor was as strong a warrior as she plays herself out to be in those damn letters she wrote to Millard, she wouldn't hide behind a bodyguard.

"... I came here to talk... " she retched, feeling control slip away even more.

Arya Ravenwing
Apr 26th, 2003, 02:52:45 AM
Arya hadn't really wanted to shoot the blackrobed Jedi, and that was the only thing that kept her finger from squeezing the trigger as the woman took the time to stand up and kick her in the stomach. Now she was lying on the ground beside the table, able to look right up and see the muscles in s'Ilancy's neck standing out from strain.

Arya liked s'Ilancy. They were both in the same business, and she'd help bust her friend out of jail on Arcan IV once. She didn't appreciate someone torturing her like this ....Jedi was. More like a Darksider if you ask me.

That changed the situation a bit. The woman who now held her rail gun could be a Sith...although if Arya remembered correctly, Marcus had dealings with this woman. It didn't make sense...if you were one of the good guys, wouldn't taking pleasure from torture be uncharactaristic? In the split second as she lay on the floor gasping for air, she saw the woman smile, exposing sharp teeth. Definetely getting pleasure from this.

"Give me my frelling gun back." Arya shifted her position slightly, but didn't try to get up. Although pointing a gun at someone's head wasn't exactly friendly, what the person had been doing wasn't exactly friendly either. And on top of that, she'd reacted with violence, which everyone knows only breeds more violence.

Arya's bad day was about to get a whole lot worse. s'Ilancy's hands gripped the edge of the table, and she again said "... I came here to talk... " as if repeating it was going to make anyone pay attention.

Arya decided to get some attention as people were starting to get up from their tables to see what was going on. "Krasst, can't you see the woman wants to talk? Frelling dren, bitch, stop whatever the frell it is you're doing!"

Silus Xilarian
Apr 26th, 2003, 03:19:03 AM
Somehow, Xazor was severely missing the blatant message that Silus and Arya were trying to convey here. s'Il was doing everything in her power to keep herself from what was doomed to be a homicidal rage. There was nothing else he could do to help distract her, she was doing well on her own. The urge would have passed by now if it werent for Xazor.

In an instant, Silus was out of his seat and standing nose to nose with Xazor.....

"I dont know WHAT THE HELL IT IS that you're trying to prove, but youve got exactly TWO SECONDS to cut it out, or I swear to you that one of us IS NOT going to be walking out of here with the use of their own legs. UNDERSTOOD?"

His eyes were narrowed, nostrils were flared. His right hand had instinctively formed into a fist, with durasteel bones grinding at the joints. Every muscle in his body was tense.

He was ready to snap.....

Apr 26th, 2003, 07:18:47 AM

A large hole appeared in the wall - The gun had somehow come into his hand so fast, it was ... how had it been drawn so fast? However it was, it was frelling huge. And by the sudden glowing eyes of Vash, it was clear this gun wasn't going to be removed that fast from his hands.

"I said... how about some donuts. And some peace and love. I'm sure the owner of this place would be most annoyed by trouble here, would he not? Now come... let's have something to eat, yes?"

Xazor Elessar
Apr 26th, 2003, 08:51:48 AM
Xazor growled deeply as her attention was drawn away by all of the shouting. Her eyes flashed silver from beneath the hood of her cloak as she too felt herself changing. "I don't like Lupines -- traitors of the Garou -- of the true blood." Xazor thought to herself as she glanced at S'Ilancy once more and felt no sorrow for what she was doing to the woman. Her eyes then locked with Silus as he jumped from his seat and stood nose to nose with her. The Jedi Knight inched her face forward into his as he spoke.

"I suppose you better pray that you're fortunate to find some replacements for your legs then."

She smiled wickedly for a moment until she realized what she was doing. The power that overtook her while she changed put her into a different state of mind -- a state that she had only known as a Sith. The woman looked down at the gun in her hands until suddenly, as she was caught offguard, it was drawn from her by the stranger. His constant offer of donuts made her annoyed and she turned around, whipping the hood off of her head and stepping toward him.


Then she realized that she was exposed -- and even Arya would know for sure that indeed, it was Xazor -- Warrior Jedi Knight and second in command to Marcus Elessar -- her father. A hard lump formed at the back of the Garou's throat and she shut her changed eyes before turning around and opening them upon S'Ilancy.

"So -- you want to talk? Let's talk. I know who you are and I can only guess as to why you're here, but say what you will so you can leave -- Lupine."

She growled as the words fell from her lips. Xazor leaned over and grabbed a chair from the table beside Silus's and S'Ilancy's, then set it down before her and sat down on it with the back of the chair to her chest. She looked through S'Ilancy once again, but this time -- relaxed on the Force usage so the woman could speak.

"Come on! You were so intent to talk just a few minutes ago!"

The Jedi Knight gripped the edge of the table and it was evident -- but bizarre, that one could see the change effecting her hands. Sharp, razor-like nails shot forth from her hands and the white and black fur appeared and disappeared sporadically. She dug her claws into the wood and retracted her hand, leaving deep gashes on the surface. Somehow, she allowed her inate power to consume her this time -- and if things did not go well -- someone would die.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 26th, 2003, 07:41:59 PM
With a relieved gasp, s'Il fell forward on the table, the usage of the force suddenly gone, it's presence pulling from her mind. As her body settled itself more solidly into its human state, she took the time to breathe air into her lungs while letting her mind work. So this is Xazor... she inhaled deeply, quick to act, but to think things through... not so much.

Finally, after a few more moments to let her body readjust, she lifted her eyes to Xazor's, and the two stared at eachother for a silent moment. She was still a little out of breath, but decided to speak anyway.

"I don't know you; I haven't done anything to you.

"But," she went on, becoming more composed as she went on, "in the words I've seen you write, and the way you act right now, I'm not too terribly impressed. I would have thought more honor to come from one of your ranks." It wasn't meant as an insult, simply an observation, and as her shoulders squared, s'Il let her palms lay palm down on the tabletop.

"Secondly, you don't know me. Who I am. What I've been through. As I'm sure I don't know your life story. I'm not here to compare tragedies, trials, or tribulations.

"I'm here to ask why you saw fit to drag me into a fight I have no business being in. If you have a problem with Grand Admiral Millard, then slander him. Don't pull me into your little temper tantrums.

"I want nothing to do with your fights. I've got enough to worry about as it is."

Kwiet Ideya
Apr 26th, 2003, 10:05:00 PM
Kwiet hunches lower and lower, shrinking up in himself. These mommies are ANGRY. For a moment, he thinks maybe its something he did, but no one has turned to look at him. No one has raised their voice at him, or spoke his name. The donut daddy and the stranger daddy are trying to stop all the mommies from fighting, and that leaves the plate of donuts unattended. For the millionth time in his life, Kwiet earns the mispronunciation of his name, slipping silently over to the plate and taking a donut off the giant pile. Abel said to try an' stop fighting if he could. So he's going to try and stop the mommies from fighting! He just needs to find what his Daddy called "an openining"...

Arya Ravenwing
Apr 27th, 2003, 02:48:44 AM
As the male at the bar blew a hole in the wall, people screamed, and Arya lurched to her feet, snatching her rail gun away from the woman. She then lifted it up and turned it around in her hand, ready to bring it smashing down on the Sith's temple.

But her hand was stopped in a steely grip, and then she winced as Silus pulled her past the table where s'Ilancy and the black robed woman were sitting. She struggled to get away, but the strength of his hand was unbelievable. Arya knocked over a plate of donuts as he dragged her towards the front door. "Frell it, let me go you big oaf!"

Silus Xilarian
Apr 28th, 2003, 01:17:48 AM
"She can take care of herself, shes a big girl...."

Silus struggled to keep Arya still as he pulled her out the front door. If nothing else, he'd have to calm her down, if her and Xazor got into it, Xazor was liable to use the force....

"Now I'll let you go, if you promise to calm down, and not hit me...."

Apr 28th, 2003, 06:58:21 AM
He forgot all about the arguers as the donuts went to the floor - but by some miricle, they were in his hands before they hit the floor.

"Mmmm. Goff dofnuts" he said, stuffing his face with them. Oh, the gun was still in hand, but it was pretty much non existant with the fact he had food.

Kwiet Ideya
Apr 28th, 2003, 10:52:31 AM
The stranger daddy--whose ID in Kwiet's mind has now changed to the "donut daddy"--is stuffing said food item whole into his face. Distracted from his peace mission, Kwiet takes a donut off the stack. Not to be outdone, he shoves it whole into his mouth, cheeks bulging as he chews it slowly. He can hardly breathe his mouth is so full, but he won't give up! He swallows a tiny bit of it, still working with it as he leans around Vash to see what the mommies are doing.

Arya Ravenwing
May 2nd, 2003, 12:52:08 PM
Arya nodded, and as he released her, she whirled around, tempted to knock him on his butt for dragging her out. But she stopped, getting a good look at his face. "Do I know you?" She carefully massaged her wrist, which had red fingermarks on it from his hand.

Silus Xilarian
May 2nd, 2003, 11:29:21 PM
"Probably not.."

He replied, though he knew she looked familiar. Getting noticed wasnt the best thing for him right now though, so he refrained from playing the whole 'Have we met before?' game.

"But we've got some lunatic in there waving a gun, and someone who dislikes the force very much. I dont think starting a fight is in anyones best interest...."

Arya Ravenwing
May 3rd, 2003, 01:00:49 PM
She looked at him again, his face becoming clearer. He'd been present when s'Il and Arya had busted Diego out of his cell. But he hadn't been fighting against them... had he?

Wait. Aaron. He was connected to Aaron somehow. Arya's hand went to her neck where her fingers played with the chain of the medallion that hung beneath her clothing. "I do know you."

Silus Xilarian
May 16th, 2003, 10:55:15 PM
"Its best that ya dont, for now at least."

Silus could speak a smuggler's language. He'd been one himself, and the message he was conveying was loud and clear, from his words to the look he was giving her at the moment.

"Who's the psycho with the gun?"

Xazor Elessar
Jun 1st, 2003, 05:53:58 AM
"I'm here to ask why you saw fit to drag me into a fight I have no business being in. If you have a problem with Grand Admiral Millard, then slander him. Don't pull me into your little temper tantrums.

"I want nothing to do with your fights. I've got enough to worry about as it is."

"And why" she spat back, "Should I care? This is a war. I dont know how, or why, but you have chosen the side of a monster, a murder... a... Imperial! I've seen what those scum can do, how can you even think of it?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jun 7th, 2003, 09:29:17 PM
s'Il scowled at the woman across from her before speaking once more, overtones of not so much condensation, but merely a bitter resentment.

"If you'll take notice, the Grand Admiral isn't here with me. I have no idea where he is, nor do I really care. I have no business being around him anymore, therefor I am not. If he wishes to search for me then that is his decision. It is mine, however, to not be found; and that is what I have been doing. I don't presume to know if you implied anything by calling me a 'monstrous whore', but if by any chance it's in regards to my... change, then know that I wasn't always like this. I could care less for any grudges or ancient hatreds between Lupines and others such as the Guardians; just as much as I could care less about your little tiff with Millard."

She leaned forward then, metallic eyes intense as they bored into the other woman. "But now I can't ignore them now, can I? You've decided to drag me into something I very truly don't belong in.

"I've chosen no sides; I choose no sides. If you knew anything about me; which I most certainly know you don't, you'd know that I am for the most part a neutral entity. Who I spend my time with doesn't mean I believe in their doctrines."

s'Il blinked, the tone of her voice taking on the tone of one teaching another, and she folded her hands together, resting them on the tabletop. "A word of advice, Xazor. I'd recommend you get your stories straight before pointing fingers and making statements that only reflect on your ignorance.

"It shows strong character."

Silus Xilarian
Jun 8th, 2003, 12:57:56 AM
"Scum is a bit harsh, isnt it?"

Silus had since walked back in, not sure if Arya had followed or not. They hadnt furthered their discussion about where they knew each other from, as Silus was being a bit vague.

"Does this mean you wanna kill me too?"

Tyrus Tajo
Jun 8th, 2003, 04:41:07 AM
-Tyrus was sat at a corner table all by his lone-some.
He was still in transit, the make-shift yet surprisingly effective disguise of the trenchcoat hid the blue armoured body-suit beneath and consequently he was also still armed.
The off-duty soldier was minding his own buissness, killing time till his next transport, when his keen instincts fired up with the presence of both the Lupine and the Garou.
He fought hard against his urge to react for he hated the impure so. Some would call him hipocritical, himself being Cizerack, but he agreed and he swore to put his life-long expiereince and training to good use, to bring order to the stars.
This pro-imperial mercenary veteran of countless invisible wars across the galaxy wasn't looking for trouble, just waiting, but the events that unfolded was just too much for him to take.
In one smooth, sudden movement, like a more then well oiled machine, he reacted at once and all together.
In true slick, special ops style he had rose to his feet, spun around and the slinged assault carbine he had over his shoulder was now firmly in it.
Now aimed at the Garou's head he paused before he cocked the action; Not a delay in his technique but a deliberate action, much like a warning shot with out the actual discharge of fire.-


-He paused to allow everyone to proccess just what had happened.-

"Jedi or not, all I see is a Lupine causing trouble and so I'm asking you to stand down and leave now for a less populated area or I'll be forced to call for the proper authorities."

Jun 8th, 2003, 06:04:23 AM
Quite abrupty, the whole bar reacted. Vash was known in this neck of the woods - he was a friend of.... the real owner. So was Xazor. That gave them latitude to do stuff in this place. Arya too, she was a friend of the real owner.

This newcomer had just made a very, very bad mistake.

Guns came out of holsters as nearly every single scum pointed a weapon fo some knid. Dexter himself glowered.

"Laddie, in this place, the authorities dont go near. Unless ye be thinkin you can take on the whole bar... put the pop gun away and sit down before you get hurt. And ye goes for all of ya"

Dexter's thoughts strayed upstairs. If he decided to get involved and so far, thank the gods, he hadn't, then all hell would break loose. There was no knowing what the Warlord would do if someone was fool enough to pick a fight in here.

"Now be intelligent and order something"

Jun 8th, 2003, 06:07:37 AM
One hand had donut in it. The other had that BFG in hand again, pointing at the new comer - along with half the bar.

"Do as he said" the Janitor said in a flat voice. "You dont want to annoy the owner"

Silus Xilarian
Jun 8th, 2003, 09:00:49 AM
Silus wasnt a friend of the owner. He really only had two friends here, one of whom was really just a friend of a friend. In fact, in most circumstances, Silus would probably be counted as an enemy around here. But this was different. With this many people in the resturant, if everyone had gotten up and ran out, Silus would have ran out with them, and of course, ask why they were running after the group had stopped.

Everyone in the bar drew a gun of some sorts, so by the force, Silus was too.

As soon as Tajo pulled his gun, and the sound of everyone else pulling one hit Silus' ears, Silus' hand went into his coat, and came back out holding a rather large slugthrower.

The barrel of the gun was pointed directly at Tajo's weapon. If the man made any move that didnt resemble him putting down his weapon, the itching finger Silus had covering the hair trigger on his own weapon would soon be doing its job.

The first bullet would be recieved by Tajo's weapon. The second would be finding its way to Tajo's head...

Tyrus Tajo
Jun 8th, 2003, 09:47:28 AM
-Tyrus paused a short while, leting his heart rate drop, taking the time to let his head clear a little. His logical mind now overunning the emotion he relises the true depth of the situation.-

*Mumbles under his breath.*
"...Alright, look what mess you got yourself into THIS time Tyrus...."

-Having regained control of himself he slowly takes his left hand of the foregrip and holds it up, palm out, fingers open, to suggest his retort. He slowly lowers his weapon and twists it so that his magazine faces his left hand, with his left he removes the magazine and places it in a pouch. Twisting the weapon the other way he charges the cocking bolt ejecting the cartridge into the air, moves his left had to catch it on it's way down and places it in a pocket; Before laying the weapon down his table. Slowly removing his holstered pistol he places it on the table to. He holds up both hands open as a testemant to his disarmerment.-

"Okay, alright.......let's all just take deep breaths and put down our weapons........."

Xazor Elessar
Jun 8th, 2003, 08:58:25 PM
Xazor growled deeply and turned her burning eyes toward Tajo. With quite the sarcastic smile, she bore her elongated canines which now dripped with saliva.

"Lupine? Perhaps I shall remind you, feline -- I am not one of unpure blood. I am the daughter of Gaia, a Garou -- a very hungry one." She spoke through what were now clenched teeth. The woman's eyes softened, though, as she realized how she had not displayed any compassion the whole time the confrontation was taking place. "We want people to accept our ways yet we act completely opposite of how we preach." The Knight thought for a moment, knowing very well now why she taught her students the way of the warrior despite the Council's disapproval. Her hand fell away from her saber and she lifted her arms out to the sides before turning her eyes to rest upon the Lupine woman once again.

"Perhaps we shall reconcile at a later date. Then you shall meet your mak -- I am going to go meditate." The Knight cut herself off before shaking her head and moving her empty arms in a fashion that spoke volumes of a careless attitude. Heavy footsteps lead toward the back of the bar where she opened a door and slammed it shut behind her before proceeding to the secret upstairs HQ of The Lost Jedi. "Meditate I shall," she mumbled beneath her breath before kneeling down in the darkness and closing her eyes. A few deep breaths later and Xazor was at peace, something she had not felt in some time. Her thoughts soon drifted to the situation and mentally she began fixing all of the wrong turns she made, finding ways to rectify the situation with more diplomacy. In that very moment, she was doing something she had never done -- and it was quite an important step in her life.

Arya Ravenwing
Jun 8th, 2003, 09:26:43 PM
Arya hadn't bothered re-entering the diner. She was standing with her back against the wall, fiddling with an unlit cigarra. It was all drama, from the sounds of it. The Sith was yelling and s'Ilancy was remaining calm.

She peeked in the window as the weapons were drawn, thinking it a tad bit unusual that everyone in the place was armed and somehow knew the owner of the bar. Very strange indeed. As if he were a god, which he most certainly wasn't.

Arya put the cigarra in her mouth but still didn't light it. She wanted to talk to Silus more, but that depended on him coming out of the diner. She didn't want anything more to do with what was going on in there. It was too much of a temptation to plug the bitch between the eyes.

Tyrus Tajo
Jun 9th, 2003, 02:04:19 AM
-Having recollected his things, the extra-ordinary Cizerack that is Tyrus walked out of the bar, his rucksack over one shoulder and the butt-end of the carbine now protruding out of the bag, next to the protruding butt of a high-powered rifle.

He buttons up the top part of his trenchcoat and folds up his collar as he steps outside, an attempt to hold the disgise of his armoured suit beneath, in the slight breeze in the open air.
As he departs, a single hand massaging small circles into his temple, his gravely voice mumbles to himself.-

'Okay,....................now I need a REAL drink....."

The Lost Jedi
Jun 9th, 2003, 05:31:13 AM
Dexter knew most of the scum in this place and they knew him. In this place, you took your life into your own hands and a gun at your hip. The regulars were mainly hardened types, ex-cons, soldiers and thei like who all shared one thing - the love of no one causing a fuss while they got drunk. They knew the rules - the woman with the coins and the red coat were friends of Dexter, they did as they want. The bitch in leather, they had word out she was favoured too by Dex.

And hence as the situation eased, guns went back and beings went back to their belts. This place was home to any number of scamps and miscreants, but Dex was a rogue himself and liked the company the Diner attracted. No need for weapon rules when the bar could respond as it did.

It was a better alternative than the grey cloaked mystery being that would come here now and then. He (if it was a he, no one for sure really knew) was not someone to annoy. The mere sound of his voice was enough to send creeps up the spine. Someone reported seeing that one with a huge sabre that defied belief. Another said they had seem him with a sword. Others said huge guns. all agrred, he was not someone to be screwed with - and he apparently was the real owner. Who he was, Dex never said. The regulars only knew him from the occasional hello he might give and the way he seemed to slip in so quietly - and never was seen to leave.

Just the way he liked it.

Right now, he was actually in a corner booth in shadow, laughing quietly. The whole thing had amused him greatly, especially the last act and he had been watching all along. No one noticed him and no one seemed to detect him, Force Hide up and active, deflecting attention and becoming as background noise in the Force. No one came close to this little booth, except when he invited smeone.

He considered.

Why not.

He caught Dexter's attention, then signalled.

Invite the lady here

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jun 10th, 2003, 08:15:12 PM
She'd stared incredulously at the other woman's back as she left. Thie whole encounter had been rot. Utter rot. It wasn't enough to be put through near torture, now Xazor was running away. Apparently talking with the woman was too much to ask, and with a resigned sigh, s'Il gathered the scattered letters from the table and floor. She wasn't impressed with how the Jedi had acted...

Unprofessional, arrogant-

She stopped her thoughts then, looking up with a questioning glint in her eyes as they diner's owner approached. He beckoned her to follow him, and she let out another sigh. No doubt to be escourted out. Not that she was surprised; this whole little thing wouldn't have occured if she'd stayed out, but then again she'd had answers she'd wanted. Strange how whenever she wanted those, they never got answered. And so, giving Silus a sidelong glance, she stood to follow.

But Dex didn't escort her out; instead he led her deeper into his establishment.

Gods, what'd I do now... ?

He stopped at a table; a table occupied by only one individual, and with another questioning glance to the big lizard, turned her gaze to the stranger. She stared unabashedly at him as he simply sat, head concealed by his hood. s'Il said nothing, only looking at him curiously as he sat, and holding the small stack of letters, slowly lowered her small frame into the seat opposite.

She would say nothing until spoken to; obviously this man wanted to have a few words with her, and it was then that a small flicker of apprehension crept into the back of her mind. Her body was under control, and even though she could feel the tug of slight force use, she was able to keep herself in check.

No sense in changing into a raging beast and tearing the place apart.

The Lost Jedi
Jun 10th, 2003, 08:27:19 PM
Eyes hidden by the hood stared outwards at the woman, taking in, judging, assessing.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the captain of the Rascal King herself. And what bought you to this establishment, I wonder?"

The voice was quiet, calm and oddly accented. Even in that, it still had a hint of menace and powerIt was the type of voice that clearly stated that the person speaking was in change and expected answers.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jun 10th, 2003, 08:33:48 PM
She gazed at him, digesting his question fully before answering. His voice was strong, rich in the overtones of power and command gained from what seemed like hundreds of years of experience.

Her shoulders squared. "That isn't my ship anymore; I have no ship."

She set the letters on the table.

"These brought me here," s'Il said simply, pushing them to the middle of the tabletop. "I came to see why I was pulled into something I have no business being in.

"I came to have a civil disussion, but apparently even that can't be had with some of the Jedi Order."

Her words weren't meant to slander any one; it was simply her way. She was frank, honest, and to the point. If the man across from her chose to interpret them as accusations of any sort, than so be it.

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 10th, 2003, 09:48:25 PM
"Bought into the middle of what?" he asked. "If it draws you here, then it has somethign to do with me... and I cant remember drawing you into something. Maybe you could explain to me?"

"And, if you think Jedi are full of peace and calm, your mistaken" he added. "Jedi are normal beings like us. We have emtions and so do they. Whether they want to admit it or not is up to them"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jun 15th, 2003, 08:00:11 AM
"I never said all Jedi are peaceful and calm. I simply am of the opinion that what happened earlier could have been handled in a much more profession and civil manner."

She was frank, honest, and to the point. As it was, s'Il had a feeling that's what the man expected. She leaned back a little, canting her head to regard the man. "And as for you drawing me into anything, I have no idea who you are. I only came to see Xazor and ask a few questions as to why she chose to bring me into her letters to Grand Admiral Millard. I'm not around him anymore, therefor have nothing to do with him and have no business being involved with what he does."

She looked at him calmly, her fingers drumming the table lightly; not because she was anxious, simply because it provided a constant movement of her body.

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 16th, 2003, 10:37:48 PM
A tilt of the head signalled his interest - and puzzlement.

"Letters? I know of no letters. Did they originate from here? Ahem, my apologies, I must introduce myself - I am the humble owner of this establishment. I very much dont like trouble, so if it comes here, I would like to know why. And everything that happens here... concerns me as I am sure you can understand"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jun 22nd, 2003, 09:59:50 PM
s'Il only nodded in understanding. So he owned the place; not so much a surprise as it generated a mild interest withing her.

She went on, however.

"I don't really know where they came from; all I know is who wrote them. I came here to talk to the woman who wrote them; Xazor, and got nothing but pain and aggravation for such. Not something I expected."

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 23rd, 2003, 04:54:29 PM
"What do you expect, hugs and kisses? I am sorry you feel that you are aggreved, but did you see any reply he made? I wonder, because rarely is one party at fault solely in an argument. I do know Master Millard holds some rather nasty secrets in that head of his, so unless I saw his replies or what instigated this letter campain, I will not comment on who's right and who is wrong."

He glanced at his pipe, thinking it had gone out. With one deft movement, a match came to hand, struck on the table and flared. He re-lit the pipe, leaning back wiht a sigh of contentment.

"For what it is worth however, I apologise to you for her actions. Oh and how rude of me, I have not introduced myself properly. My name, such that I can give, is Strider. And whom do I have the pleasure of addressing?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jul 13th, 2003, 04:48:33 PM
She only stared at him, opting to refrain from snapping at him. She had no idea of who was in the right, nor did she care. She just hated being thrust into a stereotype or made assumptions of. But she held her tongue, saying nothing. Letting the matter go was most likely the best thing for her to do now, seeing as how the person she came to talk with had decided it not worth her time to sit and talk.

However, this man; Strider, he called himself, was someone she couldn't help but find interest in. Why he sat in the back, chewing on a pipe and watching everyone in the diner.

s'Il canted her head to the side a little, regarding the man. before answering his question.

"Lok. Lok s'Ilancy; but I would have thought you already knew that considering you knew I was the captain of The Rascal King."

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 14th, 2003, 02:12:54 AM
"Formal introductions don't count on prior knowledge, Miss s'Ilancy. Besides, while I certainly do not give my real name out to strangers, maybe you dont either, even if they say they have knowledge of you. Maybe I have seen your face in passing and it was told to me what you flew, but not your name?"

"It is, technically I believe, however the case may be I know of you, something true humans would regard as politeness to allow one to introduce themselves in their chosen manner. Besides,...."

He paused, then laughed shortly.

"Then again, I might have just forgotten I admitted I knew who you were and showed even I can make a basic slip up. Please, do you care for a drink? Somethign to eat? despite how seedy this place looks, the food is magnificent. I see to it personally if the quality ever drops"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jul 17th, 2003, 08:25:56 PM
Despite what'd happened previously, s'Il had to grin at his 'explanation', and she leaned back. The man had a way with words, and she found him an interesting individual to talk with. His offer of food was met with the same grin.

"No thanks; I'm sure the food is good here, but I'm not hungry. A drink though, sounds good.

"A bottle of sake if they stock it; if not, then water is fine."

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 17th, 2003, 08:33:23 PM
"Certainly, I believe we have that here"

He snapped his fingers, a serving droid came over pronto. They knew how much he liked prompt service.

"Sake for the lady, make it quick"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jul 17th, 2003, 08:44:08 PM
She watched, curious eyes observing as the droid disappeared with the order, the reappeared; trundling back to the table with a tray. A bottle of sake and two glasses sat atop it, and she turned her gaze back to Strider.

"Thank you."

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 22nd, 2003, 07:11:09 AM
"Dont mention it, simple courtesy"

Now why had the droid bought back two glasses? The damn things knew Marcus didnt touch alcohol except for the imported brew from Applei'sle.

"Now if that droid doesn't come back here with my ale, I'm goign to reprogram it's memory with a meat axe. I swear, if you want something done, always ask a biological. At least then you can understand why they make a mistake"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jul 22nd, 2003, 08:57:26 AM
s'Il rolled her eyes. "Maybe he thought you wanted a drink too; in which case it was thoughtful if not misguided..."

She graspped the bottle gently from the tray, along with the small cups, and setting them down on the tabletop, looked to Strider with a grin.

"... cause I sure as hell ain't gonna share this bottle with you."

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 4th, 2003, 11:03:17 PM
"Good for you" he grinned. "Now, where do you go from here?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 4th, 2003, 11:17:37 PM
She stared at him, not really knowing what to say. She really had no real direction in mind; she'd been spending the last week with Silus,, hiding away on Balmorra. But now, she really didn't know.

"I don't really know," she answered slowly, leaning back to look at him. "... just kinda wander around I suppose."

Force Master Hunter
Aug 7th, 2003, 10:15:46 AM
"Not looking for work or anything, or are you genuinely between engagements? I used to be in the business of bounty hunting myself, I know what it can be like, especially waiting for another job to come along"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 8th, 2003, 04:41:53 PM
s'Il shook her head, pouring herself a cup of the rice wine. "No; no bounty hunting for me." she took a sip, "I'm sorta the kind of person a bounty is put on."

She sat back, resting one hand around the cup, fingers absently tapping on the ceramic surface.

"I'm kind of a permanent wanderer now; no more jobs if I can help it. Most of my time is spent running or looking for places to hide. I don't have much time anymore to really have fun or relax, cause I'm always looking over my shoulder to make sure I can stay at least one step ahead..."

s'Il reached out her free hand to the letters, and tapped Millard's name...

"... of him."

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 11th, 2003, 10:21:16 PM
" Millard?!?! "

He stared, surprised.

"what did you do to earn a bounty from him? Look, you want to hang about here, feel free. Most of us aren't exactly in Millard's good books, not by a long shot"

Considering he and Xaz blew the frell out of his precious castle.....

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 12th, 2003, 09:40:10 AM
For a moment, she didn't know what to say, how to explain everything. Her eyes closed halfway, and she relaxed her body momentarily before leaning her elbows on the table.

"I hurt him," was all she said, staring at Strider.

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 19th, 2003, 03:17:38 AM
He stared back, not reading her by the Force, but off body language. He was good at it, it was a skill he thought more Jedi should have. They seemed to rely too much on the Force to do the basics. A clever person could glean much by reading the set of a body, how people palced themselves, their steps and even the way they breathed.

Even work out some things that the Force did not tell. The letters, he surmised were of rather insulting nature. S'ilancy was here to seek apology. Thence the hurt she described giving Milard was not like the castle bombing.

"Oh" he said quietly. "Ummm. Yeah. Well, feel free to make this place your home. Dexter is one of the best cooks on the planet"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Sep 16th, 2003, 09:45:14 AM
s'Il gave him a soft smile, then leaned back, her eyes still half-closed. "Thanks," she said quietly.

Her fingers rested gently around the cup, but she made no move to lift it to her lips as she kept her gaze on the man sitting across from her. It was kind of him, to offer her a home here, but she was a little unsure as to how the fact that she was a Lupine would be taken; it was easily apparent that she'd somehow garnered a sort of hatred from Xazor; though s'Il had no idea how that had happened.

"I'm not too sure though, how a Lupine would be recieved by some parties here, as they seem to rely on the force and use it quite often. I don't want to see another incident like what happened at the bar and grill on Arcan IV happen here."

Not a threat, but genuine concern, as she continued to stare at Strider.