View Full Version : First time out in a while

Marga Alton
Apr 20th, 2003, 04:56:55 PM
Marga had been preoccupied as of late, and hadn't been doing much of anything with anybody. Her thoughts were back at where she grew up. Her necklace, which she had not worn since leaving home, was around her neck. The Gem though was wrapped in a silk bag.

Glancing around the B&G upon entering, she pulls her cloak closer around herself as she makes her way to a side booth which is still empty since it is early in the evening still. Upon sitting a droid came over and asked what she wanted to drink or eat. Pulling out a datapad she types in that she would like a glass of plain water.

The droid reads this and walks off only to return shortly with the glass of water.

Her bright red hair is hidden under the hood of her cloak, her features hidden by the same hood. Knowing enough with the Force, she masks her identity as she just watches ppl moving around. She is only mildly hoping that somebody she knows will approach, but she is more hoping that it will be a stranger, one who does not know of her past or her problems. Soon, soon she will start her new life, but not yet. She can't yet. Not until she is at peace with her past.

Kyle Krogen
Apr 21st, 2003, 07:03:07 PM
Kyle walked through the door handing over his lightsaber to the guard and proceding the middle of the building

He looke around for anyone he knew, his eyes fell on a person he finks he knows

he walks over the Marga's table and taped her on the shoulder

"Marga is that you?" she looked up at him "its me Kyle Krogen, i havnt seen you around in a while."

Marga Alton
Apr 22nd, 2003, 07:59:55 AM
Marga looks up when Kyle taps her shoulder, a smile on her face.

Hello Kyle. Yes, it is me. .....I've been busy lately, haven't had much time for socializing with anybody. Please, have a seat and tell me what you have been up to lately.

Marga speaks through telepathy since that is how ppl here are used to her speaking.

Kyle Krogen
Apr 22nd, 2003, 02:42:28 PM
Kyle smile and sat down across from her

"i've been doing a lot of training by myself since i dont have a master, i also have been meeting a lot of new people."

Marga Alton
Apr 22nd, 2003, 03:05:26 PM
Marga nods her head slightly.

That is good to hear. Have you met anybody interesting lately?

Marga questions lightly. She's just wanting to get a brief run down on who's new around the Order since she has been keeping to herself for awhile now.

Kyle Krogen
Apr 23rd, 2003, 09:29:09 PM
"no not really i manly greet the newcomers, it helps them a lot when someone come and helps them out."\

Marga Alton
Apr 24th, 2003, 08:29:32 AM
Marga nods her head as she takes a sip of her water, which is different from what she used to order when she came here. That was some time ago, and now it looks like she is tired. Her eyes don't seem to be as bright as they used to be, almost as if she has been fighting something, but doesn't have any phyisical evidence of this fight.

Kyle Krogen
Apr 25th, 2003, 01:30:10 PM
Kyle waved over a service droid "i'd like a glass of fruit punch" the droid rolled away to get his order

he notice that Margo looked worn out "are you ok Marga, you dont look so good."

Marga Alton
Apr 27th, 2003, 08:20:44 AM
I'm just tired right now. I haven't been sleeping all that well because of a conflict that is going on. Nothing to worry about though.

Kyle Krogen
Apr 27th, 2003, 02:32:59 PM
"a conflict......what kind of conflict......maybe i can help you."

Marga Alton
Apr 28th, 2003, 08:22:51 AM
I'm just dealing with some past issues in my life right now. Trying to come to peace with myself.

Kyle Krogen
Apr 28th, 2003, 03:04:16 PM
the droid came back with Kyle's drink, he took a sip "can i do anything to help you?"

Marga Alton
Apr 29th, 2003, 07:59:56 AM
Marga shakes her head slightly.

No, not really, not unless you know the secret to going back in time and stopping things from happening.

Kyle Krogen
Apr 29th, 2003, 02:20:59 PM
"going back in time? i dont think thats ever been possible"

he was suprised at how Marga would need such a thing as going back in time.

Marga Alton
Apr 30th, 2003, 09:50:04 AM
Unfortunately. It would make things easier if I were able to go back in time and stop certain things from happening. That would make it so I don't have this internal conflict going on inside of me right now.

Marga takes a sip of her water and does a mental sigh.

Kyle Krogen
Apr 30th, 2003, 02:25:07 PM
"well it seems it is inpossible to go back in time, but since you cant what are you going to do?"

Marga Alton
Apr 30th, 2003, 03:43:33 PM
I don't know what I am going to do. Things just seem to be to much for me. I guess I'm just going to have to deal with my past quickly or it will ruin me for the rest of my life.

Kyle Krogen
May 1st, 2003, 01:57:12 PM
Kyle smile

"i think thats a good idea Marga."

Marga Alton
May 1st, 2003, 02:09:49 PM
But then again, it's alot easier to say that you are going to do something then it is to actually do it in most cases.

Kyle Krogen
May 1st, 2003, 04:25:45 PM
Kyle nodded his head "yes you are right."

Marga Alton
May 2nd, 2003, 09:19:18 AM
I sure wish that I knew what to do. It would make so many things easier if only I knew.

Marga takes a sip of her water and gets a thoughtful look on her face.

You know something. If my Father had have agreed to send me to a tower back home, none of these problems would be occuring.

Kyle Krogen
May 2nd, 2003, 12:54:53 PM
"a tower?" Kyle couldt grasp why someone whould be snent to a tower.

Marga Alton
May 3rd, 2003, 11:12:27 AM
A Tower is a place of learning on my homeworld. Only the Comyn are allowed there though. It is where we go to learn to use our gifts which have been given to us.

My family, the Alton Domain, is one of the ruling families, that makes us Comyn. There we would learn to work as a team to accomplish things that a single person would not be able to do, but with my not having the Alton gift, my Father refused to send me to a Tower. I only got partial training because of it so I am now trying to learn to do things which I would have learned in the Tower, but here, I will learn more then what would have been taught in a Tower.

Marga hopes her explaination will help Kyle understand.

Kyle Krogen
May 3rd, 2003, 01:06:31 PM
"ah, i think i understand, me i've never had any kind of teaching or school or anything, the only thing i've even learned was how to stay alive on the streets"

Kyle had a sad look in his eye's as he remembered those bad days when he was a street rat stealing and hiding from everyone but those days where behind him now.

Marga Alton
May 4th, 2003, 07:17:13 AM
I do not believe that Kyle. You are here with the GJO, you are learning to be a Jedi. You may not have had any formal teachings in a school, but that does not mean you haven't learned things other then how to survive.

Kyle Krogen
May 4th, 2003, 01:51:52 PM
"yes, i guess your right Marga"

he gace her a small grin.

Marga Alton
May 5th, 2003, 04:56:36 PM
Marga smiles slightly before taking a sip of her water again. She glances around the room before losing the smile on her face and sighs silently.

Why must things be so complicated?

Kyle Krogen
May 6th, 2003, 04:18:37 PM
"becuase thats just the nature of things"

he drained the rest of his drink.

Marga Alton
May 7th, 2003, 07:41:46 AM
True, if things where easy and not complicated, then things would get boring and we would have no excitement in our lives.

Kyle Krogen
May 7th, 2003, 12:41:42 PM
"and if we are bored and nothing happend all the time then nothing would happen and we would just be a lifeless people."

Marga Alton
May 8th, 2003, 07:47:03 AM
Marga nods her head in agreement.

That is all to true as well.

Kyle Krogen
May 8th, 2003, 07:22:24 PM
Kyle sad back in his seat thinking over the conversation they where having, he decided to change the subject

"so..... have you met any new people?"

Marga Alton
May 9th, 2003, 01:44:35 PM
Marga shakes her head.

Not recently, no. I've been trying to cope with my past recently so I haven't been out much.