View Full Version : Ninja Ninja!(open)
Kwiet Ideya
Apr 20th, 2003, 03:45:46 PM
Little Kwiet has changed a bit since coming under the care of the mommies and smelly daddies at Dex's Diner. He's grown up (a whole 3 inches!) and has been sharpening his skills at throwing things. He also put his Fuma uniform away for something he thinks looks a bit cooler; an orange jumpsuit, just like NR pilots wear! Despite this, the small space of the diner has sent his little mind wandering over his daddy for a while, and now he's absolutely convinced that he can be a NINJA. Just like his daddy, but the mommy says he can be a better ninja even than him. So the boy is here at Yog's, hiding in the rafters and sneaking about unnoticed by the patrons. So far he's speared several cheeseburgers dead center with his kunai throwing daggers, and even managed to sink a shuriken star into a little chunk of steak someone was about to eat. Now he sits up in the highest corner of Yog's, looking for a brand-new target to throw at, and being ninja-invisible.
Ruben Drail
Apr 21st, 2003, 12:25:42 PM
"Uhhhahhh… root beer, and a… club sandwich?"
The waitress nodded, finally accepting the order put in by the tall figure. IT wasn’t that what he was ordering was not available; it was simply that the small amount of credits he possessed wasn’t enough for even the barest minimum. None the less, he could still always afford a few smokes, and lit one upon whilst waiting for his food and drink to arrive.
Ruben took a drag, before lowering his hand down to the table. When he next brought the stick up to inhale from it, he found that it had gone out, and that there was a knife embedded in the floor just a few inches away from his table.
Kwiet Ideya
Apr 21st, 2003, 12:44:42 PM
Hee. Kwiet can throw good! He closely nicked the man's stick, putting it out without cutting very much from it at all! This, however, is a fluke. If he tries again, he'll fail the throw. The boy shoots his fist in victory and scrambles for a new vantage point, so that if the man tries to trace the dagger's path, he won't be seen.
Ruben Drail
Apr 21st, 2003, 12:47:35 PM
With his feet up on the table, it made it awkward for Ruben to look back over his shoulder to try and see who had just launched a knife at him – but he did, and couldn’t see anyone at all. Yawning loudly, albeit nervously, he scooped up the dagger by the hilt and dropped it down onto his table whilst relighting his cigarette and muttering:
"Crazy Jedi bastards..."
Kwiet Ideya
Apr 21st, 2003, 12:51:51 PM
The little boy frowns. That guy's got his dagger! He's gotta get it back, but he can't be seen either! Kwiet considers just stopping his ninja game and asking for it back, but his pride won't let him stop. He can't throw another blade, b'cuz then he'll hafta get that one back too. Hurriedly the boy looks about for something to use, but can't find anything nearby. He gets up and jumps to the next rafter, scrabbling up into the airvents to think without worrying about being caught.
Ruben Drail
Apr 21st, 2003, 12:56:27 PM
Looking down at the little blade, Ruben smirked. It looked outlandish, like something from the outer rim that fancy assassins would use … when they were training, and before they were allowed to use the real back-stabbers. Spinning it between two fingers in his free hands, with the tip against the top of the table, the blade itself virtually disappeared when view from the side, it was so thin. By tilting his head back, Ruben blew a long plume of smoke up into the air, right into the rafters.
… It sounded like the bar had rats in the roof. Big ones too. Something big sounding was scurrying about above.
Kwiet Ideya
Apr 21st, 2003, 01:04:07 PM
The boy suppresses a cough as the smoke wafts into the air duct. He can peek down at Ruben through the grate in the ceiling, and it looks like things are worse for the boy. Now he's holding Kwiet's kunai dagger! The boy tries to think of how he can do it...if only the guy would put it down...
Ruben Drail
Apr 21st, 2003, 01:19:51 PM
Now it sounded like the rats were coughing. Either Ruben was imagining things, or they definetly weren't rats. He let the dagger slide down onto the table, as he peered upwards still trying to work out what was scurrying about overhead.
Kwiet Ideya
Apr 21st, 2003, 01:27:14 PM
The waitress comes back with his order just as Kwiet shifts, feeling something poke him in his pocket. He pulls out a little magnet he stole from a refridgerating unit back at Dex's. Lucky! Kwiet empties his pockets as an idea occurs to him, looking for...for...there! The apron string that Dex gave to him! He quickly ties it to the magnet and begins to slide it through the grate...he just has to attract Ruben's attention away while he snags the blade. He tosses another blade down the shaft, handle first. the ringing sound is deafening in his ears, and draws the attention of several patrons. Look that way!
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 21st, 2003, 01:31:23 PM
[ argh wrong account ]
Ruben Drail
Apr 21st, 2003, 01:32:07 PM
Ruben had dug right on into his sandwich and found himself almost choking as a sudden loud clatter (he swore it was gunfire, at first) caused him to jump. He gripped at his throat, trying not to cough up half a slice of bread as he looked about to try and see what was going on - not noticing, out of the corner of his eye, the fishing line and magnet trick that was going on with the first dagger.
Kwiet Ideya
Apr 21st, 2003, 01:37:05 PM
The guy starts to choke, giving the boy an audible cue to lower his line. The magnet catches on the tip of the blade, slipping a bit as he reels it in. It reaches the grate without mishap, but the boy finds himself in something of a predicament. It won't come through the grate!
Ruben Drail
Apr 21st, 2003, 01:43:55 PM
With the commotion over the sudden bang over, Ruben looked back down to his drink and was about to wash down his coughing with the root beer when he noticed the knife was gone. Quickly looking upwards, he saw it dangling from the ceiling! Those monster rats were at it again!
Springing to his feet, and clambering his way up onto the table he sat at - much to the displeasure and sometimes amusement of those around him - Ruben jumped up to try and knock away the roof tile (he was so tall that he was almost able to reach it without jumping), though guards quickly rushed over to drag him down back to his seat.
Kwiet Ideya
Apr 21st, 2003, 01:52:55 PM
The knife slips further from the magnet's grasp, and little fingers slip between the grates to take the tip and pull it through. In the shaft, Kwiet blinks back his tears and sucks the small cut on his finger, trying to make the pain go away. His ceiling tile bumps a few times before ceasing as the guards pull Ruben down, but the tall man has hit it enough to dislodge it. Kwiet sprawls onto the floor of the Bar and Grill, slightly dazed from the fall.
Ruben Drail
Apr 21st, 2003, 01:58:23 PM
Just as Ruben was being forced down into his chair, a small child landed with a thud on the ground in front of him. With the kid came the knife, which was attached to a magnet, which was in turn tied to a piece of string held within the little boys hand.
It looked, for a moment, as though Ruben would shout - though instead he just burst out laughing.
Kwiet Ideya
Apr 21st, 2003, 02:01:54 PM
Kwiet sits up past the stinging soreness in his back, hands, and legs, rubbing the thundering beat of a headache from his noggin. He sniffles, eyes shut tight to suppress tears, and bites his lip to keep from crying aloud. Looking up, he sees the disapproving glower of the guards, setting his chin quivering. He got caught, and now he's in big trouble.
Ruben Drail
Apr 21st, 2003, 02:06:23 PM
"Guys, guys..."
Ruben held up his hands a guard made his way for the kid.
"Leave the kid be. He was just messing around."
He snatched up the knife quickly and pocketed it.
"Should've never given you that thing to play with, Jimmy, eh?"
Ruben shook his head and eventually, not very convinced, the guards wandered off.
Kwiet Ideya
Apr 21st, 2003, 02:10:13 PM
"M-m'name's Kwiet!" protests the boy.
He pronounces his name with exaggerated clarity; Kweet is its proper form, rather than the common misinterpretation of "quiet".
Ruben Drail
Apr 21st, 2003, 02:14:47 PM
With the guards out of ears range, Ruben shook his head.
"I don't care what your name is, kid. Just be thankful that those guards aren't hauling your <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> off into the brig right now, and that's all thanks to me."
Finally able to take another swig of his drink, the man cleared his throat.
"You want to tell me why you were hurling knives at me?"
Kwiet Ideya
Apr 21st, 2003, 02:18:03 PM
"Is mine! M'daddy taught me to throw good, and he gave me kunai daggers and shuriken stars and he usedta make me practice ev'ryday! He said I should practice on stuff that don't move much at first, an' THEN he said to throw at smaller stuff and things that move! I been throwin' at cheeseburgers and stuff and then threw at your smokin' stick and hit it! Then you went and stoled m'knife!"
The boy's face is red and hot with his anger and indignation.
"Gimme it back!"
Ruben Drail
Apr 21st, 2003, 02:19:58 PM
"Your dad taught you how to throw dangerous weapons, huh?"
Ruben pulled the dagger out of his jacket pocket and looked at it warily.
"You should be more careful with these things, you know... and throwing them at people is probably not a good idea. So, you can have it back, if you promise that you wont bean anymore ninja crap at me, k?"
Kwiet Ideya
Apr 21st, 2003, 02:23:40 PM
Kwiet takes it back and puts it in the correct pouch on his belt, then scrambles up onto the table.
"M'dad's the bestest stuff thrower in the world. He gots a big red scarf, and he's half-metal! Is rilly neato! I haven't seen 'im ina while tho, b'cuz the mommy came and got me and took me to th' other restaraunt! There's lotsa mommies and a big smelly four-armed daddy! They gave me targets, but they dun move none! So I came back here!"
Ruben Drail
Apr 21st, 2003, 02:26:44 PM
"I see ... You should cut back on the sugar too."
Ruben took a puff from his cigarette.
"... Lotsa mommies and four-armed daddy, eh... sounds like you'll get a good upbringing. At least, I would think that, if it weren't for those ... ninja thing."
Kwiet Ideya
Apr 21st, 2003, 02:31:51 PM
Kwiet hasn't had any sugar yet. He has to wait until after dinner first, and no one's around to get him anything. He'll hafta go back to the four-armed daddy's restaurant, but he doesn't feel like it. From his sitting position he lets his body flop forward, affecting a lying position without moving his legs. He props his head up on his hands, little elbows resting on the tabletop between his feet.
"Uh huh! Is mostly the daddy tho. All the mommies are really really really REEAAAALLY busy!"
Ruben Drail
Apr 22nd, 2003, 04:05:57 AM
Shifting his plate and glass out of the boys way with the back of his hand to make sure that the kid doesn't knock them off the table, Ruben nods as though he knows what Kwiet is talking about.
"Right... so how come you have so many mommies? and how come they don't mind that you're self teaching yourself to be a ninja?"
An idea struck Ruben of why he would live with multiple women and a smelly old man, but he was sure there weren't any brothels that cared for little ninja tykes.
Kwiet Ideya
Apr 22nd, 2003, 06:49:48 AM
"B'cuz when the mommy took me home with her, there was other mommies, and then there was the four-armed daddy an' these two really smelly daddies!"
In Kwiet's orphaned mind, all men are labeled "daddies", and all women are labeled "mommies", usually with another adjective or noun to distinguish one from the other.
"They dun mind it b'cuz I haven't hurt n'body!"
Dex is usually the one in charge of the little scamp, and Dex could honestly care less about what the boy does, so long as he doesn't scare the customers away.
Ruben Drail
Apr 22nd, 2003, 07:10:43 AM
"So ah, what do your mommies and daddies do then? They aren't ninjas as well, I'm guessing."
Apr 22nd, 2003, 07:17:27 AM
Hadn't he seen that little one somewhere else?
Vash shrugged mentally. His memory wasn't the best some days. He just went back to taking orders.
Kwiet Ideya
Apr 22nd, 2003, 10:28:06 AM
"Nuh uh! They--"
Kwiet pauses, as he's unsure of just exactly what it is they do. The boy sits back up and fidgets, trying to think, as he doesn't wanna look like he may not know.
"Um...the big four armed daddy cooks lotsa stuff!"
There! Maybe he'll forget about all the rest of 'em...oh, wait!
"An-an that guy! He comes in and eats DONUTS!"
This is said with a pointing/waving gesture at Vash.
Ruben Drail
Apr 22nd, 2003, 10:40:59 AM
Ruben looked over at the guy with the mile-high hair and squinted.
"Hey... you know this kid?"
Apr 23rd, 2003, 05:54:05 AM
"uuummmm... Nani?"
Vash glanced at the kid puzzled before it clicked. Yeah, he HAD seen the kid before.
"Oh yeah, I have seen him before. In a bar not too far from here called Dexter's. I think someone looks after him there. Best donuts in the galaxy there!" finished Vash, giving a thumb's up.
Kwiet Ideya
Apr 24th, 2003, 06:52:14 AM
Kwiet nods vigorously, like a wet dog shaking itself dry.
"Uh huh! Uh huh!"
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