View Full Version : A Padawan Tournament, perhaps?

Pierce Tondry
Apr 18th, 2003, 02:57:50 PM
I'm under the impression that we have a lot of Padawans that have some training under their belt, but aren't yet Knights. Perhaps a little tournament of Padawans would be a fun thing to do? No one would really get anything or have any titles, it would just be like a series of exhibition spars designed to allow Padawans to stretch their fighting skills.

Just thought it might be interesting.

Apr 18th, 2003, 03:22:00 PM
ROCK. We could have the Knights/Masters be referees. This'd be a good chance to teach 'em all how to properly RP a fight (i.e., what powers are beyond the scope of a Padawan's skill, how not to RP the opponent's actions, etc). I like it.

Xazor Elessar
Apr 18th, 2003, 04:25:30 PM
Ooooooo, a very good idea this is indeed. :D

I agree with you Zeke -- this could be not only an IC lesson, but OOC as well. They'll be subjected to many others and possibly come to RP with people they never had before. It may also bring them out of their comfort zones so that they are getting to know others and are RPing with more than just the same old people. Interaction among the Padawans is a crucial part of their training, IMO. Learning comradery, companionship, and even compassion to others can all be learned during such a thing.

Many great things could surface from this. I'm willing to help out with whatever needs to be done. :)

James Prent
Apr 18th, 2003, 07:13:36 PM
..someone needs to teach me how to fight. :cry

Apr 18th, 2003, 08:20:53 PM
This si a good idea...:)

Rognan Dar
Apr 18th, 2003, 11:43:59 PM
As a fellow padawan is.....*quotes Zeke* ROCK(S) I would love to learn how to fight better, or at lest RP it, since Rog sucks at fighting....

Syrius Cline
Apr 18th, 2003, 11:52:20 PM
I'm for it. :) Syrius would do well to get his ass handed to him again... :D

Sejah Haversh
Apr 19th, 2003, 02:06:30 AM
It would be fun. I think myself to be rather competent with a saber, and I can also threaten to blow stuff up with my mind, too!

The repair bill Sejah has racked up ought tobe enough proof of just how accidentally destructive he can be...

Destiny Stormrider
Apr 19th, 2003, 11:23:02 AM
But the Padawans are all at a different level, some might not even know how to handle a lightsaber. How would you handle that?

Apr 19th, 2003, 11:26:12 AM
Teach 'em to use a saber. Give 'em the basics. Just b'cuz one Padawan has learned more than another doesn't mean the one with less experience can't win. Use your noodle.

Destiny Stormrider
Apr 19th, 2003, 12:27:30 PM
Hey! :( Ok, think outside of the box, alright! It's just that some Padawans have been here for a longer time than others. Never mind though.

Xazor Elessar
Apr 19th, 2003, 01:04:48 PM
Destiny, I don't think that Zeke meant that in an insulting manner -- but he's right, it doesn't take much for someone to learn how to handle a saber.

I was thinking that IC we could put Padawans into different groups, separating them by their level of experience and such. We can't really say, "Okay, you've been here for four months, so you're in this group and the newest Padawan who's been here a month is in this group." That would not be fair because I know some masters work on different time scales than others. I progress my Padawans a lot slower than others -- and a lot slower than I used to. Marcus is the same way, but ya know, someone else may work with their student every day and may have them using a saber in a month. It all depends really, and there is no right or wrong way to go about it, IMO.

So Des, you'd be put into the group that is right for you, if this works out and my idea goes through. I agree with you, it wouldn't be fair to put you up against someone like Sejah. We can work around these things okay guys? Don't let this great idea slip away because of little arguments. Really, if we all work together on this I think it could turn out great! :)

Destiny Stormrider
Apr 19th, 2003, 04:56:11 PM
(It wasn't mean to be an argument, it was just an opinion/question. Sorry if it sounded like that! ^_^; And I didn't take Zeke's comment in an insulting way either :) )

Besides, I'm not as confused anymore, thanks Xaz! :D You cleared up a lot of things.

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 19th, 2003, 05:09:51 PM
Well, groups are a good idea but we have to see how many are interested :) Otherwise there might be a group of two :lol

I think we need to poll who wants to do this and who is willing to commit to the tournament. Then we can set up brackets randomly for groups, if there are enough people, and pick people who will be fair to judge the contest

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 19th, 2003, 11:41:57 PM
To be convinced this is a good idea I will need to be. I'm not sure a tormament for Padawans is the right thing to do as per Jedi stuff... and... thought... and...

Yeah. Dont mind me. I'm still mentally within th econference I was at, seeing all sorts of cool healing stuff and ... yeah.

Hi there. what was I thinking about again?

Pierce Tondry
Apr 20th, 2003, 12:35:29 AM
You were thinking about how preparatory spars for upcoming young Padawans were a good thing, Ranger-Boy.

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 20th, 2003, 12:50:15 AM
I was? No, I was thinking about something Helen said this weekend, which was also our 6th wedding anniversry.

Tornament = no

Exhibition spars = yes. A pickign out of the hat thingie prehaps might prove to be useful. And comments given by various fight masters for tips and stuff.

Was that coherent?

Sage Hazzard
Apr 20th, 2003, 02:19:04 AM
That sounds alright. I agree that a tournament isn't very "jedi". Or atleast in the way many people think the Jedi should act, including some Padawans who RP here. But a tournament would still be cool. :D

On Destiny's point, and others who contributed to her point: Syrius doesn't believe in weapons, lethal ones like guns or lightsabres, as he's from Alderaan and it's just his phylosophy. Eventually he'll think of a Light Sabre as an exceptable weapon, like he thinks of a stick or chain as acceptable. But he'd get creamed if he was handed a sabre. But I'm willing to do whatever. One of that character's best strong points is his resourcefullness. He can win in any situation, if he's thinking straight. So I'd be cool with being paired with more experienced Padawans, I'd take it as a challenge. :D

Loki Ahmrah
Apr 21st, 2003, 09:34:06 PM
Interested. :)

Ka' el Darcverse
Apr 21st, 2003, 09:45:32 PM
Count me in

James Prent
Apr 21st, 2003, 10:48:13 PM
me too.... James has to fight!

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 21st, 2003, 11:42:40 PM
First prize will be a trip to Naboo all expenses paid.

Second prize will be a sparring session with Helenias. That should spice things up

Sejah Haversh
Apr 21st, 2003, 11:51:49 PM
Wow! I could win a sparring session with my own master!

That's it, I am all over second place now!

Sage Hazzard
Apr 22nd, 2003, 12:45:03 AM
Dang, I like that. I know firsthand Helenias can whoop butt. To get Syrius in a spar with her would really teach him a lot. Shouldn't we have a third prize? You know, it's usually Gold, Silver, Bronze, and so on. Maybe a full expense paid dinner for you and five of your friends at the Bar and Grill?

James Prent
Apr 22nd, 2003, 01:03:55 AM
Why can't I just set up a spar with her anyway? ;)


Marcus Telcontar
Apr 22nd, 2003, 01:09:29 AM
Ummm. it was a joke Sage. I would have thought the last thing a Padawan would want is an ass kicking from the Bitch Herself. But now I think of it, A Padawan probably would want to learn from her.

Estelle Russard
Apr 22nd, 2003, 01:16:44 AM
Back to Destiny's point - Its my understanding that handling a lightsaber is very difficult and is why only Jedi (and the bad sithies) are able to do it.

Just think this should factor in. Its not like a baseball bat where any idiot can pick one up and belt someones head in.

Syrius Cline
Apr 22nd, 2003, 02:00:49 AM
Yeah, she dishes out some butt kicking, but us Padawans do look for that. A butt kicking from a trained Jedi is highly informative. You can look at that style and learn from it, or learn from the many, many mistakes you're bound to make in such a battle. Much better than sparring other Padawans in fact. :)

Good point, Estelle. A Lightsabre is a weapon where a flub in practice can mean limbs going bye-bye. One of the other reasons Syrius won't be touching one too soon. In fact, if he's handed a Lightsabre, he'll probably just toss it aside and try to dodge the other guy's/gal's sabre. :lol

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 22nd, 2003, 03:21:23 PM
that is why I use force field like sabres as practice weapons in my first teachings of how to use the weapon. Otherwise, I don't mind using them with advanced students.

Besides, one needs to learn how to build a sabre first before they can weild it :mneh

Apr 22nd, 2003, 07:18:31 PM
One way to do it would be that when the Padawan signs up, they get one weapon of choice to use...not the real thing of course, but a sort of mock-up of whatever weapon. So if the Padawan wanted a saber, they could use a sparring-version, like Nav mentioned. Or if they wanna use a blaster, use one that shoots training darts or something.

Loki Ahmrah
Apr 22nd, 2003, 07:52:14 PM
I think it would be just lightsabers Zeke and personally I'd rather have it that way.

Apr 22nd, 2003, 07:54:23 PM
Well, like Sage said, not all the Padawans have the skill/training/weapon to use for saber duels. There'd hafta be some mass-saber training before these exhibitions could happen.

Sage Hazzard
Apr 23rd, 2003, 10:48:42 PM
Well I don't think many Padawans will choose a blaster anyway. Especially since the other guy/gal could send the bolt/whatever right back at them. :)

But I think maybe a non-lightsabre option might be nice. Though I actually thing fighting an unexperienced swordsman with bare hands is an advantage. Bruce Li himself said that fighting a guy with a bat, knife, or other melee weapon is no biggie. Because that person relies on the weapon as the weapon. People without a weapon are forced to use all their natural weapons, hands, knees, feet, elbows, everything. Of course, against a pro, you'd get killed. But I actually look forward to fighting with Syrius and fighting a lightsabre weilder. Might suprise some people. :)

Pierce Tondry
Apr 24th, 2003, 10:40:24 AM
In a way, you could consider the exhibitions themselves training... if you wanted...

So we're all agreed this is something to go ahead on, then?

Anyone want to help arrange it? I have exams coming up very very soon, which is why I can't take full responsibility. But I'd love to help organize and participate myself.

Syrius Cline
Apr 24th, 2003, 11:01:50 AM
I can help, if you'd let me. I'd be doing it as Sage IC, of course. In fact, he thinks of fighting as a Jedi responsibility, so he'd be all for it. :)

What exactly are you planning in terms of organization? Do we just take names, seperate them into pairs, then have them go at it. Then make new match-ups as people beat people, etc.? That's about it, isn't it?

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 24th, 2003, 01:40:32 PM
Need to get a list of all wanting to be a part of this. Then break them down into pairs and etc and so forth as the tournement progress ... ahem (training progresses :p)

There will only be hand to hand and practice sabres used.... Knights and Masters should volunteer for judging.

sound all right?

Wei Wu Wei
Apr 25th, 2003, 10:02:14 AM
Oh, now I can finally find a way to help with this. I would like to be one of the judges.

Question: Are all of these tournament fights going to happen at once, or will it be one at a time?

Example: 1st round fights would be
James Prent vs. Pierce Tondry
Hadrian Invicta vs Syrius Cline

Would these fights be happening simultaneously, or would they go one at a time?

Apr 25th, 2003, 11:18:43 AM
One at a time would be best, I think. Save us from having to judge a ton of fighting all at once, and we wouldn't have to clutter things with lots of threads or lots of fights in one thread.

Wei Wu Wei
Apr 25th, 2003, 11:49:29 AM
Well, I thought it might be helpful to do all the fights at one level at once, then the second level fights all at once, etc, etc. I figured we could label the threads in the following way:

Round 1: ________ vs ___________

In which the names two Padawans facing off would fill in the blanks.

Sage Hazzard
Apr 25th, 2003, 09:21:40 PM
I like your idea better Wei. Because I have the feeling a lot of Padawans will be joining up in this. So doing it one at a time could take centuries. Level by level I think would be best. :)

Should a new thread be made for Padawan applications? Seeing as how this was a "should we" thread instead of a "who should". Keep it organized and seperate from this, a discussion thread. :)

P.S.: By the by, I'd love to judge but I'm disqualifying myself. Seeing as how I'll have a Padawan character perticipating, I'd be bias.

Wei Wu Wei
Apr 25th, 2003, 09:50:01 PM
If Neyasha participates, then I will not judge her fights, for the reasons Sage mentioned above. It'd be bias for me to judge Neyasha's fights.

Kelt Simoson
Apr 25th, 2003, 10:01:04 PM
I think the judge should be somone completely unbiased towards anyone in the Tourney what-so-ever. However finding that person would be pretty hard.

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 25th, 2003, 10:41:01 PM
Just have them judge fights that they have no bias opinions about... cause I doubt that there will be a single knight or master that has a unbias looks at ALL the padawans...

Apr 25th, 2003, 10:56:39 PM
Neyasha most likely will not be entering, even though she was Geniticaly Enhanced from the age of two to the age of ten, to be a expert fighter...But she has no Lightsaber, no training with a Lightsaber, and her muscles rip themself apart when ever she trys to touch the force, due the that alterations that were done to her body as a child.....

So I dont think you will have to worry about judging any fights with me in it....ok Wei?....Neyasha is just not ready for it.

Syrius Cline
Apr 26th, 2003, 12:37:14 AM
Yeah, I could just judge unbiased fights. But aren't we thinking of three judges to review each and every fight? Also, I have some friends who are Padawans too. And, even though I probably have better morals then that, what if I picked a person who I thought was in fact worse than the other person so that I could face a lesser opponent in the later rounds? Even if my greed wasn't that out of whack a Padawan could think that's what I'm doing. Better this way.

Well, there are some Knights and Masters who don't have Padawan characters and/or are mature enough to judge fairly against friends. Just have to make sure they're wise enough to judge fairly and unbiased. I know a few who'd be good, but I don't want to put them on the spot. :)

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 26th, 2003, 07:33:39 AM
Originally posted by Marcus Elessar

Tornament = no

Exhibition spars = yes. A pickign out of the hat thingie prehaps might prove to be useful. And comments given by various fight masters for tips and stuff.

Was that coherent?

You really have no idea how difficult a tornament is to organise and work, right? I do. I'm advising you for your own sanity, NO TORNAMENT. Exhbition spars, yes. You really dont want more, trust me on that.

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 26th, 2003, 07:45:13 AM
I'm with Marcus on this one.

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 26th, 2003, 09:58:55 PM
considering that the judging will be ridiculously hard, exhibition sparring before high ranking jedi and or the council might be a good idea....

Sage Hazzard
Apr 27th, 2003, 01:40:06 AM
Hmm... Okay. :) I like the idea of battling in front of all the Jedi Council and them yelling out tips... Though that's probably not exactly what Marcus has in mind. :lol

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 27th, 2003, 02:38:40 AM
Originally posted by Sage Hazzard
Hmm... Okay. :) I like the idea of battling in front of all the Jedi Council and them yelling out tips... Though that's probably not exactly what Marcus has in mind. :lol

That's excatly what I had in mind

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Apr 27th, 2003, 03:35:13 AM
I would love to be in on this, except that once the fight moves into more Force related powers, Sejah would get his butt whooped.

And, it would be unfair for me to use J'ktal in it because he's a better fighter than Sejah, but I've not had time enough here to warrant that.

Pierce Tondry
Apr 27th, 2003, 08:43:20 AM
Sej: That's kinda the point of having Padawans in there. Disparities in Force power skills are reduced. Although admittedly Pierce is starting to become a pretty juiced Padawan and would be much more difficult to defeat than the average new recruit.

Now that we've decided on the format (single pair spars in front of higher-ranked Jedi) let's get this started and not talk it to death.

First thing is to get a list of interested participants, no? Shall a new thread be started?

Edit: Here's an fun idea. After the interested people 'sign up', then we could have a random person assign them to fights, keeping the knowledge of who will be fighting who secret until both players actually post in the thread where they will fight. That will make it difficult to prepare against a particular opponent.

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 27th, 2003, 09:36:55 AM
Edit: Here's an fun idea. After the interested people 'sign up', then we could have a random person assign them to fights, keeping the knowledge of who will be fighting who secret until both players actually post in the thread where they will fight. That will make it difficult to prepare against a particular opponent.

I like :D

Loki Ahmrah
Apr 27th, 2003, 11:39:02 AM
Hurry! Hurry! :D

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 27th, 2003, 05:23:50 PM
Edit: Here's an fun idea. After the interested people 'sign up', then we could have a random person assign them to fights, keeping the knowledge of who will be fighting who secret until both players actually post in the thread where they will fight. That will make it difficult to prepare against a particular opponent

Get to it then, that's a great idea

Sage Hazzard
Apr 28th, 2003, 12:40:25 AM
Cool! I love the idea of council members yelling at Syrius to "use the friggin' force for pete's sake!" and him yelling back "Don't know how old timer!" Hehehehehe.

Estelle Russard
Apr 28th, 2003, 01:37:55 PM
Originally posted by Navaria Tarkin
that is why I use force field like sabres as practice weapons in my first teachings of how to use the weapon. Otherwise, I don't mind using them with advanced students.

Besides, one needs to learn how to build a sabre first before they can weild it :mneh

I actually nicked that idea from you Nav in my training threads - using light beam sabers in training instead of the real deal. Good call :)

Rognan Dar
Apr 28th, 2003, 03:58:59 PM
But my lightsaber was given to me. So, this wouldn't really apply to me... But I still plan on making one. Just haven't gotten around to it.