View Full Version : Chaos Unleased II: TSO Training Mission (open to all)

Maxim Vasilijev
Apr 18th, 2003, 01:34:09 PM
The whole flight over he had done nothing but study the maps of Coruscant. This was, for anyone who knew Maxim, somewhat out of character. Up until this point in his life he had relied on his athletic abilities to get by. School work he seldom did, because his grades would be passing enough to let him keep playing – the coaches would be sure of it. And he didn’t care all that much for studying, anyway.

But this behavior – actually studying something – doing the work himself and preparing, planning….well, it showed a move in the right direction. The influence of Lady Vader’s careful watch over him and his determination to move up in the ranks of the Sith Order.

When he’d been given the assignment – the opportunity to actually lead an attack – he hadn’t questioned it. He had jumped on it and he was for once doing his homework. He was studying. And this grade would be one that he finally deserved.

It was a mission of chaos. Dyzm was requiring that all utilities useful to the jedi be taken out. Targets were water towers and reserves, power utilities, transportation facilities….anything that would cause a lack of control and complete and utter chaos.

And he was given the job of making the first attack. He wanted it to be one with a signature. One that would very clearly demonstrate the power of the dark side. And with that in mind, he had chosen to go for the power supply – to leave the city in literal darkness. And then the other attacks would begin.

With him was Rast, his chosen partner for the mission. They had worked well together in the last one, an attack on a Coruscant museum. And now they were once again partners in crime on the attack on the power supply. There were a few others on the ship, there for the later attacks, or possibly to join in with Maxim as he led the first crusade.

And when the ship set down, Maxim turned to Rast and another, Zereth, that sat near Rast, a wicked gleam of anticipation in his eyes.

“You ready for this?” He asked as he reached for one of the grappling guns he’d chosen to bring along.

Darth Uhlen
Apr 18th, 2003, 03:54:57 PM
As the craft set down, Uhlen stood from where he had been worshiping the idle of Yun Yuuhzan and walked over towards Maxim. He bowed and adressed him.

"My master has placed you in charge of this mission; I take orders from you and you alone, what are my orders?"

Uhlen's hand rested on the pomel of his light/amphistaff, waiting to strike.

Apr 18th, 2003, 04:08:29 PM
They're out for a power plant, and Rast's got everything he needs for the raid. He has a number of blasters, each suited to a different purpose, and all with silencers. He's also got several little explosives on him, and a backpack with who knows what...

"I'm ready. Tell dude what he's supposed to do so we can get to it."

Zereth Lancer
Apr 18th, 2003, 10:47:12 PM
Zereth grined as he checked his sniper rifle to make sure it was in pervect contionin, he also had two blaster pistols a couple of thermal detonators and a couple throwing knifes

He looked at Maxim as he walked past him and Rast "I'm ready."

Apr 19th, 2003, 09:12:06 AM
Southstar sat in his seat occasionally watching Uhlen pray to his gods. To be a subject of the Force as well as worship the gods of the Yuuzhan Vong... not nessecarily wrong, just interesting, thats all. The ship was setting down now, everyone was asking for orders. To Southstar's knowledge the only set partners were Rast and Maxim. "Uhlen! You have a partner yet?" He called to the warrior.

Oolana Taine
Apr 19th, 2003, 02:06:23 PM
Oolana walked up behind Zareth and over to Maxim and Rast, blaster in hand and a small pack of other goodies on her shoulder.

"Me too, but I need a partner. Got anyone yet?" She asked looking at Zareth.

Zereth Lancer
Apr 19th, 2003, 02:17:29 PM
Zereth look up at Oolana "no I don't have a partner yet"

he pulled out a knife and tested it with his finger, it was very sharp he grined as his finger started to bleed.

Darth Uhlen
Apr 19th, 2003, 04:46:14 PM
Uhlen glanced down the seats towards the speaker, Southstar. He bowed slightly to the man.

"Together, our power shall be great."

Uhlen turned back towards Maxim, awaiting his and Southstar's orders. He did not know how much longer his blood lust would let him wait.

Apr 20th, 2003, 11:39:55 PM
Southstar nodded his head, "You are right." Southstar then looked to Maxim, "What's the plan boss?"

OOC: Hey, sorry to do this but I'm going away until Friday. I'll do my best to keep up with this thread while I'm away. Thanks.

Oolana Taine
Apr 22nd, 2003, 09:31:28 PM
Oolana rolled her eyes at Zareth and his knife, but laughed as well. Anyone hungry enough for blood to spill his own would make for an interesting partner.

"Alright then Zareth, you wanna be mine?"

Maxim Vasilijev
Apr 23rd, 2003, 11:37:16 AM
He looked at the five others on the ship with him. Everyone seemed to be itching to begin, just as he was.

With three groups of two, the attack would be a piece of cake. Hopefully. Or perhaps not – a little conflict and jedi blood was never a bad thing.

There is no peace, there is anger.
There is no fear, there is power.
There is no death, there is immortality.
There is no weakness, there is the Dark Side.

I am the Heart of Darkness.
I know no fear,
But rather I instill it in my enemies.
I am the destoyer of worlds.
I know the power of the Dark Side.
I am the fire of hate.
All the Universe bows before me.
I pledge myself to the Darkness.
For I have found true life,
In the death of the light.

This he muttered beneath his breath, the code of the Sith, as he prepared for battle. As if to get himself psyched to leave the city of Coruscant in complete and utter darkness. He could hear some of the others as they too began to recite it, becoming one in their mission of darkness.

And then he looked to his comrades.

“The target is a power plant. It’s located on the eastern side of the city just on the border of the city limits. Its the main supply of power to city and is backed up by a generator. The generator lies northwest of the plant itself and is triggered by lower levels of power from the plant.”

He handed around the holopad of the layout.

“We’re going to have to time the strikes within seconds of each other because the destruction of either will set off alarms and alert them of our presence. The generator is housed in a well guarded complex. It must not only be disabled, but destroyed. If you can find the main reactor, you’ll be able to take out the entire complex. It’s the same for the power plant – though the plant is a bit larger and there are two reactors – one is a backup if the first goes down. Once one goes down, they begin to pull from the generator to compensate and alarms are sounded in warning. Any alarm will tip them off that something is wrong, and the mission will be in danger. The mission isn’t successful unless the city is left in complete darkness. Darkness that hardly begins to give true meaning to what later attacks will bring.”

He turned to Uhlen and Southstar.

“Why don’t you two handle the generator.” He suggested, “And Oolana and Zereth will help Rast and I with the power plant itself.”

He lifted his wrist.

“Synchronize your watches…” He suggested, as he gave the time to set it by, and the time for destruction.

“We’ll meet back here amongst the chaos of the city and await further orders for the second attack.”

He looked to everyone as if to be sure they were with him.

“Any questions?”

Zereth Lancer
Apr 23rd, 2003, 04:27:20 PM
Zereth nodded to Oolana "yes" his voice was cold as he put his knife away in his black cloak"

he listened to Maxim's instructins as carefully as he could, he set his watch as Maxim had instructed

"I have a question....what do we do if the alarm is triped."

Darth Uhlen
Apr 23rd, 2003, 09:29:14 PM
Uhlen's eyes were beginning to film over red as they usually did before his lust overtook him, he nodded to Maxim and turned to Southstar.

"The generator.....shall.........be........destroyed!"

Maxim Vasilijev
Apr 24th, 2003, 03:00:49 PM
Maxim looked to Zereth.

"I dont know about you, but I dont want to be the one to tell Lord Dyzm we screwed up. So dont trip it."

He sighed.

"But if you do...." He smirked slightly.

"I'd complete the mission or die trying. Im willing to bet it would be a kinder fate than what Dyzm would have in mind." He added grimly.

Apr 25th, 2003, 10:16:51 AM
"So there it is," Rast says. "Be sneaky li'l bastards, kill the generators, and if you should be so unfortunate as to trip an alarm, keep on like it ain't there. Complete the mission no matter what."

Rast has been working on explosive charges to destroy the plant. He gives two to each group.

"Don't worry about them exploding on you. They're set with timers. Hit the button, it starts counting down. Of course if someone shoots them while you're carrying them, they'll blow up and take you and everything else in the place with 'em, so it shouldn't matter much either way. Everyone should have the bombs placed by the times Maxim specified. At that time, hit the switch, and you've got seven minutes to get the hell out. Shouldn't be too much of a problem. So now if everyone understands...let's go."

Apr 26th, 2003, 11:08:56 PM
Although he had a variety and large quantity of his own, Southstar took the explosives from Rast and filled two pockets with them. He turned to Maxim, "Where is the ship dropping us off? It can't be too close to the plants or else the guards will know we're there before we are." On top of mission security reasons, Southstar didn't want to have to waste time making his way across the city to the back up generator. It would put too much time between him and Uhlen and the rest of the team.

Darth Uhlen
Apr 27th, 2003, 01:41:31 PM
Uhlen had the solution to this problem, he took something from his pocket and barked Yuuhzan Vong into it. Shorty afterwards a small stealth coral craft had landed right next to the ship they were in. Uhlen walked down the ramp and stroked the side of his ship, a small crack formed in the vessel's sleak hull and soon there was a fleshy ramp/ladder which had emerged as a way to gain access to the ship. Uhlen boarded and waited for Southstar to follow.

"We will destroy this generator!"

Maxim Vasilijev
Apr 29th, 2003, 07:45:06 AM
Maxim gave a long look at his two comrades who would be leaving in the smaller craftt hat had just arrived.

"See you in a few hours..." He stated, watching as the two left, and then he turned to Xau, Rast and Oolana.

"You guys ready...?" The apprentice asked as he reached for one of the explosives himself, and securing it in the place that seemed least likely to take a blaster shot, he moved towards the exit ramp.

"We're going on foot through the woods."

Apr 29th, 2003, 05:31:36 PM
Southstar boarded the living craft following Uhlen. Onboard he asked, "How long do you think it's going to take to get there?...I hope it isn't long, I'm anxious to spill some blood."

Darth Uhlen
May 2nd, 2003, 08:15:17 PM
As if in reply, Uhlen grabbed some fleshy type robe on the craft's ceiling and barked at his ship to take them within ten average city blocks of the generator. The ship sped off at an alarming speed sending Southstar scrabbling for a hand hold as he lost his footing due to the sudden acceleration.

"You will have blood soon enough." he rasped.

May 3rd, 2003, 11:42:50 AM
"Lead on, my man...does everyone here know Force boost? We can clear some ground faster that way."

Zereth Lancer
May 4th, 2003, 01:56:10 PM
Zereth watched the ship fly away then he turned to the rest of the group, he listened to what the others said

"no, i have not learned how to use that skill yet."

May 5th, 2003, 08:40:04 PM
Southstar was very surprised at the speed the living craft could reach, but as he was learning, never underestimate the Yuuzhan Vong.

Time passed and soon the plant was in sight. Southstar and Uhlen did not exchange words the entire trip. Southstar was focusing on the task, Uhlen most likely thinking the same. The craft slowed as they approached the plant. "Might as well stop here. Any closer and they might see us."

Maxim Vasilijev
May 6th, 2003, 11:15:07 AM
Now was not the time, necessarily, to try to learn new things.

They had a deadline to meet.

“Then we’ll just have to move faster on our own.” He replied.

There were four of them involved on this part of the mission, and they would remain a team until the mission called for them to split.

“Lets go…”

And with that they walked down from the ramp, and entered the city. In moments, they had stolen speeders that took them to the edge of town. And once concealed in the brush, they began the 15 minute trek through the woods.

All the while, time was ticking off the chrono. And Maxim was a relentless leader. He crashed through the brush, branches scraping whatever unprotected skin they could find, the equipment he carried feeling heavier with each footstep, but refusing to give in.

“Everyone have the same compass readings I do?” He asked, pausing for a moment to hold his out for them all to compare. They couldn’t be off on this. There was one spot that he had identified as relatively unprotected and best for entry into the compound. From any other location exiting the woods, they would be spotted.

Sean Piett
May 7th, 2003, 08:25:49 PM
Piett had been tediously thumbing through files from his new command, the Sevon-class Star Destroyer Crimson Wake. Almost forty percent of these reports were passed on to him through the Federacy's information gathering web, a net that collected and organized information from her own operatives and from Spynets such as Bothawui's. Few of these reports were passed on to him, but anything concerning the Force hurdled almost all barriers directly onto his desk.

The Sith Order had hit a museum on Coruscant. A few of the analysts under Piett predicted that it was an early phase of a string of attacks on the New Republic.

The Imperial leaned back in his chair, thinking. After a moment's thought, he shifted forward and pushed in the button on the intercom.

"Adjutant, please shift three squads of mobile infantry to our secondary base on Coruscant." Piett didn't flatter himself by calling the galactic capital Imperial Center. Those days had passed and might never come back. "Also, please have our informants report on any terrorist-stlye movements. Forward them directly to me," Piett said, closing off the sentance with a sigh. He knew he would have hundreds of reports to scan through.

"And have the flight crews prepare a shuttle and an escort for me. I'll be leaving on the hour. Then proceed to Omerose and wait for my eventual return. That's all, adjutant."

He heard the beginnings of a 'Yes, sir' before he cut off the intercom. He took a second to forward the document to Imperator Sevon before folding up his datapad and moving to his quarters to pack.

Khendon Sevon
May 8th, 2003, 05:59:51 PM
Light was curved; energy dissipated like the sudden turning of a faucet’s valve, choking the flow of water. Light was spliced, cut into ribbons so fine that they could be fit through the simple head of a needle, sewn into the grander scheme of existence. It really didn’t matter how the vessel did it, but it did.

Space appeared to slow momentarily, as if someone had played a horrible joke and forgotten to wind up its inner workings. From the apparent slowing of space a firebird was born, red flakes of energy rippled across the craft’s hull, dancing like unleashed emotion, turning to silvery powder then, finally, nothing.

The craft’s bow was sharp and angular, like a proud Corellian boxer’s chin. The bridge was smooth, dull. The transparasteel view ports of the bridge released no light, reflected none back. The craft was a dream, floating on invisible clouds of energy, propelled by the silence of a stagnant wind, powered by the collapsing of a star. She was a beautiful vessel.

The Viscera angled sharply towards starboard, her lateral gun ports nothing more than slight bumps along the shadow-like armor. She made good speed, plowing through the murky space like a bat out of hell. The magnificent craft’s engines radiated no light, shed no particles; it was the perfect melding of art and technology.

Khendon stood in the center of it all; he was in the brain of the ship, the bridge. He didn’t have to speak to issue orders, it was all as simple as thought, but he enjoyed looking at his officer’s faces as he spoke to them. “Sir,” suddenly Khendon’s moment of contemplation was crushed, “we’re receiving a priority message, your eyes only.”

“Link it to my console,” said Khendon calmly taking the command chair. Upon reading the message and the attached document, Khendon smiled, “Helm,” said Khendon with his command voice, “set course for these coordinates.” Khendon sent the officer the destination via his console and stretched, the jump would only be a few moments, but he knew he would grow weary from sitting in the chair, nevertheless.

The sleek craft began to pick up speed and, without warning, slipped into hyperspace, running with extreme speed, her hull lined with amber energy.

Darth Uhlen
May 9th, 2003, 10:17:06 AM
As if the ship had heard Southstar rather than Uhlen himself hearing, the sleek vessel slowed to a halt and opened a flesshy hole in the middle of the deck. Uhlen jumped through the hole after he grabbed a large sack of thud bugs, and used the force to slow his descent into the dark alleys between the huge buildings of coruscant. Hit touched down on the ground very lightly for soemone of his size and started to move silently towards the generator about ten blocks away, he didn't look back to see if Southstar was following, he knew the sith could take care of himself and would be along shortly.

May 11th, 2003, 09:18:34 AM
Southstar had decided to take a different route than Uhlen. He was a level up from his partner and therefore could see a farther distance. The generator was coming up quickly and the security outposts could be seen now. He expected Uhlen saw them as well and would know how to deal with them on his own. For now, Southstar would act as a back up until they reached the generator.

Oolana Taine
May 11th, 2003, 11:16:56 AM
Oolana looked down at the compass in hand and check her coordinates with Maxim.

"Yes, mine match." she stated in reply.

Maxim Vasilijev
May 12th, 2003, 10:08:19 AM
With nods and murmurs of assent from the others, Maxim was convinced that they had found the correct location.

“We’re going to have to go in one by one.” He began, preparing the small task force for the entrance into the compound.

“There are multiple lasers that sweep across the grounds for the detection of movement or foreign objects. From the information I was given, this is the only point where the beams actually have a thirty second window. In that time, there is nothing to detect your presence – but you’ve got to stay within the two foot wide path. If you step outside of it, one of the other beams will pick up your presence. Once you get within 10 feet of the actual building, the beams wont pick you up. It’s the area where workers come out for smoke breaks. When they do, we take them out, quietly, (this was added with a pointed look at all of them, though he was likely the one to be the noisiest on normal occasions) and use their employee badges to gain access.”

He looked to his teammates.

“Ill go first.” He offered. “And when I raise my hand from the other side, someone else go. Ok?”

Moments later, he sprinted out of the forest cover, making a beeline for the designated smoking area.

Darth Uhlen
May 14th, 2003, 06:14:32 AM
the first two out posts were easy enough, Uhlen simply twisted a few guards throats and let the lack of oxygen do the rest. The next two posts, however were a little harder, they were securi-tech battle droids, with heat sensors for detecting intruders. Uhlen crouched into the shadows and began to rummage in his pack for something.

May 14th, 2003, 09:14:44 PM
Southstar watched Uhlen dismantle the security guards with out strain. But thecoming droids would be tougher. He watched Uhlen stop to search for somethingn in his living bag, meanwhile Southstar reached for his lightsaber in the event something should come up.

Zereth Lancer
May 16th, 2003, 01:14:18 PM
Zereth nodded to Maxim's orders, he watched as Maxim made his way to the smoking area hopeing that he sould not trip the alarm

he then turned to Oolana and Rast "do one of you want to go next or should i go?"

Darth Uhlen
May 18th, 2003, 01:57:54 PM
Uhlen found what he was looking for in the bag. He stroked a cucoon like sack with one hand while holding it with the other, wispering something incoherent to the tiny beetle-like insects that were begining to crawl from the puoch. The bugs began to split apart and multiply rapidly until there was soon thousands of the little black things crawling their way towrads the two droids. the bugs began to climb the droids and squirm through the cracks and ventilation holes in the droid's armored bodies. The droids realizing they were being attacked, started to look around to find the intruders but they couldn't see anything to attack so they just stood at attention while the bugs started to eat away from the inside. Soon the droids were nothing but rubble as they began to fall apart from the army of insect's tiny mandibles. the bugs, after eating all they could, fell over and died none of them living longer than ten minutes.

Uhlen stood up, satisfied with his succeeding in not tripping any alarms or notifying any guards that he was infiltrating their outposts. He walked on to the next block and called into a comlink.

"Uhlen here, Almost to the generator."

"I shall start infiltration of the generator at the prearranged designated time of destruction unless ordered otherwise, four minutes and 13 seconds Maxim."

May 18th, 2003, 02:56:18 PM
"I'll do it next."

Maxim makes it, and after a short period of waiting, waves the next one over. Rast takes off hard, injecting a bit of Force into his legs. He's a bit slower than Maxim, so he'll need it.

May 18th, 2003, 09:59:02 PM
Southstar watched as the bugs ate away at the droids and eventually demolished them. He nodded his head in approval, Uhlen was proving to be very effective in missions like these. But Southstar's opinion on the matter wasn't very relavent, it was more important to impress Lord Dyzm then him.

Southstar began moving along with Uhlen and the generator became closer and closer. Soon enough they were right on top of it. Southstar moved closer to Uhlen so they could discuss the plan from this point. "So how do you want to do this? I go around back you through one side or together through a single entrance."

Darth Uhlen
May 19th, 2003, 10:04:39 AM
"Splitting up we will take more risk of being seen. Stay together and infiltrate from key locations."

"These are my sugestions."

[I]Uhlen looked towards Southstar, his eyes were very red now and he wanted blood fast.[I]

"3 minutes and 45 seconds left, what are your options?"

May 19th, 2003, 08:39:04 PM
"Grouped we will be a bigger target, but you are right, splitting up increases the odds that we get caught."Southstar felt Uhlen's blood lust in the Force. Perhaps entering through the front might not be the greatest of ideas, but it would be entertaining. "Uhlen, I have an idea... Say we could link our minds together, not too deep, but enough to know each others moves and plan of attack. I think if we could coordinate ourselves we can take on the whole guard here... It will definitely take care of the blood lust." Southstar stopped talking and thought about the possibilities. Two Sith running in and slashing mindlessly would be effective, but if the guards here had any mind at all they could easily stop the mindless massacre.

Oolana Taine
May 19th, 2003, 11:57:26 PM
Oolana waits for Maxim to signal again and follows the path that him and Rast had already taken. She lets the darkness consume her, flow throught her veins, as she puts all her concentration on getting through to where Maxim and Rast were.

Darth Uhlen
May 20th, 2003, 06:09:11 AM
Uhlen nodded to Southstar in agreemment and then looked at the chrono in his flesh-bag.

"2 minutes 37 seconds 'til we begin. Linking our minds would be wise, except there could be problems. A Yuuhzan Vong's mind is slightly different then a Human's. There might be things we do not understand about each other or our particular functions. I, However, do not believe this will effect our fighting with a force meld."

Zereth Lancer
May 20th, 2003, 04:35:08 PM
Zereth waited till Maxim gave waved him to go, He took off runing as faster than he had ever run before but before he could reach the safe zone he triped on a unseen stone that was lying on the path

Zereth heard a low hum as the sencors where coming back on, He got to his feet at used the force to threw himself through the air. He landed at Maxim's feet, He got up his nose was bleeding he whiped it of with his sleeve "now what do we do?" he said in a wisper.

Maxim Vasilijev
May 21st, 2003, 10:24:51 AM
At that moment, five employees walked out the door for their smoke break. They were unarmed and prepared only for a day of work. And this would be their last day. Rast, with the silencer on his blaster, took out the first two with ease. Maxim slit the throat of a third with the blade her carried. Zereth was quick to break the neck of the fourth, and Oolana finished off the last of them with her saber.

The four then donned the protective coats and gloves worn by the workers, their hardhats and identification badges. Maxim held a badge to the sensor on the door and with a click it unlocked. The four then strolled in through the doors of the power plant.

And this was where they split up.

“We’ve got nineminutes minutes to get to the generators and set the explosives. Rast you go with Oolana, and I’ll go with Zereth….” This was whispered as the four walked causally down the hallway as if they belonged there. Hearts pounded in all of their chests, heady with the thrill of a recent kill, and giddy with excitement for what was to come – if they did it right….

As the corridors split, they two teams took off in different directions.

“See you back at the ship.” Maxim said as last words to his brethren.

And then he and Zereth continued down the hallway.

At the next door, they were met by a security guard. With a confident nod in greeting, they held their badges to the sensor. When it didn’t unlock, the saber came out once again and as the guard dropped to the ground lifeless, the badge was stolen and the two Sith passed through the doors to the next security level.

They now walked down a narrow hall, a loud humming noise surrounding them. Maxim stopped them briefly to get his bearings once again, and then confidently, they continued on.

“Let me know when you see a stairwell. We’ve got to go up that to get to the level where we’ll set these….”

“The lift is too risky…” Meaning, it could be shut down if they realized they were there, the codes could be wrong…the door just seemed safer. Assuming the security badge worked, or his saber could cut through it.

(ooc: Uhlen, I'll have Maxim respond to the comlink after a few more posts, just want to build up to whats happening on this end first)

May 21st, 2003, 02:33:14 PM
Rast and Oolana meet their guard with courteous nods. Upon seeing Oolana, the guard smiles and opens the door as a gesture of good will towards her, and the pair pass unnoticed.

"He wants your body," Rast comments nonchalantly as they join a group of similarly dressed employees. These are heading to their destination, judging from their chatter. He'll follow them in and kill them, then complete the mission.

May 21st, 2003, 10:33:24 PM
"Right you are. Like I said, not too deep. Trying to figure out a Yuuzhan Vong's psyche will likely drive me crazy. And I don't want you too far inside my head either. I need some privacy." Southstar said and then looked at the solid door. "Before we do anything, I suggest we figure out a way through this door."

Darth Uhlen
May 22nd, 2003, 10:39:47 AM
Uhlen ignited his satff and cut off the door hinges, then he kicked the door forward into the generator complex and entered followed closely by Southstar

"Time is zero zero, Uhlen to Maxim, we're in the complex, turning off link until mission accomplished."

Uhlen turned off the comlink and placed it back in his bag.

"We must link our minds now before we are spotted, then we will be sufficiently able to take this place and destroy!" Uhlen said to Southstar.

Khendon Sevon
May 22nd, 2003, 04:40:47 PM
The Viscera slid out of hyperspace like smooth silk, not a bump reverberating anywhere in the vessel. Silvery dust fell from the hull of the sleek craft like miniature stars dancing in a summer’s night. “Helm, verify our current location,” said Khendon in his authoritative voice.

“Sir, location confirmed, sector Alpha Bravo Niner outskirts of Coruscant held space.”

“We’re in New Republic territory now,” said Khendon with tact, “dull our profile to that of a shuttle and activate our passive sensor systems. Open the belly bay and prepare for the arrival of a shuttle,” Khendon gazed out the main view port, his eyes scanning for any sign pointing to his vessel having been noticed entering the system, “stir the reactor and bring it up to maximum output, I want to be ready. Run a second diagnostic on the main sensor evasion systems and have the engineer keep the engines warm.”

Khendon gripped the sides of his command chair, his eyes falling on every member of his select crew individually; analyzing their efficiency with a pride only a commanding officer could feel.

Sean Piett
May 22nd, 2003, 05:57:35 PM
In twenty minutes, Piett was ready to set out. He left a short document to illustrate the Crimson Wake's to-do list. He power-walked to the tertiary docking bay, where his shuttle was ready and waiting. As he entered the bay, he looked and nodded to a few fighter jockeys leaning against the wall. They saluted and jogged to their respective fighters- four TIE Executioner Mark Fours. Top of the line.

Piett moved up the shuttle crafts ramp into his seat. Rather than rifle through reports, he reclined his seat and closed his eyes, exhausted. He knew he'd have an immense workload when he returned from Coruscant.

"Let's go," murmered Piett, already almost sleeping. He felt the shuttle rise smoothly, and carefully move out of berth. He knew that on either side half of his four-fighter escort was moving with him.

"Sir, we've exited hyperspace." Piett woke, drowsy. The admiral looked at the pilot, a confident, cleanshaven man. Sean reached for the comm. "Imperator Sevon, this is Admiral Piett. We're in-system."

The Viscera had been waiting for Piett to speak, to be absolutly sure it was him. It decloaked, and directed the shuttle to the correct bay. Piett rose to use the refresher near the rear of the ship, stretching slightly. He'd be speaking with Khendon shortly, something he hadn't done in person for a great length of time.

May 26th, 2003, 09:16:38 PM
Southstar nodded his head and opened to the Force allowing it to fill him, feed of his anger and hatered, and give him power. Now he invaded Uhlen's mind, not deep enough to break privacy rules or drive Southstar insane, just enough to know his next move.

Darth Uhlen
May 27th, 2003, 10:27:05 AM
Uhlen felt his mind meld with Southstar's and instantly felt invincible, he had boosted strength, hearing, and it felt like he had two extra eyes to cover his back, and added lightsaber too. Uhlen started to walk slowly and quietly down a dim lit corridor, the guards could be heard running towards them, probably wondering what the loud sound was theat the door had made earlier. Uhlen jumped up to the ceiling and braced his arms and legs against the walls so he could drop down on them by surprise.

Zereth Lancer
May 27th, 2003, 02:17:20 PM
Zereth and Maxim walked further down the hall when they came to a higher security gate there where two guards armed with blaster rifles

He also noticed that the pass cards that he and Maxim had would not get them through this gate

He sent Maxim a telepathic message we cant get through this gate with our stollen pass cards we are going to have to kill the guards

Zereth moved to left as maxim put the card in the reader "access denied" the machine said but the guards never heard it becuase Maxim ignited his saber and cut one of the guards head odd and Zereth threw a throwing knife into the others throut

they took the guards pass cards and opened the gate and moved on toward the genorator.

Maxim Vasilijev
May 28th, 2003, 11:53:10 AM
It wasn’t long after he’d made the suggestion to Zereth that they came upon a doorway to the stairwell. They slipped inside and climbed the stairs that led to a flight above. It was there that they met another keycard pad, and with the recently stolen cards, gained entry the easy way.

(ooc: Zereth, if I understand your last post correctly, they gained the keycards for the stairwell…correct? If not, let me know and I’ll edit this post)

Once on the next level, the loud hum of the generator made it difficult to whisper, and so they resorted to nods of the head and hand signals. Some things didn’t need to be communicated – such as security guards. Not that their presence was questioned, but just to be sure, blood was shed. It was not so easy this time, as the guards were well trained. Maxim found himself nursing a wound from a blaster that had grazed past him. As the heat of it had cauterized it, there was no blood shed, and wincing, he motioned to his brethren and they carried on.

It was across a catwalk that they now trekked, Maxim being rather careful not to look down if at all possible. And then he sank to a knee as they encountered the shaft that matched the description on the notes he had studied.

He pulled the explosives from where they had been hidden, secured to his body. He’d been lucky the blaster bolt hadnt caught them, or it would have been the end of his rather short life. Beside him, Zereth was preparing the explosives he carried.

Zereth Lancer
May 28th, 2003, 01:04:19 PM
(ooc: yes the card keys would be good enough to access the stair well, so editing is needed)

Zereth grined as they set the bombs in place and set the timers, He could hear foot steps coming up the stair well "we need to get out of here, they most of seen the guards bodys that we left at the security gate, now there comeing to get us" He shouted over the noice

He ran over to one of the dead guards and grabed the guards blaster rifle and then he took cover behind a metel table that he pushed on its side "MAXIM FOIND COVER"

shots started to fly at them as the guards reached the top of the stair well, Zereth shot back killing one of the guards.

Khendon Sevon
May 28th, 2003, 04:31:39 PM
A dull clank reverberated throughout the Viscera as the main docking bay door slid shut. Piett’s shuttle and escort fighters had been berthed in the belly of the beast, neatly stowed with Imperial efficiency, not an inch of space being wasted. Khendon stood on the bridge, hands clasped at the small of his back in classic military fashion. The Imperator wore a Federacy naval uniform black, cleanly cut, silver buttons shined to perfection. The only thing that denoted Khendon as anything beyond the textbook Imperial was his hair, it was somewhat thrown about and wasn’t cut to the neat, regulation length.

A small lurch forward signaled the vessel's easy slide into hyperspace, her course simple, a micro-jump into Coruscant space. As soon as they fell from the leap into the New Republic system, the craft would activate its full stealth package, and the fun part would begin.

Khendon’s silvery eyes shimmered with excitement as the carbon-fibre doors to the bridge slid open, Piett being revealed, “Welcome, Admiral,” said Khendon smoothly, a sly grin on his face as he slowly walked over to his friend. The Imperator of the Federacy extended his hand.

Maxim Vasilijev
May 29th, 2003, 12:49:01 PM
Maxim cursed under his breath. Blaster fire – anything that would attract attention to what they were trying to do was not what he wanted. This was supposed to be a stealth mission.

He dove for cover behind one of the blowers that rose from the catwalk. They were not in a good position. He pulled the grappling gun he’d brought from his belt and took careful aim diagnolly down across the catwalk to the planking on the next level. It secured itself there and he set to work securing this end.

“Zereth….” He called out, motioning to his fellow Sith. And then he took careful hold and slid down the cable to the next level. He tumbled to the ground, barely staying on the catwalk and moved to the doorway out of the way of blaster fire.

Oolana Taine
May 29th, 2003, 11:07:07 PM
Oolana sends an icy glare to Rast in response to his comment, and tries hard to restrain the building feelings inside her until she can safely find release. Blending in with the crowd of employees was easy, but having to wait to dispose of those around them was not.

The group walks frustratingly slow but eventually reaches a clear area, a simple look around, provide Oolana with the knowledge that they were free from surveilence materials. She had been constanly checking for a blind area, and when the realization of their freedom hit her, she dropped her mental restraints.

She quickly sent Rast her intentions and lit her saber, smiling as the sickly green point went straight through the chest of the man in front of her.

May 30th, 2003, 11:02:20 AM
Southstar backed against a wal and used the force to create the illusion he wasn't there. Anyone with a well trained eye could see the poorly hidden man, but he was hoping these guards weren't that good.

A few ran by but one stopped the group to notice the deformity it the texture of the wall. They stood and stared for a moment until a navy blue blade shot from the abnormality and cut through the gurad who noticed him first.

Southstar spun clockwise sweeping with his lightsaber forcing the guards to jump back into the position under Uhlen. Quickly Southstar struck a guard with a force enhanced uppercut to the jaw lifting him a few feet into the air. A perfect oppertunity for Uhlen to cause some damage.

Darth Uhlen
May 30th, 2003, 02:05:17 PM
The guard flew up in the air towards Uhlen and came down in two pieces. Uhlen dropped onto the third guard and slid his staff right down the mans back. He then picked the fourth up and easily threw him to Southstar, letting his partner have some fun as well.

May 30th, 2003, 02:34:12 PM
Using the Force to amplify his body Southstar jumped forward and kicked the guard in the chest. He spun from the kick and slashed downward cutting the man in two.

He stood up straightand turned off his lightsaber. "Let's go."

Zereth Lancer
May 30th, 2003, 09:56:44 PM
Zereth grabed a flash grenade from his weapen belt and threw it at the guards the flash blinded them long enough for Zereth to run to the graple cable and slide down it

He followed Maxim to the doorway "where to now?" He could hear the guards runing the catwalk so that they could try and his Zereth and Maxim.

Darth Uhlen
Jun 3rd, 2003, 10:19:46 AM
Southstar took off quickly and silently down the hall way and Uhlen followed after him.

Maxim Vasilijev
Jun 3rd, 2003, 01:35:33 PM
Maxim cursed under his breath. It wasn’t supposed to be this loud – they weren’t supposed to even be aware something was going on. Lesson learned – he should have stressed this to his partners in crime. Well…next time. If he got a second chance to lead, that is.

This had to be successful.

“We need to get out of here….” He called to Zereth as they stepped through the doorway on the lower level and began running down a hallway. As they did, he reached for his com.

“Uhlen, Rast, its Maxim. We’re good to go, We’re just looking for an exit.” He called over the com unit.

“How are you guys?” He asked as they ducked behind a corner to escape being seen by more guards.

Jun 3rd, 2003, 01:36:40 PM
As Southstar ran he allowed the Force to fill his body and cause him to speed up. A lone guard stood facing the opposite direction but turned quickly and began firing at the sound of the pounding footsteps.

Southstar deflected the blaster fire with his lightsaber sending it in an array of directions. The man reached for his belt to grab his radio to warn his fellow guards but was too slow. Southstar leaped in the air and severed the man's hand at the wrist with his lightsaber followed by a force enhanced kick to the back of the head sending him flying ahead to the charging Yuuzhan Vong.

Zereth Lancer
Jun 3rd, 2003, 08:29:16 PM
Zereth steped around the a corner as a couple guards ran past, after they where gone Zereth walked back to where Maxim was

"We need to get out of here now Maxim!" He walked over to to one of the walls and knocked on it with ihs knuckes and then he placed his ear on it "this is an outer wall, if we blow through it we could get outside"

Zereth reached into his robes and pulled out a explosive "if we rig this with my therman detonators it would make a big enough explosion to make a hole big enough for us to get through."

Darth Uhlen
Jun 4th, 2003, 10:35:09 AM
Uhlen caught the guard with one hand, and broke his neck as if he were merely crushing a plastic drinking straw. He discarded the dead man against the wall and continued after Southstar. His comlink blipped once, informing him that someone was calling him. He turned the device on and heard Maxim.

Maxim: "How are you guys?"

"We are nearly there Maxim, a few more guards then anticipated but nothing we couldnt handle. I will inform you when it is done."

Uhlen switched it back off again and continued after Southstar who had by now, reached the main section of the generator.

Jun 4th, 2003, 12:25:22 PM
Southstar had stopped running to stare at the great door that stood between the Sith and the generator. Soon enough Uhlen caught up and stood next to him. "Any ideas?" He said but before Uhlen could answer a large group of guards on patrol caught sight of them.

Southstar turned around and spoke "I can handle these buffoons. Figure out a way in and set the charges!"Theguards began to fire and Southstar charged in deflecting the blasts.

Oolana Taine
Jun 5th, 2003, 12:23:47 AM
Rast recieved her warning and took out the two nearest him. As the remaining two workers began to finally realize what was occuring, it was already to late to call for help or even react to the chaos around them. Making a fun, almost dance of the attack, she spun a quick pirouette with saber raised. Cleanly beheading the leftovers.

"That was fun," Oolana said smiling happily at Rast, "Shall we continue?" They turned and advanced on to continue their job.

Darth Uhlen
Jun 5th, 2003, 10:28:24 AM
Uhlen, grabbed the charges which Southstar offered him and frowned at the mechanic devices.

"These will be sufficient but I have my own. I do not trust these mechanisms."

[I]Uhlen gave them back to Southstar and set off to find a way through the door. Since the guards were already alerted and waiting he decided to just slice through the blast door with his staff. He entered and blocked the bolts sent at him from a half a dozen well armed guards. He sliced through the enhanced armor(obviously not good enough for a lightsaber balde) of two of them and cleaved them in two. Blocking some more shots he catapulted himself from the ground with the force and came made a downward strike at the third with his blade. The man collapsed to the floor, to never rise again. The last three charged him, still firing their weapons. Blocking the shots he deflected one into the face of a guard and that one fell. Then remembering his time schedule he used the force to throw his saber and guide it through his klast to victims chests. Uhlen ran over the fallen men's still forms and headed for the heart of the generator. The generator was big, but that didnt matter. Uhlen reached into his bag and placed five small tin looking boxes onto the floor. The creatures came t

Darth Uhlen
Jun 5th, 2003, 10:28:25 AM
Uhlen, grabbed the charges which Southstar offered him and frowned at the mechanic devices.

"These will be sufficient but I have my own. I do not trust these mechanisms."

Uhlen gave them back to Southstar and set off to find a way through the door. Since the guards were already alerted and waiting he decided to just slice through the blast door with his staff. He entered and blocked the bolts sent at him from a half a dozen well armed guards. He sliced through the enhanced armor(obviously not good enough for a lightsaber balde) of two of them and cleaved them in two. Blocking some more shots he catapulted himself from the ground with the force and came made a downward strike at the third with his blade. The man collapsed to the floor, to never rise again. The last three charged him, still firing their weapons. Blocking the shots he deflected one into the face of a guard and that one fell. Then remembering his time schedule he used the force to throw his saber and guide it through his klast to victims chests. Uhlen ran over the fallen men's still forms and headed for the heart of the generator. The generator was big, but that didnt matter. Uhlen reached into his bag and placed five small tin looking boxes onto the floor. The creatures came to life when he tapped the top of them with some sort of code and they spread out. They looked like spiders withten legs and chitinous types of shells as body casing. The tiny creatures instantly wanted to feed, and they wanted to feed on the most pwowerful source in the area. All five of them astarted to rapidly scuttle their way to the core of the generator. They reached the outer cylinder and began to eat through the metal as if it were paper. After only moments, the creatures were deep into the heart of the core, there they would feed until they bloated so much that they caused themselves to expload and create five torpedo sized bombs. The chain reaction in the generator would take care of the rest. Uhlen guestimated that they had around three minutes to get away from the place. He turned on the link and called to Maxim.

"Uhlen to Maxim, mission accomplished, finding a way out, stay clear of the generator whrn it blows it will destroy several blocks if not more. My estimate is we have around tyhree minutes to get out."

Uhlen turned the link off and ran past the dead guards out into the hallway where he had left Southstar.

Jun 5th, 2003, 11:04:05 AM
As Uhlen left to destroy the generator Southstar took to the guards swaying his lightsaber and deflecting blasts while charging . As soon as the guards became withing striking range Southstar attacked and severed the arm of one in a spin which ended in another guard divided in two.
One guard's blaster had become depleted so he threw a punch but Southstar caught his wrist and used his momentum to launch the guard at two more.
Another group of guards had begun to fire, however Southstar managed to whip up a shield using the Force; the blaster shots ricocheted away. He charged towards them and unleashed a fury of slashes and thrusts.

Southstar had killed off the entire group by the time Uhlen had finished setting the organic charges. "How long?" He asked the Yuuzhan Vong.

Maxim Vasilijev
Jun 5th, 2003, 02:30:36 PM
If we rig this with my thermal detonators it would make a big enough explosion to make a hole big enough for us to get through….

“No.” Maxim cut him off, the tone of his voice indicating that this was not at all the course of action he wanted to take.

“No. This is supposed to be a stealth sort of mission. We want to attract as little attention as possible or they’ll figure it out in no time. And I don’t want a screwed up mission to be on my record.”

He gave a quick glance down the corridor.

“This way…” He suggested as they made their way, rather boldly towards the front of the plant. Maxim was planning on marching them right out the front door.

Zereth Lancer
Jun 6th, 2003, 02:07:37 PM
Zereth put his bomb away and ran after Maxim, after a few minutes they came to the front door, He taped Maxim on the shoulder

"are we going to just run like the wind or sneak our way out?"

Maxim Vasilijev
Jun 9th, 2003, 06:46:39 AM
Are we going to just run like the wind or sneak our way out?

Maxim didn’t break stride, though inside he was a little nervous about the plan. He hopes that the others were handling things ok. So much needed to come together for the mission to work, and there was plenty of room for a mistake to ruin everything somewhere along the line. But he had faith in his brothers (and sister) of the order to handle everything.

“We’re going to walk out the same way any other employee would.” He answered. Hopefully Rast and Oolana would meet them out there soon. Rast was the one who knew how to hotwire a speeder. And while Maxim had looked on a few times when his buddy had done it, he wasn’t 100% sure he could do it himself.

“Rast and Oolana are supposed to meet us out here.” He added, his voice hushed.

“We’ll hotwire a couple speeders and get the heck out of here.”

Oolana Taine
Jun 12th, 2003, 11:49:43 PM
OOC: Rast?? come out come out wherever you are??

Picking up the pace and gaining access when needed with their confiscated badges, Rast and Oolana quickly found their target but their presence had surprisingly gone unnoticed because the main focus was on Zareth and Maxim's location.

Upon reaching the generator the only resistance found was from those working there, which Rast took out with his silencer while Oolana destroyed the surveilance equipment. Once the area was clear Rast went to work installing the explosives.

Motioning to Oolana that he was done, Rast pressed the detonator as they both ran out the way they came. Grabbing his comm he sent Maxim word of their situation.

"It's all set and were heading out to your location now."

Maxim Vasilijev
Jun 16th, 2003, 05:35:40 PM
He hadnt heard it because he'd shut it off as they approached the front desk. Trying to seem as nonchalant as possible, he nodded, as he figured an employee would, to the man at the front desk. And then he and Zereth continued through the glass doors out into the parking lot.

Jun 18th, 2003, 12:29:14 PM
Uhlen did not respond and Southstar understood that as "not long". Southstar began to run recalling from his memory the best way out.

Oolana Taine
Jun 24th, 2003, 06:14:32 PM
Oolana locked on to Maxim's position using the force and led Rast through the quickest route availible. In no time they reached the parking lot and headed over to Zareth and Maxim.

Maxim Vasilijev
Jun 25th, 2003, 02:26:19 PM
Maxim sighed in relief.

“Bought time you guys got here….” He replied. And though the comment sounded somewhat cocky, there was enough emotion in it to express his relief that those he considered friends had made it out alive.

Maxim turned to Rast and nodded towards two of the speeders.

“You’re the hotwiring expert….” He stated with a grin.

And while Rast set to work, he turned to Oolana.

“Did it go ok in there?” He asked.

Oolana Taine
Jun 27th, 2003, 01:26:33 PM
"Yeah actually it did. Thanks to you guys we had a pretty smooth ride. No one seemed to think the attack would come from the other side as well. How about you? From bits I heard in passing workers, you guys were giving them a pretty hard time." She smiled with some pride at all the trouble Maxim and Zareth gave the complex.

Zereth Lancer
Jun 27th, 2003, 04:54:35 PM
Zereth looked to see if anyone was following them then he turned to Oolana "We had a few problems when we planted the bomb but were fine now" He turned to Maxim "what about Southstar and Uhlen?"

Jun 28th, 2003, 11:19:44 PM
As Zereth finished speaking the Yuuzhan Vong craft arrived in front of the group. Both apprentices stepped out and Southstar nodded a hello to the group. "All went reletively well...Anyone who saw us is no longer among the living." Southstar looked on to the city and saw power was out all across it. "I guess that means you guys completed the mission as well."

Maxim Vasilijev
Jul 1st, 2003, 02:43:17 PM
OOC: Southstar – not to be anal about this – but Zereth, Maxim, Oolana, and Rast are in the parking lot of one of the plants on the outskirts of the city about to steal two speeders by Rast hotwiring them to get back into the city. If we meet up in this parking lot, we’ll be blown to pieces – or at least caught in the explosion. So we’re getting the heck out. We’d be meeting up with you back in the city after that – would you mind editing your post until that happens – maybe just mentioning your travel back to the designated meeting place – the ship which is located in the spaceport.


Maxim, for once, gave a somewhat humble shrug of his shoulders before his usual cocky grin broke forth.

“Yeah, I think we handled ‘em ok…” He added, casting a glance over at Rast. They didn’t have much time left to get out before the explosion – or similarly worse – before they were discovered .

When Rast had waved them over, the hotwire job completed, Maxim slung a leg over the speeder, giving a nod to Oolana to join him.

“Lets get out of here….” He suggested, his tone of voice doing its best to conceal concern that they wouldn’t get a clean getaway.