View Full Version : Trouble back home (Council, Aaron)

Shandri La
Apr 18th, 2003, 12:49:49 PM
Walking through the temple with Aaron at her side. It had been two days since she had recieved her message ( from home. Things had taken a turn for the worse apparently since she had left. She's left with only one option now. She must go to the Council and ask for their help. Only being at the Order for a couple of months by this time, she is able to find her way around without getting lost to often.

After several moments of walking in silence, they reach the Council Chamber where they are let in so they can see the Council. She pauses for a moment before entering, she just straightnes out her simple white dress so that it's straighter then what it was. At her waist is her gold belt and her brown hair is tied back in a parital braid and ended with a gold band. Her dagger is in its usual spot hidden in her braid. In both her hands, she's holding a box which she absolutely refuses to let anyone touch.

There is a chance that today, she will break the oath that she swore years ago, but it will be for the greater good of things.

After walking into the Council Chamber, she curtseys the Council before she even thinks of starting to speak. Though after her curtsey, she begins to speak in a soft, quiet voice.

"Lord's and Lady's of the Council. Thank-you for being willing to see me today.

I come today, not only as a Padawan, but as a representative of my gov't back home.

Several months ago, Sith came to my homeworld and took over there. Their target, the Treasure. My ppl are not one for fighting since they are extremely peaceful. They are also willing to let anyone rule them with no complaints just as long as the Royal family remains as the figure head. The Sith came, and the King sent me away with the Treasure that the Sith are after.

Two days ago, I received a message I had been waiting for and I found out that ppl are being killed, tortured. Their belongings are being taken from them, their homes are being burned. This is going on because the Treasure is not where the Sith want it. Instead, it is here with me."

Shandri nods down to the box that she is holding.

"I come before you today to ask your assistance in freeing my home from the Sith. In the message I recieved, I was told that there are only five Sith on planet at this time. I wish to remove the Sith from my home so that they can no longer harm the people there.

If you are wondering why my homeworld's military isn't trying to stop the Sith, the answer is simple. I am my homeworlds military."

Aaron Belargic
Apr 19th, 2003, 02:28:45 AM
Already Aaron was well aware of the problem that Shandri was presenting, and stood with his arms folded behind his back whilst listening to what his friend had to say. His eyes traveled across the faces of the Council – this was the first time he had entered the chambers in this time, and they were much alike to those that the council of the Old Republic had dwelt in. In particular he looked to his brothers’ seat.

“Perhaps a party of a few Knights with their Padawans would be a good group to send out to such a distress call?”

Apr 19th, 2003, 04:29:39 PM
:: AB listened intently before speaking after Aaron. ::

A sound plan, Aaron. But before any endeavor is taken, we need to know what strengths these Sith have. If Knights and Padawans are sent and all the Sith are Masters.....

:: She didn't finish the sentence, instead letting it hang. There was no need to finish the thought. ::

We also need to know what planet this is and why the Sith would go at such length to retrieve this treasure which we also no nothing about. It will be easier to help and send out a team once we know more.

:: She looked to Shandri expectantly. ::

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 19th, 2003, 05:07:51 PM
Rei had already spoken her concerns as well. The Knight sat quietly in her Council, letting the Force within her body to help counsel her mind in this situation of distress.

Shandri La
Apr 20th, 2003, 10:27:59 AM
Taking a deep breath, she looks around the Council, agreeing silently with Aaron.

"The Treasure that I speak of has brought peace to my ppl. It is a gift to us from the Angels. My life is sworn to the protection of the Treasure, like my Mother's life was before mine. The Treasure has great power which makes it so it can do different things. Unfortunately, I do not know everything about the Treasure. Most of the knowledge about it was lost when my Mother and my twin sister were killed when I was 13."

Shandri is still keeping a firm grip on the box that is in her hands as she glances at Aaron, reassuring herself that he is there with her still before she looks back to the Council.

"It is said that whoever controls the Treasure, their power will be increased greatly and if they are strong already, then they will be unstoppable. If this is true, then that is why the Sith want the Treasure. Also, if the Sith get the Treasure, then that will mean the end of my home.

I do not know what ranks the Sith hold other then that there are five there. I do not think that ppl back home would know either because they are probably doing there best to just survive right now.

I have reason to believe though, that there are no Masters on my homeworld, and if there are, then it would only be one.

As for the planet, I can take you there. I do not know to much about it even though it is my home. I've lived most of my life in the palace, and not being allowed outside. I do know my way around the planet though, even if I were blindfolded."

Shandri takes another deep breath, worry clearly on her face.

"Please, my home needs help, any help you might be willing to send."

Apr 22nd, 2003, 02:18:31 PM
:: AB pondered Shandri's words for a moment before speaking. ::

To be on the save side, we could send two Masters and a few Knights to free your people from the Sith.

As to you going, I suggest those assigned to the mission go on one ship, while you go in another. Once you have shown those Jedi who would be going where your home planet is, you should return back here to Coruscant and the safety of the Temple.

It would do no good for you to be captured by the Sith, as you are the sole protector of your people's Treasure.

Shandri La
Apr 22nd, 2003, 02:27:32 PM
"Please, allow me to go and help free my home as well. I can get myself so I will not be recognized by anyone who is there. The Sith will not even know that I am the Guardian of the Treasure."

Shandri adds to herself under her breath 'And besides, if I am killed doing this, then my death will mean something instead of when I am killed for being old.' She then adds loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Besides, I would have to go home anyways after the Sith are gone from my home. I will need t report to the King everything that I know of what has happened as well as who helped free my home from the Sith.

Please, allow me to go as well. If you are worried about whether or not I will be safe, I know how to keep myself safe there. Even if there are Sith who wish to know the secrets of the Treasure and who also wish to have the Treasure in their possesion. I would also ask that if I am allowed to go, that I be allowed to hand the Treasure over to the Council for safe keeping for the duration of the mission."

Shandri looks around the Council Chamber at all of the members of the Council, hoping that they will agree to let her go as well.

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 22nd, 2003, 07:17:51 PM
Navaria shook her head.

" The likelihood of you being killed is small. They want you alive so they can torture you to learn the secrets of the treasure and where the treasure is. There are also ... other means ... mental mean to acquire that information. If they learn that the treasure they seek is here, then their next target would be the temple ... if what you say is true about the power of this item. Master Rei is only thinking of your safety as well as the safety of the Order in this.

I would tend to agree."

Shandri La
Apr 23rd, 2003, 08:05:16 AM
"Truth be told, I know very little of the Treasure. I only know what I have learned over the last few years that I have been the Guardian. My twin sister was to the Guardian after my Mother, but she died when my Mother died. What they can find out from me, they can find out from the King except for the location of the Treasure.

As far as I know, the Sith do not know who the Guardian of the Treasure is. They would probably know by now what I wear, but not what I look like. I could wear something different and do something to change my appearance slightly. Then they would not know that I am the Guardian. Therefore they would not know that I am anything special."

Shandri again looks around the Council before glancing at Aaron.

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 24th, 2003, 01:49:06 PM
Navaria's eyes held much sympathy and understanding to Shandri's request.

"It is that important for you to go and be a part of removing the Sith is it not. I presume that your emotional attachments to this mission will not impair your judgement in this?"

Unfortunately, such a question needed to be asked. Any distractions during the mission because of Shandri's involvement with her people could be deadly.

Apr 24th, 2003, 04:19:38 PM
:: AB kept silent, waiting for Shandri to answer Navaria's question. Several thoughts went through her head, and she began sorting them into words to say once the young woman had spoken. ::

Shandri La
Apr 25th, 2003, 08:12:21 AM
"Yes, it is important for me to go on the mission to remove the Sith."

Shandri thinks for a moment on the second question, about her emotional involvement. But she just hopes that with her going on this mission, she will have a better chance at being allowed to continue her Jedi training. But even that is a long shot, but when that she must take. She's made friends here and she wishes to be with them for as long as she can.

"My emotional attachments to this mission will not impair my judgement on it. I have in the past had to put aside my emotions to do something. I can assure you, my emotional attachment will not be a problem."

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 27th, 2003, 03:36:22 AM
Dasquian spoke up for the first time,

“Who, then, are we going to send?”

Shandri La
May 1st, 2003, 08:06:23 AM
Looking around the room again, she starts to bite her lower lip. She had never really been the greatest at talking to a group of ppl where their decision means what happens next. Almost hesitantly, she speaks up again.

"If I may make a request, I would like Lord Dasquian here to go on this."

Navaria Tarkin
May 6th, 2003, 02:24:47 PM
She glanced over at Aaron, who had been rather quiet during this, and then looked to Dasquian ... waiting for his answer.

Dasquian Belargic
May 7th, 2003, 12:26:06 PM
Dasquian looked at Aaron – his brother appeared stern, and it was clear that he wanted to travel on this mission. Whether or not that would be in the best interests of safety was debatable.

“Certainly, I will go.”

Shandri La
May 8th, 2003, 08:12:37 AM
A slight smile comes to her face when Dasquian agrees to go. With luck, perhaps Aaron will be allowed to go as well. That way when things are done, she can approach her King about permission to continue her training. Having Dasquian there hopefully will help in this. And Aaron, having him there will get it so there will be just one more person that she trusts and likes there as well.

She shifts her weight slightly as she once more looks around the Council.

Navaria Tarkin
May 8th, 2003, 12:58:05 PM
With that said, Navaria looked at Shandri and they her eyes drifted towards Aaron. "You have been most quiet. Do you have any thoughts on the matter of going along ... or in general?"

Aaron Belargic
May 9th, 2003, 12:23:10 PM
Aaron shifted uneasily.

“If the Council would permit me I would ask to go on the journey at least so that I can try and provide some medical help for those wounded.”

Shandri La
May 10th, 2003, 08:22:22 AM
She looks to the Council to see if they will give him permission to come along as well. She wishes to be able to show Aaron her home, even if it's not the prettiest right now.

Navaria Tarkin
May 11th, 2003, 09:57:29 AM
Aaron's presence would probably be beneficial for Shandri on this mission. A possible pillar for support though Navaria did feel Dasquian's concerns about it.

"I have no problem with it. Though it would be require to have at the very least one other Knight or Master to come along on this."

She looked at Dasquian.

"Is that acceptable to you?"

Shandri La
May 12th, 2003, 08:05:14 AM
Her spirits lift as she hears that Navaria has no problem with Aaron coming along. Then her gaze shifts to Dasquian, to see if he approves of this as well. She mentally crosses her fingers so Dasquian will approve. Also in hopes that the Council will be willing to watch the Treasure for her so she does not have to put it at risk on this mission.

Taking a deep breath, she keeps herself calm and composed as she waits to hear Dasquian's answer.

Dasquian Belargic
May 12th, 2003, 12:46:35 PM
On the one hand, it did seem that a lot of Aaron’s drive to go on the mission was personal. He had an attachment of some kind to Shandri and it was possible that this could cloud his thoughts. On the other hand, he knew his brother to be a stable character and one of good judgment at that. To deny him the chance to show his true colors, and work with others within the Order, would have been unjust.

“Providing that another Knight or Master did accompany us, I would be happy with this, yes.”

Shandri La
May 12th, 2003, 03:22:25 PM
A smile of relief appears on her face when she hears Dasquian agree to let Aaron come along as well. She glance briefly at Aaron before looking back to the Council, still wondering if they will be agreeable to her leaving the Treasure in there possession while this mission is going on.

Shanaria Fabool
May 13th, 2003, 09:30:59 AM
Shanaria, having been sitting in the back of the chamber listening in on the topic, decides to speak.

"Would the Masters, and Knights be taking their Padawans with them, I am only wondering because if Dasquian will be going to Shandri's homeworld, Will I be staying here or going with my master?"

Navaria Tarkin
May 13th, 2003, 09:33:21 AM
Her eyes perked up at Shanaria's question and looked at the Padawan.

"That would be up to your Master and to you as well. Are you volunteering to go along on this mission?"

Shanaria Fabool
May 13th, 2003, 09:42:38 AM
Shanaria looks over to Navaria, than to Dasquian, than back to Navaria.

"Only if my master will be willing to take me... I know that I still don't have much training, I have no lightsaber, and could not likely do much to help stop the Sith. I am however getting rather good at looking into the minds of others, and speaking to wild creatures, and getting those creatures to help me. I grew up in the forests, plains, hills, moutains, and deserts of Omwat, and I would love a chance to practices my nature skills that I learned back home."

May 13th, 2003, 09:45:48 AM
Oriadin had been reading in the bar and grill when he'd recived a message requesting his presence in the council chambers. He made his way there quick smart, only nodding to those he knew on the way. No time to stop and say hello.

Once there, he made sure he looked smart and entered.

--You requested me?--

He asked, once the room had fallen silent. The council members brought him up to date on what was occuring and asked if he was free to help. He thought the situation out before responding.

--Five sith? I belive this to be a very difficult and dangerous mission. Even for two Knights and an apprentice. If the Sith are well trained, then this could be a long drawn out affair.

I will of course help if that is what the council requires but may I suggest a Knight be charged with guarding Ms Shandri La. Her safety as well as her peoples should be what concerns us most to begin with.--

Oriadin fell silent and awaited a response.

Dasquian Belargic
May 13th, 2003, 12:01:36 PM
“Your help is most welcome, Oriadin. As for who will protect Shandri, I take that job.”

Looking to Shanaria, he nodded lightly.

“… You may come as well. It will be a good learning experience for you, if nothing else.”

Aaron Belargic
May 13th, 2003, 12:02:58 PM
Aaron breathed a silent sigh of relief, thankful that he would be able to go. He smiled across at Shandri, and stayed quiet as he listened to the higher-ups organizing who else would go.

Shandri La
May 13th, 2003, 12:56:59 PM
She listens as the topic moves quickly, and Oriadin shows up and agrees to come a long as well as Shanaria. She returns Aarons smile with one of her own. After a couple of moments, she speaks up again.

"Honoured Council. I thank you for your assistance, but one thing is left to be decided. The Treasure. I am not really wanting to take it with me on this since if something does happen to me, I do not want the Treasure falling into the wrong hands. Would it be possible for me to leave it here, in your care while this is going on."

Shandri looks around the Council once more, knowing that one way or another, the Treasure will not be going with her. Whether it is in the safe keeping of the Council or not is what needs to be decided. She would rather it be with the Council then hidden in her room where anybody can break in and steal it.

OOC:I'm going to get a new thread going for this rp in Storytelling. I'll PM you the link to it.

May 13th, 2003, 02:42:50 PM
Oriadin nodded in agreement along with a friendly smile towards Dasquian. Although he was a Jedi Knight himself, he still had much to learn and a great deal to offer. He wanted to help.

Shandri brought up the treasure situation again.

--Whatever we decide, perhaps it would be best if the people involved in this mission did not know where the treasure is to be stored. That way, if any of us get caught, we can give nothing away. Its my opinion that we should not take it with us. As a force sensitive, it wont take a Sith long to sniff it out.--

Shandri La
May 13th, 2003, 07:53:32 PM
She nods her head in agreement with Oriadin. All she wants to know is that it will be safe here in the hand of the Council.

"If I may say something again."

Shandri looks at Oriadin.

"The Sith would have a hard time locating the Treasure if it went with us because they don't know what they are looking for.

But I agree with you on that it should not be taken along."

Shandri turns back to address the Council again.

"I do not ask to know where the Treasure will be kept while I'm not here. All that I ask is that it be kept safe. By keeping it safe for me, you will also be keeping my life safe because I am sworn to its protection."

Shandri shifts her grip on the box that she is holding, not yet having taken the Treasure out to show the Council.

Ryla Relvinian
May 13th, 2003, 08:27:42 PM
It was all too common these days... Sith taking over homeworlds. I listened silently as the Jedi around me discussed plans for the mission, waiting to volunteer my opinions.

"Shandri, the Jedi Temple is one of the safest places in the galaxy. I can assure you that we will do our best to protect your Treasure. There are many here who will do this for you."

After a second, I continued. It wasn't fully in my best interest to go, but I felt strongly that I should help in any way I could.

"You shall have Aaron, Dasquian, Oriadin, Shanaria... And myself, if you wish it. More hands are always useful in these sort of missions."

May 14th, 2003, 02:07:02 AM
Oriadin remained silent but a small smile swept across his face at the thought of Ryla joining the mission. So far he hadnt had much dealing with her and this would be an idea opertunity to get to know her better and work along side her.

Against five sith, the more the merrier he quietly thought to himself.

Kelt Simoson
May 14th, 2003, 03:51:04 AM
Of course Jedi Knight Kelt was cooking in his apartment when he was called to the council chamber which of course had never happened in all his career as a Jedi. At the time he had been experimenting with cooking and had just boiled up some fish, rice and some kind of home cooked brown pate that smelt like alcohol in some strange way. The call bleep sounded and made him jump making his tunic catch on the cutting board, the pate pot flipped over and landed on the floor and the fish went in the air and landed directly in the sink.

Kelt looked at it for a few moments, his heart sunk and then he was off into his bedroom to find something decent to wear half tripping over on the slippery pate on the way out. He slipped on a forest green tunic which was on top of a white shirt and baggy brown pants donned his bottom half complete with a dark brown hooded cloak. The knight quicky exited his apartment and slpped down the hallway rather quickly towards the council chambers.

When he finally arrived it looked as if the expedition was already nearly underway, clearly meaning he was rather late. He bowed slightly to them all and gave both Oriadin and Dasquian a smile. Taking notice of a few councilmen he saw them looking behind Kelt as if staring at something, turning to see what it was he noticed that when he slipped on the Pate he had brought foot prints all the way from his apartment into the council chambers. He turned back to the rest of them with a nervous grin and mouthed a 'sorry'.

' I'm sorry i am late my Council i was in...the middle of something. Is there anything i can assist with this day?.' He said. He listened to the council tell him the news and update him on the situation as they had done Oriadin and he smiled gently.

' I am happy to assist Miss Shandri anyway possible my Council. It would be a honor if i may participate in such a expedition...' He said bowing slightly towards Shandri.

Shandri La
May 14th, 2003, 08:05:49 AM
Nodding her head slightly, a smile on her face.

"Thank-you Lady Relvinian. I am happy to know that the Treasure will be safe here. And I am more then happy to have you come along on this. The more the better."

Shandri listens silently as the Council explains quickly to Kelt the situation and nods as he agrees to come along as well. She shifts her position slightly, not used to having ppl bow to her, or call her Miss, so much.

It is at that moment that she decides that whatever the outcome of the mission, she will make sure that they all come back, including her. This is what she's wanted since she was a small child. Being a Jedi, and being treated like an actual person instead of an object.

"It would be my pleasure to have as many Jedi as they want to come along on this mission."

Navaria Tarkin
May 14th, 2003, 02:44:10 PM
"Of course Kelt. It goes without saying that your help would be greatly needed."

She turned to Shandri.

"If I may offer my assistance in a different manner since I cannot come along with you personally? I would be happy to oversee the protection of the Treasure personally as long as it stays within the Jedi Temple's walls."

Shandri La
May 14th, 2003, 03:04:37 PM
Taking a deep breath before she starts speaking.

"You assistance in protecting the Treasure in my absence is greatly appreciated."

Shandri decides to become quiet again before she gets Navaria to reconsider her offer.

Navaria Tarkin
May 14th, 2003, 03:10:40 PM
She sensed Shandri's reluctance.

"Those that are going are risking their lives in protecting you and saving your world. I cannot and I have no fear in my request."

Shandri La
May 15th, 2003, 07:50:54 AM
She nods her head slightly.

"I appreciate all the help that you and everybody else is giving me in this matter."

Shandri pauses for a moment before she walks over to Navaria, carrying the box that is in her hands. She figures it would be best to hand the Treasure over now so that is one less thing she will need to do later. Pausing for a moment when she reaches Navaria, almost as if she is rethinking her decision, she then hands the box over.

"Please, make sure the Treasure stays safe. Even though you will be making sure it stays safe, if anything happens to it by accident, my life is forfeit and I have no wish to die at this age."

Shandri bows slightly and retreats back to stand beside Aaron and goes silent though she does bite her lower lip slightly.