View Full Version : The True Craft

Apr 18th, 2003, 12:23:01 PM
Some time ago, the one known as Warlock had come to blows with a man calling himself a Sith, and a wielder of the Force. This character had fought him within his own home and shown powers akin to the Warlock’s own – the ability to project one’s thoughts, to send out small bursts of compressed energy in waves and the like. This had caused a stirring in the old man, a thought that perhaps he could develop his own natural gifts as such.

With the epoch staff clutched tightly at his side, he looked from beneath the cowl of his hood at what was around him – silent.

Apr 18th, 2003, 08:25:32 PM
"The path of darkness is ahead of you, the light, it fades away. Embrace the darkness brother, for you belong here."

The Prophet of the Sith walked into the chamber.
His eyes glowing red. The chiss blood evident in the shadowed room. His head turns to the side as he observes the stranger.

"I am not one of the Order, for I am just a guest myself, so I can not offically welcome you. Yet, may you be welcomed, for you will be."

With a turn, the prophet turns and walks out.

Apr 19th, 2003, 02:17:43 AM
The words spoken by the pale-faced figure did not go unheeded by the old Warlock. The ‘darkness’, as he had put it, had always been a part of the mans life, whether or not he was a Sith – now it was simply time to welcome it fully and allow it to grow.

Lady Vader
Apr 24th, 2003, 03:20:23 PM
*The Force was what had informed LV of the new visitor, his aura of darkness being enough to stir her into greeting him. She moved at an easy pace, coming into the grand hallway where most visitor's to the Order were met.*

*Her cloak hung at her sides, her arms inside it's folds, as she studied the old man before speaking. Though the darkness that flowed about him didn't "taste" the same as the Dark Side, it was never the less powerful in darkness itself.*

Welcome, honored visitor. What is it you have come seeking from the Sith Order?

Apr 25th, 2003, 03:04:06 AM
“Acceptance into its ranks, to learn the ways of the Darkside,” the Warlock replied, as he allowed his weight to rest fully upon the staff – he had walked a great distance, and was tired to say the least.

Lady Vader
Apr 25th, 2003, 05:58:04 PM
*LV nodded her head.*

Very well. But there are some rules that you must know of first before you consent fully to joining.

Here in the Order we are a family, all the members being brothers and sisters. There will be no infighting with the members, and you shall respect everyone as though they were your blood brother or blood sister.

Also, slandering the name of the Order is grounds for removal from the Order and this galaxy... permanently.

However, if you decide at one point you wish to leave, and you leave under good terms with the Order, you are free to go. We do not hold you prisoner here.

*She raised an eyebrow, regarding the old man.*

After knowing all this, do you still wish to join?

Apr 26th, 2003, 05:05:21 AM
The rules put forward were much like those the Warlock had followed within the Subryn, and so he was well accustomed to following them.

“I do.”

Lady Vader
Apr 26th, 2003, 06:42:03 PM
*LV nodded her head, and for the first time in meeting the old man, smiled.*

Then I welcome you into the Sith Order and it's family.

*She gestured towards one of the hallways, for the old man to walk with her, and they both proceeded.*

Some other things you should know... all the facilities of the Order are open to you, from dining hall, to library, to exercise rooms, and training grounds.

You are also quite free to walk abd roam the grand garden we have at the center of the Palace. It is one of the most rivaled and beautiful gardens in this sector.

But I must warn you that after the sun has set, you are not to enter the garden, for it is the home of a dragon who wishes to keep his privacy during the night hours. Though it is not uncommon for some to seek him during the day and befriend him. Once that is done, it is quite possible he will allow you to pass through the garden at night unharmed.

*They walked down a twisting hallway, one that seemed to close and move, the shadows playing tricks with their eyes. It was the sith majiks that were carved into the walls. Anyone passing through the halls that did not know how to understand the majiks would become horribly lost as the pillars constantly seems to shift and change.*

You strike me as one that has had training before in the Dark Arts. Am I far from the truth in thinking this?

Apr 27th, 2003, 03:25:54 AM
Save to say the Palace was impressive. The inner walls of the place were high and a testament to whomsoever had built them. At the Sith’s question, Warlock turned his head to the side someone – it was visible beneath is hood, old and worn by time.

“I did not know it was the Dark Arts I was studying until recently, I must confess. It was, I believe, a member of your very group that alerted me to this fact.”

Lady Vader
Apr 27th, 2003, 08:06:26 PM

:: LV's curiousity was peeked. ::

Do you remember who this individual was?

Apr 30th, 2003, 11:18:13 AM
“… Alexander… was it? … Yes, but he went by another name… might have been Sasha. Just a young lad.”

Lady Vader
May 1st, 2003, 10:22:06 PM
*LV became thoughtful for a moment as the old man mentioned her former Apprentices name.*

Where was it you last saw Sasha?

*Yes, she was curious. While she was upset that he had left, she still worried about what path he was taking. In essence, it was a bitter-sweet memory.*

May 3rd, 2003, 02:52:54 AM
“He found me in my home, actually. It is an alluring place to the curious of mind. We engaged in a short bout of combat, before the boy explained where his skills came from and departed. I have not seen him since.”

Lady Vader
May 5th, 2003, 12:55:23 PM
*A scowl formed on her face as she had a good idea where he was. But it was his own choosing to be there... even if it might end up being his undoing.*

*They continued to walk, LV giving the new member a guide of the place mostly by just walking him through it. At this point, they walked through a massive glass and wood door, leading into the garden. It was afternoon, and the sun was painting the grounds with splashes of golds and reds. Their feet crunched lightly on the gravel path.*

So through Sasha, you came to know about TSO.

*She half smiled.*

Sasha left the Order some time ago, and yet he still directed you here. I have the feeling I should be flattered that he still thinks highly of us.

May 6th, 2003, 01:18:01 PM
“This was… ah, some time ago.”

Warlock wet his lips and he thought on this – some time ago. Lately, he hadn’t been all too sure of just how quickly or slowly time was passing. Days and weeks all seemed the same in the cottage and he had become very out of touch with reality.

Curiousity in his voice, he canted his head to the side and frowned.

“Will you be the one to … teach me about this Darkside?”

Lady Vader
May 6th, 2003, 02:08:06 PM
*LV looked at the old man.*

If you so wish it, I'm sure I could spare the time.

I do have two other Apprentices at the moment. Younger ones... and not as experienced as you in studies and the wisdom that comes with age.

*She stopped and turned towards him.*

But, yes, I can take you as my student.

May 7th, 2003, 12:31:07 PM
His grip tightened around the epoch staff at being called a student. It had been so long since he had been the learner, and not to the teacher. It would take some time, he mused, to adjust too.

“Your help is greatly appreciated, Madame.”

Lady Vader
May 7th, 2003, 10:20:40 PM
*She noticed his distaste, and felt it through the Force, at something she said. With his age in mind, she mused it was the fact she'd be teaching him, even though she was younger.*

*They continued through the garden a bit further before turning back to the Palace, where LV led him to a room on the second floor where the Apprentices had their rooms. But, in respect to his age, she offered him a larger room, seperated from the others somewhat so as to let him have his privacy.*

I do hope you enjoy your stay.

For the rest of the day, you may do what you wish.

Tomorrow we will start in our work.

*She refrained from syaing "training", figured it wasn't so much training for him, but a brushing up in techniques he may already know.*

Again, welcome to the Sith Order.

*With a slight bow of her head, she departed, leaving him in his new surroundings.*

(OOC: You can go ahead and start your "introductory" thread in the Palace... get the character to know some of the other characters of TSO. AS for starting the "training" stuff, it'll prob have to be after I get back from OH. Hope it's not too much of an inconvenience. =) )

May 8th, 2003, 02:31:33 PM
Continued here (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=29253) ....

[OOC: Nope, no problem. :D thanks a lot.]