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Marius Braeden
Apr 18th, 2003, 10:14:09 AM
Marius made his way to the Roonestone Inn. The place seemed nice. The establishment seemed to be bustling. Customers were everywhere. He walked past a couple of patrons and made his way to the bar.

"Give me a beer."

The man turned around and laid his elbows atop the bar and looked around. Getting a good view of everything in the bar.

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Apr 18th, 2003, 10:21:39 AM
Ambrose Braeden watched this human intently. There was something around him, but he could not figure it out. He could clearly read his mind, as if it was an open book. He picked up his glass of blood wine and took a long, sentious drink. He set the goblet back onto the table. The shadows coverd his face as well as the table he was occupying. He noticed how much the man reminded him of himself. When he was still mortal of course. Back before he had accepted the dark gift.

Come here. Sit down...Please join me in a drink if you will.

The strange man heard these words inside of his head. They sounded as clear as day, yet no one said a word towards him. Ambrose watched as he looked around, toying with him. Like he always did with mortals who interest him in any way.

Marius Braeden
Apr 18th, 2003, 04:04:44 PM
Marius recieves his beer from the barkeep. He navigates his way towards the man sitting at the shadowed table. He could see that this man did not look human in any way. He had a pale look to him. He looked "dead".

He sat down and looked at him. Setting his beer on the table, he looked at the strange man.

"Who are you..."

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Apr 19th, 2003, 11:40:58 AM
Ambrose smiled inwardly to himself. He thought about the curiosity that the mortal mush have. He once had that himslef. The Vampire looked directly into his eyes. Never moving, never turning away.

You know my name, you just dont know that I belong to it...All you know is that I am watching you. In fact, I have been watching you for some time now. I have taken interest in your work...COUSIN.

Ambrose made a simple gesture with his hand and the chair that was previously placed across from himself is now in a positoin to where the man known as Marius can sit down. Ambrose held out his hand, letting his guest know that he has the oportunity to sit down.

Please...Sit...We have a lot to talk about.

Marius Braeden
Apr 20th, 2003, 05:02:42 PM
Marius Braeden looked deeply into the inhuman's dark eyes. The mercinary thought about all of his family relations. His mind was going backwards in time, seeing the faces of all of his relatives that he had ever known. His conclusion had taken him to the two cousins the mortal had known since childhood. One of the two was named Rosamun. She was always the prettiest girl in the family. She had always smelled especially nice. But she had passed away some time ago from a really bad disease. There was nothing that the doctors could do to help the poor girl. She was twenty one when she died.

The other child was a boy named Ambrose Braeden. He was always one one of the guys. Marius and Ambrose used to cause a lot of trouble. This man in front of him reminded himself a little of Ambrose.

"Nay, this cant be him. This being is inhuman. But he is the only cousin it could be."

Marius said to himself.

"Ambrose Braeden, I take it..."

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Apr 24th, 2003, 07:24:34 PM
Ambrose smiled to the man, bearing his white, long, sharp teeth to the relative. Ambrose was wondering how lovely it would be to take this humans life. Like Soth Nuevole had done to himself so long ago. Memories past. The could read this mortals mind as if it was an open book. Just lying there on the table for all to see.

Very good Marius, very good indeed. You know your family relations almost as well as I do. The braeden family is not very big, but it is hard to keep track of it all.

The vampire laughed to himself.

So...my young man...where is it you come from...why have you come here...

Alana Stormcloud
May 3rd, 2003, 01:43:02 AM
Alana entered the Roonstone Inn her hue shifting eyes looking for a familiar face. She could feel her brethren in the dimly lit room, and the mortal’s blood calling to her vampiric heart.

The soft light spilled across her pale features, enhancing each curve, and nuance of her form. The shadows thickened as she made her way in. She spotted the one she had felt. One who had called to her.

"Ambrose.... May I join you?" Her silken voice spilling forth like a sirens song of old....

imported_Ambrose Braeden
May 3rd, 2003, 01:50:06 AM
Turning his attention away from the mortal man sitting in front of him, Ambrose looked directly into the Vampire Lordess's dark beautiful eyes. He could feel her presence surround himself as she walked in. It was as if an unseen hand had reached outward and pulled the chair for the lady. The Vampire Warrior motioned for her to sit.

"Please, m'lady sit..."