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Apr 17th, 2003, 06:50:18 PM
Sodan slowly enters, his body engulfed by his cape as his face stays hidden beneath his hood...

Aurora Keaira
Apr 17th, 2003, 07:51:23 PM
Just steps behind him was another figure, fully cloaked in ebony. As Sodan stopped, she moved to stand beside him, waiting for someone to notice their arrival.

Apr 17th, 2003, 10:24:19 PM
Moving out of a shadowed hallway, The tall figure approached them. His brown eyes in contrast to his pale skin, searched the two strangers. He casually grinned at them a he stepped up.

"May I help you?"

He asked as his hands slipped into the pockets of his leather trench.

Apr 18th, 2003, 07:06:32 AM
Sodan tilts his head a bit then up rights himself, "No, I'll wait for Hera..."

Apr 18th, 2003, 09:10:04 AM
"Suit yousel."

The trench coated man turned and disappeared back into the shadows.

Apr 20th, 2003, 07:22:36 PM
Sodan slipped behind Aurora. His right hand escaping from the depths of his cloak and slithering around her waist. He pulls her back and tight against him, something she had no problem with. He leaned his head forward slightly and softly whispered into her ear, “Maybe Hera is napping..." She grinned, “Time to wake up.” Slowly he lifted his left hand raising up a desk from the wall, he sends it to the other side slamming it against the wall and crashing to the floor, “I’ll tell her it was the wind..."

Aurora Keaira
Apr 20th, 2003, 10:37:51 PM
Aurora’s delicate hands moved over top Sodan’s as he slipped one across her abdomen, pulling her back against him. She grinned at his words, tilting her head slightly to the side to look at him. As the table slamming against the wall it startled her. She jumped slightly, then giggled as she looked to the wall and the destruction he had caused.

“You certainly know how to get one’s attention, hmm?” She smiled, lifting her hand to lightly trace the curve of his jaw line.

Apr 20th, 2003, 11:05:42 PM
"Tell her yourself" was Ezra's surly reply from the shadows as he watched Hera coming down the gleaming corridor behind Sodan.

She was dressed top to toe in sleek black clothing that accentuated her strong toned body. Her blonde hair shone even in the subdued holo-lighting of the base entrance.

Hera had watched Sodan as he arrived. Even though he was still technically a contractor of ShadowFaene, he had been absent a great while and though Hera had kept his access current, and kept him aware of the Base's new location, she didn't know the woman he had brought with him. It had been she who Hera's attention had been focused on when Sodan destroyed one of her tables.

"You got a weird way of saying Hello, Lord Sodan. I dont appreciate such antics on my Base."

The visitors turned at the sound of her voice and they noted a passing look between the Faene Mistress and Ezra. It was equal to a "its ok" nod, while at the same time had an essence of "keep your eyes open" to it.

She stopped just infront of the pair, Ezra remaining behind them, but to the side a little and clearly in view.

Hera looked from her long time friend over to the woman. No welcome smile greeted either of them and there was no warmth in her voice when she spoke.

"Whos this?"

Apr 20th, 2003, 11:25:21 PM
Standing in the dim light, he tilted his head and watched through his unruly locks that fell n front of his face. He kept his eyes on the pair, although Hera knew them, he didn't which meant the trust factor wasn't there. He was now SFF's watchdog, and making sure Hera was safe to do business in her own base was his job.

He caught the eye of the both visitors as he flashed a fang filled smile.

Apr 21st, 2003, 12:01:14 AM
Sodan slipped from Aurora walking toward Hera. His footsteps clicked against the ground as he seemingly floated across the floor. He raised his hands removing his hood from his face, his long jet-black hair falling to his shoulders, “Aurora...my wife...”

He smirked as he stepped closer to Hera suddenly wrapping his arms around her and lifting her up in greeting, “You know you missed me...” He set her down and turned his body slightly offering his hand toward his wife for her to take, “Aurora, this is Hera...an old and great friend...”

Aurora Keaira
Apr 21st, 2003, 03:18:40 PM
The red-haired beauty stepped forward, her left hand sliding into Sodan’s. She eyed the ShadowFaene Mistress who was seemingly uneasy about her being there.

“It is a pleasure,” she spoke softly, bowing her head in the process. Aurora wasn’t about to make their arrival any worse by not showing the proper respect. Especially to one that seemed most powerful…

Apr 21st, 2003, 09:33:23 PM
Originally posted by LordSodan

He smirked as he stepped closer to Hera suddenly wrapping his arms around her and lifting her up in greeting, “You know you missed me...”

"I missed the creds you should have been bringing in all this time, instead of snagging yourself a wife and playing house, Sodan."

A smile had yet to break her hard stare as she once more eyed Aurora over.

The woman seemed pleasant enough, but for Sodan to bring a stranger to the Base, whose location is closely guarded knowledge was, in Hera's mind, reckless. And she didn't tolerate reckless, not when it was her assets on the line.

"You should have mentioned you were bringing someone with you. Surprises of this kind tend to make me.....irritable." The last word came out as a snarl and Hera's annoyance was obvious.

Apr 21st, 2003, 09:45:44 PM
At the sound in her voice, Ezra straightened in his posture. The two visitors seemed ok, but it was Hera's mood which got him prepped for any sign of trouble.

Apr 21st, 2003, 10:19:12 PM
Sodan lifted his hand to Hera's chin and turned her face to look at him, “Hera...playing house...please...” Slowly he moved around her, circling Aurora, Hera, and Ezra, “The credits will be flowing in like they once did while I was here...I never cared for them, nor do I need them...” he grasped his hands behind his back, “I enjoyed the wonderful jobs you had for me...” He stopped in his tracks standing slightly behind his wife, “Aurora is not only my wife..but my former apprentice...Someone to bring you more credits...”

Apr 22nd, 2003, 07:25:09 PM
Sodan was doing is best to appease the angry Faene Mistress, but Hera was one bird whose feathers were not easily smoothed.

So Aurora was an student of the Darkside. Hera could appreciate that, but still she had questions.

"If you dont care for the money, then why work here at all, Lord Sodan. You and your wife need not live such a precarious lifestyle as a smuggler's one is. Unless you are here just to visit - perhaps that is why you've come?"

Aurora Keaira
Apr 24th, 2003, 11:32:38 AM
Aurora just stood there keeping to herself. This skirmish was between the two about her and she didn’t need to make it worse by getting in the middle.

Apr 24th, 2003, 09:16:18 PM
There was a pair of piercing crystalline blue eyes that cut through the darkened entrance of an adjacent hall. They stared out at the newly arrived, creasing slightly in displeasure at how they chose to get attention. No expression was written upon her shadow hidden face as she stood there, arms folded across her chest, her posture jagged, giving off a fair hint of animosity. She hadn’t seen Sodan in months and now he just appeared on the doorstep of Hera’s Fortress expecting to be received with open arms. And to make it all the better he showed up with an unfamiliar women claiming her as his wife. She could tell Hera wasn’t pleased and it amused her…

Apr 24th, 2003, 09:59:57 PM
Feeling another pressence, Ezra turned his head to see another figure nearby. His brown eyes automatically changing to their ice blue hue as he was put on edge by the sudden appearance of this person. He shifted his posture and was settled down a bit by the boss's "Dont even think about it" look.

OW outcast
Apr 25th, 2003, 08:43:33 PM
OW's good hearing listened in from a distance down the hallway. The conversation was none of his business but he listen in anyway. The little man aways liked to know stuff he shouldn't, it made him feel special.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Apr 26th, 2003, 09:34:34 AM
"Well, well. If it isnt 'old home week'. Hello, Sodan."

Daiquiri came up behind Aurora, stopping several feet behind the pair. From her vantage point, she had a clear view of the entire welcoming committee - Hera, Ezra and even Lenore standing back in the shadows, trying to remain unseen.

Sodan had committed a breach of security without informing them he was bringing someone new to the Base. Someone who was unknown - for now. Daiquiri had already begun a background check on Aurora and even now had a tiny comm unit wedged into an ear canal, receiving info from their ever-expanding database.

Apr 27th, 2003, 09:16:01 AM
Sodan looks around noticing the crowd forming around them, he then looked down, "I do what I do because I enjoy it Hera...I don't need credits, it's nothing to me..." Sodan lifted his head toward Daiquiri, "She was once a Jedi before she was turned to the Darkside...She was once Aurora Celest..." he tapped his ear indicating the device in Daiq's ear.

He turned to face them all, "I did not come here expecting to be welcomed with ease..." His glance turns to Hera, "I know you and how your run your organization better then most..."

Apr 27th, 2003, 06:42:43 PM
Hera's eyes moved to Daiqs when Sodan revealed Aurora's past. So she was a fallen angel...they were the best kind.

"I know you and how your run your organization better then most..."

"And just how do I run it? "

Apr 27th, 2003, 07:02:42 PM
Sodan tilted his head, "A tight outfit...A sound and smooth organization, one without surprises..." Sodan stepped up besided Aurora, he smirked slightly as his slipped his arm around her. He knew Hera didnt liked surprises, he knew his entrance was unorthodox, but then again, since when was he ever the norm.

But he did know one thing, Hera did like him and did like his work

Apr 27th, 2003, 07:12:49 PM
"Thats right - there are enough unkowns to take into account in this scrapheap galaxy without my contractors pulling stunts like this."

She spared a glance for Aurora and then returned her focus to her old friend.

"Because we have known each other along time, I'll overlook this breach. But this wont happen again. Marriage or not, lover or not...ANY unothorised presence on this Base will be dealt with bullets first, questions later."

Hera said this to all present, and they understood it was self-preservation of them and their Base that she was so cold about it.

"If no body likes this, get the hell out now."

Aurora Keaira
Apr 28th, 2003, 11:48:31 PM
Aurora had remained without word the entire time. Her mind was going faster than even she could keep up, trying to keep in with the conversation (if it could be called that) and her entire surroundings. There were people coming in from all corners of the room and none seemed at all happy to see her husband nor her. Although she had a completely placid look about her on the outside, rage was boiling the blood on the inside.. Hera needed to learn to lighten up a bit. Security hadn’t been breached, the base was still intact. It angered her to see so many turned against Sodan, especially the boss, after he had given his services for so long...

Apr 29th, 2003, 12:04:13 AM
Sodan's hand rested on Aurora's abdomen, he could sense her anger grow, Hera could probably sense it as well.

"Understood Hera..." he pulled Aurora against him, "Relax.." he whispered into her ear.

Apr 29th, 2003, 08:51:39 AM
Seeing how Hera was with this Sodan person made Ezra grin. Finally he wasn't the only person who was a recipiant of one of her more "finer" qualities. He knew the situation was alright. Her anger toward Sodan wasn't at all toward him personally, but at the "surprise" he gave her.
A slight nod to the Faene mistress and Ezra moved back into the shadows and the pale skinned man seem to disappear. But not completely, just enough to render some ease to the situation. He relaxed against the darkened wall, keeping a clear view of all of them, along with a clear path "should" any more "surprises" spring forward.

Apr 29th, 2003, 08:54:01 AM
Lenore moseyed in behind Daiq to see what all the commotion was about. What she heard was Hera’s last icy words:

"If no body likes this, get the hell out now."

Her eyes moved about the room trying to understand the lot of it. There were two new people she was guessing, some others along the shadows that she didn’t know, and a rather broken desk up against a wall. What had she missed?

May 2nd, 2003, 12:59:27 PM
As Sodan tugged Aurora closer to himself, Hera began to laugh lowly. He had not done so a moment too soon.

The woman's anger was palpable behind her bland gaze and it fooled no one, least of all the person it was directed at.

She stepped forward to Aurora, even as she heard Lenore enter the hallway...it really was becoming quite the little gathering..

"As for you, Aurora," Hera said, a thin smile on her lips despite Sodan's disaproving glare at her as she moved closer to his wife, "Im making it my business to be watching you....You'll be smart to remember that."

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
May 2nd, 2003, 02:11:22 PM
The grin that Daiq flashed at Sodan was shameless. He had seen the small unit and boldly pointed out the fact but she didnt mind.

Sodan knew that noone passed through the doors of the Fortress without a background check and his wife was no different.

Matching his boldness, Daiquiri spoke outloud, her words catching in the small microphone attached to the inside of her shirt and which instantly relayed her info back to the database.

"Find information on one 'Aurora Celest' and relay it to this comm."

Aurora Keaira
May 6th, 2003, 12:29:48 AM
Aurora had the sudden urge to spit in Hera's face, the sour taste in her mouth building up as the woman threatened her. She wouldn't, however, knowing it would only get her and Sodan in more trouble. As soon as her training was up to par, she'd certainly show the blonde a little something...

Just wait...

((Nice wonderful siggie!!))

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
May 7th, 2003, 10:12:22 PM
With a nod to the rest, Daiquiri turned to go back the way she had come in. Aside from feathers being ruffled, nothing was really wrong and if Hera did have need for her presence, all she had to do was shout.

Three steps, four steps, five steps - and Daiq stopped in her tracks. A strong wave of anger washed over her, crashing over her from behind.

Looking back over her shoulder, Daiq's eyes flew to Aurora then cut to Hera and up to Sodan then back to the source... Aurora.

Wife of Sodan or not, if she pushed Hera - or any of them for that matter - there would be a fight and Aurora was sorely outnumbered.

Glancing once more at the boss, Daiq moved off to the main office to begin uploading the information that was now pouring into her ear comm.

May 8th, 2003, 09:37:10 AM
Sodan senses Aurora's anger filling her body. Her hate was something Sodan would normally encourage, because what batter way to grow in the Dark Side then to let your hate flow. But Sodan knew that her abilities were no where near that of Hera's.

Slowly he turned her face toward him allowing his eyes to do the talking. Aurora looked at him and just gave him a cocky smile, "I'm not stupid."

May 10th, 2003, 02:21:49 AM
Hera turned on Aurora, her face hard and her eyes cruel. The pretense of amiability evaporated. Hera could see Sodan move slightly, protectively forward. And she ignored him.

"Why wait, Aurora.." she invited, "..Anger should never be put on hold hm?" She leaned forward a little now and whispered provokingly close to her face, " It isnt healthy."

The air bristled with animosity between the two women. Aurora had gotten off to a bad start amongst her new surroundings and her unspoken threat against Hera had not gone anywhere in making it a smoother journey for her.

It was only because of Sodan's friendship that Hera had not activated "Atropos" and used to strike at the sneer off Aurora's face.

May 10th, 2003, 02:55:05 AM
At the sudden change in Hera's mood and the way she got in the red head's face. Trouble was peeking around the corner. Ezra appeared, part in shadow, part in the light of the room. His eyes glued to the new comers. His hands beginning to flex in readiness of the Cersea's which begged to "play".

Aurora Keaira
May 15th, 2003, 07:49:37 AM
Aurora’s lips pursed, anger flickering in her eyes as she stared Hera down. How she would love to rearrange that pretty little face of hers…

Finally, realizing that it was futile, her expression dropped and a coy smile breached her lips. Right here and now there was no reason to keep the game up…

“This is getting us nowhere, Hera, shall we drop it?”

Aurora wasn’t anywhere near dropping it, she knew there wasn’t going to be any form of truce between the two anytime soon, but for now she’d set aside the differences, being as though this was her first time there.

May 24th, 2003, 04:02:42 PM

Hera's smile was cold, her eyes mocking.

"Sure, Aurora - lets be pals."

She took a step back and spoke once more to Sodan, a grin tugging now at her lips.

"Atleast you got yourself a wife that has some sass to her. Just what you need."

Turning her back now to almost exclude Aurora, Hera took Sodan by the arm.

"So, what news of the Outer Systems do you bring Sodan?"

May 24th, 2003, 06:36:31 PM
Having the situation quell like that, he turned and disappeared into the shadows. The boss was fine for now, but he'd be nearby if she needed him.

May 26th, 2003, 09:44:05 PM
Sodan pats Aurora ass as he slips away from her, '...I'll be back...' he speaks to her through his mind. His attention turns toward Hera as he is taken by the arm, they begin walking down the corridor to have a conversation. Sodan walked slowly beside her, his arms resting behind his back.

“The only news I bring is from Yavin...” he looks down the corridor, their boots clicking against the floor, “My Master and I have been reunited, through him I was able to seduce Aurora to the Dark Side...” Hera smirked at the thought of a Jedi falling into the depths of darkness. “It’s really a long story, no need to go into detail...Unless you wish me to...”

Aurora Keaira
May 26th, 2003, 10:05:19 PM
Aurora watched the pair head off down a hall, her eyes scowling at the back of Hera's head.

Folding her arms over her chest she turned to regard the rest of the welcoming committee.

"Is there a place to get a drink around here?"

May 26th, 2003, 10:21:34 PM
The disembodied voice of Ezra comes from the shadows.

"There is such a place, would you like me to show you the way?"

Then he reappears gesturing to another passageway that was well lit.

Jun 2nd, 2003, 05:22:16 PM

Hera mused.

"I have not been there in a great while. Im sure Im not missing much." The two old friends smiled.

"So Aurora was once a Jedi was she...? How interesting."

Hera said this aloud, but it was more directed to herself. Aurora may turn out to have information that Hera could use. About her own past....about her ------ ..... Hera couldn't even bring herself to even think the word, so much did she dispise the person she was thinking of. The Faene mistress never referred to the wife of her father for who she was. Her own mother. The fact that the woman was her flesh and blood was an insult to the Sith that she would never forgive.

But there would be a time for Hera to seek out that information and Hera kept these thoughts to herself. Perhaps she would speak of them to Daiquiri first..

"Tell me of her turning, Sodan."

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jun 2nd, 2003, 09:19:11 PM
All the information that was currently available on Aurora was just finishing up downloading into their database. A quick verbal command and a flip of a switch fed the info straight into Hera's personal datapad. At her leisure and in privacy, the Faene boss could read up on Sodan's new wife.

Movement on a monitor sent her gaze upwards to one of the security screens. Steepling her fingers together, Daiquiri watched as Ezra led Aurora off in the direction of the bar. Maybe he could get something out of her that neither Hera nor herself could. Aurora didnt seem the type to have many female friends. Perhaps a male could slip under that cold exterior of hers.

Jun 11th, 2003, 10:22:13 PM
Sodan and Hera stopped at the end of the corridor before a large rectangle window. Hera's interest in Aurora and her turning toward the Dark Side made Sodan smirk as he gazed out into the galaxy, “The story of a fallen Jedi...Never can get enough of those...” Hera couldn’t help but smile.

“Before joining The Sith Order I was given a simple task by Lady Vader...” he looked to her, “I believe you know who she is...” He turned back to the window, his index finger strolling along the glass as if drawing a picture, “I was to turn a Jedi to the Dark Side and then I would allowed into the Order as a Master...”

“My target of choice was Aurora...” Hera interrupted, “Why?” Sodan dropped his hand, “She was older then most Jedi and better trained then most, It meant more to change the ways of someone so far advance compared to a weakling...” Hera’s lips slowly crept into a smile, “And?” Sodan smirked, “She is a red head, I have a weakness for red heads...” Hera lowered her head trying not to break into laughter.

Jun 15th, 2003, 11:23:51 PM
It was a good story. The fall of the Jedi in any form was always welcome news, though hearing of Aurora's former loyalties did nothing to endear her to the Faene Mistress.

However, she was dear to Sodan, and for that reason, Hera was inclined to make an effort on her behalf.

"So, you are a part of the Sith Order. Very impressive Sodan. As you may be aware, I am good friends with Lady Vader and Mistress LiveWire. You are in esteemed company indeed."

She continued to stroll in time with her friend as they talked.

"And what of your plans now, coming to ShadowFaene. Are you available for work, or do you have grander schemes planned?"

Aurora Keaira
Jun 16th, 2003, 07:38:06 PM
Aurora nodded slightly as she moved alongside Ezra. “That would be splendid,” she voiced, answering his question. Her eyes wandered back to the hall that her husband and the Faene mistress had moseyed down before averting back to where the man was leading her.

Jun 23rd, 2003, 12:32:16 PM
Coming out of the cooridor and onto a single door, Ezra opened it and gestured for her to go first. As she past by he closed the door behind himself and then led her again through a smaller hallway and through another door. They emerged into the bar and he led her to a table and offered a seat. He then went and gotten her a cool drink and a small platter of finger food. He placed the items before her and sat opposite to her on the table.


He said with a smile.

Jun 23rd, 2003, 12:49:01 PM
Sodan stopped at the end of the corridor before a door, he tilted his head slightly cracking his neck, "You know I'm at your service...I'm still apart of this organization, and always your friend..."

He gave her a smirk, "Question is...when do I start..."

Jun 30th, 2003, 11:23:33 PM
Hera mulled some ideas in her mind, before she spoke.

"Get yourself settled in Sodan. When you are ready, come by my office and I will have something for you."