View Full Version : A room with a giant bed.(open)

Apr 17th, 2003, 04:48:20 PM
That's Inu's only criteria for finding a room. He's pretty sure that not many Jedi have children, so looking for cribs for the cubs would be a foolish endeavor. Instead, he just needs one large enough to fit his family on. He finds a blank door and heaves it open. A single bed, meant for one person. He moves on, exasperated, until he arrives at his fifth room. Perfect. He carefully drops the bag and arranges the children in the middle of the bed, lying down with Sorr opposite himself. Now if the cubs shift, they'll encounter their parent's bodies and not risk falling from the bed. Inu is asleep the moment his head hits the pillow. He awakes hours later, and by the look of the chrono set conveniently on the nightstand, its noon. The cubs are still snoozing fitfully, but the father doesn't expect that will last much longer.

"Poor babies...had a rough day yesterday they did..."

Hiro sneezes and his eyes flutter open, yawning widely and stretching. This in turn wakes the others, and soon the bed is squirming as all four of his children fight wakefullness. Inu stands, stretching tentatively against the soreness of his muscles, and begins to prepare breakfast for the children. He and his wife will have to wait it seems.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Apr 17th, 2003, 04:59:43 PM
Sorr yawned and stretched before opening her eyes and blinking blearily. For a moment, she wondered why Hiro and Kalia sounded so much louder this morning until the events of yesterday came back to her.

She sits up and looks them over, none were crying fortunately though Nef and Anu were looking up at her curiously again. For the pair, this was technically their first real day in the world, their growth had been stalled by Inu's creator until now. Kalia batted lightly at her sister, she remembered the cub faintly from the day it was born but hadn't known what had happened to it, one day mommy had two new babies, the next she had only one.

Hiro remembers the scent of Nef but really nothing more, he had been far too young at the time. In truth, Kalia and Hiro were more curious of Nef and Anu then they were of them. Nef and Anu looked more to their parents, they seemed more comforting than their siblings.

For now, Anu was messing with a bit of his mother's long hair and babbling a bit at her while Nef just looked at her, studying her features it seemed. Sorr watched all of them carefully, the cubs weren't moving from the center of the bed yet but she knew they would in time.

The Narrator
Apr 17th, 2003, 07:07:04 PM
Unbeknownst to the occupants not long after they had entered the room, force fields had been erected on all of its sides, above, below, and completely surrounding. Something among the hopeful Padawan’s possessions had triggered an automated mechanism. It was an automated mechanism that’s reason would soon be answered. No audible or visible indicators made it obvious to those inside what had happened. For the moment they would remain unaware.

Apr 17th, 2003, 07:08:31 PM
Inu prepares two bottles, each half full. It isn't nearly enough, but its the best he can manage with what little they have.

"Time to feed our tummies," Inu says to them as he brings the bottles over. Hiro and Nef are the smallest, so they get to go first. "We hafta share. Daddy couldn't get all the bottles before we had to leave."

Nef and Hiro take the offered nourishment in their hands with happy smiles, but Anu and Kalia's little chins quiver at not being fed, eyes shining with threatening tears.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Apr 17th, 2003, 07:32:11 PM
Sorr hums for them, quieting the cubs down, Kalia knows the sound and Anu just likes it. Kalia flutters her ears and matches her mother's tones. Anu cants his head a little, the sound is new but comforting as everything Sorr does seems to be.