View Full Version : The Start of a Journey

Apr 17th, 2003, 04:31:33 PM
Fight on, fight on...
Never giving up.
Let's start our journey
As we whistle along.
Going now.

Tzu-Jan steps out of his house, one of many in a long row. He stretches, hands barely clearing the top of his spiky blue hair before he folds them behind his head with a yawn.

"It's a lazy day. Look at the sky, peeking between the clouds. It doesn't want to come out either."

He taps his sandals idly on the planks of the rowhouse's walkway before turning on the balls of his feet and walking towards the shops, looking for something to occupy his time.

Heero Jii
Apr 18th, 2003, 01:05:47 PM
Heero Jii yawned, he was leaning against the wall of a store, waiting for the owner to return from a lunch break when he spotted the spikey haired young man who seemed to be enjoying the lazy day.

"Hey kid, wanna help someone in need?"

Apr 18th, 2003, 01:09:48 PM
Tzu tilts his head back to look up at the guy who, by the look of things, is calling his attention. No one else around is as short as he is.

"Yeah, why not? Something to occupy my time."

Heero Jii
Apr 18th, 2003, 01:14:23 PM
Heero pointed at the store.

"Well the owner of this place hasn't come back from lunch, and I need to purchase something important from here, to help a woman who is sick, so if the owner doesn't get back in..." He looked at his cron on his wrist, "Like 5 mintues I need someone to find me a herb."

He looked at Tzu and hoped he understood what he was talking about.

Apr 18th, 2003, 01:41:05 PM
"Yeah, no big deal. Which one?"

Tzu knows a few herbs, but not enough to be terribly proficient in their use. If Heero should happen to get lucky and name one Tzu can use, he'll get his help.