View Full Version : Young Thieves. (One Jedi, Knight, preferred)
Apr 17th, 2003, 01:36:07 PM
Corusant, around 3 A.M. CST, Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill, and all except for a few street lights are dark. In an alley a slight noise is heard as a groups of kids (no more than six of them) duck behind a trash bin.
"This was a bad idea Yalsimri!" hissed a boy with a face that looked like he'd been starved.
"Shut up Vosk!" this came from a girl with dirty orange hair who does, slightly, resemble her name sake.
The boy who was called Vosk turned to the youngest one among the group, and snorted. "Yals thinks she's sooo smart, which she isn't, right Yub?" the littlest one just nodded and muttered 'Yub' under his breath just as a scrawny boy crawled up to Yals.
"Hoo, done, now everyone git over there." the scrawny one pointed towards the back door of the bar and grill as the other moved quickly past him, but he stopped one girl, the oldest, but the most childish looking of them all.
"Heard anything Mary?"
"Oh, um, no, their too loud tonight, The Angels I mean." Mary had one of those quiet voices that no matter where you were you'd here her. "Will that be a probelm Pik?" Pik just shook his head and took of into the dark dorr way, Mary right behind him.
"Oh cool!" Yalsimir was looking around poking at thing when she knocked something off a counter and it made a loud clanging noise, causing all of the kids to freeze in place.....
Wei Wu Wei
Apr 17th, 2003, 01:44:48 PM
Wei had been helping to clean up the Bar and Grill when a loud noise was heard coming from a counter somewhere.
"What could that be?" He wondered.
The Jedi Knight got up from where he had been scrubbing furiously at a table and snuck around to the source of the sound. Several children were frozen in place, waiting.
"Hey, you little guys," Wei said in a happy tone. "What are you all doing here after hours?"
Apr 17th, 2003, 01:49:39 PM
Vosk blinked, he had just stuffed what could've been bread into his mouth when Wei had entered the backroom.
"Ack! We didn't steal nothin' mista!"
And with saying that all of the kids had unfrozen and made a mad dash for the door, pushing Mary and Pik out of the way, and making a ruckus in the back alley. Pik had a look of disgust as he crawled out the door, and left Mary on the ground looking at Wei.
Her dark eyes where wide in awe at the man, and her mouth was in a little 'o' shape.
Wei Wu Wei
Apr 17th, 2003, 01:57:27 PM
Wei saw all the kids bolt out the door, leaving their friend behind. Wei sighed. "I don't care about things getting stolen," he said, sounding tired.
Then his eyes turned to Mary. "But I do care about little kids that lack shelter and food. Now tell me, what's your name?"
Wei slowly sat down on the floor Indian style and smiled his friendliest smile at Mary.
Apr 18th, 2003, 12:08:16 PM
Mary blinked, she then relised that everyone had left, she then opened her mouth as though to speak but instead she started to scream.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! You're gonna eat me, aren't you, cause you're a Jedi!"
Wei Wu Wei
Apr 18th, 2003, 06:34:34 PM
"Eat you? No, Jedi don't eat people. I like noodles myself. What's your favorite food?"
Wei had no idea where the whole Jedi eating people thing came from, but it was a fear that he would be more than happy to put to rest.
"No need to be scared. I'm here to help. That's what Jedi do. We help people."
Avolon Bisel
Apr 19th, 2003, 12:30:36 AM
At the other end of a bar...
Avolon Bisel was asleep, laying down in a booth. A cowboy hat was placed over his face.
A low tweet sounded as a 'droid nudged Avolon's foot, which stuck out beyond the booth.
"Wh--Max!! Go away you rust bucket."
The 'droid insisted on staying, beeping and tootling to Avolon. He was starting in on a story, starting with a clatter he had heard as he was sweeping up the place.
"Well, tell Wei, why don't you? Kid wanted to clean up, he can take care of rats too."
The 'droid insisted it was human, by voices he had heard, and was just about to tell Avolon of the young children he'd seen talking to Wei when Avolon bolted up.
Withen seconds Avolon was out of the booth, Cowboy hat firmly on and twin blasters drawn.
"Okay, you start the alarm, I'll take as many of them out as I can. Flush them out the back."
The 'droid tried to stop him, to tell him it was children, but it was too late. Avolon came running out, jumping on a table. He jumped from table to table, most tipping over from the ruckus. He leapt off, going into a roll, and slammed against the bar. He had his guns drawn, intending to fire before using his momentum to roll away from the bar and behind a turned over table... then he saw Wei and the girl..
"Stupid 'droid."
He holstered his weapons, standing fully erect as he did.
"Wei, what's going on here?"
Apr 19th, 2003, 11:07:25 AM
Her eyes still wide, and still screaming, Mary spotted Avolon and moved quickly so that she was right near him, giving Wei a wide berth.
"Me, an' Pik and the others, we jus' wanted somethin' eat, and Pik told us about this place, but he didn't tell the others that this a Jedi place cos they'd wouldn't of came, and Imp, he tells us that cos the a Jedi distroyed his da' that they eat people, and he's a Jedi and he's gonna eat me!"
She was now clinging to Avolon's arm and pointing with a shakey hand at Wei.
"Dun let him eat me!!!!"
Wei Wu Wei
Apr 20th, 2003, 03:45:00 PM
Wei rolled his eyes. "This young lady and here friends managed to sneak into the Bar and Grill. I'm supposing that they wanted some food, but she won't talk to me and insists that I am going to eat her."
Wei didn't like Avolon's rather irrational reaction a few seconds ago, but decided to not spend time with reprimands. Calming Mary's nerves was more important.
Wei scratched his head, stumped about what to do about the firghtened little girl.
Avolon Bisel
Apr 22nd, 2003, 01:15:20 AM
Avolon raised and eyebrow and his jaw slackened slightly.
"You're too far ahead of yourself kiddo. Calm down a little, first. I've got two big guns at my hips, two more at my back, and a rifle behind the counter. It's all going to be okay but you've gotta understand something."
He bent down and housted the child up and placed her on a bar stool. Leaning his hands on the bar, on either side of her, he leaned in to make eye contact.
"I'm a officer in the New Republic, okay? I'm also what we call head of security around here. I keep the bad guys out and destroy them but good, understand? Now if I let some good for nothing human eaters in here, I'd be out of a job right? So you've got to know this fella is harmless or else I'd taken care of him."
He could understand the anti-Jedi sentiment boared into the girl. He himself didn't rightly trust them at first. Wrote them off as cult followers who knew some pretty tricks. Over time and becoming the bartender and chief of security here, his ignorance slowly faded.
Apr 23rd, 2003, 09:21:41 AM
Mary hiccuped, rubbing her face into Avolon's arm.
"No, he's bad, the angels said so!"
She sniffled more, burying her face deeper into Avolon's arm.
Wei Wu Wei
Apr 23rd, 2003, 09:37:56 AM
Wei didn't know what to do he scratched his head and felt his face grow red with embarassment. He didn't understand. Wei opened his mouth as though he were about to speak, but shut it again. Anything he said would only make things worse for him.
Avolon Bisel
Apr 23rd, 2003, 11:47:23 PM
Avolon groaned.
"Oh come on kid. If the angels told you to jump off a cliff, would you-- Angels? Wha--" he looked to Wei for some kind of information about angels. Avolon was a sceptic and realist about everything. The Force he'd atleast accepted as a valid opinion but this angel business was kind of contradictory. "Hey, what else did these angels say, half pint?"
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