View Full Version : Purified Mental Play

H. A. Ferenczy
Apr 17th, 2003, 11:28:51 AM
Hannibal walks down the hallway at a humanly pace, slow and deliberate. His foot falls echoed, as that of humans would when walking in such a place. Hannibal always had a tendency to make his presence well know.....a habit that he, an old and surmountably powerful Vampire, would never break. Call it pride, arrogance, courage, or stupidity, he cared not.....

Even though he had been there only once before, Alana's bedchambers were burned in his mind....simplicitly put, he could find it irregardless of any handicaps. It was so because she was so magnetic to him. He liked her in many ways: her body was ample and curvacious, obviously very female; her mind was a powerful, witty tool, capable of murderous masquerades and, amazingly, foolish fun; her eyes always had a tendency to burn like that of a fire, illuminating her skin just as much as the purple moon of Roon did; and lastly, but most certainly not least, her strength was massive, a power unto itself, and he was facinated by her use of it.

Smiling, as he arrives at the door to her room, he continues his blatant, common human ways......he knocks and awaits her answer.

Alana Stormcloud
Apr 24th, 2003, 04:54:35 PM
Alana laid curled up in her favorite chair a book open on her lap. Her long finger holding the pages down to an unread chapter. Her eyes had instead slipped closed, her thoughts on other things. She could feel something coming, something they would all have to be prepared for.

When the knock sounded she smiled, she could feel Hannibal out there. His arrogance made her chuckle, as with all vampires they had it in abundance.

"Enter Hannibal... As you know my door is always open to you..."

H. A. Ferenczy
Apr 24th, 2003, 07:32:46 PM
Hannibal entered, without answering her via the Force. Instead, he did it the way he preferred: verbally.

"Thank you, Alana....."

He gazes to the empty spot beside her chair.

"Would you mind if I sat a spell with you? I have some things to speak with you about, and after a little conversation, perhaps we could continue our little mental play? I rather did enjoy it....."

Alana Stormcloud
May 5th, 2003, 10:35:34 PM
Alana smiled up at Hannibal. It had been some time since his last visit, and she had missed his company.

"Please sit, no need to ask.... I to enjoyed our last game of the minds, and a repeat performance would be delightful. But first tell me my friend how have you been?" She said in her melodic voice.

Without taking her eyes from him, Alana floated two finely wrought wine glasses over to them. The heady scent of blood wine permeated the air as she poured. Setting her book aside she awaited his answer....

H. A. Ferenczy
May 6th, 2003, 03:18:11 PM
"I have been quite well. A bit baffled, but well......"

Hannibal produces from his coat pocket a small black box. The engraving upon the box was masterful, containing olden Vampiric script, of which Hannibal had only the vaguest clue of what it said. He had never sat to look and decipher the strange code.

"Tell me, do you know what this might be?"