Marcus Telcontar
Apr 17th, 2003, 07:22:48 AM
Helen and I are not on much for a few days - Off on a conference doing camera work. On healing. First night tonight and it was.... interesting. Made you think.
Anyway, I'd post a easter message, but dont realyl have the thought in mind to write about. All I guess I'll say is that Easter is worthless, not if Christ didnt die (He did), but if he did not rise from death again. If he is stll dead, it's all a waste of time. Did he or didn't He? Up to us all to decide that.
That's all I'm saying this year. Peace be with you and God Bless whatever you and your families do.
Mark and Helen Dunn
Anyway, I'd post a easter message, but dont realyl have the thought in mind to write about. All I guess I'll say is that Easter is worthless, not if Christ didnt die (He did), but if he did not rise from death again. If he is stll dead, it's all a waste of time. Did he or didn't He? Up to us all to decide that.
That's all I'm saying this year. Peace be with you and God Bless whatever you and your families do.
Mark and Helen Dunn