View Full Version : First day of work (open)

Apr 16th, 2003, 11:48:08 PM
There was the Living quarters to clean. Now, there was also the Bar and Grill. He was busy - but so far, it was fun. Work never was a problem for the tall and thin blonde humanoid in the red coat. He rather liked it, truth be told and there was FOOD HERE! YUM!

Donuts even!

So, he got to wiping a few tables off. Maybe even takign a few orders. Really he seemed to be a cheerful idiot. Nothing special.

Just the Bar and Grill's new staff member.

Gurney Devries
Apr 16th, 2003, 11:52:32 PM
"Hey, buddy! Yeah, you... buddy!"

I took another puff from my cig before setting it down in the ashtray amogst a dozen other butts just like it. It flared brighter for a second before fading and seemed perfectly happy to wait until I got back to it.

"Can you take my order?"

Apr 16th, 2003, 11:59:22 PM
"Hey sure!" He exclaimed, putting the broom down so wouldnt trip anyone in passing. "Sure. What would you like?"

Gurney Devries
Apr 17th, 2003, 12:05:42 AM
"Just a beer, thank you. Spice ale, if you got any left."

I picked up my smoke and took another drag, looking around the room. Place was uncharacteristically empty, even for this hour.

"You're new here, arentcha?"

Apr 17th, 2003, 12:19:26 AM
"Spice Beer... yes we have that. Yes, I got my job here today - Janitor for the Living Quarters and barman when I'm not needed there"

He disappeared for a moment, before comign back with a mug of beer.

"Say... you one of them... Jedi types? Whats a Jedi supposed to be, never heard of one till I got here"

Gurney Devries
Apr 17th, 2003, 12:27:56 AM
Interesting kid. Prompt, too. Just earned himself a nice tip.

"Ah, a Jedi is a lot of things. Or at least, he's supposed to be. We're 'sposed to be moral pillars, defenders of the weak, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera."

I set down my smoke, lifted my beer and took a swig of it before continuing.

"As you can see, I don't quite buy into all of that. Probably why I'm still a student and not a real Jedi. But, in all fairness, they're not half bad people. I think I'm a better person now than I was before. I think everyone could learn a little something from them."

Apr 17th, 2003, 12:32:07 AM
"Really? That's nothign like the Jedi that bought me here - he was absolute bad <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>. He.. umm was able to do really weird stuff like make rocks float and..... blasted a hole in the sky that let fire onto the land. Can you do that?"

Gurney Devries
Apr 17th, 2003, 12:51:29 AM
"Uhhhhh, ah.... no. Well, maybe the rock thing. Might screw it up, though. So, uh, what'd you do before you starting working here, kid?"

Apr 17th, 2003, 01:00:07 AM
"Me? Oh I was wondering about. Looking for Love and Peace. Finding the next place I can get a few donuts and maybe a nice girl. what about you?"

He moved slightly and his coat parted ever so slightly - to give a sighter on one of the biggest hand gun you could imagine. The coat closed as Vash moved a bit more.

Gurney Devries
Apr 17th, 2003, 01:16:38 AM
I saw it - maybe he even meant for me to see it. Either way, I didn't react. Nothing I hadn't seen before. Maybe the kid just want to feel safe (Okay, so maybe I don't really believe that). None of my damned business, so long as he didn't hurt anyone who didn't deserve it.

"I... had a less than honest living before becoming a Jedi. Nothing too out of hand," I mumbled, taking another sip of my beer. Good stuff. I think I started to feel it kicking in.

"You ever thought about being tested to see if you could be a Jedi,... ah... <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>, what was your name again?"

Apr 17th, 2003, 06:53:47 AM
"Me? A Jedi? Doing all that weird stuff? Nah. I dont want that, not unless I get food. And ummm... I'm Vash. I didn't really used to do anything, except wandering. "

Wei Wu Wei
Apr 17th, 2003, 08:07:15 AM
Wei had been listening for quite some time to Vash. He seemed to be a simple sort of person, much like Wei was.

"Love and peace? Well, Jedi most certainly do uphold such things. So which Jedi was it that brought you here? I have never heard of a Jedi that could make fire rain down from the sky."

Wei thought some more on Love and Peace. "Well, I'll agree, Love and PEace are difficult things to find nowadays. All I ever see these days are violence and hatred. I'm noticing it more and more as our Padawans become more and more rebellious."

Wei sighed again. "It's good to meet you. Vash, right? My name is Wei Wu Wei. But please call me 'Wei' or 'Wu Wei,' whichever suits your fancy."

Gurney Devries
Apr 17th, 2003, 02:40:27 PM
"Mah name's Gurney and that's all you can call me to my face."

I lifted up my cig and took one last drag, burning it down as far as I could and squashing the remains in the ashtray.

The boy's constant insistance that he was just some fruity galaxy-strider seemed kind of... dubious. Still, he didn't seem like a bad kid. Maybe he just didn't want to talk about where he was staying before.

The Knight, however, seemed liked a genuine, through-and-through fruit.

"And if that was a jab in my direction, Mr. Wu Wei, I've safely filed it into my 'I-don't-give-a-dren' department," I said with a smile.

Wei Wu Wei
Apr 17th, 2003, 04:32:15 PM
Wei shrugged. "Not necessarily directed towards you, and whether or not you choose to heed my warnings is up to you entirely. And I don't say that Padawans are more violent and rebellious out of contempt: I say it because I'm worried about our Padawans falling to the Darkside."

It was evident to Wei that Gurney didn't like Wei very much. Wei shrugged it off. To each his own, after all.

Apr 20th, 2003, 04:57:13 AM
"Hi Mr wei, can I get you anytrhing?" Vash asked. "As for who bought me here... I dont know whom his name was. He kicked a lot of backside tho."

Wei Wu Wei
Apr 20th, 2003, 03:41:15 PM
Wei nodded. "Nothing for me, thanks. He must be a very skilled Jedi, that guy that brought you here."

Vash was also very kind and selfless from what Wei saw. He had a Jedi's spirit to be sure.

"But what about you? I've watched you bustle about here for a long time. Surely you would like something to eat or drink to keep your stamina up?"

Apr 22nd, 2003, 06:55:41 AM
"Dunno if he was a Jedi. Said he wasn't but he's here. Dont worry about me, I have lots of donuts. Donuts are gooood here!"

Wei Wu Wei
Apr 22nd, 2003, 08:30:30 AM
Wei raised an eyebrow. "Not a Jedi? But here at GJO? I have no idea about that. But yeah, donuts are good."

Wei thought Vash was a pretty cool guy. "What do you do for fun in your free time?" He asked.

Apr 23rd, 2003, 02:05:02 AM
"wander about. This is such a cool place to explore! But really, why do you need free time when your sweeping floors? You know, a man's greatness is not judged by what he does, but by how well he does it. I'm learning how to sweep floors perfectly!"

Vash was clearly a retard and completely believed what he just said.

Wei Wu Wei
Apr 23rd, 2003, 07:15:58 AM
Wei nodded. There was some truth to what Vash had said. "Yes. Do whatever you can to the best of your ability. This applies to many stations in life. Military, Engineering, Jedi, Short-order cooks, even Janitors like yourself. People's health will indeed be affected by how well you clean up. So it is important that you do your best."

If Vash was a retard, then Wei was too. But then again, simpleminded-ness did not necessarily make a person stupid.