View Full Version : Family Ties: A Conundrum on Coruscant

The Narrator
Apr 15th, 2003, 01:38:24 PM
OOC: This thread is open, but please PM me before joining so that a role in this tale can be discussed.

Coruscant; A planet considered by many as the hub of the Universe, a place that offers diversity and development unparalleled by any other civilized or non-civilized world. In the not so distant past this planet had been host to a corrupt Galactic Senate, a corruption that led to the nearly complete overthrow of a power that controlled many planets and cultures. The overthrow would have been complete if it had not been for a rebel faction that survived and thrived to stop the dilemma, eventually accomplishing its goal.

Before the coup of Galactic government, the Jedi had based themselves here, only to be driven within a small strand of extinction when the corruption seized power, tyrannically wresting control and forcing the Jedi into hiding, seclusion and secrets passed from parents to children being their only survival for many years.

But this night was different than those days past. The Jedi had returned to Coruscant. The self-proclaimed Emperor of the Universe vanquished helping to bring about a resurgence in the presence of those who followed the Lightside of the Force. The tables had been turned once again. For now it was seclusion and whispers that sustained those of the Darkside on this planet. Their time had passed here, but there were those who would seek nothing less than returning things to the ways their Emperor had envisioned in days of old. Agents of their various orders and sects could be found in every aspect of life here among the vast diversity this planet had on its surface, underground, and within its skies. A war of wills, on an intergalactic scale, was brewing and the Jedi had to be ever cautious to quell the aggressions whose intents they may not be completely aware of.

There was nothing unusual about this evening on the surface of the Galactic seat known as Coruscant. The horizon was full of life as colorful lights blinked and streaked, almost as if there were some kind of fireworks display, one that went on as far as the eye could see. but the immediate area of the scene were this narration centers from was not quite as colorful or thriving. This neighborhood had once been a thriving military district. It was a district that was the place where the families of those who in the past were in power.

It no longer thrived; signs of civilized life were practically non-existent. The streets were void of the bright colorful lights seen in the distance. Rubbish was lifted into the air by puffs of wind down the deserted sidewalks. The scent that wafted through the air was stagnate and in some cases pungently repulsive as years of neglect had taken their toll.

Among the decrepit structures there was one that stood out, one not in the same dilapidated condition as the rest. Lights within glowed from its windows. Its walls were void of disrepair that was evident on all of the other buildings around. the property itself was clean and pristine, something that would certainly stand out to an observer or passer by, be they on the ground, or passing by in the skies.

The time of night was 19:45 and the address that adorned the door of this structure on what at one time had been known as Indigo One Way, read 1001.

Something was not quite right here.

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 16th, 2003, 08:29:50 PM
"I have a bad feeling about this."

The Jedi Knight mumbled to herself, staring at the refurbished building as if seeing a ghost. Navaria was a good block away but such cleanliness stood out in the sea of filth and neglect. Memories of another life began to surface in crystal clarity. A time when the Empire was fully in command of the galaxy and a family that was deeply rooted in its brilliance.

At least until the name of a boy called Skywalker destroyed it.

She was barely six when the news of her Grandfather, the late Grand Moff Tarkin, was killed at the Battle of Yavin. Eight years later, her father was lost to the same rebels at the battle of Endor. Imperial Center fell not too long after and Navaria fled what was left of her family, her mother fearing the worse for her family. Unfortunately, only her mother and Navaria had escaped. Marc, her younger brother, got separated and went missing within the riots. Then, to finally put the nail in the coffin, Navaria's mother died five years to the date of Marcus' disappearance.

Ever since that first death, a seed was planted inside Navaria's mind. The infamous Tarkin anger had corrupted a part of her mind that did not manifest until the culmination of lost. The loss of Lise Tarkin. Navaria, scared of the galaxy without anyone to latch onto, retreated into the furthest corner of her mind and let loss a new monster. It's name was Dalethria.

For a long time, her Sith twin was in the driver seat until a twist of fate set Navaria's soul free ... and into the body of a clone. Life became confusing for Navaria. Besides the general state of shock that there was a separation of both Navaria and Dalethria, becoming fully committed to the Jedi was a difficult ordeal. To completely accept who you are and move past your fears require months upon months of intensive training. Also, a spiral of changing events led Navaria to learn that Marc was alive, who had already met Dalethria prior to their meeting, and acted like she was some sort of freak.

Perhaps in a way that was true. Maybe she should have died and accepted that her life was nothing more then a fantasy she created in her mind. Who was to say that Navaria wasn't the invented personality and Dalethria was the truth?

No. If that was true, Navaria would not be here, dedicating her life to peace and strength. Righting the wrongs committed in the name of Tarkin and eventually putting a stop to Dalethria personally.

She also wouldn't be standing here in this littered street, staring at this renewed ghost until her eyes glanced down at the letter (http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=26470) in her hand. "Please. Do not let it be you."

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 16th, 2003, 10:00:31 PM
"Dont let it be who?" asked the hooded and cloaked man beside her. "Someone we should be also wary of?"

He wassn't liking this either. This place was too quiet - he could feel it. Something was just plain not right.

"And also, mind describing the neihbourhood? I can sense positions and stuff, but all the Force is letting me see is grey shapes. I'm getting no perspective what things really look like. And... one more thing, seems I'm asking questions. I keep on feeling there's two of you next to me. How the hell are you doing that?"

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 16th, 2003, 10:11:19 PM
Many questions her comrade had and he deserved them, needed them in order to help her.

"I do not want it to be Marc. My brother. There is a part of me that is trying to believe the lie."

The letter disappeared into the folds of her cloak as she continued.

"This was zone designated for the families that served in the military that held high positions of power. After the riots, not much was left of it unsurprisingly. The stigma it portrays is probably the reason it has never been renovated. Now it is home to the homeless. Fitting and sad in a sense."

She straightened up and looked Marcus in the eyes.

"As for the strange feeling you are getting, that would be my guardian angel."

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 16th, 2003, 10:18:24 PM
"Much sadness there is here" he said "I can sense it. Maybe that is why I see everything grey tinged"

Guardian .... angel? He looked at his companion, then up a bit, lettign the Force give him vision. The Jedi Knight was being viewed as if through a static filter, which really wasn't normal at all. "Your kidding, a real angel? I thought that was just stories made up. It's so odd too.. like... two of you in the one space every now and then. what you angel's name?"

The Narrator
Apr 16th, 2003, 10:19:05 PM
The two figures seemed to be all alone on the apparently abandoned streets. Occasionally the dust on the ground would stir slightly as a small gust of wind flowed by. Then a shadow popped out from behind a wall, which was not really much of a wall any longer. It’s structure worn from abuse and the neglect of time with no upkeep.

A figure in clothes that lent well to making him difficult to see in the darkness of night walked towards them and spoke with a dry scratchy voice. A putrid scent wafted in the air as he got closer.

“Could’ya spare a cred or two for a man down on his luck?”

A filthy hand stretched towards the pair. It was partially covered by a tattered glove, the glove’s color almost matching that of his skin. A hat sat perched on his head, its brim along with the darkness of the neighborhood making it nigh impossible to make out his features, though the hand did appear to be that of a human.

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 16th, 2003, 10:49:02 PM
"Well, there is an explanation for it. I presume you have hea..."

Navaria was interrupted by a homeless man that had walked up to them. It was actually more the smell of the homeless man that caught her attention then the man himself. He was quite rancid, causing her naturally heightened senses to overload. It caused her eyes to water but Navaria held enough control to tone down that ability.

Her heart did go out to the poor soul. Whatever fate led him to live down here, Navaria could only imagine. She reached into her pocket and produced a few loose creds that she carried. Without any hesitation or sign of disgust, Navaria placed them into his hand and closed his fingers around them.

"Here you go."

The Narrator
Apr 16th, 2003, 10:56:59 PM
His fingers curled up and the outstretched hand darted back into his pocket, his other hand rising to the brim of his hat, which he tipped downward.

“Thank’ya miss.”

He looked side to side, along the desolate avenue and then at the pair again, not even bothering to apologize for his interruption earlier.

“Whats it be that bring your sort down round ‘ere?”

His posture made it obvious that he was somewhat unaccustomed perhaps even uncomfortable seeing people dressed and carrying themselves like these two.

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 16th, 2003, 10:59:09 PM
Sadness from seeing the human wreckage loomed in Marcus. what could you do with beings like that? He had seen his share of misery but it still hurt him to think, no matter what you did, there was always too many too help.

So you did what you could. He had a few credits, handing them over. What he did also do was make a mental note of pulling a few strings to get something dome for the homeless here.

Good question. What were they doing here? He was pretty much following Nav's lead rignt now

The Narrator
Apr 16th, 2003, 11:08:36 PM
With an obvious eagerness he reached out and took what the man offered him, this time tipping his hat with the same hand holding the freshly acquired credits.

“And thank’ya as well sir.”

This was turning out to be his best night in weeks, maybe even months. Nervously he looked around again, probably hoping that none of the other “residents” of the area had seen him, now probably plotting to catch up to him later and procure some of his newly obtained riches.

He wasn’t sure if his question would be answered, and his nervousness was quickly growing, his feet started to show it, shuffling around some as if he was ready to dart away any second.

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 16th, 2003, 11:17:38 PM
"Just a stroll down memory lane."

The Jedi could sense that the homeless man was worried and glancing about the area, she could see why. It was obvious to a few of the others that sulked in the shadows, were waiting for her and Marcus to leave so they could act on a moment of opportunity. The were not courageous enough to ask but cowardly enough to try and steal it.

"But, I think it is best you are off. It is late."

Navaria dropped her voice down so only those near her could hear.

"Cut down that back alley to my right. No one is there now. I presume you can disappear well enough on your own then?"

The Narrator
Apr 16th, 2003, 11:22:33 PM
He quickly looked over his shoulder, first left, then right, then left again, pausing in the opposite direction she had indicated. His head nodded and without another word his feet were moving, and moving fast.

Once again, the two were standing seemingly alone on the streets, the man that they had met having vanished into the shadows without nary a sound.

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 16th, 2003, 11:25:43 PM
"Makes you wonder why the Republic doesnt do more to help these people" he said. "So easy. Wouldn't cost all that much, not witht he huge budgets they have. Hell, they probably waste more on toilet paper than what it would take to help these beings out"

"Now, you were saying before about guardian angels ....?"

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 19th, 2003, 05:32:23 PM
She watched with a careful eye to make sure the homeless man was able to disappear without being followed. Once he rounded the corner and Navaria was satisfied that no one in that area projected harm towards him, her attention returned back to Marcus.

"Yes. In a sense that is what I have. I am sure you know that a Jedi does not always die when the light in their body is extinguished?"

Navaria didn't bother for an answer, of course a Jedi Master like Marcus knew of such things.

"About a year ago, a ... clone of mine was killed. By Sorsha."

There was still an underlying sadness in her voice when she remembered and talked about that incident.

"Her name is Daleethria. She has yet to leave this plane and watches over me. That is probably why you get a double aura about me in the Force. Not to ment..."

Marcus picked up on the noticeable pause. Navaria seemed reluctant to speak.

"... not to mention a time when we shared a life bond."

I was too weak to control my teetering emotions and it was the only way to control my fears.

Those words were thought to herself. It was something that no one knew about her, not even Sanis. There was no way that Navaria could have become a Knight without that life bond too Daleethria. Her fragile mind would still remain unresponsive to the Force and probably would have ended up quitting the Jedi because of the fears that gripped around her heart.

"She always keeps herself hidden to others, only appearing before me. Even Jedi Masters do not know she is there. Except today."

Her eyes drifted to the side, specifically a spray painted street light.

"She could let others see her, I know this. Maybe she will appear if you ask her too. That is .. if you want to."

Apr 19th, 2003, 05:41:25 PM
She was leaning against the glow-light pole as Navaria gave a good, but brief, description of what happened.

Hey, relax. You know I'll always be here for as long as I can. And quit thinking my death was your fault. Between you and Sanis, I have enough blame and pity to last three more lifetimes.

There was a subtle smile that Daleethria picked up on as Navaria continued. It made her happy that any dark thoughts about that day were pushed aside. She was rather surprised at the detail her Sister Jedi was going into but Marcus was strong with the Force, especially with his eye sight taken from him. His attunement was alert for such a presence like her and he deserved an explanation. It was just that no one knew of Daleethria except for Sanis. And there was that incident in the bar with Loki ...

Are you sure about this? I've been keeping a low profile for a reason you know.

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 25th, 2003, 12:27:30 AM
"Oooooh, now I understand. This bond must have been strong to allow Daleethria to stay with you, very strong indeed."

His face had the slightest of smiles now. Now, he could understand the strange static around Navaria and for some reason, it gave him comfort to know there was someone else here, not just him and Nav.

"Dont worry Daleethira, I wont bite. I would very much wish to meet you, if you would permit it. "

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 30th, 2003, 10:04:25 AM
"Yes it was."

She smiled happily.

"Still is."

This would be interesting to witness their interaction. Daleethria was quite a different being then Navaria, but at least she wasn't the same woman when first created. Being a mute in both voice and thought would have proven most difficult if it stayed. The Jedi was very grateful for Sanis in helping Daleethria overcome that.

Apr 30th, 2003, 10:21:12 AM
Marcus first heard a quite familiar voice in his head.


The area that Daleethria was hiding herself shimmered and took on a blue ethereal shape before coalescing into her transparent form. Of course Marcus couldn't 'see' her but in his mind's eye, he could. The Force could break through any physical barriers.

It felt kind nice that someone else knew she was there, though she wondered what his initial response would be. It was the same face and body as his Jedi companion but Daleethria was her own being ... even if her clothing resembled Dalethria's. Red leather jacket offset by the same material, in black, for boots and pants. She wasn't as masochistic as her Sith counterpart and had on a simple light black shirt for comfort instead of some tight fitting corset that made you wondered if breathing was possible. All the same clothes she had on before her death.

Daleethria hadn't changed her position but her eyes were definitely focused on Marcus.

So, those nude Ranger exploits aren't true?

Being one with the Force, old habits were hard to break. She never spoke once during her time alive and so, even now, Daleethria her voice was through the Force.

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 30th, 2003, 10:42:00 AM
Nude Ranger exploits! How in dickens did Daleethria know about that? He quite honestly had a lot of trouble containing a laugh

I'd love to know how you know that one. But, I guess maybe you would know more about me than those alive would - Is it true that those one with the Force can see through time and sense things still alive can't? and ummm...

quite abrupty, Marcus became very uncertain. Something clicked, because he was certain, in what now felt like another life and another name, Daleethria was familiar. He rewound mentally what Nav said

Clone of mine...


"Ummm..... This might not be the right time to ask this, but if Daleethira is a clone of yours Nav.... then why has she..... Oh Lord, I think I just got a headache" he groaned. "I think you better start this from the top if what's crossed my mind is right. Where does the Sith Master Dalethria come into this?"

Apologies to you Dalee... but I must understand. Don't worry, I sense what you were and there's nothing to fear from me on that regard. I just... want to understand where dalethria fits in this, as she appears to me to now do so

Navaria Tarkin
May 8th, 2003, 01:41:07 PM
Navaria closed her eyes as the entire ordeal that led her up to this moment flashed before her eyes. Most of the memories were painful and it was difficult to speak. Strangely enough, as she was about to, Daleethria cut her off...

May 8th, 2003, 01:53:07 PM
I got this one Nav. Marcus wanted to meet me anyway. What better introduction then this?

She moved off the streetlight and walked over to the two of them.

First. Dalethria isn't a Sith Master. She's with the Black Hand again, so Dark Jedi Master is more appropriate.

The stunned look on Navaria's face didn't go unnoticed.

That probably answer's your first question, Marcus. As for the rest ... Dalethria made three clones of herself. Daalethria, Dalethrria and myself. The process didn't worked quite as expected. Each one of us represented a part of Dalethria. The evil, the Jedi and the harmony between the two that were inside of her. Daalethria was killed by myself personally. That clone was manically insane and wanted to kill the Jedi clone. I couldn't allow that. Everything was black and white to me and I foresaw her.

Daleethria motioned towards Navaria.

I knew that clone body would be the vessel for Navaria's mind ... the true mind. And so, Navaria was given a second chance ... She is the only one left of us three physically.

As for me? Well, I was killed by Sorsha. I knew it was going to happen to. I accepted it, for now I can do more good and watch over Navaria.

It was a good stopping point. If he had more questions, she would answer but the information told was the foundation for the larger picture.

Marcus Telcontar
May 12th, 2003, 08:55:48 PM
Lets think this over....... Hmmmm..... okay, I think I've got it

"So Dale's the real body, but Navaria is the real mind, yes? And here I was thinking Turbogeek was a mess" He quietly pondered this for a moment, before speaking again. "One day you know, you will have to sort it out and return things to as they should be."

But not today. Today, there was a different problem. While he went silent, his mind was reaching out, sensing what was ahead

Navaria Tarkin
May 13th, 2003, 09:52:26 AM
She breathed in deeply and sighed.

"Yes. I know. The problem is I foresaw that confrontation. It was chaotic and hard to follow ... but I do know that one of us will not survive in the end.

Of, course the future is always in motion. It might not come to pass. We have more important issues to worry about anyway."

Her eyes glanced back at her home that was newly renovated. She was completely on guard physically and mentally. Something was coming but still decided to remain hidden for now ... waiting for the Jedi to make the first move perhaps.

May 13th, 2003, 09:54:55 AM
It was kind of fun having Marcus head hurt a little in thinking about Navaria's predicament. He had similar problems so it wasn't as bad as some people sorting through the mess.

Both of them went quiet and her eyes eventually turned towards the condo. Navaria's memories were her own so even she felt a little homesick while looking at it.

I don't think anyone is going to greet you two out here besides another bum. Probably want to head inside and be on guard.

The Narrator
May 16th, 2003, 09:28:58 PM
As Navaria looked at the house there was nothing peculiar about it in the Force, in fact it was almost some kind of void as far as that aspect went. To the naked eye it was very obvious that there was something unusual about it. This one building among the ruins of the others was in pristine shape. In fact, it looked just the way it would have before the riots and before Navaria and her mother had to leave it.

The plants looked to be at about the same level of maturity, the condition of the outer surfaces looked just as it had so many years ago. There were many small details that may have gone unnoticed immediately, but somehow her subconscious would pick up on them.

Even as they got closer to it, the scent in the air was familiar in the sense of being exactly that of what it had been when she was in her youth. In all likelihood her subconscious was drawing her towards it possibly pushing aside some of the more cautious traits her Jedi training had instilled within.

Its every aspect was almost hypnotic in its precision to detail and the feeling of nostalgia it inspired.

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 8th, 2003, 03:05:05 AM
"What an odd place" Marcus commented, looking the building over. Everythign seemed in place - which givent he state of the rest of the neigbourhood just set his alrm bells ringing. He really wasn't likeing this now - not at all. what was going on?

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 8th, 2003, 10:43:12 AM
Everything about this setting did two things to the Jedi Knight. All the sights and smells were regressing Navaria back to the time when she was a child. Often her mother would wave to her and her brother from that front window, near the doorway, when they came home from school. She always greeted them warmly with open arms. Navaria swore she could smell her mother's cooking too as if someone was inside using the oven. In the back of her mind, there was that logical part of her that was screaming of the danger that was obviously present, but a lost childhood that was craved for years was hard to push aside so easily. Perhaps that was why her feet were moving her forward with a will of there own.

She didn't answer Marcus. Her mind was too busy trying to figure out what was going on and fending off memories that were threatening to swallow her. Part of her was wanting it to be real, the other half was trying to figure out a solution to how this was possible. Holograms? The Force? Anything was possible but it was comforting that Marcus saw it too. Which almost ruled out the Force. How could someone penetrate a mind like Marcus' so easily?

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 10th, 2003, 07:43:55 PM
Whatever what was going on was making Marcus think it was time for the heavy artillery. This situation was making absolutly no sense - thence he wasn't goign to take another step without some sort of preparation.

The sabre at his belt had some grooves on it. On these grooves he slid on two prong like appendages, and then an end cap that clicked on. From another place in his cloak, he produced another sabre that he connected to the front of the hilt like device, pressing it into the end can and then twisting. A slight double beep announced the conenctions had been made.

The device in his hands was deadly, sleek and ancient. A sabre from so long ago, records hardly existed. 4000 years at least old it was, a weapon formed by a forgotten Master, Jedi arts on it that were only half understood. Athona it was called. It felt warm in the Jedi's hand as it usually did.

The Flamesabre was tucked back beneath his cloak.

"LIttle insurance policy" Marcus stated. "Come on - lets go knock"

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 11th, 2003, 02:01:00 PM
The assemblage of the ancient weapon snapped Navaria out of her stroll down memory lane. There was not much preparation for the Jedi Knight as they arrived towards the door. Her sabre was at her hip and the Force was with her. If by chance that was seized from her, there was her training to fall back on ... and of course, there was Marcus.

It was time to find out what was going. She had a sinking feeling, as her hand rose to knock, that there would be no immediate answers. Knuckles knocked against the door rapidly four times and ... they waited.

The Narrator
Jun 17th, 2003, 07:59:50 PM
From the west side of the house, outside the wall surrounding it, came a sound that penetrated the eerie quiet of the still evening. It was a sound of movement, possibly feet shuffling on the ground. Neither Jedi’s Force abilities would have sensed the presence of a Force using being over there, but there was something over there, what one could not be certain of. Was it dangerous or not? Who could tell from their current vantage point, certainly not the two Jedi at the door, not yet at least.

At the same instant the sound began, Navaria started to smell something emanating from under the door to the house. This wasn’t just some kind of subliminal memory resurfacing. This scent was one she could not mistake. It was one unique to her past. It was a specific dish prepared in a way only her mother would, and had, when Navaria was a child.

Navaria heard a faint voice from inside. A female voice.

"Kids........honey.......its dinnertime."

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 21st, 2003, 03:59:52 AM
He decided to knock on the door again, but to his surprise, it opened. He peeked inside, but there was no one obvious here. He turned to see what Navaria thought...

"hey. Hey Nav! What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost!... Ummm... oh frell, sorry about that Dale, I didn't mean... ummm.... bugger. Foot in mouth syndrome"

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 22nd, 2003, 05:34:23 PM
Marcus' foot in mouth syndrome was falling upon deaf ears. Navaria was entranced by the smells coming from the building. Cantrezlen burgers and maslen sprouts cooked in exotic spices that her father would bring home on shore leave. Her mouth began to water on instinct, recalling those happy times. But they were only memories.

"Kids........honey.......its dinnertime."

Her lip trembled at the clarity of her mother's voice in confusion. The Knight's hearing went beyond acute and knew that was Lise's voice. Not some recording. Hologram?

"Mother? It cannot be her...."

Eyes furrowed together and Navaria stepped past Marcus and into the foyer. This was getting to be too much and this game wasn't funny anymore. Unsurprisingly, it was just like how she remembered it. She didn't have time to reminisce. She wanted to get to the source of this well funded joke.

"She is suppose to be dead....."

Frantically her eyes searched the room, finding nothing peculiar yet. Her mind then reached out with the Force to probe this anomaly since this couldn't be reality.

Jun 22nd, 2003, 05:42:26 PM
Daleethria would have chimed in with a proper response to that horrible pun ... but she was in quite the same state as her living Sister. When she was alive, Dalethria was the model for her memories so this very structure was disconcerting to say the least. The only difference between Daleethria and Navaria was simple ... It took less time for Daleethria to snap out of this. She could easily see past all this nonsense but what purpose it was serving eluded her.

Marcus was here and she felt that Navaria would be safe, and remained quiet .... for now.

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 22nd, 2003, 09:51:49 PM
"Right, that's it"

He drew out Athona, keeping it unlit for now. Stepping carefully forward, he ignored the door closing behind him, but still allowd his senses to reach out, trying to work out what the hell was going on. really, none of this was making any sense - to him the place was empty. Even if it was oddly well maintained. He glanced at a mirror then from underfoot heard an snick. He looked down and quite abruptly disappeared.

The trapdoor swung back closed and relocked.



"CRAP!... Errr... awww frell, not literally...... oh great. Gross."

He looked backwards up the chute he had found himself sliding down. The angle was wrong to leap up and it was also quite along chute that would take quite some time to rescale. and he doubted walking out fo the sewer would be quicker.

"Nav! Dalee! I'm okay. I'm coming back up"

But that would take some minutes. Traction on the polished steel would be difficult. And with wet boots.....

He sighed, put Athona back on his belt and began to try to climb back up.

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 23rd, 2003, 06:03:12 PM
Her head perked up at the lever being released and Marcus' cloak that flapped upwards violently. When Navaria whirled around, her eyes widened in surprised to the disappearance of the Jedi Master. Eyes trailed down to the now shut trap door.

"That is new."

She kneeled down on the floor and felt that he was all right. Mostly his ego was bruised for falling into such a simple trap.

It was sealed perfectly, only barely could her eyes see the outline. There was no apparent mechanism that triggered it nor a place that such a device could be found.

I could expedite your escape.

Navaria pulled her sabre free and ignited it.

The Narrator
Jun 29th, 2003, 07:54:19 AM
Marcus was looking back up the chute that had delivered him down below the house’s floor, pondering just how he would be able to get back up the approximately 5 meters he had fallen, when there was a subtle yet deliberate mechanical sound of an engine starting. The opening to the chute snapped closed in a flash of polished steel, gears beginning to rumble and moan as the chute retracted from the small room the Jedi Master found himself within.

The next sensation was even more sudden in its occurrence than the snapping shut of the chute. The room Marcus was in had started moving parallel to the ground, and it wasn’t just crawling along either. The entire room was moving very fast, putting a great deal of distance between the two Jedi causing Navaria’s suggestion to fall on empty air, unable to be heard by Marcus as he unwillingly speed away from the Tarkin residence in some underground access way.

As Navaria ignited her saber the house lighting suddenly shifted to red in color and an alarm started to sound. A mechanical house droid voice spoke repetitiously over the intercom system.

“Weapons alert! Weapons alert! Weapons alert!”

The opening from the foyer in which she stood that led into the house proper started to shimmer as a force field sprung to life. The ventilation system made an odd sound as ducts closed and redirected airflow.

The sound of deliberate forced air filled the Jedi’s ears as she felt the newfound draft, odorless rustle her hair. small particles of fiber floated in with the air, its make up shunting her lightsaber and causing it to deactivate. Her saber was now non-responsive to her attempts to re-engage it.

The monotonous voice of the droid changed slightly as it stopped repeating the weapons alert message, and begun a new one.

“Sedation of the hostile intruder will begin in ten……nine……eight……seven……six…..”

Was this aspect of the home’s security system the same as it had been when Navaria was a child? Did she know what came next? Even better yet, if she did, would she remember how to deactivate the countdown, and if so would it respond and cease the countdown? Time was running very short.

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 24th, 2003, 09:48:21 PM
"I guess they reactivated the security system too."

Her eyes scanned the area with a longing sigh.


If memory served, and if the industrious person that decided to renovate this building hadn't moved it, the deactivation panel should be near the kitchen.

Quickly her feet carried her down the hallway as the time was ticking away. The Force was aiding her in searching through her memories for the correct sequence of key strokes, but it was a gamble. What if it didn't work? And what surprises would be in store for Navaria if the security system responded?

Seconds remained and she turned right, the panel was in sight just as a memory was enhanced. It had nothing to do with her personal memories of using the security system. She was rather young and that was mother's responsibility. No .. this was of her father, one of those days he was actually home. He had taken her and Marcus to the theater that night to witness 'A Cry for Order' ... a play written to impress Emperor Palpatine. They had come home late and she was being carried in her father's arms. Mother was putting Marcus to bed and Andron had to turn off the system. Navaria was only half asleep as he punched in the key codes but with her abilities now... Navaria could see through that haze and witness with absolute clarity, the proper sequence.

Two seconds remained and she kept her cool, punching in that same exact code just as the computerized voice said one.

But .. was she in time and did it even matter?

The Narrator
Sep 2nd, 2003, 07:13:13 PM
The drone of the mechanical voice ceased, having last uttered the word “one”. Seemingly Navaria had been successful in disarming the security system.

However, the shimmer of faint light between where she was now and the main area of the home was still present, indicating that there was still a force-field in place. If she were to be so inclined as to investigate further, Navaria would find that she was absolutely encircled in force-fields, on all sides.

With her saber rendered non-functional by the nearly microscopic cortosis fibers, now strewn about the entire area she now stood within, covering her, the weapon, the floor, and still floating in the air, doing any investigation beyond what her naked eye could see would be quite difficult.

She stood in silence for what may have seemed like a very long time due to her current stress levels, but in reality it was no more than a couple of minutes. After the awkward silence had passed a new voice came from the home’s intercom system. This one was different than the other though. This voice was human and more than being one belonging to a person, should have been quite familiar to Navaria, but it had been more than a decade since she had heard its cadence and tone.

“I see you haven’t turned your back on everything the name I passed onto you stands for Navaria.”

There was a pause, allowing Navaria the chance to let what she had just heard, and more importantly, whom she had just heard it from, sink in.