View Full Version : Unexpected Visitors (Figrin D'An, Marcus )

Apr 14th, 2003, 10:36:11 PM
The new janitor of GJO whistled as he walked down the hall, pushing along a cart with several brooms. He had an unusal red coat and a bright demenour that seemed to brighten the area as he walked. He was whistling an old tune he had picked up somewhere - where he wasn't sure. Things were vague now and then and frankly, he didnt remember much before he woke up a few months ago. Just hazy images that made no sense. Soemthing bad, he thought. Well, it wasn't any problem unless the bad thing came back. Somehow, he was pretty sure that it wouldn't - tho, the few days ago when he was on that planet that had the creatures, he wasn't so sure. what he had seen was.... well, he was still trying to work that one out. Strange things. Things he couldn't explain. Like this odd man whom was following him.

Well... not for bad. The man, whom called himself Marcus, wnted Vash to go be a distraction so he could sneak in quietly. Vash hadn't liked that, but had agreed reluctantly. His new friend was weird and did strange things.

One thing Vash did know he had to stay with Marcus for a while, even if Marcus didn't like it. The man whom called himself a Jedi was still recovering from whatever happened on that planet, he was badly hurt if the truth be told. How anyone could keep themselves moving in that condition was beyond poor simple Vash. Ahhh well. For now, he'd do as told. And try to talk sense into Marcus later.

He came to the right door, used the passcode he had been given and went inside. No one was there, so he did his job of takign out the rubbish and doing a bit of a tidy up, before leaving. He didn't even see Marcus also get in behind him, but Vash knew. How anyone could move as silently and undetectible was bizarre. Again, not for him to ask.

Vash shrugged and walked out. And went back to his job, which, frankly he loved already, even after two days. Cause it came with as much food as he could eat.

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 14th, 2003, 10:47:00 PM
He snuck into Figrin's room just as Vash had his back turned. Liek a breeze, he whipped in, then made sure Vash didn't notice him inside - so the young janitor coudl speak the truth if he was ever question. No, Master Jedi, I saw no one and I didnt let anyone in. Not it was goign to be big problem. Fact is, if he was right...

Yeah. If he was right. He might not be, things had changed here. Things around the Living quarters, himself even. How could you not go through what he had been on Harrvii and remain unchanged? Waiting for Vash to go, he looked around the room with eyes still healing from an incident months ago. Still intolerant to bright light, lleast things were iproving and he could see to some degree. Darkness he was more comfortable in... and his musing ended as Vash left. What a strange one, Marcus thought. Unexpectedly arrived to drag Marcus out of the river before he drowned, tended to the worst of his injuries.... Marcus owed his life to the tall thin man in the red coat. Why Vash had insisted in helping Marcus come here was however, puzzling.

Well, that he could work out later. Vash, in their conversation last night told Marcus directly he needed to rest and now. Unwilling to admit he was right outloud, Marcus had forced himself to go on, right till he was here. After a week on the run after Harrvii (what the hell had happened there? I still dont remember) he had finally found definate, safe and private refuge. Without bothering to even take the sword belt off,he got to the couch that was in Figrin's living room, stretched out and promtly his wearied, bloodied and beaten body gave up the struggle and he went into a sleep so deep, it was more liek a coma.

It was a risk even then to come here. Hopefully Figrin would find him. And not tell anyone else. After all.. how could you tell anyone about a Jedi Master that wasn't supposed to exist?

Figrin D'an
Apr 14th, 2003, 11:46:21 PM
The elevator doors slid open, and Figrin began a slow walk down the main hall of the living quarters wing. His boots clapped against the tiled floor, echoing off into the dimly light walkway ahead of him. It was late. Many Jedi were asleep, a few perhaps at the Archives studying or out on assignment in the Coruscant night.

To say that he'd had a long day was an understatement. It began at 0400, receiving a call from the Chancellor's galactic security advisor about a developing situation on the Outer Rim. Apparently, a group of disgruntled workers for a large Corellian trading conglomerate were attempted to blockade the Dantooine shipping lanes. They claimed it was a "strike." These things did happen occasionally, and were solvable by local authorites. Except that, in this case, the group had managed to acquire some old Imperial surplus turbolasers, and attached them to their freighters.

And that was just the morning... after performing a negotiating balancing act between the paranoid workers, the angry trading organization, and a sector constable with an itchy trigger finger, the Jedi sat through 4 hours of Senate session in which the honorable representative from Chandrillia attempted to tack a "nerf waste control" appendage to the Galactic Health Care Bill. The Chancellor was bored to tears, and Figrin, admittedly, nodded off twice during the debate.

Throw in some afternoon sparing, research time in the library and the evening Council session... he was ready pretend most of the day didn't happen and start anew in the morning, preferably later than 0400.

The Jedi reached the door to his quarters. He started to tap his entry code into the access terminal, but stopped short... he felt something through the Force... a presence, inside his quarters. It was definately a person, but the identity was masked... someone whom obviously didn't want to be found out.

Figrin unclipped his lightsabre from his belt, holding the hilt at the ready, and finished entering his access code. With a light hiss, the door slide opened. He glanced around the corner, and upon seeing nothing unusual, entered as silently as possible.

The lights were dimmed, though not turned off entirely. Everything seemed in place as his eyes scanned about the room. Everything, that is, until he saw what looked like a pair of legs hanging off the end of his living room couch. Figrin approached the couch from the back, cautiously. The figure came more fully into view. Scruffy clothing, covered in dirt and blood, unkempt hair... and a face that he knew all too well.


Marcus Telcontar
Apr 15th, 2003, 12:01:35 AM
How long had he slept? No idea. It was daylight when he got in here, but he couldn;t tell what time it was now. Besides, he really didn't care. Just resting liek this was almost bliss. really, he had no idea how badly he had punished his body over the last few weeks. Now he had stopped, he could feel it and mentally, he was almost spent. Least he was awake enough to know someone was coming in and also coming closer. His eyes weren't really focusing but the sound of the voice was familiar.

"Hi there Figrin" he said, not even trying to get up. Wouldn't have worked anyway, his body was simply too weak. "I bet I look like a fine mess, dont i?"

Figrin D'an
Apr 15th, 2003, 12:43:20 AM
Figrin shook his head, and gave a half-hearted, and rather concerned, laugh.

"You look like you've been run through a trash compactor. What in the name of the Force happened?"

Marcus looked like he was ready to reply, but Figrin, quickly reconsidering the question, held up his hand.

"No... wait... don't tell me. I'm probably better off not knowing the specifics."

He took a seat on a chair across from the couch.

"I couldn't sense it was you from outside my door. You're lucky I'm a patient and reserved person... you might have seen a sabre blade ready to shave off that stubble of yours," he commented, a wry smile crossing his face.

He leaned back, relaxed a bit, and ran his hands through his hair. His demeanor changed.

"I'm not sure I should even ask why you are here."

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 15th, 2003, 01:11:20 AM
"I know what your like, that's why I gatecrashed" he said, trying a bit of a joke. "But if you wondering why I'm here... I can answer that. I faced off an enemy that was nearly too great for me to handle. I was forced to ..... to....... I cant remember. All I see in my mind is the flames and the destruction. They... must have thought I was dead and left me. I came here because...."

He closed his eyes for a moment, gathering strength.

"Because right now I'm defenceless. Your the only Jedi I can turn to for aid right now. I need somewhere to hole up while I rest and heal. Somewhere quiet where no one knows. But as well, I have had it in my mind that I needed to come here anyway. You and I should talk."

Figrin D'an
Apr 15th, 2003, 06:20:19 PM
"My guest room is yours... you can use it as long as you need. I hope your healing skills will be enough to self-heal. I may be able to get you some bacta from the medical ward, but that's about all I dare risk."

There was a long silence... Figrin was unsure what to say or do next. Marcus was likely too tired to say or do much of anything. He decided to change to subject, at least for a moment.

"I got your letter. You'll be happy to know that Kelt was promoted without objection. I vouched for him personally. He is doing quite well. I believe he is even looking to take on a learner of his own."

He paused. Figrin leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and folding his hands just in front of his face. There was no avoiding the matter now... his own inquisitiveness, along with his concern for the Jedi and his friend, compelled his ask.

He sighed.

"Marcus... your letter mentioned a darkness you perceived, something that was starting to move against the Jedi Order itself. I know believe you can handle this... and I'm not about to compromise your secrecy or your efforts to remain hidden... but I need to know... just how deep does this go, and how involved are you? When you show up at my door in this kind of condition, it's difficult to not want some answers."

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 15th, 2003, 06:42:29 PM
"I guess I owe you that much at least. If you can get the banta, that'll be appreciated. Will you give me a bit of time to rest first however?"

He smiled tho, despite the tiredness.

"It is good to hear about Kelt. He was a good Padawan. Ahh... I nearly forgot. When we talk, remind me about the Book. That'll intrest you greatly and I think a fair exchange for doing this for me"

Figrin D'an
Apr 15th, 2003, 07:06:25 PM
Figrin nodded, a look of reluctant concession covering his face. He agreed, Marcus needed to recover his strength. Maybe later, he would finally better understand what was going on. Shades of doubt crossed his mind... Marcus was all too good at finding ways around questions he didn't really want to answer. Only time would tell...

"Very well... we'll talk after you have rested. I'll see what I can get for medical supplies. In the meantime... stay low, and try to mask your Force presence. It would be... ideal... if no one else knows that anyone, much less you, are here."

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 15th, 2003, 07:33:37 PM
"Dont worry, I don't particularly want it known I'm here either. Mind givign me hand and showing me where this guest room is...?"

Figrin D'an
Apr 15th, 2003, 11:30:23 PM
Figrin stood, and helped Marcus to his feet. Aiding the injured Jedi as an extra balnce support, Figrin lead the way slowly from the main living area down a short hallway. A right turn through a doorway at the end of hall revealed a modestly furnished guest room. It was rarely used... Figrin did not often have vistors that stayed with him... but it was an extra room that the Jedi had not found any other use for. One of the perks of being a Jedi Master was rather spacious quarters, particularly for just one person. In this case, that extra room would be more than helpful.

Marcus sat down on the bed, exhaustion clear on his face. He was in pain, but, as Figrin had noticed in the past, it was something that he did not let it show through is stoney exterior very often.

"It isn't much, but it should give you a place to sleep. You can make yourself at home as best you can. The kitchen is just off the main living area, and is usually well stocked, so help yourself when you are hungry. If you need holonet access, or anything from the Archives, you can use the terminal in my office."

He looked around the room briefly, then, satisfied that he had explained everything sufficently, moved towards the door.

"If there is anything else you need... let me know."

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 16th, 2003, 05:47:25 AM
There wss no reply as Marcus had fallen face first ont he bed and was already out.

Several days later......

The water shower had done him a power of good. Getting all that dirt, grime and dried blood washed off was a pleasure, as was a decent hair scrubbing. The heat of the shower penetrated his skin, warming and massaging.

He was alive. Yet again, he had put one over Death and his enemies. Not quite int he order of the escape of whitetown, but right up there. If that weird being in the red coat hadn't been there tho...... what was his name again? Lash? Vash? Something.

He stepped out of the shower, drying off. The wounds were closed and healing very well, the exhaustion he had was far less pronounced and he suspected once he got some food into him, that too would go, In fact...

"Wonder what Figrin has to eat around here?" he asked the mirror. The mirror didn't talk back. "Dumbo. I'll go find out for myself"

Getting dressed in a blue doublet and pants, he came out still barefoot. He went for the kitchen and began to explore, especially the cooler.

"Hmmm.... not bad. Pretty well stocked. Lets see now......"

Half hour later, the kitchen was fileld with the sound of food cooking and quite wonderful smells. One of the things Marcus never told anyone - not even Helenias or Xazor - was that he was an exceptional cook. He usually kept this skill private, preferring to treat himself alone now and then when he could. No artifical ingredients here either and no processors. This was old fashioned home style cooking.

"Hope your not a vegetarian" he said out loud.

Figrin D'an
Apr 16th, 2003, 06:43:42 PM
"Whatever it is... it smells great."

Figrin had entered the quarters just a few moments before, and stacked a pile of datapads onto his desk as Marcus voice called out from the kitchen. He quickly checked his messages on the access terminal, then proceeded to find out what was being prepared in the other room.

"You seem to be doing better," he commented. "I got some extra bacta salves, in case you need them."

Containers, pots and pans were spread across the countertop. Fresh vegetables, waiting to be chopped, rested with a knife on a cutting board. A pan on the cooking stove sizzled as its contents were shuffled and turned skillfully by the chef, whom despite a few cuts a bruises, appeared much healthier than when he had first shown up on Figrin's couch a few days earlier.

"I'm impressed... although you'd better be careful, those wafting smells could spread into the hall and attract a bit of attention." He smiled and continued to watch Marcus move about the kitchen.

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 16th, 2003, 07:13:49 PM
"Ah yeah... no matter, I'm sure anoyone being lead by their nose can be fobbed off with a doggie bag - yep, feeling much better"

The meal itself was ready 15 minutes later.

"I once had to disguise myself as a chef in the dim dark past" he said as he beared the plates and dishes out on a fairly large tray. "Cooking isn't exactly a notion Jedi or Sith have to know, so it was quite an experience. It's come in quite useful since then. And, quite good hobby. Now, if you will excuse me, I'm starving. Dig in"

Figrin D'an
Apr 16th, 2003, 07:43:48 PM
Figrin sampled the main dish, lifting a small amount to his mouth with a fork.

"Wow... this is really good. It's been a while since I've had legitimate home-cooked meal. My schedule has been horrible lately."

The two enjoyed the meal in relative silence. Marcus ate quickly, looking to quell his obviously grumbling stomach. Figrin enjoyed the tastes more leasurely, but still found himself devouring everything put in front of him. He took a long drink of water after he finished.

"Many compliments to the chef. You manage to continue to surprise me."

It took only a few minutes to clear the small table. The kitchen itself was a bit larger a task, but between the two of them, the job was done efficiently, and the autowasher took care of dinnerware and cookware.

Upon returning to the living area, Figrin took a seat in his favorite chair. He rested his eyes, clearing his head and better tuning himself into the Force. After a few moments, his eyelids opened and, feeling more focused, he spoke up.

"I hope I don't sound too... pushy... but now, perhaps you might be able to tell me a little about what happened to you..."

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 16th, 2003, 11:21:01 PM
OOC : Just noting - what happened hasnt fully occured in RP yet - Carry The World is where it happened. I can only refer to things that either have happened or I know will occur. I'm pretty hazy on a lot of it so I have to be a touch spotty


"Ah... yeah. Well...... rememebr not long ago Senator Evenstar put her foot into it and caused a bit of a diplomatic ruckas? Well, not sure what you heard, but the meetign she was supposed to be doing negotiations at was attacked. I got her and her group off on a crusier I borrowed and we were fleeing when the hyperdrive broke, not far from a planet named Harrvii. we set down to look for spares, but we got attacked once again by Vog'on. We were going to do another runner when Xazor went into labour..."

(I have no idea what happens between that and this OOC BTW)

".... pretty much no choice. There were too many of them and I had to do something to save us all. It nearly killed me - would have killed me, for the power was too immense to properly control. I dont really know what exactly it was, but it was like a controlled nuclear fire. The destruction I remember seeing was incredible, before the next I knew there's some guy in a red coat dragging me out of a river. He gives me first aid and got me away from that place. That would have been about 8 days ago. He bought me here, got me in and here I am. You might have seen him about - I think his name is Vash and he got a janitor job around this place. Has a red coat, about 6'5 tall, thin, blode spiked hair. "

"So.. that's how I ended up looking like I lost a fight with a garbage compactor. Tell me tho, have you seen the others that were there back here yet? Vash looked for me, but he found no trace of them. Helenias, Oriadin, Xazor, Dasquian and Pierce. Did they come back? Did Xazor's baby survive?"

(Dont expect you to know somethign that hasnt happened, just a might have seen them will do)

Figrin D'an
Apr 17th, 2003, 06:52:39 PM
Figrin listened intently as the tale unfolded, and Marcus described what had happened to the group. It was amazing that he managed to get away with his life, and it seemed that the mysterious new janitor was the reason why.

"There haven't been any reports about anyone missing, so I can only assume that they made it back safetly. If they were overdue, the Council would have sent out search party and I'd be privy to that information. There was nothing said on the matter, so it would appear they made it. I'm afraid I don't know about Xazor's child..."

He stood up and looked out the window.

"I was there during the Senate session in which the diplomatic crisis on Calan was brought to the forefront. It was ugly, and it even managed to strain relations with the Balmoran Empire in an indirect way. The investigation is on-going... needless to say, there was a lot of behind-the-scenes manuevering, and I never felt quite right with the source information. Either way... it's not going to be easy for Senator Evenstar to survive the political fallout..."

He quickly looked to change the subject.

"This... Vash... I've seen him around recently. I assumed he was simply a new addition to the custodial staff. It appears he is much more."

He sat back down, and looked pointedly at Marcus.

"What's your next move going to be?"

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 20th, 2003, 12:22:02 AM
"Balmorra is directly controlled by the Dark Jedi of the Black Hand. I know. I've been doing some sniffing and... causing trouble in my own way. Would it surprise you to know Evenstar pulled one over one of them and I suspect they seek revenge?"

He thought about the plan Jeran and him had worked out. A little bit of double dealing and a skifter up the sleeve.

"I'd not worry about the Senate myself - besides, I'm sure - even you - underestimate what Evenstar can do. I'd not be surprised there's a plan in her pretty little head that'll surprise us all. Even me. If she was a Sith, we'd all be in trouble. As for Vash... he seems like an idiot. A harmless, good for nothing tool. But there is something there that is odd. What his right hip - under that coat is the biggest damn gun I've ever seen. He's either the galaxy's biggest <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> or a gunman of quite some ability"

"And if you want a next move - How about I show you something you enver suspected? How about I show you just how deep the rabbit hole the GJO computers are hiding is?"

Figrin D'an
Apr 21st, 2003, 12:24:09 AM
"I hope you're right about Senator Evenstar... she's a remarkable woman, to be sure. But she's going to be fighting an uphill battle on multiple fronts this time. Though the situation has calmed a bit, I fear that the avalanche has mearly been temporarily slowed. The Council and the Order as whole will have to stay out of the matter... dealing with Jedi Relations committee was difficult enough before."

Rabbit hole? Figrin didn't know exactly to what Marcus was refering. He had a feeling he wasn't going to like it, though. He frowned.

"I suppose I should at least venture a look... I'm already knee-deep in this. It might be nice to know what kind of quicksand it is..."

Whether or not it was a prudent decision, he would inevitably debate with himself later. Answers were foremost on the Jedi's mind, and his window of opportunity seemed to have opened.

Apr 22nd, 2003, 02:26:16 AM
"Word of advice Figrin my friend - if you ever spar Evenstar, she plays for the endgame and plans five steps ahead. You'll never know you are finished and beaten even while she's setting you up. It would not have surprised me if she did not provoke the situation and she's doing something. I dont say that as a husband - I say that out of experience and as a caution"

And with the Lost quietly helping her and her allies, the odds were more even than he would admit to.

"But enough of her... this is something more important. Your terminal will do nicely" Out of his pocket came a data card. a white ordinary code card. He put it into a slot, then touched a few keys. Immediatly the familiar GJO interface came up.

"Central, code clearence ArchAngel. Confirm"

The screen shifted and then dissovled into a green blinking cursor. More keys were typed in rapid fire manner, about 200 in all. The screen shifted into a completely new interface.

"Welcome Master Turbogeek. What is it you require today?"

The terminal had a voice - the real voice of Central, the secret AI behind the GJO's computers that only Yoghurt and Marcus knew of. They had set this up years ago in the days when they went to war in the networks, stealing info and holing systems to further the Jedi. He suspected even Morgan didnt know just how far Central went and how deep it really was. "Central, tour guide today. Being next to me is designated Figrin D'An, Jedi Master"

"Good evening Master Jedi" spoke the AI. "I am aware of you"

"Good. Central, has Yog been accessing you lately?"

"Not for 47 days Master Turbogek"

"Right. Grant access to yourself for Master Figrin."

"Code clearence for action please"

Another long stream of coded keys.

"Thankyou. Voice sample matched, card matched, key matched. Bio factors matched. Access granted"

"Sorry about this" Marcus said to his fellow Jedi. "I have Central programmed so as to refuse to even show it's own data to a stranger, even if I'm there. so, what would you like to look at first? Quite literally, we have access to just about every on line computer system the republic has and quite few outside of it. Central had slicing modules and opens up other systems as well. It's a tool this construct, which helps gather information, analyse it and spot things of interest. Liek the distinct anti Jedi blather coming from GNN. What else... ahhh, this will interest you. Central's original purpose - to track down and collect Jedi Knowledge scattered across the networks. This, along with my own research and hunting I'll give to you. Did I ever tell you of the Book of Knowledge I found some years ago?"

Figrin D'an
Apr 22nd, 2003, 11:06:11 PM
Figrin stared at the terminal screen. He couldn't quite believe what he was seeing. A small monitoring subprogram displayed statistics on incoming data... sources, subject matter, relative level of importance... the sheer amount of information being amassed was staggering.

"This has to be largest database I've ever seen... the Archives don't even come close to matching this."

He shook his head.

"I wouldn't even know where to begin."

His mind raced for a few brief seconds... wondering just how powerful this... system... really was. It could be an amazing tool for research and intelligence gathering. In the wrong hands... the entire Republic could be crippled, perhaps beyond repair. He shook off the thought.

"I guess...," he began, a bit overwhelmed, "you can start by telling me about this... Book of Knowledge."

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 22nd, 2003, 11:33:31 PM
"This is small compared to what the Jedi had before the Empire. Thousands of years of accumulated resources and data - you know they had to have dedicated Jedi Librarians to even hope to sort it out and keep track of it all? Maybe one day, we'll match what the Jedi used to have. Maybe. We have a lot of enemies to survive before the Jedi can hope to become like it once was"

Book of Knowledge.. right. That.

"The Book is a real book, not a holocron or a data pad - complete with flimsy and pen drawings. I found it not long after the Jedi defeated the Sith Empire for the first time. On that planet they were on, I was doing some looking about and found a cave - cutting a long story short, fund this book and I have no idea how it got there. It was written by two Jedi Masters about 3500 years ago. Some of the stuff int here was truly alarming, I had no idea a Jedi could do some of that stuff. Like a death touch - extingushing a life without anything more than a finger tap. It helped me rebuild a sabre to some rather unique specs. And.... it taught me how to produce nuclear fusion"

Marcus was feelign the skin crawl as he remembered Harrvii and the destruction there......

"No wonder they hid the damn thing. Even Masters could be detroyed using what's in there. But dont get me wrong tho, that's not all that's in there. There's discussions on how to span time, to heal, to meditate and to teleport plus so much more. Teleport!" He ended shaking his head in disbelief. "How can any Jedi possibly do that? That's just madness"

Figrin D'an
Apr 23rd, 2003, 09:00:18 PM
So... the rumors were true...

He recalled his experiences several years before... the high monks speaking of a lost tome that described Force abilities beyond imagination... how their own abilities were made part of those writings. It could only mean that one of the authors had shared the same journey that he himself had once undertaken. The past and present, again seemed to reconnect in unexpected ways.

He shook his head slowly, as he looked again at the terminal screen.

"It's not madness... but it is... rare."

Marcus looked at him quizzically. Figrin walked towards wall, staring for a moment at the bookselves that lines the walls of his office. He never considered that the matter would ever come full-circle... but, now that it had... it was time to share the story. With all that Marcus was revealing, it seemed only appropriate.

He turned, leaned against the bookshelves, and took a deep breath before speaking.

"I don't know if you recall or not, but a few years ago, I took a sabbatical from my duties with the Jedi. My... official reason was to join an archeological research project on Obroa-skai. That was my cover story, at least. I actually travelled to the near edges of the Unknown Regions... to seek out a group of Force-adept monks. You may have heard of them... the Aing-Ti. They were rumored to have died out ages ago, with only a few stories of freighter pilots, claiming to have seen one of their ships, keeping their name alive. I had a solid lead, though, and I had a hunch. It turned out that I was right."

Another deep breath...

"I stayed with them for many months... lived as they did, learned of their ways, trained with them... they were almost as curious about me as I was of them. The High Monk said that it had been several generations since a Jedi had visited them... but, that a few Jedi had sought them out in past, just as I had. The Aing-Ti found those Jedi to be honorable, and they imparted their knowledge those Masters willing to undergo the rigors of the learning process. The monks' most notable skill was... teleportation. The skill was so highly attuned, that when in large groups, they could literally teleport their ships over certain distances, eliminating the need for hyperdrive engines."

He sighed deeply.

"It's possible that one of the authors of that book you discovered visited the Aing-Ti, all those millenia ago, learned how to teleport, then recorded it with those other techniques. It's a good thing you were the one to find that book. In the wrong hands, those skills would be dangerous to the user as well as any bystanders. I'd be reluctant to teach anyone how to teleport..."

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 24th, 2003, 07:21:13 AM
Marcus was really giving Figrin an odd look.

"Your seriously telling me... you can teleport? I mean, I know some things that no Jedi should, but the thought that you can actually use the Force to teleport - That's amazing. Or disturbing, however you look at it. That'll mean the other things in that book I dismissed as impossible are true too. If only the Sith or Dark Jedi knew what a genuine Jedi Master can do...."

He went quiet, reflecting.

"My friend, i'm powerful and learned. I know more about the Force and I have the power to harness that learning to a degree that few alive could match. Yet, you only have to think of the writing of Jedi Masters grouping together to create black holes, just how little we really know of what the Masters had thousands of years ago. Just how much we have lost and how we never get it back. This book, while it tells of most of this, it also describes how to take our orinary skills and bring them to levels beyond which we have now. I knew about the mild forms of weather control. Now..... hurricanes. Tornados. Could you imagine creating a weather front that would affect an entire planet? Still, I have to admit the book made me rethink what a Jedi is supposed to be and the nature of the Force"

"Your right in thinking not just anyone should have this book. It needs to be preserved and held in the deepest archive we have, for only the best Masters to study. I'm sorry if it sounds like I'm making a disinction here, but there are Masters who attain that rank and never seem to go on, and there are the rare Masters who go on and keep learning. Really, now I think of it, we're the last left who saw the beginning of this Order."

Figrin D'an
Apr 24th, 2003, 11:31:11 PM
He nodded in agreement, as he fully pondered the ramifications of their conversation. The Jedi rubbed his chin as he thought, the courseness of his beard scratching quietly against his hand.

"It was so long ago, wasn't it?," he finally said. "That first group of us that came together, uniting the Jedi again under one banner. It's difficult think about those days and not consider how much as changed since then... and to think about those we've lost along the way."

He frowned a bit, thinking about the Book.

"For the time being, I think it would be best to keep the knowledge of the Book's existence secret. If it is in a secure location, it should stay there until we can prepare something. We could isolate an area within the Restricted section of the Archives. As of now, however... the fewer people that know, the better. As arrogant as it might sound... as the only two that actually have the knowledge and control to use some of those techniques, we have an obligation to make sure it stays safe."

He couldn't help but give a morbid laugh.

"The Council would be in disbelief at some of the things you've shown me. Fortunately, I'd be in just as much trouble as you would be, so it's better for both of us that they be left in the dark for now."

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 25th, 2003, 12:17:03 AM
"Aye. There'll be a few Jedi in trouble if only some of this got out. Boricua, Yog and I did many things I dont think the current Council would approve of. I've always been able to defy the Council, so they wont bother me or my ways. You however... "

He glanced at Figrin intently.

"You might not realise it, but there comes a point where a Jedi Master gains a stature above and beyond the Council and ceases to be answerable to them. I've almost always been like that. Yog was like that and... you are becoming like that. Your not like me, for you are a much wiser and steadier man than I am. I am brutal and forceful. But as I found out, there comes a point where you choose to content yourself within what you are, or grow beyond it. What I am trying to say in my poor way is that even Yoda did many things outside of the Council's knowledge. Sometimes, what is right is not what the Council would have us do"

Figrin D'an
Apr 27th, 2003, 09:10:12 PM
"I've had my disagreements with the Council in the past. Most of the time I accept the decisions, and move on. Others, though... are more difficult for me to ignore by standing idly by."

Figrin sighed.

"It's something that I have, admittedly, struggled with in the past... to ignore what I know should be done because others can't see the big picture. Still... there are part of the Code that I cannot... and will not... circumvent."

He looked at Marcus.

"Perhaps you are right... and I am on the path to something above the dictates of the Council. I just don't think I'm there yet."

He laughed.

"We continue to be different in method from one another, yet we seem to find that at the core... we aren't so different."

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 28th, 2003, 08:03:11 PM
"You dont think you are growing above the Council, but I know you are. A true Jedi Master has to do it. It's also a dangerous time - yes, when a Padawan is first learning about the Force, it's dangerous too. But this point of your journey, choices have to be made. When you realise what your becoming, you either become a leader or...."

Not so different. Yes, that was true and that was what also sent a cold shiver down Marcus' spine.

"Yes, we are not so different - courage, honour, compassion we have. But, I would tell you that we walk different paths to the same ends"

Should he tell Figrin? Did he dare tell him of the Lost? Warn him?


"Often when I read of the Jedi of times past, I've noted those Jedi who have fallen. Very rare for a Jedi Master of extremely high standing to turn from the Jedi. Have you ever heard of the Lost Twenty?"

Figrin D'an
Apr 29th, 2003, 11:05:50 PM
The Lost Twenty?, he thought. What does the Lost Twenty have to do with this?

As a historian, Figrin had spent significant time researching the history of the Jedi, as well as the Republic. He was considered one of the foremost experts on the "Great Reconstruction Project," the galaxy-wide effort to piece together the records that had been destroyed under Palpatine's 'New Order'. Much of the record of events leading up to Palpatine's takeover, and the Jedi downfall of that period, was still unknown. But, there was information available on other aspects of the Jedi history. The Lost Twenty was one of those tidbits that many ignored, however, because it just didn't seem significant. Figrin disagreed with that premise... Jedi that willingly resigned from the Order was not something to be taken lightly, particularly in historical context.

"Yes, I'm somewhat familiar with the infamous Lost Twenty," he responded. "Over the course of the thousands of years of the Old Republic, they were the only Jedi to leave the Order of their own accord... willingly giving up their knighthood because they disagreed with the heirarchy of the Order at the time.

He thought intensely for a moment.

"The last one was... a man named Dooku I believe," Figrin said thoughtfully. "But that was back before the rise of Palaptine. It's almost a historical footnote now."

He was still confused as to why this had come up.

"Why do you ask?"

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 30th, 2003, 12:25:31 AM
"Yes Count Dooku. Strong in the Force was he, a Jedi Master whom knew many skills that were rare and even thought lost. His sabre technique for example. In a day of blasters, who is going to adopt Form II? I pondered a long time why he left and why eventually he went to the Dark side. Not all the Lost did that, but all of them were powerful and learned. Great losses to the Jedi"

It was now his turn to wander to the window and look out. The lights outside shadowing his face, making him look older. And showing the burdens he carried, the cares and worries.

"It breaks my heart to admit this, but I could no longer work within the Jedi Order with all that is out there. I can't idly sit knowing what I do about the threats out there. I asked you to erase me from the archives because I dont want others following my path. I.... truly wish that others dont make the The Lost number more than 21. It truly is for the best no one else knows what I've become. The choice I've had to make was probably the hardest I've had to make of all"

Figrin D'an
May 1st, 2003, 07:21:48 PM
He was shocked at what Marcus was admitting... but in some ways, it seemed to fit his recent behavior. His disappearance from society, wanting to work outside the mandate of the council... it made more sense than the Jedi Master wanted to admit.

"I hope fully realize the dangerous path that you are treading by doing this," he said, deeply concerned. "I'm not talking about upsetting fellow Jedi, or going against the will of the Council... I'm talking about... the Dark Side. It's no secret that several of those 20 later began to use the dark arts... maybe even initially with the intent of doing good. Even great Jedi can seccumb to the will of evil if they are not vigilant."

He walked over the window, and stood next to Marcus. The light of nearby buildings and ships cast a continual cycle of alternating illumination and shadow on Figrin's upper body.

"You're a strong Jedi, Marcus," he began, as a sadness crept into his voice. "Perhaps the strongest I've ever known, in both will and ability. I know you feel you must walk this path... and I know you have your reasons. Just remember that you aren't impervious to all that would be cast at you."

He looked out into the Coruscant evening.

"If the day should ever come that Jedi should have to... face you down... may the Force help us all."

Marcus Telcontar
May 4th, 2003, 09:33:01 PM
"If I was doing this personal reasons, I think you would have a right to worry. If it was for anything else other than the hope I could settle somewhere quiet and till the earth.... that's what I want Figrin. I want a Galaxy where the children dont have to take up arms. I want a Galaxy where the Jedi can concentrate about Knowledge. I want a Galaxy where there is no need for warriors like me. You know, I heard once the greatest evil is when good beings sit by and let the ravages of the Galaxy happen unopposed. You have to draw a line and make a stand."

Figrin's concern was a good one tho. It needed addressing.

"As for the Dark Side, it had a hold on me many years ago before I was Jedi. Mighty in those arts... but I discovered the truth of them. There is no power in the Dark Side. Only lies, deciect, and your own destruction. It's an empty void. I do what I do for the love of Evenstar, I told you what I have because it is wise to have a confidant like Yog was, someone to answer to. But in the end..... it is my sabre that will judge if I fall or not. I dont totally understand how, but the sabre I have was made so long ago, there was a jedi art placed on it that made sure those stained with Darkness would burn. Not just a bit, but consume them in fire"

Figrin D'an
May 8th, 2003, 10:44:09 PM
He was uneasy. It was to be expected... it wasn't every day one found out that one of the most powerful Jedi in the galaxy had decided to become a rogue, operating outside the barriers of legality and the Jedi code. Figrin knew that Marcus had always been... independent. It was how far that independence had gone that was now of grave concern.

"I hope you are right. I'll do my best to accept your choices, and you know that everything that you have told me, and shown me, will remain between us."

The Jedi folded his arms, and looked back towards Marcus.

"Just know that if you get yourself in trouble... even serious trouble... don't hesitate to seek my help."

Marcus Telcontar
May 11th, 2003, 08:04:59 AM
"Thank you. That is appreciated. Unfortunantly, it is likely the help would be because I get myself busted up again. I seem to have a habit of picking big fights"

He sighed. There was a truth here he had in mind....

"The Jedi Code forbids love and attachments. When I came to the Jedi, I thought Helenias was dead. When she came here, she thought I was dead. Maybe now she is. I dont know. I have not seen her since... this happened to me. She probably thinks death caught me for real. I only became a Jedi because I thought that attachment was over. I strove to have no relationships and yet, find that now I have a wife who didnt die when I thought she did, a daughter whom I am her guardian and another young woman who looks to me as the father she wished she had. I find that.... I cant avoid attachments. I.... love Helenias deeply"

He paused, thinking this through.

"The code is right in one way. The want for love is wrong. It can lead to lust and greed. But in another, the code is wrong. To act out of unselfish love, unrestricted and without reservation love, that is an armour against the Dark Side like I've never experienced. The greatest thing you could ever do for me is if she comes back, if she isn't already, is to look out for her, so I dont have to be concerned.

I'm afraid Helenias is out of her depth as a Jedi Knight, Senator and Council Member. She is a formidible warrior, the likes I wish we had more of"

A smile finally broke on the weatherbeaten and lined face. Helenias was indeed a true warrior, but for here, times were changing.

Figrin D'an
May 13th, 2003, 09:29:43 PM
Figrin hesistated from responding. He knew that nothing he could say about love, attachment, and the Code would be of use. It would be a reguritation of old writings and ancient policy, with no spirit or real meaning to stir the thoughts of either man.

There was so much that was different from the golden days of the Jedi... they were fewer in number that in those ages past, and the galaxy was vastly different place. All that had happened to them... to the Jedi... had made them closer to each other perhaps any other period in history. They were a family... a family that had before relied on each other for it's very survival. Figrin had always had things he considered important, but save the will of the Force itself, the Code was always at the pinnacle of his life. Now, in recent times, he was starting to understand that perhaps there were things that meant more.

Maybe Marcus was right... maybe he was growing beyond what he wanted to admit.

The Jedi's mind wandered back to the present.

"I'll be sure to check up on her. If you need to get her a message at any time, I'll take care of it."

Marcus Telcontar
May 14th, 2003, 12:52:22 AM
"Excellent - Now, I've think I've laid enough heavy <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> on you for one night, I'm all for retiring for the evening. But for one thing my friend, remember - to grow further as a Jedi Master, you must transend the Code, the Council and what the Jedi are. I would not tell this to others, except those I feel are ready, willing and last, able to understand and do. Anyway..."

Marcus paused, thinking for a moment, before speaking again.

"... can you [i] really</> teleport??? I'm still having trouble believeing that"

Figrin D'an
May 17th, 2003, 01:35:28 AM
He smiled widely, laughing.

"Yeah... I've avoided telling a lot of people, because that's the kind of reaction I'd expect to get. It's not easy, but I do it..."

He focused on an area, just near the office door. He defined it in his mind... a three dimensional space where his body would materialize... his mind became aware of the matter that occupied that space, and how to shift it away from the atoms of his own body. Timing was critical... a slip in concentration meant two types of matter occupying the same space simultaneously. It didn't take an theortical physicist to determine that such a thing was very, very bad.

He raised his left hand, stretching it out in front of him, almost like he was reaching out to grab an object across the room with the Force. His hand remained open, though, palm facing towards his destination.

Figrin tensed his muscles, locking his body into place. He seemed like a statue, motionless from the tips of his fingers to the iris of each of his brown eyes. A light air current began to flow in the room, towards the body of the Jedi Master. A high pitched yet faint sizzling sound was suddenly present, as if it faded inauspiciously into the range of normal hearing, it's pitch slowly dropping and becoming slightly louder. The air around Figrin became oddly wave-like... the fabric of reality seemed to bend and fold, until, the image of the Jedi simply blinked out of existence. Only the sound of a quiet woosh of air flooding into the open space in which flesh and blood had once stood gave any evidence of what had just happened.


Eerie silence, that made seconds seem like hours...

The high pitched sizzle faded in once again, moving across the room, invisible to all form of eyes. It grew more audible as it centered near the open doorway. Reality phased and distorted again...

... and Figrin reappeared, blinking back into view.

He relaxed, his stone-like stance giving way as he arched his neck to the side and shook out his arms.

"It's a bit draining...," he replied, taking a deep breath, "but... it can be done."

A wry smile crossed his face. Marcus' reaction was priceless.

Marcus Telcontar
May 19th, 2003, 04:13:43 AM

The expression on his face was priceless. It took some time for his brain to realise his jaw was dropped.

"My.... God. So, it is true! That's absolutly amazing. You know, I've seen some wold stuff in my 116 years, but that's got to be right up there. How far can you go?"

Figrin D'an
May 19th, 2003, 10:37:14 PM
"The farthest I've ever teleported was about a 2 kilometers... but that was in a wide open space, so I could actually see my destination. In more confined spaces, the distance is limited. The trick is... I have to know where I'm going. I either have to be able to see it, or know the area well enough to that I can see it in my mind."

Figrin crossed his arms, and slowly walked towards Marcus.

"The further the distance," he said, "the more strenuous it is. I've been working to see if there is way I can speed up my short range teleportation. I've gotten a little better, but it's a slow process. I'm keeping at it though."

Figrin glanced at the wall chronometer.

"It's late... we've probably shared more secrets with one another than a Bothan spy does in his entire lifetime," he chuckled. "I guess we both could use some rest."