View Full Version : Bloody Knuckles (open)

Apr 13th, 2003, 07:22:16 PM
:: I put my boot on the alien's chest as I drew the blades on my gauntlet knuckles out. I slung my arm to the side and the blood slid against the wall. I smiled coldy as I turned to face the human staring next to my victim and I, a blank stare of shock across the his face as he was just witness to the death of his Rodian friend.::

What are you waiting for?

:: His eyes only shifted to me after I had stabbed him against the wall with the other hand. The red warm blood spilled against my face in a spurt and I laughed, sticking my tongue out as my eyes crackled red.::

Death obviously because that happened just as fast...

:: I turned, the armor and jacket hanging from my waist stirred with my movement. My exposed chest revealed tattoos all up my stomach and my chest, a massive cross like figure on my back with runic circles coming from the center. The black ink in my skin shimmered like the metal gauntlets that covered my entire arms before I walked away.

I entered the dingy light of the slum streets. A figure seemed to crawl out of a shadow across the street, hiding and than moving as I got closer and as it got to leaving I pulled it back roughly with the force.

I pulled it back so hard I sidestepped as it flew into the ground right where I had been standing. It landed and my boot went to it's neck, instantly crushing the trachea. Blood shot from it's mouth as I reached down and pulled the hood off. A street rat of a girl, soon to die of suffocation. Let me end it better than that, I sneered as my hand moved like lightning, tearing through her skin, the blades cutting easily through the bone and then my wrist turning, tearing her heart out as like on a fork, blood flying in the air. What beauiful art I made.::

Dae Jinn
Apr 14th, 2003, 12:10:50 AM
"Tsk tsk, so unoriginal." Came the voice from the other side of the street. A dark robed figure stood in semi-shadow, arms crossed over it's chest. The hooded head shook, and a tiny smirk could be seen on perfectly glossed lips.

"If I had a cred for everytime a Darksider ripped apart an innocent, I'd be the richest person in the universe. Is that all you can do, attack people and tear them to shreds? So dull..."

The figure yawned and stretched, Fiend could see manicured fingernails and the hint of a female form underneath the robes. A hand came to rest on the right hip, the woman sighing loudly.
"And now, you'll go on and on about how evil you are, how power you are. You'll attack me and say one-liners, it's all such a cliche."

Apr 15th, 2003, 05:17:55 PM

:: I turn from the dead body underneath my feet and look to the figure for a moment. I shrug casually, the metal plated gauntlets clinking barely together with the motion. She could say whatever she wanted, it was all to the point if I cared or not really enough to listen to meaningless babble.

I didn't even lift my hand to focus the blast. It launched and hit her full on, a wave of the force easily massed. I had time, I reached down to the body beow me and snapped the head off. Blood gushed everywhere as I lifted it to my mouth and drank the fluids like out of a fruit. I tossed it to the side as I looked back at the woman, I hadn't even cared to see if she had withstanded the push or not.::

That was a horrible pick up line. I thought whores these days had better speechs than that. If I cried ugly for everytime I saw anything that ever looked remotely better than you, like a rancor, I could buy three galaxies and then some. Not to mention if you're going to at least try to be a whore, you shouldn't wear so much clothing, though, if you ever want to make money your way, you might want to add a few more layers to trick them before they see what you really look like.

:: I licked the palm of my gauntlet, cleaning the blood off easily with a tongue longer than the average human.::

Dae Jinn
Apr 15th, 2003, 07:05:00 PM
Dae rose with a slight groan, brushing herself off. She sighed, shaking her head, her smirk returning. Dae had felt worse, a Force push wasn't overly impressive in comparison.

"Of course, you would be an expert on whores, since no normal woman would willingly touch..." she pointed a finger to Fiends crotch, then held up a hand, holding her thumb and forefinger less than an inch apart. "That tiny thing. They say people who act as you do are trying to compensate for something they are lacking...It's quite obvious what you lack. Let me give you a clue, a normal man would have a pair. While you do not."
She smiled, brushing a stray strand of dark hair from her brow. "People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."

Apr 18th, 2003, 02:49:52 PM
:: Good joke but a waste of breath on her part. I shrugged again.::

I'll throw whatever in Creation I want to throw, slut, I'm going to enjoy watching your body break like glass though. Just go ahead, see how long you can keep that five cent smile going because after this, you'll only be selling yourself to rancors.

:: When my shoulders fell back from the shrug, Dae was launched into the air again by a force blast, this time directing her into a musty lamp pole. I made sure it oul be enough to make a dent like a hovercar. Talking was fun, killing was better.::