View Full Version : A lone warrior......

Shade Magus
Apr 13th, 2003, 10:43:06 AM
A man walks into the bar. A man none has seen for a long time. He has changed in so many ways that none may recognize him. He walks over to an empty table and sits until a server droid comes over and takes his order for a cup of ale.

"So long it has been.....almost to long........."

He sits and watches the door, waiting for the familiar faces to walk in. to test his new abilities and theirs.

Xazor Elessar
Apr 13th, 2003, 11:03:42 AM
It was a warm day and there was a strange feeling in the air, at least, to one Jedi Knight. Slowly she walked down the bustling Coruscant sidewalks, nearly bumping into a peddler who was trying so desperatly to sell his worthless wares. Xazor sighed and from a pouch on her weapons belt she took a silver coin and tossed it to the man who gratefully scooped it up and ran off.

"Glad I could help."

The young Garou Warrior muttered under her breath. Rounding a corner, Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill came into sight and she noted a few people entering. It looked a bit busy, but that would not defer her from venturing there to enjoy some late lunch. It had been a very busy day and Xazor was kept hopping with so many Padawans, large group sessions, and her new baby daughter.

Rich smells filled the nostrils of the woman and it drew her to the establishment like none other. Just as she stepped through the door, the warm wind kicked up her long flowing black robes and the sound of the silver coins woven into her Garou Warrior Braids was heard as they clanged together softly. Once inside, she shut the door behind her and nodded to the door guards who bowed their head to her in respect. Her bright cyan eyes set upon the crowds gathered until she spyed an empty table for herself. Smiling and baring her elongated canines, the Jedi Knight meandered back to the table and sat down, noting a man sitting alone just across from her.

She adjusted the weapons on her belt -- many she carried still, including a lightsaber with a black hilt and a sword in a scabbered upon her left hip. The woman removed the gloves that matched the armour beneath her robes and set them upon the table, steepling her fingers together as her elbows rested upon the edge of the table. Soon a service droid rolled up and she smiled to herself, thinking about the lunch that would soon be before her.

"I'll take a sauteed chicken breast, a salad, and a flask of Corellian Whiskey."

The droid beeped and whistled, then rolled away toward the grill to deliver her order. She settled into the booth and looked out the window, but could not help her eyes from wandering over to the lone man to her left. "He looks so familiar -- and he feels so familiar. Who is he?" She thought to herself, wishing that she could recall. A recent memory loss had left the woman without several memories and had even stole away her telekenisis abilities among others. She sighed inwardly and looked down at the old and worn table as memories flooded her mind -- memories of a time when she scrathed her initials and another's into the top of one of these tables. Unknowningly, she sat beside the one who's initials fell after hers.

Shade Magus
Apr 13th, 2003, 11:11:41 AM
Shade watched the girl from his table he knew quite well who she was, but did not make a move. He reached out with the Force and sensed something didfferent about her, although he could not quite put his finger on it. He stood up and walked over to her. Something was just not right. She out of everyone else he expected a response from, but nothing came. Had he really changed that much?

"Hello...mind if I join you?"

Xazor Elessar
Apr 13th, 2003, 11:22:13 AM
Xazor was a bit shocked as she looked up to meet the eyes of the one who spoke to her. The voice was familiar -- gentle, yet unrefined. She smiled gently and nodded, motitioning toward the empty set across from her.

"Sure -- go ahead. Can I get you something to drink?"

She questioned, eyeing him more closely. The Garou's mind was spinning circles as she began piecing missing puzzle pieces in. Her cyan eyes searched his face, but she could not put her finger on it.

"I'm Xazor Elessar -- Warrior Jedi Knight of the Greater Jedi Order. Are you a member too?"

The woman asked, curiousity over taking her. "Who is he?" She thought to herself and then, it hit her. "I knew him once -- now I can't remember because of my accident." Her heart sank as she thought of how long it took her to remember her 'Brother', Vega -- and even Dasquian. The only ones she seemed to remember were Terran, Marcus, and a few others actively involved in her life. Without thinking, she extended her hand to him to greet in the traditional way of the Warrior's -- more of a forearm grip than a handshake, but she cared not what he would think.

"It's a pleasure to meet you --"

Again she wracked her brain in an attempt to remember, but the most she got was a face to match -- and still it was not the same. "I will remember you." She told herself and continued thinking as her hand remained out for him to take.

Shade Magus
Apr 13th, 2003, 02:23:34 PM
"My name is Shade Magus and to answer your question, yes I used to be a Jedi here, but I left a long time ago in search of a meaning to life and now I have returned."

Shade was sure that the girl had lost some memories now. He gently nudged at her mind through the Force. Trying to allow her to open up her lost memories. He also opened himself up in hopes that his memories might also help.

Xazor Elessar
Apr 13th, 2003, 03:09:23 PM
Xazor eyed him closer now, as he introduced himself. She felt him touch her mind -- and it felt familiar, but still, she could not place a finger on his identity.

"Why did you leave? Perhaps, was your training not going well? Did someone break your heart?"

She questioned softly, knowing what heartache felt like -- maybe even more so than anyother around this place. Her eyes fell to the tabletop as she began to recall small memories.

* * * * *

"What are you doing?"

A young man's voice questioned in a hushed tone. He stood over a woman about his age who was carving something into a table at Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill. Slowly and carefully the woman worked, making sure that everything was straight and perfect -- or at least, close to it. She did not answer his question but instead, moved away from her work and smiled up at him.


She gestured to the simple engraving upon the tabletop. It did not look like much but perhaps a school girl's dreams written upon the solid oak.

"XD + SM"

The initials of both she and the young man towering over her were now permanently etched into the wood right in the center of a heart. The heart was not perfect by any standards, for at the bottom the two connecting lines did not do their job, and instead, one was stuck right in the center of a knot deep within the wood.

"Sorry it --"

Her words were cut off, though, by the young man who leaned over and kissed her passionatly. She closed her eyes for the moment and sent her deep feelings for him through this kiss before pulling away. Smiling, Shade sat down beside her and placed an arm around her shoulders. Xazor leaned in close and the two eyed the engraving until the sun set upon them....

* * * * *

Xazor seemed to snap back into reality with a look of shock upon her face. Her eyes took in his features once again, noting the similarities between he and the man from her memory. She could not help but put it from her mind and soon other memories came flooding back in -- and the image of a ring on her finger and he by her side seemed to become permanent in her mind's eye.

"You're Shade Magus -- I -- I love you -- or well, I loved you."

Her cheeks flushed crimson as she began to remember more of him, wondering if the memories were indeed of this man, or perhaps she was coming them together as she had done a few times in the past. "I married him -- didn't I?" She thought to herself, coming to remember that indeed, she had -- but it was broken with his absence and her affair with Dasquian. "I'm sorry I hurt you." She thought to herself, still not fully remembering everything about him or the circumstances surrounding their breakup -- if it even happened.

"I'm sorry I can't remember you fully -- I -- I had an accident, you could say. A Vampyre Lordess threw me into a wall, headfirst -- I lost a lot that day."

She said softly as her eyes slowly fell to the tabletop once again.

Shade Magus
Apr 13th, 2003, 03:24:34 PM
Shade smiled.

"Well...that explains a lot. I hope you find what you lost."

He took a sig of his ale and put it back on the table.

"Yes I am the person you remember, but I have changed a lot since the last time we met. I hope you have to hard feelings towards me though for leaving. I have had a hard time looking for what I have lost and now i have found it and now i am back, but only if the council will let me......"

Shade looked on the table to to what the gilr was looking at.

"Ahh.....yes...I remember that day almost crystal clear.....good times they were.....but anyways....how have you been besides the loss of your memories?"

Apr 16th, 2003, 03:58:48 PM
A young women then crosses the room, passing by the table, hoping to draw the attention of the attractive man at the table. She spins allowing her skirt to wave in the breeze and shoots him a smile.

Then she takes a seat at the bar, "I'll have a glass of water."

Xazor Elessar
Apr 16th, 2003, 05:07:16 PM
Xazor kept her gaze locked upon him and smiled gently to herself as more and more memories began touching her mind. "He has such a good soul, why did our love fade?" She questioned herself, still having no explanation for it. "He's my -- my ex-husband!" She remembered his role in her life -- a very important one, at that. The Jedi Knight recalled her love for him and an ache set over her heart with the puzzling thoughts put before her. Suddenly she was jerked back to reality by his words.

"I've been great, actually. The last few months have been quite stressful and I fell into a state of depression -- I had to deal with a lot, but I pulled through it. I gave birth to a healthy baby girl! She's beautiful -- I wish you could see her."

She said quietly, noting that her child was with Dasquian at the moment while Xazor went about daily activities. "That's the reason we parted." Her brain finally clicked and she remembered a very difficult time in her life -- a time when Shade was absent and she could not go on without someone. A time when her newborn was conceived. "He should remember -- I hope he doesn't hate me." She thought quietly, and it was evident her mind was elsewhere.

"Do you -- do you hate me?"

It was an honest question, though she felt a bit sheepish for saying it. Her cheeks flushed and she glanced down at the table.

Shade Magus
Apr 17th, 2003, 05:20:50 PM
Shade smiled at the blushing girl and shook his head.

"Of course not. Why would I hate you?"

He then looked over at the girl at the bar and smiled, quickly turning his head, to cover his blushing. He turned back to Xazor.

"I would not hate someone for something that is my fault. I realize now that I shouldn't have left you alone, but it seems to have been for the better. Anyways, no point in dwindling in the past. Tell me of your baby girl? What is her name?"