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Dark Lord Dyzm
Apr 13th, 2003, 03:13:07 AM
The room might be seen as almost cozy by some. By maybe the Vampire some. To Dyzm, it reaked of pain, of death, it was...Power.

Dyzm had a theory about his vampiric Sith brothers, and he was itching to try it out. Yet, to do so would involve plenty of sharp tools, and pieces of a Vampire in general. Maybe an arm, or a leg, he would give it back afterwards of course. It could be reattached. Dyzm grins at the mental image which formed in his minds eye, and takes another sip of his drink.

Looking down at his datapad, Dyzm skims through the contents. Yes, the vampire sith show Sith powers, but after careful studying, Dyzm was able to determine that the powers where weak. Perhaps the reason was that the Vampire Sith in question where using other people's life blood. It was borrowed time. Draining the blood of a person linked the Vampire to the Force. But, as it was not their blood, the bond between the Vampire and the Force was weak. There was much to think about. Tapping his finger along the datapad's edge, Dyzm slips into deep thought. Trying to link everything together.

Valirion Thorn
Apr 13th, 2003, 10:45:00 PM
You're wrong and have no proof of your foolish mortal notions.

:: I sat down next to the fleshling with a bloodless smile. My blood red silks shifted slightly with my movement. My violet eyes never left his as my marble white hand moved dark strands of hair from my face. The symbiote beneath my skin stirred on my neck at the sight of a human so close to me. So much revulsion and the weakness yet so much hunger for his blood.::

You need to not think so deep in a place that turns your thoughts upon themselves on a spear head. Or maybe a fang? I am Valirion Thorn, welcome to the Shrine.

:: I had been well immersed within foolish socialities before becoming a god child and this was a pure act for the sake of civility. I could taste his power from here and my symbiote partners were becoming restless with a mortal so close still. Especially one with such amusing thoughts.::

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Apr 14th, 2003, 11:15:54 AM
The glass of blood wine touched his lips and the vampire drank from the goblet. The blood flowed into him as if it was meant to be there. Removing the edge of the glass from his tender lips, the vampire warrior placed the finely crafted goblet back onto the large, dank table. Ambrose Braeden watched as the one known as Valirion Thorn interacted with this being, a being who was not one of us. A being who was stil alive.

He rose from the table he had been sitting at for hours now it seemed, and he made his way past a couple patrons that secluded themselves from the rest of the establishment. The man seated with the Vampire lord was a Sith brother in arms, that much he knew. But what Ambrose did not know was, why was he hear. What did he want with a vampire. He had a plan for some biological sceme.

Ambrose sat down in an empty chair next to Lord Thorn, and across from the mortal man. He placed his marble like hands atop the table, folded them and looked deep into the man's eyes. He admired them. He had eyes like this mans's at one time in his life. Before he had accepted the dark gift, as they reffer to it, from his master. Lord Soth.

Hello, I do not believe we have met. I am Ambrose braeden.

Lady Vader
Apr 15th, 2003, 06:54:34 PM
*LV comes up behind Dyzm and grabs him by the ear.*

A word with you please... on my ship?

Pandora Damaris
Apr 15th, 2003, 11:10:49 PM
From an inky corner of the pub, the Ancient Vampyre seductress arched a thin eye brow as she watched Mistress Vader enter the Roon Stone Inn. She recognized the notorious Sith leader from the detailed accounts of the Death Knight, Soth Nuevole. Pandora was also aware of the long lasting alliance that Soth and Alana Stormcloud had formed with the TSO when they both resided under the watchful eye of Master Saurron on Tinn IV.

A delicate pale finger slowly circled the rim of her goblet as Pandora's emerald eye's never left the woman in black. After a few moment's, Lady Vader approached one of the three men at an adjacent table. Two of them were Vampyre's of the Shrine, the other a mortal outlander that carried the stench of foolishness in his limited mind. The Ancient was well aware of Dyzm's betraying thought's, however, she would not deign the two fledgling’s the opportunity at playing with their food before the kill.

Pandora tilted her head slightly in amusement as LV snatched the unwary Dyzm up by one ear. A soft chuckle escaped her as the man was then painfully hoisted to his feet in one fell swoop. It was quite apparent that the newcomer’s pompous pride along with his over sighted plan's regarding the Vampyre's had now been thwarted.

"The heart of a fool and the mind of a little boy." Pandora let the mocking words of her message slowly trickle into the distressed mind of Dyzm before she lifted the chalice to her ruby lips. The reverberating tone of Pandora word's echoed like taunting laughter as if he were standing alone in a vast cannon, the snaking tendril’s of the Dark Side carried her distain to him...

Dyzm had been spared this night and he knew it not.

Apr 17th, 2003, 01:11:47 AM
:: I C::

The door slides open and four seethy lookin characters walk in...

The largest one says a comment of plesantries on how nice the place looks and the others agree in gruff voices. Walking up to the bar casually, the patrons would never have noticed the fact that each one of them in turn made an imprinted layout of the place in there minds, including a placement of those beings that resided here this night!

All the force users that fell within the 10 meter circumference of the group that entered felt the Ysalamere's force empty bubble

"Barkeep... give us a bottle of your finest Correllian whiskey!"

Turning to guaze at the patrons here more closely, mockadane wore his best smile!

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Apr 18th, 2003, 10:56:07 AM
Ambrose looked at the big man from the table he had previosly been occupying, along with his fellow Vampire, Valirion Thorn. He pivoted his head just enough to get a glimps of Mockadane and his companions. The Vampire warrior thought about his past encounters with Mockadane. Ambrose knew that Mockadane did not do anything without a purpose, and he was here for a good reason. But the reason, what it may be, the vampire did not know.