View Full Version : Body & Mind (Session with Sejah)

Kelt Simoson
Apr 12th, 2003, 03:57:23 AM
Kelt had recently had a few words with Sejah and the Mongoose had hinted that he would like to learn a little of how a Jedi Crusader might handle the free spirit of the mind and the fitness of the body. As a friend the Jedi Knight had happily agreed to give him an insight into how Kelt went about his self control and healing, Sejah was a seeker of knowledge and it was a duty of a Knight to teach a padawan such skills.

The Knight had been there earlier than expected and had been sitting quietly in the sun listing to the everyday noises and breathed contently as he freed his mind from the days troubles, before the door to the room opened Kelt smiled, he knew Sejahs force signature any day and called to him as he entered.

' Welcome Sejah, you are early...well done for meeting the time frame for our session...' Kelt smiled and raised from the ground to meet the mongoose with a hand shake.

Sejah Haversh
Apr 12th, 2003, 05:03:17 AM
Sejah accepted the handshake, though in his own manner by grasping Kelt's wrist instead. "Good morning, Kelt, thanks for inviting me," he replied, then let go.

As he normally did when training might be involved, Sejah dressed light; a pair of light pants and a sleeveless shirt. His now-trademark grey canvas sneakers were laced tightly to his foorpaws, and his tail swished behind him mindlessly out of habit. "So, what's on the menu for today?"

Kelt Simoson
Apr 12th, 2003, 06:15:28 AM
Kelt stared at the Mongoose for a few moments before another smile erupted from his mouth. He stared at him to sense his feelings, Sejah seemed troubled and so he would ask what was the matter before they started there session.

' Well firstly Sejah you will tell me what is the matter...' Kelt asked with a smile upon his face, but he was being quite seriouse.

Sejah Haversh
Apr 20th, 2003, 11:36:47 PM
"Well, finding underwear on this planet with a proper tail fly in it is next to impossible, and despite how simple you think it would be to alter some, it's not that easy," Sejah grinned, throwing Kelt off the track.

"But seriously, nothing important. Just lots of little stuff, and the whole Rho'istaan thing is bugging me a bit still, I guess."

Kelt Simoson
Apr 25th, 2003, 09:14:49 PM
' Well i hope today Sejah we can work around your problems, clear your mind and perhaps solve a few of them in one swoop...' The Jedi Knight said with a smile towards the Mongoose. Kelt genuinly did care about other people and if he needed to would take hours out of his day to sit with them, today seemed to be once of those days ad he would help Sejah as much as possible.

'First off Sejah, i want you to be completely honest with me. Im not a Padawan anymore and i can feel that what your saying is not sure in your heart, if you need to tell me anything my friend you say it...a problem shared is a problem halfed Sejah and talking about it, when your ready, really does help.' The Mongooses's friend placed a hand on his shoulders and smiled.

A pang of emotional pain slashed up Kelts chest as if he felt hurt in Sejah, ignoring it for the moment Kelt gestured towards the mat on the floor in the sun for Sejah while Kelt would take the mat in the shade below the window, sun would do the Mongoose a bit of good. Kelt placed himself into a half lotus position, which he could do rather easily concidering his size, and looked towards sejah.

' Tell me Sejah, what do you feel when you sit in the sun?.'

Sejah Haversh
May 2nd, 2003, 09:38:07 AM
"Warm, usually," Sejah replied, not having thought to think deeper about what Kelt might be saying.

Kelt Simoson
May 5th, 2003, 03:47:51 PM
Kelt smiled somewhat and rested a hand on Sejahs shoulder and looked into the mongoose's eyes. ' You sure you wish to do this Sejah?...' Kelt asked politely.

Sejah Haversh
May 5th, 2003, 11:43:54 PM
A bit dense at the moment, Sejah didn't quite get what Kelt was getting at, and replied, "I wouldn't have come if I wasn't serious."

May 9th, 2003, 06:30:22 PM
Kelt at this point was rather concered for Sejahs worries but left that out of the convosations. Instead the Jedi Knight smiled and gestured towards his own head, poiting towards his temple.

' What do you feel in here Sejah, in your mind...'

OOC: Carry on and pretend with his kelt talking, sorry for mistake. Wrong account)

Sejah Haversh
May 10th, 2003, 09:03:58 PM
"A little bit of worry, some uncertainty, really," Sejah replied. "But content for the most part."

Kelt Simoson
May 14th, 2003, 05:07:22 AM
Kelt sat there for a few moments as he pondered Sejahs words. A pang of hurt crept up the Knights stomerch as if he felt the hurt or uncertinty that Sejah did. Kelt regarded Sejah as a close friend and had connected with him quite alot, it hurt him t see a freind such in a stait as Sejah was in. Nodding, kelt shifted towards Sejah slightly and smiled.

' Would you like to clear you mind Sejah and discuss with me why you feel these feelings?...' Kelt asked gently.

Sejah Haversh
Jun 6th, 2003, 12:50:48 AM
Sejah stumbled for a moment on what to say before finally jsut starting and hoping he'd get to whatever it was that he meant. "Well, it's jsut that, um, I'm the first guy I know who's tried to become a Jedi. I know I've beome friends with a lot of the gang here, but, I mean, as a real friend I've grown up with, or someone I can relate to, there just isn't anybody. I'm the first of my race to become a Jedi, Kelt, and, they don't really like me for it. All my mistakes and flaws are magnified to them, and I'm the laughingstock of my race, it seems.

"At least you're human, or close enough to it. You can go wherever you please without getting stared at or made fun of, and you're generally more accepted than I am. I mean, look at me," he swept his paws down over himself for emphasis, "You think it's easy to blend in lookign like this? Whenever I'm in public and screw up at somehting, evererybody notices."

He continued on, finally venting some of the things he had kept inside. "That, and Marcus up and disappeared, and now Helenias is sick, I hadly get any training. While I have to do my best on my own, everybody else advances and puts me in the dust. I've been here for over a year, Kelt, and all I know is how to lift rocks, and badly too. I just feel, unwanted."

Kelt Simoson
Jun 21st, 2003, 06:32:15 PM
' Sejah...' He began with a gentle smile, one that Kelt was famous for. ' First of all my friend there is no one here at the Order that thinks your stupid for beaing the first of your race to become a Jedi...not one...' Kelt said speaking in a tone that was confident. Leaning towards Sejeh he started to give an exsample...

' You know, there are many great people out there that were the first of their kind to achieve something wonderful...something as respected as being a Jedi. Take me for instance...im the first of my people and look at me..im a Jedi Knight...of course im a blibberling idiot and im clumsey as hell... He smiled jokingly, though he knew what he was saying was half truth.

' But i posess a skill that cannot be ignored..sure im a great swordsman...hell im a great cook but its what is inside here... He gestured towards his heart with his index finger.

' That... is what makes us Jedi Sejeh...and that is all that matters...' He said with a kind smile.