View Full Version : Poseidon's Gate

Apr 11th, 2003, 02:45:59 PM
Continued from Here (


The atmosphere at Poseidon's Gate - the front Bar for SFF's business contacts - was quieter than usual. The band still played over in the corner, the tables were still occupied by the standard assembly of cuthroats, theives and maurauders playing cards, drinking ale. But there was an intense ripple of expectancy running through the establishment. Like a calm before a storm.

Hera was leaning against the bar, her luminescent blue eyes looking into the bottom of her glass.

So far, Dalamar had not found his way here. Perhaps he never would.

Hera lifted a finger to the bartender to gesture another shot, and he obediently complied.

Apr 11th, 2003, 08:45:09 PM
Sitting in a booth in the darkest corner of the place, Ezra watched the door and his new employer. The Railgun hidden next to him and ready to go just in case of trouble.

He also checked his Cersea twins that were always with him in their special holders. Everything was a go, now just play the waiting game.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Apr 11th, 2003, 08:56:23 PM
Daiquiri sat with her back against the bar and her elbows propped on the edge of it.

"Ive been thinking. Dalamar might be expecting me to lay low. What if I surprise him by sitting on the table there in the middle of the room and 'appear' alone? The rest of you could take up other positions but for that few seconds, he might be thrown off guard."

She didnt look at anyone as she tossed her idea out for comments. The 'Faene crew wasnt known for their reticence on speaking their minds.

Apr 12th, 2003, 07:38:55 AM
Sting entered the bar first. Lady Daiq, Hera, and Ezra where at the bar talking. They didn't know the bounty hunter. In his black suit he backed into the darkness and blended with the shadows. A little trick the Warlord had taught him. Tuning his receiver on them he listened with interest.

"Ive been thinking. Dalamar might be expecting me to lay low. What if I surprise him by sitting on the table there in the middle of the room and 'appear' alone? The rest of you could take up other positions but for that few seconds, he might be thrown off guard."

Sting smiled under his armor they weren't going to know what hit them.

Apr 23rd, 2003, 12:06:35 AM
Ezra's sences went off, not only being a vampyre, but also with his limited knowledge of the force. He sent to Hera as he sat in his darkened booth.

'Hera, we have company. I feel them close by. I got your backs covered'

He slowly brought the Railgun against him and held it ready.