View Full Version : Falling asleep. (open)

Yuri Harper
Apr 11th, 2003, 09:36:55 AM
He sat at a table in this bar and grill, a soda and bowl of root stew sitting in front of him. His face resting on on hand, his eyes closed and the quiet sound of snoring can be heard. There are also some credits on the table, from the kid's friends who where here, ordered food and drinks finsihed that and paid for their friend's order merely cause he's sleeping like the damn dead.

Tony Maxwell
Apr 11th, 2003, 01:48:15 PM
Tony entered the B&G and walked a short way in, he noticed someone he didnt know sitting by himself, he looked like he was sleeping

Tony walked over to his table and tapped him on the shoulder

"hello" the boy slowly opened his eyes "do you mind if i join you?"

Yuri Harper
Apr 12th, 2003, 10:25:47 AM
He made one of those funny noises people make when woken from a deep sleep, and looked at Tony wearily.

"Hullo. Um, no I don't...." he spoke in a dazed voice, before fully waking up and noticing his friends had left.

"Oh, they left...."

Tony Maxwell
Apr 12th, 2003, 01:59:15 PM
Tony sat down and called a service droid over to the table "i'd like a medium steak"

the droid left and Tony turned the young boy

"my name is Tony Maxwell i thank you for letting me sit here, there are no other tables that are empty."