View Full Version : Lunch (Ori)

Kelt Simoson
Apr 11th, 2003, 08:34:00 AM

A hail of pots and pans fell from one of the cuboards above the oven and smashed into one of the kitchen work tops, worst Kelt got was one of the smaller pans on his head. Kelt rubbed his head in the attpemt to supress the pain before putting away all the pans except for the ones he needed. Today he would be cooking fried fish with salad, he just hoped Ori liked it. The fact he had only met Oriadin a few times in council sessions and training made him quite nervous and he wished to prepare this without fault...yeah right.

' Im sure i saved the fish somwhere?...AARON! Bloody eating me outta' house and home he is...AH!' He finaly found the fish and smiled gently. The fish was wrapped in a plastic bag and looked just right to eat. Taking it out of its wrapper he placed it on the pan and poured a nice helping of oil and few seasonings upon the top, started the pan and started to fry. Next would be the salad, but just then a knock at the door sounded, Kelt jumped out of fright on not being finshed and by accident bumbed into the dustbin on his way to the door, Ori was early.

Apr 11th, 2003, 08:45:39 AM
Oriadin had been studying in the Jedi archives, as per usual before making his way over to meet with Kelt. So many things to learn! It was all important now that he had two padawans of his own asking questions.

Kelt was a Jedi Oriadin hardly knew at all. He'd seen him around the order and they always said hello but rarely stopped to chat. It was a suprise when Kelt asked if Oriadin would like to meet for lunch one afternoon, but a nice suprise. This would be an excellent chance for the two to get to know each other better.

Oriadin was looking forward to the meeting. So much so infact that he couldnt be doing with more study and decided to head over slightly early. Perhaps he could use some help, Oriadin thought.

He reached the door and knocked gently. There seemed to be an air of panic within the room and Oriadin laughed gently to himself. The door opend and there stood the host with what looked to be a small bump on his head.

--Everything alright in here? Oh, I brought this with me.--

Oriadin revealed a reasonably sized bottle of Janaka Juice. A rare drink that had been given to him as a gift some time ago and he was saving it for a special occasion.

--It looks like you could use an extra set of hands!--

Kelt Simoson
Apr 11th, 2003, 10:31:33 AM
' Oh bless the force Mr.Oriadin your a life saver...' Kelt said as he gestured his fellow Knight into his quarters with a smile. Kelt had not been able to find any sort of beverage at all and infact had planned to nip out to the Bar and Grill to buy a bottle. However with Oriadins new addition to the meal it would not be a problem. 'Well if you wish to help, if you could lay the table it would be a nice help...' Kelt said with a gentle smile. ' Unless of course you wish to eat on the couch, ether way is okay with me..'

Kelt walked back to the oven as he awaited Oridins answer and turned over the Fish. Going into the fridge he took a bunc of fresh vegitables and placed them on a choping board. He had to say it himself, it all went plan so far, save for the bang on the head of course.

Apr 14th, 2003, 02:42:50 AM
--I think we'll eat at the table.--

He thought about asking where the forks and knives were kept but he held back for a second. A draw caught his attention and seemed as if it were almost calling out to him. After opeining it, Oriadin found the cutlery he was looking for.

--Want any serving spoons?--

Kelt Simoson
Apr 25th, 2003, 09:19:58 PM
kelt turned to face Ori and smiled slightly. He had hardly ever met the man or talked to him but already it felt as if they had been friends for a while, a confused smile spread across Kelts face, Ori was just one of those type of people Kelt gussed.

' Tell me about yourself Ori, while i dish up. May i call you Ori?' He coughed nervously.

Apr 28th, 2003, 09:32:59 AM
Since Kelt somehow managed to not answer his question about the serving spoons, he took out a couple just in case. Oriadin was always carefull like that.

--Sure, you can call me Ori if you like.

Tell you about myself? Well, not sure where to begin. Im a Knight at the order, have been for some time now. I was trained by Verse Dawnstrider, but then after a difference of opinion Helenias Q'Dunn.

I now have two Padawans of my own. Kale and Anthony Scott. Seen either of them about?--

Kelt Simoson
Apr 30th, 2003, 11:32:42 AM
Kelt looked thoughtful for a moment, before shaking his head.

‘I can’t say I have… but I’m not good with faces and names, especially not the newer Padawans. I’ve only got one apprentice myself, reminds me of Dasquian and Helenias.’

By this, the Knight meant Lilya.

‘… The whole business of training is hard, don’t you think?’

May 1st, 2003, 04:54:20 AM
He pondered the question for a few moments.

--I think it can be, yes. They are both only at their early stages so I havent gotten to anything too difficult at the moment.

I have my doubts about Anthony Scott though. He is keeping something from me, and im not sure what. He doesnt feel confident talking to me yet. Thats something Ive got to work on.

Ive seen Lilya about a few times, never spoken to her though, I dont think.--

There were very few Oriadin didnt know at least by sight at the order. He always thought it best to know as many people as possible. The more friends you have, the more chance you have of getting out of difficulty if you need help.

Kelt Simoson
May 3rd, 2003, 02:56:28 AM
‘I still don’t have that feeling that I am a teacher. I trust the Councils decision to promote me, but it still feels to me like I’m walking the learning path.’

The Knight glanced back around the kitchen for a moment.

‘… I suppose you never really do stop learning.’

May 7th, 2003, 02:16:09 AM
Oriaidn recalled a conversation that took place with Marcus not long after his own promotion.

--Indeed Kelt. You never stop learning. Even the Jedi Masters have something new they can learn or develop. I doubt anyone will ever know everything.

I understand what you mean though, sometimes it feels strange being asked questions when it didnt seem so long ago that it was you asking the questions. I feel im not doing too bad. I have a lot to give. I just hope I can do my job well!--

Kelt Simoson
May 7th, 2003, 05:59:45 AM
' Oh come on Ori! I think from what i have heard of you your doiung a excellent job!'

The Knight said as he pulled a friar skoop from his kitchen untensils draw. The fish had cooked perfectly and a lovely smelling aroma filled the apartment, Kelt when he tried cooked pretty darn good.

Kelt placed a piece of fish eatch on the two plates which were both already prepared with salad and garnishings, nuts, berrys and a few saurces. Home made of course.

' Ori im sure your doing a good job. Your a good teacher, a excellent friend and you have a great aura about you. What more can a Padawan ask of you?...' He said setting both plates on the table.

May 7th, 2003, 06:19:38 AM
Oriadin smiled warmly.

--And flattery will get you everywhere!--

The fish was placed in front of Oriadin. The smell emulating from the food only served to make the Jedi Knights mouth water.

--This looks superb Kelt. Great job.--

Oriadin picked up the bottle of Janaka Juice and motioned towards Kelt, as if he were asking if he wanted some. Kelt nodded and so Oriadin poured some for the both of them.

--So, have you been on any interesting missions recently?--

Kelt Simoson
May 14th, 2003, 05:28:19 AM
' I dont think i have, just meditating, cooking and training Padawans in the training hall. I am however planning to venture to my home world and tell my family whee i am and that i am with the Jedi now. But i dont wish to go alone.' He said honestly.

Taking a bite from the fish he popped it into his mouth and chewed. He smiled towards Ori and gestured toward him. ' I dont know how i can ell my father that i am no longer a crusader, i need a friends support...i am very nervous...' he said rather sadly.