View Full Version : Star Wars.com goes pay

Jedi Master Carr
Apr 10th, 2003, 11:53:15 AM
This is from theforce.net
Soon you might have to be paying for any substantial official Episode III coverage. Starwars.com is hoping to offer in the near future a pay subscription service to their website. Sure, you're going to get some neat exclusives for the cost - but are you willing to pay for the service?
Celebrity Talks: Scheduled interaction with the team behind the scenes from the set of Episode III, plus other artists, actors, authors, editors and Lucasfilm personalities behind the entire Star Wars saga.
Exclusive Deleted Scene: Subscribers will see an exclusive deleted scene from Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones, not included on the DVD and never before been made to the public.

Set Diary and Webcam: This summer, as Episode III is being shot in Sydney, Australia, subscribers will have a first-hand look at the process. A regular diary from an on-set correspondent will take you behind the scenes. Also in Sydney, a live webcam will be placed in a different positions to give you a live look at the making of Episode III.

Episode III Selects: George Lucas will personally select exclusive photos from the making of Episode III to share with subscribers first. This candid and compelling weekly photo series will begin in the fall.

We've always felt that this was in the long-term picture for the Official Site, it seems as if they've been preparing this for some time. It has even been mentioned in passing at various conventions and we've heard rumblings for a while now. But now that we have received inside word on this matter, we're going to sit down and analyze a bit.
First of all, if the majority of Episode III news on the official site is on the pay basis - we're all in trouble. We've been getting all of this for "free", so to speak and all of a sudden it will stop or you will pay. To top it off, we'll barely be even able to cover it ourselves since we can't be taking away from their pay content. For context you have to consider what others are doing as well. Do we see other franchises producing subscription-based websites? Nope. Of course, the ad market is shot and we all hate pop-ups, but is this the best option?

Now, as much as we personally dislike it, it is a good business move for Lucasfilm. For the longest time suits have looked at websites as a drain rather than a supply. They take but don't give - but that could change if you could get people to pay to visit them. For more than the price of a magazine subscription, you can get access to all of stawars.com. Sure, plenty of people will pay to see it. But I'm afraid plenty more will just hack the content and share it online with buddies. And for those on the edge, maybe one more financial drain will push them away.

I'm all for new content to be sure, I want LFL to push ahead in the official website game and become the progressive company they once were online. Is pay subscription the right move? Let us know what you think via email, or post your thoughts in the Jedicouncil Episode III spoiler forum. We'll post a pile of them soon.

Exclusive Online Clone War Comics: Online subscribers will have access to exclusive Flash-based comics telling an original story from the Clone Wars.
Enhanced Star Wars - Clone Wars Animated Shorts: The Cartoon Network will begin airing a series of animated Star Wars: Clone Wars shorts this fall. Starwars.com subscribers will not only be able view the shorts online first, but can also view them with optional DVD-style audio commentary from the creators themselves.

Personalized Message Boards: Users of the Official Message Boards will be denoted with colored screen names, be able to select avatar icons, and have access to personality profiles that will allow them to customize their online postings.

Enhanced Collector's Database: The enhanced Cargo Bay collector database will feature quick browse, advance search and want alerts that let you to find the collectibles you're looking for even faster. It's the quickest way to navigate the thousands of entries in the database. You can even get email alerts when the collectible you want is available in stores.

I don't think everything will be pay probably just some inside stuff. A lot of it they have never offered before like the Collector Database. It sounds cool, have to see how much the subscription is before I would think about it.

Figrin D'an
Apr 10th, 2003, 07:12:51 PM
Because, of course, Lucasfilm doesn't get enough money from the fans as it is... :rolleyes

Good business... sure. But utterly craptacular for the fans of the films, whom shell out hundreds or thousands of dollars for Star Wars products already and would likely be the ones that would be most interested in the "special content" anyway.

Sorry, Georgie boy... not this time, not for me anyway. This makes me even more glad I'm endeavoring to be spoiler-free for Episode III.

Jedi Master Carr
Apr 10th, 2003, 07:32:06 PM
This is probably the future, expect Harry Potter and other movie franchises to go the same road, it doesn't surprise me the a lot of web sites have been going that way for years.

Apr 10th, 2003, 09:15:17 PM
I agree with Figrin, I want to remain spoiler free, and I think this will ensure that. Lucas has gotten alot of my money, I don't need to put more into his pockets...not for this.:\

Jedi Master Carr
Apr 10th, 2003, 09:45:28 PM
I am not sure if you are going to get much more than you got for EP 2 anyway some of it sounds neat but I am not sure I would pay for it. I think the basic stuff like Casting information etc will remain free.

Apr 10th, 2003, 10:07:57 PM
i agree with fingrin, i have shelled out thousands of dollars for star wars merchandise why should i also have to pay for soemthing they had been offering me for free

am i not going to go to themovie 5-6 times when it comes out

am i not going to buy the dvd when it comes out

they say its always a take and not give, well thats how most fans feel about the enterprise now

whats wrong with giving back to the fans as an appreication of their support

Apr 11th, 2003, 07:56:44 AM
I won't be subscribing. I don't think its a bad idea, but I'm kinda with JMK - it is too tempting to look at the site and get all that info, I'm going to try to not get too spoiled on this one (though how successful I'll be - who know... :huh ) I don't go super nuts with a lot of the merchandizing, but they're gonna get at least 10 or so viewings from me for Ep. III, the book, DVD, and a modest sampling of some of the other merchandise - I don't need to be giving them that much more money just for the web content...

Apr 11th, 2003, 07:59:51 PM
The more I think about it, the more I think it's a slap in the face to fans. Now people are not going to visit the site as often, and get their info from other places. Whatever they plan on offering us for money, I'm sure it can be had for free somewhere else on the net.

Apr 12th, 2003, 04:26:09 AM
It's going to be a very minor source of income. Most casual fans won't want to shell out the dough. And most hard-core fans will be able to get ahold of the content without subscribing to the site. That leaves a very narrow customer base. All it will serve to do is further alienate fans.

Remember when they released the trailer for AOTC that was only available to those who purchased the TPM DVD? How long did that take to get posted here? You could measure the time in minutes.

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 12th, 2003, 05:19:29 AM
Yes, exactly, so called exclusive content will be nailed up in minutes elsewhere, easily accessible. This is a dumb move. The web site is free advertising and frankly, Ep III needs all the help it can get.

I'm not paying for the craptacular BS. It's not worth it.

(I wonder tho.... would Lucas film decide to crack down on fan sites, to force people to use their offical forums?)

Admiral Lebron
Apr 12th, 2003, 09:27:35 AM
Originally posted by Marcus Elessar
(I wonder tho.... would Lucas film decide to crack down on fan sites, to force people to use their offical forums?)

Duh. Its what they do.

Apr 12th, 2003, 10:34:12 AM
I guess on the other hand though, if whatever they have to offer is going to be spread around the web in minutes anyway, they may as well and try to make some money off it. Besides, the best news regarding TPM and AotC never came from the OS anyway, so I'm not that afraid of missing anything.

Jedi Master Carr
Apr 12th, 2003, 11:57:12 AM
I don't think they will crack down it is very hard, studios have tried cracking down on other things and it has never worked.

Pilot Akito
Apr 22nd, 2003, 09:55:56 PM

I won't be subscribing to this because most of the information I get is from other sites.

As for Lucasarts sutting down fan run forums, I don't see it happening. Right now, they need us to talk about it, otherwise there goes their word of mouth advertizing which has worked for years, and years.

Mu Satach
Apr 22nd, 2003, 11:54:10 PM
I won't pay. Hell I hate even giving my email to things I like.

Lady Vader
Apr 23rd, 2003, 03:12:54 PM
Well, I certainly won't be paying.

Besides, I have noticed with some frequency in the past, that whatever comes out in the SW Insider (which I already subscribe to... or rather, my parents subscribe for me) is also shown on the SW website. So everytime I go there, it's nothing new.

Apr 23rd, 2003, 03:20:39 PM
Duh. Its what they do.
Prove it. Find me proof that they DO shut down message boards.

And I like it, because it makes it easier to stay spoiler free. I know that wouldnt be the intention, but still :)

May 30th, 2003, 08:36:19 AM
Well, it looks like they are getting all set for it. Have y'all seen the trailer on the official site for "Jump to Hyperspace"?

It looks like the new features will include a star wars email account, special offers, info on events, customizability, and a web-cam for Ep. III stuff (basically all that was mentioned in the original article). They also have (Reap, you'll love this) the Jedi assault on the Droid Ship deleted scene.

I don't know - I still think I'm not going to subscribe to it. It is tempting, but I don't need half that stuff. The deleted Droid Ship scene sounds good - hopefully it will be available elsewhere at some point. And the web-cam... Again, sounds good, but I'm wondering how much they'll actually be showing us.

Nifty trailer though... :)

Jedi Master Carr
May 30th, 2003, 11:13:25 AM
So Reap you going to pay to get it :p How much is it right now, if it is more than like $5 a month I wouldn't even think about it.

May 30th, 2003, 11:30:21 AM
No I wont, as there is a trial period :D

May 31st, 2003, 11:24:43 AM
That deleted scene would pop up in a matter of hours once released, and that's about all I'm interested in as far as exclusive web content goes, I'm still not paying for it.

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 4th, 2003, 06:06:44 AM
I'd rather punch myself in the nuts than pay for this crap


A long time ago, in a Web galaxy far, far away, StarWars.com offered one of the first movie trailers on the Internet. This week StarWars.com pushes further into the online galaxy with the debut of a $20-a-year subscription service that features a live video feed from the set of the next "Star Wars" episode.

The webcam will stream behind-the-scenes footage -- but no audio -- from "Star Wars Episode III," which starts shooting this month in Australia and is slated for release in the summer of 2005. "Star Wars" buffs won't be treated to actual scenes being shot, but they probably will watch Darth Vader eating in the cafeteria, space-station sets getting hammered into place and makeup artists touching up the face of Obi-Wan Kenobi. The webcam will be moved every day, shooting live for 12 hours and then replaying in a loop while the cast is sleeping.

"There are a lot of things we can do with that webcam and not spoil the excitement of the film for fans," said Jim Ward, head of Lucas Online and vice president of Lucasfilm Ltd. "To our fans nothing is mundane; every morsel is savored and analyzed."

The members-only Hyperspace service will be available for a few days as a free preview starting Thursday, then become a paid service June 10 when StarWars.com debuts a new design.

In addition to the webcam, paid subscribers will get vanity e-mail addresses at one of seven Web domains, such as "r2d2.com"; regular text reports from the Australian set; live chats with the stars; and access to outtakes from prior episodes of the space opera. The first old scene to be made available will be a deleted sequence from "Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones," featuring a battle between attack droids and Jedi Knights.

StarWars.com went online as a Web site in 1996 and showed one of the Web's first movie trailers two years later. While the main site will continue to be free to all visitors, other subscription services also are in the cards, including a multi-player, online-only Star Wars action game that LucasArts plans to release before the end of the year.