View Full Version : Reunion(open Sejah, Enya, Dasquian, and anybody else))

imported_Corin Zetith
Apr 9th, 2003, 02:49:04 PM
A young teenage boy no older than 13 to 14 years of age walked across the landing field of the Jedi Academy. The boy was strolling here and there across the grounds, enjoying the peaceful sounds of the forest at night, not really going anywhere. Suddenly the boy jumped up starteled by the great disturbance of engine modules roaring.

"So much for piece and quiet!" the boy thought to himself.

Then the boy stopped worrying about the quiet enjoyment of the jungle at night and took real notice of the craft for the first time. He soon deemed it was like any other shuttle he'd seen in his life and thought it was probably just a supply ship.

The landing ramp of the shuttle hissed and opened. Instead of seeing crewmen unloading crates and such items from the shuttle, the boy viewed only one lone silhouette descending to the field, as soon as his feet touched the solid ground the ramp closed and the shuttle blasted off again to return from wherever it had come from.

The boy looked carefully at the figure and noticed from the luminescance of the landing lights that the cloak was a deep, emerald green, and that the cloaked being was moving very slowly and with great difficulty

"Are you alright, mister?" the boy asked.

"Wha.....er.......yes...I'm fine, thanks. Would you mind helping me inside boy?" said the figure.

"Here sir, no problem." the boy stated.

"Thank.....you.....very much." said the figure.

The young padawan led the figure to the academy and then by his request, to the living quarters of the jedi. The figure halted at one of the doors in the corridor.

"Thank you, again for your kindness boy." He said.

"Sure thing sir" the boy bowed to his elder and left.

The man in the dark emerald robes, opened the door and walked inside the dimly lit room. he looked around the room and wondered why everything was so blurry, his vision kept fading in and out from normal sight to complete darkness and then back again. he continued into the room to one of the chairs around a table and sat down waiting for his blackout to pass. After a while his vision returned just as he heard someone outside the door. the man stood shakily and waited for the visitor to reveal him/herself.

Sejah Haversh
Apr 12th, 2003, 02:01:00 AM
It had been a productive day at the the "Swap'n'Shop" down the block for Sejah. He was returning home with several items he had deemed great deals. A leather cigar chair, two matching bronze table lamps with red velvet shades, an antique globe of some planet he had never heard of, as well as a few books, holovids, and a neat something-or-other that he figured had to be a clock of some sort.

In other words, he had made quite a haul, and was currently struggling with getting it all back to his room without the aid of a droid. Thankfully most of it had fit in his speeder, but getting it through the halls was a trick. Finally, the mongoose managed to get everything to his door, and slapped the open button before picking up the loaded chair and heaving it inside before setting it down, exhausted, and hitting the lightswitch with his tail. He didn;t even see Corin there, he was too busy huffing and puffing for breath as he leaned over the back of his new chair.

Kelt Simoson
Apr 12th, 2003, 03:45:01 AM
Kelt who had been busy down at the food market had seen Sejah haul things from the bits and bobs shop a few blocks down from the store, he had tried to catch him up to try and help him with his large carry but by the time he did come close to calling out the Mongoose had jumped into a speeder and taken off into the days traffic. Kelt from there had jumped into his speeder with a few days shopping of meat chops and vegetables and skooted off after Sejah back towards the Jedi Temple.

When Kelt had placed everything in this freezer and set everything strait for dinner that evening the Jedi Knight had ventured off to have a word with the Mongoose and see if the old guy was alright. The two had met quite a few times before and so they were good friends, in any case he only lived a few doors down and it didn't hurt to pop his head in and say hello, so he did just that. Stepping out from his apartment the Knight hurried along to Sejahs room and gave a light tap at the door.

' Tis' only me Sejah, you can open up...' he jested with a smile.

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 12th, 2003, 03:57:07 AM
Off in the corner of the room, a lump under some bed covers moved about a bit. The duvet was pulled backwards a little at the edge, as the Jedi Knight Belargic was awoken by the sounds of Sejah bringing in his purchases of the day. With sleep still heavily in his eyes, he squinted at the small source of light and groaned faintly.

“… What time is it?”

Sejah Haversh
Apr 12th, 2003, 04:51:33 AM
Sejah glanced up at the clock behind himself, still not seeing the third person in the room and replied, "Oh, it's only two-thirty in the afternoon, not too late to get up and grab a shower before dinner." He was joking, of course. After all, they didn't usually eat until about seven, though it really was two-thirty.

Then Kelt knocked onthe door, and Sejah turned around to open it, then stepped back out of the way and started to pull his chair to an open corner. "Come on in, Kelt, just got in, myself. Hit the rest of the lights, will you? It's time for Dasquain to get up anyhow, the lazy bum."

Kelt Simoson
Apr 12th, 2003, 05:03:14 AM
' Dasquin IS the pinnicle of lazy gits...' Kelt laughed towards Sejah.

The jedi Knight poked his head in through to Dasquian bedroom as he heard Sejah call out to him, a wild smile upon his face he tugged on the sheets for the blonde man to get up. Dasquin looked sleepy, clearly the man had been up the night before with council matters, but Kelt could not resist a little laugh with his best friend. ' Come on Dasquian its already two thirty what were you doing last night?...let me think?..talking with the ladies at the B&G?...' Kelt quickly popped back ito the living room before Dasquian could throw anything at him, a pillow for exsample as Kelt and Sejah laughed together.

' Dinner you say?...i have a nice leg of meat in the freezer if you want me to bring it over...we could have it togrther?...' A smile upon his face. He simply loved cooking.

Sejah Haversh
Apr 12th, 2003, 05:07:35 AM
"Sure thing," Sejah replied as he pushed the chair into place, then picked up the lamps from it and began to turn around. "I've got some spices and stuff here, so unless you've got something in mind, just bring the,--"

The mongoose was cut off suddenly as he finally saw another man standing there. He stumbled, and nearly dropped one of the lamps as his mouth hung open and his pink eyes went wide. "C-Corin? Is that you? Where the blazes have you been!?"

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 12th, 2003, 05:08:38 AM
Bleary eyed, the Jedi Knight crawled out of bed and found a robe to tug on. As he ambled out into the main room, where Kelt was nattering on about meat, and Sejah had just almost had a seizure from the looks of things, after spotting Corin.

“… ‘ello Corin,” he yawned as he wrinkled his nose, wandering off to the kitchen area to whip himself up some coffee; calling back into the room:

“Anyone else want a drink?”

Kelt Simoson
Apr 12th, 2003, 05:17:00 AM
' Gordon Bennit!!'

Kelt scrambbled for the lamp before Sejah dropped what he just bought and it smashed against the ground, he had to admit the sight of Corin made him jump himself but not as much as Sejah, the lamp fell into Kelts hands perfectly for him to keep a hold on it and he placed it on the dressing table.

' Sejah,watch what your doing...' Kelt said in a breathless tone as if he was shocked. Dasquian ventured out of the bedroom said hello and walked into the kitchen as if nothing happened, Kelts face was comical as he wondered why Dasquin had not jumped ether, infact he had to look twice at Dasquian to take it in. ' Err, berr...tea please Das...yeah...2 sugers, well ya know that anyway...'

Sejah Haversh
Apr 12th, 2003, 05:22:32 AM
Snapping out of his shock, Sejah placed the other lamp down on a safe place before looking back to Dasquain and said, "If you're going to make coffee, use the stuff in the red can. I know I told you it was decaf but that was a lie. Brought it back from home."

Turning back, Sejah tried to straighten himself out and appear more relaxed, but he couldn't get his mind off of how Corin had just suddenly shown up again. "So, um, you back for good now?" he asked, shrugging his shoulders because he couldn't think of anything else to do.

imported_Corin Zetith
Apr 12th, 2003, 07:20:20 AM
the man, Corin Zetith, had indeed been gone for quite a lengthy time. all he could do was stare at sejah and the others as they came through the door (or in Dasquian's case came to). finally after a few more questions from his open-mouthed friend Sejah he realized there were others in the room with him. his vision fadaed and then returned once more.

"It's........It's........good to see you........my friend."

"I've been.........away......"

His vision faded again and Corin was force to sit down before it came back this time.

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 12th, 2003, 07:32:56 AM
Makign himself, Sejah and Corin a coffee from the beans his Nehantish friend have provided, and a warm tea for Kelt, Dasquian returned to the living room – with four cups in his hands – to see Corin looking decidedly faint.

As he handed out the mugs, giving the newly returned Padawan his last, he asked:

“Are you feeling alright, Corin? You look a little pale.”

imported_Corin Zetith
Apr 12th, 2003, 07:50:16 AM
Corin looked up at Dasquian and accepted the cup, smiling, he then took a sip from the coffee and felt a slight bit better from its warmth, but not much. He looked at the three in the room and then lifted the bottom to the emerald cloak.

"I've lost some blood!" he stated it as if it were simply a detail.

There were three deep, long gashes in his right leg, the cuts started from his knee and continued down his leg to the ankle of his slashed boot. "Some blood" was an understatement, it was everywhere except where it should be (Corin was so far past pain and blood loss that he just simply didnt seem to realize how serious the wounds were). Corin let the hem of his cloak drop back to the floor. Then his eyesight bacame very dark again and he had to grip the table sides to prevent passing out.

Kelt Simoson
Apr 12th, 2003, 08:10:30 AM
' Alright Corin stay with me here mate, Dasquian could you get me some err...wet towels and perhaps some bandages if you have any here, Sejah get the man a blanket please and perhaps a pillow to prop his head up.'Kelt said putting his mug down on the counter. Dasquian was unofficially a higher rank as he was on the council but Kelt was more involved in the healing process in the force, Corin was hurt and so Kelt acted.

Kelt went down onto his knees and inspected the large gash which looked incredibly bad. Blood stained most of the chair and the floor around him, he had lost quite a few pints. ' Corin, this may hurt a bit, just stay with me okay?...' Kelt quickly raised Corins leg and straitened it out and then swiftly placed his left hand over the wound to try and stop the blood.

' Dasquian you got those Towels?...'

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 12th, 2003, 08:15:28 AM
Obliging as quickly as he could, Kelt found that when he looked up Dasquian – now with a much more awake look about himself - was already holding the towels out. In his other hand was a roll of gauze.

“What happened to you?” the Knight asked, somewhat wide eyed.

imported_Corin Zetith
Apr 12th, 2003, 08:18:56 AM
Corin couldn't see at all now. he was slipping deeper and deeper towards perhaps a comatose stae, when there was a sharp searing pain which shot through his leg, his vision shot back in a blur as Kelt was trying to apply pressuse to his mutilated leg. sucking in air through gritted teeth Corin desperately tried to stop himself from crying aloud in pain.

"What happened to you?"

Corin heard the question now that his sense were back again from the intense pain shooting up his leg.

Uhlen......did.....this" Corin said through his teeth.

imported_Corin Zetith
Apr 14th, 2003, 09:36:01 AM
OOC: for those who dont know Uhlen basically enjoys kicking Corin's butt over and over and over again. Here's a description.

Name: Darth Uhlen

Age: Unknown

Profile: 7'7"half yuuhzan vong half human he is a biochemically engineered,force sensitive,killing machine.he wears all black traditional sith clothing and has yuuhzan vong tatoos and alterations all over his body.

Occupation: Sith Lord(apprentice to Darth Anius)Assassin,Bounty Hunter.

Weapon: Living Lightsaber/Amphistaff. performs like a normal lightsaber but at the flick of a button becomes a snake like whip.has the cutting ability of a normal lightsaber; when in whip mode sends an awesome nerve paralyzing shock!

Background: Darth Uhlen has no background he can remember.he was implanted with fake memories when master shaper Nen Yim turned him into the killer he is.his only purpose in life is kill jeedai that is what he lives for.

Attack Strengths: he attacks quickly and without warning taking his enemy by complete surprise with powerful force and saber attacks.allows them little if any time to retaliate.

Weaknesses:he relies souly on the force. without it he is virtually helpless against any jedi.he uses way too much force power than his body is physically capable of.this causes his cells to rupture and he has to find a safe place to enter a healing trance after most of his battles.

Ship:the Extractor (a modified form of Darth Maul's Sith Infiltrator.)

imported_Corin Zetith
Apr 19th, 2003, 07:09:04 PM
OOC: lol i think Corin bled to death by now. don't you?

Sejah Haversh
Apr 21st, 2003, 12:15:31 AM
OOC: Sorry, sorry, I kept meaning to post to this one, and getting sidetracked...


"Holy..." Sejah blurted when he saw the injury, his pink eyes locked on the hriffic wound.

Kelt's instructions he followed without delay. Corin was laid back on his bed, and his leg propped up and wrapped in the towels and held to staunch the bleeding. The mongoose stuffed a pillow under his old friend's neck and pulled a blanked over him before dashing back to the commphone. With a shaky paw he patted in the code for a medical emergency and spoke into the reciever, "Medics! I need some medics in room 713, quickly! We have a human male with massive leg injuries who has lost a lot of blood. I don't know what type, so bring it all! Hurry, he's passed out."

Once the medics assured him they would be there on the double, Sejah scrambled back to Corin's side and could only watch, as he knew next to nothign about medicine or Jedi Healing skills.

imported_Corin Zetith
Apr 21st, 2003, 12:28:35 PM
Three hours later, Corin woke to find that his leg had been bandaged and he was hooked up to some medical apparatus, he looked around to find that the others were still there but he was still a little confused from the side effects of the antisthetics.

"Wha.......where am I"

"What are you doing here?" He asked the medic droid

The droid was trying to push him back down into the bed, then it gave up and started to fill a syringe with something.

"OH......trying to stop me are you?" said Corin.

Corin reached for his cloak which was hanging next to his bed and grabbed his lightsaber, before anyone could stop him. He was about to ignite it when the droid plunged the syringe into his arm and he fell back again feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. As one of the other guys forceibly removed the saber hilt from his hand.

"That wasn't very sporty of you now was it? I'll show you wh.........." Corin fell back into darkness again as the drugs took effect.

imported_Corin Zetith
Apr 27th, 2003, 01:51:54 PM
Corin at last awoke and taking in all that was around him he sat up in his bed. He saw Kelt, Dasquian, and Sejah all looking at him intently.

"ummm.....hey guys!" he said

"How long have I been out?"

Kack Mebuff
Apr 29th, 2003, 05:49:37 PM
"Long enough," came a deep voice from the doorway.

The group immediately looked in the direction of the speaker.

There stood a hooded Jedi, his face covered by the shadows of his cloaks. As the entered the light of the room he removed his hood.

The man's face was rough looking fully cover with a beard. His hair hung low, nearly covering his eyes. Although, he looked very different, Corin, Sejah, and Dasquian immediately recoginized the Jedi as the long missing Kack Mebuff.

Kack smiled at his old friends.

"It's been a long time has it not?"

imported_Corin Zetith
Apr 29th, 2003, 08:18:54 PM
Corin tried to sit up but was pushed back down by many hands, telling him to stay put and rest.

"It's good to see you Kack.......It's.....It's good to see you all."

Kack Mebuff
Apr 30th, 2003, 08:42:53 AM
Kack smiled once again, "It is great to see you all."

His gaze returned to Corin, "What happened to you?"

imported_Corin Zetith
Apr 30th, 2003, 09:54:25 AM
Corin glanced down at his treated leg and then back to Kack.

"Oh......that......Uhlen decided he didn't like how my legs were prettier and less scarred than his so he helped me out a bit."

Corin was trying to act casual about it......as if he had just merely been in the wrong place at the wrong time. he just didn't want to remember the real reason why he had gotten his injuries.

Kack Mebuff
Apr 30th, 2003, 10:23:30 PM
"Rest up, and perhaps we can assess whether or not this Uhlen character poses enough of a threat to be investigated by the Jedi."

Kack looked to Dasquian for some sort of answer or response.

"I don't think we need some psycho running around hacking up our Jedi, do we Master?"

imported_Corin Zetith
May 1st, 2003, 09:44:51 AM
Corin looked back on Kack as his friend misunderstood Uhlen's purpose.

"No no Kack, not Jedi..........just me. If a Jedi gets in the way he will fight but his mission is me. I dunno why so don't ask me but he is bent on killing just me!"

imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 2nd, 2003, 02:56:50 AM
"Well then, we'll jsut have to keep him away from you, now won't we?" Sejah chipped in.

"Didn't know what to think when you up and disappeared the first time. You know we're not going to let you vanish again like that, now."

--EDIT-- Sorry, posted under the wrong account. Just pretend it's Sejah, okay? Hate it when I do this...

imported_Corin Zetith
May 2nd, 2003, 08:00:08 AM
Corin smiled at his friends and lay back down on the bed, trying to relax.

"thanx, guys!"