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Hayes Muirso
Apr 9th, 2003, 04:36:31 AM
Too rare to miss.

The sun, a burning sphere of white above, was pulling its way into the sky. Slowly, but definitely surely, it was climbing and struggling its way past the skyscrapers. The light it gave off was dulled, normally, by the smoke and haze that the everyday business of Coruscant churned out. If you were lucky, and paid attention carefully to the world around you, you could catch the sun before it had this blanket of noxious waste pulled in front of it.

Not many people did this, but Hayes did -- the rays of powering light making him squint, as they reflected through the lens of his glasses. No matter how much his eyes watered, or his head grew light with dizziness, he wouldn’t look away until the celestial body had been eclipsed by the immense structures around it.

And so it was, and the moment was lost until another day. Hayes Muirso removed his glasses and, with the sleeve of his shirt, wiped the moisture from his eyes. With the blur of tears gone he found himself looking once more into a heaving industrial world; a world where people were in such a hurry to get through life that that were never truly living at all. A sigh, and he began walking once more.

Where he was heading wasn’t too far away, but he would walk slowly -- he always did. It allowed him to take in what was going on around him, and be all the more perceptive of intricacies, a trait he thought (for some reason) would be useful at this new job he was applying for. For a while, he'd considered the army or republic forces as a choice of career, but for all their bravado and dedication to peace, they didn’t seem to achieve much.

The Jedi, so he was told, did.

"I'm here to join."

There was no real point in stating it, but he did. After all, he couldn't think of any other reason for people ambling about in this room where he stood now. Some wore plain clothes, like him, and others wore robes (he assumed they were the Jedi), but they all had something in common -- they were buzzing with excitement, or sometimes apprehension, at the thought of becoming a warrior of the light.

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 9th, 2003, 01:09:36 PM
Amidst the crowd of people was one figure that stood out predominantly – not as being someone waiting to be recruited, but as someone who was already a member of the Jedi. This was discernable not only from his attire, but from his demeanour. He was calm, collected, and above all showing kindness and a warm welcome to everyone who spoke to him. Many in the room were simply looking around, admiring the great Jedi architecture that had only a short while ago been completed. One, he spotted, was standing at the recruitment desk, where a Padawan was explaining something to him.

“I’ll handle this one.”

The Hallaer’s voice, authorities yet comforting, caused the man to turn.

“Greetings. I am Jedi Knight Dasquian Belargic.”

A slight bow of his head, as a mark of greeting, and he continued:

“Tell me, why do you wish to become a part of the Greater Jedi Order, sir?”

Hayes Muirso
Apr 9th, 2003, 01:13:55 PM
A quiet young woman had been going over the details on a glossy pamphlet about the Temple, which Hayes was now stood in, when someone else addressed him. He wasn't sure if the man was speaking to him at first, but the look in the desk clerks eyes told him that he was.

It was hard, at first, not to smile when looking at the man, Dasquian. For a start he looked as though his dress sense was a hundred years behind everyone else's, and his features were so effeminate that, had it not been for his voice, Hayes would have pegged him as being a woman. Adjusting his glasses, he nodded back at the Jedi Knight. If there was one thing that could be said for him it was that he fit Hayes' mental stereotype of an eclectic Force user to a tee.

"To protect people. Help them. Stop fighting."

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 9th, 2003, 01:18:46 PM
“I see.”

The answer was not an uncommon one. Often people would come with reasons much like this man; all very just causes, however it was often hard to tell the sincerity of their words. Although a Jedi Knight, and able to read peoples emotions, the recruitment center was so aflame with the thoughts and feelings of people that it was almost impossible to single out an individual and pick up upon their motives. Therefore, the only hinge that could be used to decide whether or not to let them in was their own words.

“That is one part to being a Jedi, yes. However there are far less forceful parts too. You must go through a typically long training period, studying the Force, ethics and the like… and after that you will be given students of your own to train.”

Hayes Muirso
Apr 9th, 2003, 01:23:59 PM
Maybe he hadn't been as eloquent as he'd liked. What this Belargic character had just said was encompassed in his understanding of what he was letting himself in for. Spreading the good words of ethical and honourable causes and ways was something Hayes' already practised as a hobby, almost. For a short while he'd acted as a lecturer in a school within Coruscant city itself, dealing with problems on economy, the environment and the like, many of which he expected would be dealt with by the Jedi also.

He hazarded, "I realise that… sir."

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 9th, 2003, 01:30:26 PM
“Also, we Jedi do not live an easy life. Do not lead tales of heroism and praise into allowing you to believe that it is all fame and glory. Many people dislike, even hate, us and would stop at nothing to destroy us – the Sith included.”

Often, this was what scared newcomers off of joining. The prospect of having godly powers was appealing, but that someone would always be out to kill you was not.

“Are you willing to live a life like this?”

Hayes Muirso
Apr 9th, 2003, 01:38:21 PM
"Other people's opinions don't bother me that much. I'm not that weak-willed."

Though not wanting to seem cocky or unemotional -- he knew one of the most import traits of a Jedi was being in touch with their feelings and senses -- Hayes' was well aware of the fact that to him a threat was a threat, no matter the size. Whether it was a waiter mad that he hadn't tipped them well enough or a laser sword wielding maniac, it still meant a person disliked him, and either way he took a fairly flippant attitude towards it all. His philosophy was that he did his job, to the best of his ability, and whether or not people liked was their own problem, not his.

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 9th, 2003, 01:45:12 PM
The bluntness to the man’s tone was a little unsettling, but Dasquian smiled none the less. It was refreshing to have someone to interview who was not riddled with nerves and concerns over how they would be perceived. On the other hand, it would become a bit troublesome if the man became too frank and blunt.

“That’s pleasing to hear. Tell me, what do you know of the Force?”

Hayes Muirso
Apr 9th, 2003, 01:51:50 PM
"It's what you use to move things and read peoples minds?"

That, obviously, wasn't the answer that the Jedi Knight wanted, and Hayes' knew this. Seeing a little bit of indecisiveness in Dasquian's expression, Muirso continued on.

"It's the life-force Jedi and Dark Jedi use to give them their abilities. I think I'm right in my understanding that it's in everything, and that's why it can be used to move and heal things -- because you can tap into 'it' in other people and organisms. Right?"

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 9th, 2003, 01:54:48 PM
Impressed, Dasquian’s smile broadened. He nodded lightly.

“Very well then, sir. I think I know all I need to about you to safely say that you may be accepted into the ranks of the Greater Jedi Order.”

Lifting a small data pad off of the desk behind him, the Knight tapped at it for a moment.

“Could I have your name please?”

Not waiting for an answer, he continued.

“After that, we’re all done here. If you don’t already have residence on Coruscant it would be wise for you to find an apartment in the Living Quarters building. Otherwise I’d suggest dropping by Master Yoghurts Bar and Grill, the eatery most of the Jedi patron.”

Hayes Muirso
Apr 9th, 2003, 01:58:06 PM
"Hayes Muirso."

For all Hayes' had wanted his initiation to be up quickly, he didn't imagine for one second that it would have been concluded this fast. Never the less he nodded and smiled another coy, half-forced looking smile.

"Thank you for your help, sir."

With saying 'sir' coming along nicely, he turned away from Dasquian, who waved him on his way. Just as he wandered away another person stepped up to the Jedi Knight, also looking to join. Was he, Hayes' wondered, one of only a few to join today, or one of a hundred? If the numbers in this room were anything to go by, it was the latter. Only after exploring his new home, and place of work, would he find out...

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