View Full Version : Kaytor vote, sorta

Valirion Thorn
Apr 8th, 2003, 11:59:30 PM
Kaytor wants to join with a different character, we have had problems with her leaving with Kaytor Surna before but she's actually accepted the punishment ic we gave to her, that takes a lot to respond to that kind of thread where a bunch of people are laughing at her like that, but then again, she tends to be VERY annoying at times, shes asking for another chance with a different character. I'm just throwing this one up for what people say, I've rped with her before, found her a fairly good rper at times and then at others...nugh

Alana Stormcloud
Apr 9th, 2003, 09:35:37 AM
Sorry gonna have to vote no on this one. Had to many probs with her to mess. She has messed to much to be able to turst.

No one this one.....

Valirion Thorn
Apr 9th, 2003, 10:26:37 AM
thats what I was thinking... sounded a lot like some other people that are trying to get in recently

Lord Soth
Apr 9th, 2003, 11:42:46 AM
Yaa, I'm gonna have to say "no" as well bro...She was here at one time and threw it all away. I believe and look at it this way...Once a Shrine Vamp,...Always a Shrine Vamp. We can't have peep coming and going as they please for whatever reason it may be...Look's bad ya know...Were very tight nit here and have always been...One thing we pride ourselves on. Once you’re in...That’s pretty much it...It's known that we Vamp's here back our own, however...If you choose to leave the coven fold,...Well, that's one's prerogative of course,...however, that's it...Game over,...Do not pass go, do not collect 200 bucks.

I personally have lost trust with her and know first hand she keep's company with Marcus and his crew...And I know they have no love for us here at the Shrine. I also know that this is no reason to keep one from joining our group, (Who one keep’s company with or RP’s with), but it is something I keep in careful consideration when making my choice. :)

Valirion Thorn
Apr 9th, 2003, 11:53:08 AM

Pandora Damaris
Apr 9th, 2003, 12:53:45 PM
Amen to the second power...;)

Darren Caerdeth
Apr 10th, 2003, 02:05:53 AM
After all that crap went down, with her trying to "scare" me outta embarassing her, and generally talking shit ooc, In the interest of fairness, I'll cede from this voting, unless needed to break a tie (which i dont really see happening)

Just for the record though, If it was decided to let her in, I would suggest that she join with full knowledge that her character wouldnt be able to leave the Shrine, and if she were to abandon the shrine with said character, then we have full permission to slaughter said character.

Just my .02$

( Thats america currency btw, for those keeping score at home ^_^; )

Valirion Thorn
Apr 10th, 2003, 08:30:40 AM
good call on the money part Darren, I was still wondering if Abraham Lincoln ever reallly had been a predisdent, I mean, I wasn't there, how would I know? :crack

Darren Caerdeth
Apr 11th, 2003, 01:00:49 AM

Im here to enlighten :smokin