View Full Version : Strategos from Hell (Malice)

Apr 8th, 2003, 05:21:20 PM
:: I sat in the War Room of Vento. Vento being the new base of Blastech Industries and the finally established base of the Horde. Of course being the most profitable and largest weapons industry in the galaxy, both bases took up the entire system. The system used to be an ancient Republic shipyard thanks to an ancient accident but now all that was left when I arrived was incredible amounts of debris that made navigating safely almost impossible.

Getting to work hadn't took very long. Establishing bases across the galaxy hadn't been hard either since Blastech had been so well spread before I'd taken over it. I had begun weapons facilities and special labs everywhere after that. Now I had my own developed shipyards in place, trying to rival Kuat but well enough as I could manage, by relocating Blastech out of NR control. I have 10 planets under my control, people, robots, and everything. Vento being the headquarters and found closest to the center star. I had turned it from a plush land of plant life and minor population to a burning forge for my growing army. The planet was no longer green and blue from the outside but a more suitable black, grey, and red of Hell.

The stage was set now. With small areas of my "infection" across the galaxy and my "source" producing more and more soldiers and weapons to spare. I needed an army to do what I had planned. I had massed my generals and they were all ready themselves. I wanted the whole galaxy down in flames, Vento was only the beginning. And to attack the New Republic, making all those who come before me burn in Hell. Everything would be destroyed... but unfortuantely it would take much more time. The generals had all been promised many things, in fact, pieces of the galaxy to themselves of course. Power is what the darkside craved and then it wielded its craved power against the universe, wreaking destruction as it should and would.

I am the Darkside... that thought running through my head... I am destruction... I am God... as I smiled at the holographic images flashing over the table. The holoprojector flashed images of scenarios so quickly only myself and the man in white robes across from me could see them. They showed battle strategies, environments, stages of action and potential action, areas of risk and what information we could have summed up in so short of time on our enemies positions. And that was funny because our enemeis didn't even know they were our enemies yet.::

Well Malice, what do you think?

Apr 13th, 2003, 08:12:49 PM
Malice sat in the new office of Blastech Industries. He was impressed to say the least. For Fiend to have moved so fast and set up so much in sucha short amount of time, it would make things much easier in the future.

Sitting across from Fiend, the demon sith master surveyed the plans and strategies that flashed before them. A small glint of pleasure spread across his face.

*It is wonderful Fiend my friend. Such mass destruction, and no one of the light has any idea of the tragedy that is soon to befall them*

Looking around the side of the holo images, Malice stared directly at Fiend.

*So tell me, how goes your plans with the cells i had given you. Might i be let in as to what you have done with them so far?*

Truth be told Malice intrested. Afterall it was a part of him that Fiend was using.

Apr 13th, 2003, 10:07:33 PM
:: I lifted my hand slowly, the pale white hand barely reflecting the light of the holographs. Usually it was covered in the metal gauntlets but I found little purpose when I didn't have anyone to kill.::

Exactly, no one in the light of creation has any idea what is about to be set upon them. Maybe Kane and his friends but than what can one ignorant man and his wife do to us? The symbols of the Darkside? Even the Order might know something of our plans but what can they do against us now? They should've killed Dios when he went to them for help, you would think the Jedi would at least be somewhat intelligent to be able to summon what they can of creation woundn't you?

But as for your cells? They work excellent, being an ingredient that I told you could not be passed up. Those included with several others make up what this manufactured body is now as I've explained to you. And only with a bit of concentration can I morph my body, the cells reacting to the Darkside actually being focused on themselves.

:: My eyes barely glowed a dim red as I focused the force on my hand and within moments the skin begans to shift. The white begins to reflect more and more as scales form and it becomes longer. My fingers seem to stretch, the knuckles becoming larger and my nails turning black as they became claws. The arm bristled slightly as a large spike slpit from the skin in my elbow. I clenched the now out of proportion fist and laughed.::

My entire body can do this, allowing me to open channels of the force not entirely safe to my older versions. I've entered other cells to increase the levels of the force also. And others for more practical reasons. I can even obtain your demonic rage if I let myself fully transform. I can freeze things to a small degree than our good subject Wraith Frostmourne and I have other useful properties. All of it clicking into my own cells. They have reached new evolutions by adapting and assimilating the new cells, reaching new levels and becoming more agressive when they takeover other bodies. Very interesting.

:: I pressed a button on the control board with the twisted hand and the holograms stopped shifting, stopping on several pictures of factories and pictures of assembly lines.::

These, to inform you what many others are not aware of on their own planets, are assembly lines of soldiers. People off the street, others kidnapped, prisoners sentenced to oblivion or death, all are being "assembled" into soldiers. Dr. Armail serviced me with the proper procedures to create things like his altered beasts at massive rates using assembly lines. The machines follow randomized patterns so no soldier is exactly the same but still in the basic structure. All including my cells. I can feel them all here...

:: I tapped my head lightly.::

... But they are nothing, the mental damage of having their brains and organs operated on while still awake has made them drones ready for carnage. I've also begun creation of cyborg altered beings. Similar to the previous just with metal armor, advanced weaponry built in, and even some with sophisticated tools and rogramming for certain events that others aren't allowed to fail at. These are being developed at massive rates everywhere. Mainly here in the Vento system though. Where we have planets full of people for us to take. They'll all serve a better cause by the end of this galaxies time, hopefully long before.

Apr 17th, 2003, 08:30:17 PM
Malice grinned as he watched Fiend transform his hand. So he has already learned to harness and use the demon cells. This should prove interesting.

*Good work Fiend. It would seem i am no longer the last demon in this galaxy. Now there will be many like me.......many that are part of me*

He chuckled as he knew that those fused with his cells would be somewhat connected to him. Wether it be by a mental link, or physical link. They were all a part of him. Watching as the holo screen froze on images of factories, he listened to what Fiend was saying.

*So you should have an army in no time. But that is the question.......exactly how long do you suspect this would take my friend?*

Apr 18th, 2003, 03:23:28 PM
Hmmmm... Injections take one week to settle. I still want more shops to our fleet and your earlier proposed plan... I don't think I'm going to go into that just right now... but I would like to see that underway before my initial assault begins.

The entire war in itself is undetermined on how long it will take. Too many open variables in one galaxy to make a time frame, but preparations end when I say so, because that will mean preparations without a war have ended and preparations during the war will begin. I have several toys under way too...

:: I clicked again on a different area as blueprints and diagrams of weapons began to flash across the screen. They flash a bit more before stopping at a large picture of an egg looking object.::

This is my Gate Keeper, the beginning phase of our hurried assimilation of the planets we dominate. It prepares the way for the next two toys. Gate Keeper, once activated, deploys into a spider like mechanism.

:: The display board showed the egg open, limbs coming from the sides as it scurries about on a 3D field.::

The Gate Keeper launchs small mortars that create a type of web once all have landed. The maximum range contaminates an area close to about two cube kilometers. This in turn... thins the ground with micro explosions once the web is set. The ground is than better suited fro the next two phases, the "Gate being opened."

:: I laugh as the screen switches to another weapon, looking like a large mechanical jellyfish, tentacles and tubes going everywhere.::

This is Medusa, the next phase. She spreads into the softened ground, the tentacles and tubes easily reaching through the now welcoming ground. She lays the eggs that will hatch into the final phase. Now remember, this will take time, but the planet is supposed to have been wiped of any opposition. The eggs will be set well into the planet before hatching, they require no incubation, merely a press of the trigger.

:: The screen zooms in on a egg after the simulation of the Medusa finishes.::

This is the Armeggedon Clock. My favorite. This thing will hatch into tons of drill like needles. They'll pierce the planet core and kaboom! Problem solved, no more planet to worry about. This is what we leave in our wake. Nothing but debris. And of course, like I said, this is not a fast process, the machines will need gaurding if our opponents decide to try and stop it. And I only have one prototype, but I am working on it...

:: I laughed again, tapping the overly large claw at my lip. But like I had said, preparations.::

What do you think so far? Not just the toys, all of it?

Apr 25th, 2003, 05:28:47 PM
A sadistic laughter filled the air as Malice watched all of Fiends toys unfold before him.

*Brilliant Fiend. It would seem you have put much thought into these matters. But i must ask you*

He paused to lean in closer.

*Do you really want to blow up every planet we takeover. It would be better just to keep the planets. After all we could use it's resources to our advantage. More building space for ships and men*

*It would prove far more beneficial then just simply blowing it up*

Apr 30th, 2003, 03:16:33 PM
No, the planets will be destroyed, of that I am sure. I considered it but I would rather leave nothing but dust in my wake unless someone would claim it for rule of course. All planets we conquer are open for whoever takes it but those I directly take will be destroyed. True they have resources but I do not care. We can do well enough with what others keep and with what we have now.

I have a few other... items of interest I will not show you yet, more for the surprise of the celebration once we have taken over more planets. It involves the darkside and the death of a planet, two combinations that go well together. I understand the neccessity of expansion but we serve the Darkside before ourselves. That means the Horde serves ME!

:: My eyes actually exploded with the energy. The forceburn of suddenly tapping into so much power made my skin hiss and burn, the parts of the eyes splattering across the table. I stood suddenly, the chair being thrown against the wall with the force. My hands went to my eyes instantly as my sizzling flesh became scaly and slowly assumed the demonic stature.

My hair became white spikes and the rest of my body now fit the arm as blood seeped from the eye sockets. The projected image flickered as the room seemed to flicker with static energy in the air. I hissed, closing my eyes tightly as I turned my head to Malice's direction, my thin, now black lips in a sneer, fangs extending past my lips. I chuckled slightly, standing as if nothing was wrong now, my skin no longer burning.::

We move to Thyferra, than I want to "spar" jedi with your disciples, test run soldiers of the Horde. several things to be done Malice. Not to mention I need TSO's answer sooner than later.

:: The door opened and an assistant Fiend clone entered. Turning through the entry it began to ask if anything was the matter but before it's words escaped its lips, the head exploded and the spine was torn from the back as it crumpled to the ground. The body set on fire and the spine floated to my hand. I bent in half and snapped it, letting the bones fall to the floor now.::

I leave nothing Malice, nothing. The Horde will do the same, to the New Republic and whoever stands in the way of the Darkside. We might have more allies than we would think, I will speak to you later when I have more results and I expect an immediate answer from the TSO once it has been made.

:: I rolled my shoulders, leaning my head to the side as blood seeped through my eyelids. I smiled, making a slight, almost yet not mocking, bow to Malice and then left. I entered the hallway outside and hurried to a turbolift. this body was wasted, forceburn did so much at such a high rate of access to the darkness. And people called me psychotic? I thought I had been very well behaved.::