View Full Version : Small Steps

Marley Jonovin
Apr 8th, 2003, 12:19:32 PM
It's easy to dissapear. In a universe as vast as this one it's amazing if you can't. My father and I've been in the same spot ever since I was born. Every once in a while my mother'd drop by, bring us things to fix up the house. We lived a quiet life on the planet Kuan, hardly noticed. Of course, we weren't of much consequence.

My father took care of me as long as he could but it didn't take long before I was smarter than he was, so I started taking care of him, reversing the parental role. He's been handicapped since he was young and so he can't pick things up as fast as other people. But we were happy.

This year though, it got worse. My father started to have fits, lose his temper. You've got to remember that he's got the mindset of an eight-year-old. It just got too much to handle. So I sold our things, most of them were junk I hung onto for sentimental reasons. Packed us up and came to Coruscant. Now here's a place where you can dissapear.

There's a nice hospital here. I hate calling it an institution, but I suppose that's what it is. They're going to take care of my father there, and I can still see him, if I'm inclined. I don't know yet. It's hard to find yourself looking down at a man you want to look up to.

There's a postive side to it. Since I was young I've been self-sufficient and had a lot of free time to think about what I want to do. I guess I've just gotten used to dealing with problems and provinding aide for others, so it seems sort of natural to be here. In a Jedi building.

Never once in a million lightyears did I think I'd have a shot at a chance like this.

"Excuse me? I'd like to speak with one of your order..."

It's quiet here. I like that. I get uncomfortable in the city, with all the noise. But it's calm here. I've missed feeling calm.

Xazor Elessar
Apr 8th, 2003, 03:44:12 PM
"I suppose you would."

The words rang out through the Recruitment Center and were carried upon a gentle yet powerful voice. Even if the young man turned around, he would still not be able to see the source -- that is, until she stepped forth from the shadows. The light bathed the woman who was clad in black robes with a hood atop her head. The darkness covered her face and left her identity unclear. Slowly she moved forward and then when she stood but a meter and a half from the young man, she stopped and smiled to herself, though he could not see it.

"Ask and you shall receive."

She said warmly and with her right hand she slowly removed the hood. Her blonde waist length hair spilled out in Garou Warrior Braids and the silver coins woven into them clanged together softly until a few moments later they came to a stop. It was evident, even without the removal of the hood, that she was heavy with child -- but she remained beautiful even in this time. Her face seemed to glow with a radience like none other, partially because she was pregnant -- but mostly because she lived with the joy of the Light inside of her heart.

"Greetings, I am Warrior Jedi Knight Xazor Elessar -- and you are?"

The woman smiled, exposing her elongated canine teeth. Indeed she was not human, though her appearance was deceiving. She was of the Garou race and had other abilities, if you will. While standing there, no one would have guessed that she could -- change. Oh yes indeed, she could transform into a mighty wolf or a terrible creature in between -- a werewolf. She secretly wondered what people thought of this, and though her training as a Mentalist allowed her to see their thoughts if she so chose, she did not and allowed them their privacy. And though this young man thought very loudly, the Jedi Knight attempted to busy her mind with other thoughts so she did not eavesdrop accidentally.